Task and Mark Sheet 1)

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Hextable School Science Faculty

Course title: BTEC First Certificate/Diploma in Applied Science

Tutor name: Mr. Riggans

Assignment title: Ref:

Energy and electricity
Learner name
Start date: Deadline:

Unit : 4


We should all be concerned about the amount of energy we are using. Not only is energy
getting more expensive but we are worried about the effect of pollution on our planet. In this
assignment you will investigate what happens to energy when it is transferred and about the
different ways of generating electricity .

Assessment evidence:
Unit Grading criteria

P1 Describe energy cycles in diagrams and in writing

M1 Explain situations involving energy conversions and conservation in energy cycles
D1 Calculate energy consumption and efficiency of energy conversion in energy cycles

P4 Describe two ways in which electricity may be produced

M4 Explain two applications of electricity

D4 Analyse the problems of energy losses when transmitting electricity and when converting it into other forms for consumer applications

Summary assessor’s feedback

Internal verifier’s comment

Learner’s signature
Task one (P1/M1)

• Name all the different types of energy

• Using three example of devices, explain how energy is transferred

• Draw a sankey diagram for one of your devices, labelling the useful

and wasted outputs

Task two (D1) distinction only

• Work out the efficiency of the devices using the worksheet

• Work out how much electricity various devices use in one hour

using the sheet provided.

• Use an electricity meter to calculate the energy consumption in

your household for a period of one day.

Task three (P4)

• Describe, using diagrams one method of electricity production from

renewables and one method from non – renewables.

Task four (M4) merit only

• Explain using diagrams how a motor and a loudspeaker work

Task 5 (D4) distinction only

• Describe using a diagram how electricity is transmitted using the

national grid. Explain how energy losses are kept to a minimum.

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