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Mantee County Clerk of the Circuit Court Internal Audit Department BOCC Investigation 1/15/2010 ‘Summary of Personal Documents Found and Copies Made Syllabus Fall 2008 EEC 1601 “Tyron 5 25 125 Syllabus Fall 2008 EEC 2024 Tyron 4 25 100 Syllabus Spring 2009 EEC 1000 Tyron 4 25 100 _|1-3-10 THRU L-3-13 © Syllabus Spring 2009 EEC 1001 “Tyron 4 25 100_ [i314 THRUL3-17 © Fest EEC 2024 Spring 2008 Tyron 1 25 25 |3a8 FTest EEC 2024 Spring 2008 Tyron 7 25 375_|-3-19 THRUL3.25, Frest EEC 2024 Tyron 1 25 25 _|b3-26 Frest EEC 1001, Tyron 2 5 50 |b327 THRUL 3.28 Test €EC 101 Tyron 2 25 50 |b3-29THRUL3-30 Results of Survey on Parents* Involvement for Teachers Tyron : 2 5 ee Results of Survey on Parents! aveletine for Parents Ter ‘ 25 as ee Isgnedas cv Letter (College) Tyron 1 1 a |isas commissioner piwic 2 Formal Eviction Notice Tyron EY 1 3__|ca3a Letter to Tennant Tyron Fy 1 3 [L335 Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 1000 Tyler 4 | 2 80 [1 THRULIS @ Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 1001 Tyler 4 20 80 |e THRULA10 @ Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 1603 Tyler 5 20 | _100_ eran THRU La36 @ syllabus Fall 2009 Ec 2521 Tyler 4 20 80_[l-17 THRU L-1-20 © Syllabus Fall 2009 E€C 2523 Tyler 5 20 100_|-t-24 THRUL-1.25 © Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 2524 Tyler 4 20 80_[l-126 THRU 1-29 Frest EEC 1000 Tyler 5 20 400 |-T-30THRU L134 FTest EEC 1001, Tyler 6 20 320-35 THRU L140 Frest EEC 1001 Tyler 1 20, 20 |oran Quiz EEC 1001 Tyler 1 20 20__|eia2 Hest €£¢ 2024 Tyler 7 20__| 140 _[i-i-a3 THRU L149 Letter (college) Tyler 1 1 1 [L150 pers [Syllabus Spring 2010€€C1000_| Fublbruck | 4 20 ao |L2aTHRUL 2a o |Syllabus Spring 2010 EEC 1001 Fuhlbruck 5 20 2100__[L-2-5 THRU L-2-9 @ Syllabus Spring 2010€€C1601__| Fublbruck | 5 20 | _100 @ 4559 _—_—2,008 “Per interview with Ms. Tyron, she stated that she had done letters lke this one in 3 previous occasions. © The telephone number contained in the syllabus is Commissioner Brown's County work number © The office number contained in the syllabus is Barbara Tyler's and the telephone number is Commissioner Brown's County work number © The office number contained in the syllabus is Barbara Fuhlbruck's and the telephone number is Commissioner Brown's County work number Mantee County Clerk of the Circuit Court Internal Audit Department ‘BOC Investigation 11/15/2010 Summary of Personal Documents Found - Estimated Time Used Estimated Time jlabus Fall 2008 EEC 1602 Tyron 125 L-3-1 THRULS 5 Nlabus Fall 2008 EEC 2024 Tyron 300 3-6 THRULS-9 [syllabus Spring 2009 EEC 1000, ron 100 [3-10 THRU 3-13 [Svlabus Spring 2009 EEC 1001, Tyron 100 [3-14 THRU L317 [Test EEC 2024 Spring 2008, Tyron 5 38 [Test EEC 2024 Spring 2008, Tyron 175 [3-19 THRU L325 [Test EEC 2024 Tyron 25 3-26 [Test €6C 1002 Tyron 50 [3-27 THRU L328 [Test €6C 1002 Tyron 50 3-29 THRU L330 Results of Survey on Parents! involvement for Teachers [Results of Survey on Parents) Involvement for Parents Letter Tyron 333 Formal Eviction Notice Tyron 3-34 [Torginal and [beter to Tennant Tyron 3-35 updates Tyron 25 3-31 Tyron L332 Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 1000" Tyler [1 THRU LIS [updated only Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 2001" Tyler [a-6 THRU LA-10 [updated only Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 1601 Tyler [1-11 THRU L-1-16 [updated only Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 2521, er [a17 THRULL20, labus Fall 2009 EEC 2523, Tyler [a2 THRU L125 Syllabus Fall 2009 EEC 2024" Tier [ca-26 THRU L129 [Test €€¢ 1000 Tyler [1-30 THRU L134) rest FEC 1001, Tyler, [2-35 THRU 1-40, rest EEC 1002" Tyler aay [oui FEC 1001" Tyler 3-42 frest EEC 2024 er [1-43 THRU La, Letter Tyler 1-50 [syllabus Spring 2010 FEC 1000 | Fuhlbruck 3 [C2aTHRUL24 [updated onk Syllabus Spring 2010 Eec 1001* | Fuhibruck [-2-5 THRUL-29 [updated only [sylabus Spring 2010 EEC 1603" | Fuhlbruck [-2-107HRU L215 [updated only oe COPY [TOTAL | Jcouvrowm-HRRATE [TOTAL [TOTAL TYRON: 555 30 585 9.74 $28.39 $276.64 froracTien 220 32 352 753] $2689 | s247.68 [TOTAL FUHLBRUCK 45 9 54 091 $20.28 $18.36, TOTAL 351065 Creating and updating documents 1,020 Copying 7 Total minutes E097 Coverion to hows 60 Tatal number of hours 8 £0 FOR TIME IN THE CREATION AND IMENTS: Per Interviews with the Administrative Assistants, typing a sjlabus took approximately 1 hour. For purposes of this calculation, Audit used a standard time of 15 minutes per page to type (create) a new document. For documents that were updated and not originally created, Audit used a standard of 15 minutes per document. For the eviction letters and subsequent correspondence, since 1 original was created and 2 were updated documents, Audit used a total time of 15 minutes. CALCULATIONS USED FOR COPY TIME: Per interview with the Administrative Assistant, the BOCC has a Xerox Workcentre Model number NWC7335. Per review of the copier's specificaitons per the Internet, it copies at arate of appromiately 35 pages per minute. Therefore for caleulation purposes, Audit used 2 seconds per page, with a minimum of 1 minutes per document.

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