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01 Fall 2015

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Week 11 Exercises
You may also find the associated Mini-lecture Videos helpful.
Required Exercises: Probability
Exercise: Predicting Viral Tweets (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Dancing Bees (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Chemistry (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Worlds (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Faster State Estimation (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Required Exercises: Search
Exercise: Comparing Searches (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Prune Juice (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: General Search (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)
Exercise: Word Ladders (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)

Looking Ahead
Graph Search
You may also find the Week 12 Mini-lecture Videos helpful.
Required Exercises
Exercise: MIT Map (Due Nov 22, 2015; 11:00 PM)

07/12/2015 04:05 p.m.

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