Rose and Countrymen

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Rose, L. S., & Countryman, J. (2013).

Repositioning the elements: How

students talk about music. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music
Education 12(3): 4564.
Countryman12_3.pdfRose, L. S., &
Three Stars and a Wish!
Star #1: The elements of music provide educators with a means of
making music academic and formulaic like math or science. This
method of teaching music seems to streamline how you would teach
music with how you would teach an important subject.
Star #2: The elements of music is an out-dated system, and is no
longer how people think about music
Star #3: Teaching the elements of music forces conformity in the
classroom, and dictate how students are supposed to experience
music (pg. 7).
Wish: The article states that the elements of music, is a system
tailored to Western Art Music. I disagree with this statement, and
wonder why they would use this argument to devalue teaching the
elements of music. What I would argue, is that the elements of music
are universal because any genre of music will have rhythm, a melody
and possibly some harmony, and all instruments and voices have
varying timbres and can produce dynamics.

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