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1 Define Spectrometry
Spectrometry is the interaction of light with matter.
Q.2 Name different types of electromagnetic radiation and their ranges.
Gamma Rays, X-rays, Micro waves, Radio waves, visible light
Q.3 Classify the spectrometric methods


Q.4. What is nature of light.

Light is electromagnetic radiation and composed of electric and magnetic fields
Q.5. What properties can be explain by considering wave nature of light.


Q.6 Show the wave length and amplitude in the given diagram

Q.7 What is particles properties of light

The electromagnetic radiations are absorbed and emitted in tiny packets called photons
Q.8 How energy of 1 mole of photons can be calculated
Energy of 1 mole of photons can be calculated by multiplying the energy of one photon with
Avogadro number (N = 6.023 x 1023)
Q.9 Define Beer Lamberts Law
According to this law the absorbance of radiation by a sample increases with increase in its
concentration and distance the light travels through the sample.
Q.10 Give practical application of any two electromagnetic radiation
X-rays: Used in medical field and industry
Radio Waves: Used in radars and radios

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