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VERONICA’S ROOM Jesse and ate tn te the Bandit Queen A PLAY IN TWO ACTS by David Freeman MY FAT FRIEND CHARLES LAURENCE (ttle Theatre) Comedy NSAD SIANVE SME NY TeNEE & Samuel French, Inc. ISON O573 11084 = THE SEA HORSE EDWARD J. MOORE (Uitte Theatre) Drama 1 Mane T Woman, ttaior ei g play thats, by turn, tender bal peneatl. Audiences evrywre wil take to theless Bechet Gate uo no arias ‘owing synbay the companies of « mansromen np. Sot'n'a West Const natrront bar the play i Hay ‘ater, seaman: wt, wna on shore ees thea for “ie ‘Soa Hots,” the bar St sentertaity, bee font the rato Tong locked secrets Bie Reine Rona TROVALTY, #50835 THE AU PAIR MAN jf sven tzonato 1 Wane 2 Woman trate ‘The play concerns a ough lh il epbactor ‘tho befemes ove save and companion "armed Elzabet, who ves na sutare on Jesse and the Bandit Queen A PLAY IN TWO ACTS by David Freeman [No part of this book may be reproduce, stored in retrieval system, for transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, letronc, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, witheu ihe prior Seren permission of the publisher. SAMUEL FRENCH, INC 25 Wose dou Seam NEW YORK 10006 4o Sesser Houtevne HOLLYWOOD 9046 Lowpon TORONTO ‘THE CAST Brute Pamela Payton-Wright Jesse Kevin O'Connor ‘The roles were later played by Dixie Carter and Barry Primus ‘The play takee place in Missouri, Kensas, and the Indian Teritories from just after the Civil’ War tll ‘the early eightoen-cightic. ‘There's boen no attempt to write western dialect, The characters are from Missour! and speak in the at seoonte of the western prairie, Jesse and the Bandit Queen ACT ONE ily Fe i ‘i Jew platform divide the Stage A pictur frame, Hintly acke, hangs above On ove ode, Bec aout tity ets af a small pana, play sol long with the tas of “Briphe Mornay Stara Sie tears long velour enpe Brita sah afr tive woman, bul a ltl hard. ronan wha haw Kicked around’ abit. On the ther side ofthe Stage, Sra, fou yeors older ets in a rocking, char considering his stomach, He weare @ hat teather facet and chap, He haa is fel wp: hes ‘eading The Police Gaseite, The townd fodes out Buus continuce fo play or Jose speak nese, (Calling Of Stage.) All right Zee, T said Ve straighten the damn picture and Twill. Whyn't you make us some more pancakes Zee. (Brute stops ploy ing. Jnsan addresses the audience.) Why anybody’ who vet out nthe country nocd apleture of te country is beyond me, You could just look out the window. (He goes back to reading The Police Gazette ee the lights din on Jesse and brighten on Dts.) ‘Bruix. (Turns Dovnstage on the piano stool and talks to the audience.) T regard myeelf at a women who has seen much of life. I've learned from come of ity remained blind to much of ie and T-guess Just ‘watched the res lurch past me. T've always expeated the worst from poople and T have rately been disap 6 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr r pointed. The frst, and the first ie always the worst, vas an insttuctor in history at ‘The Carthage Female Academy, boant and lodging ten dollars a month, Ile tought history and we mace a little between lesson. Or at Teast it felt like making history. T was eleven, He was, I don't know, twenty, twenty-one. All he ever said was “T can't Keep my: hands to myself" And he fouln't. He truly, ruly could not. had a horse that T loved more than any man, A mare, © brown and white mare, I ealled her Venus snd she was better to ime than T ever was to her, Twas never proud of what Iigppened to my babies and then Peas! ron off und Tittle Ba come at me like that I just got on Vents and rode away. L wore my Ievender dress draped in black fringe and with a plume in my hat and a riding erop fat my wrist, dangling... there. (Rises and pulle a un out of her cope.) Except for the gun T slways tucked into the folds of my skit, Twas one fisteclacs lady. (Phe lights fade on Baza as the erostes Down Left and come back up on Jesse till in hs rocker) Jesst. Fat now, yes fat, But of once, All right Zee, Tm doing it now. (Rising, removing his hat, and walk. ing tothe picture frame, about to straighten te) Could pend the rest of my life straightening up this house. Why anybody who lives out in the eountey needs picture of the country is beyond me. (Braz ae Bobby Ford points the gun at Sosst’s back. He heare.the pu Being cocked and turns to face Besax) Little Bobby Ford. Til have to be a bullet in the back son, and there'l be no praise for you. No glory, no honor for little Bobby’ Ford. (eset turns back fowned the Btw presenting hs ack Brain, She moves ‘quickly ip Center toward Jesse, dropping the gu a her side. Jesse epine back around as the lighte change sharply. He has Become Brta's. son ‘Bid, threatening her witha knife) Buin. (As herself.) Faldie. Don't. My little baby My only son, T'm so sorry, You have to go away now. scr JESSE AND THE BANDIY QUEEN 7 You have to forget about all of that. Eddi, you mind ut that dom, (usse hate Betas I moves Down (0 pool of light and ad Sessx pute the g the picture as in) Te aint foie. Tt aint true and it aine fair, Never with Bd Never, With ® lot of them, ob lord, a lot of Them, but never vith ‘ay ovn baby. (Pulting her Rnife into her seabbard.) Tmight of made a mess with my Babies, but at Teast {tied with Jesse. Just like my babies though, couldnt live with him, and couldn't Tive without hin, T gave ‘my name to everyhedy only nobady wanted it except Mr, Richard Fox of The Police Gazetie and he just made up 2 lot of garbage, T guess T added to ihe ceonfusion but st last i was eomething. It was more fun being written up in them magazines than never being wrote up at all. (The tights go out on Bea and come upon Jesse, stil at the picture, Bet behind the piano, removes her cape and bodice, 198 them on her coat tree) Jnssn, (Addressing the quince.) Sixteen years of ‘making history and little Bobby Ford was the best they could do. All them Pinkerton anen vith: their id sta end long gums and litte Bobby Ford he ‘winner. (Walking back toward the rocker area.) What the hell'da'T este about pictures ona wall! (Removing his jacket and hanging i on. the rocker.) T'was dusting # or straightening it oF some damn thing, (Removing hie vest and hanging it on hat goat irve.) Zeo was cooking and getting neady for the Howards to go to Church. (Sits in rocker) ‘That was our name, Howard. Zee was always worried Ta get arrested if people knew our ame. Cource. we. had ‘monogrammed everything! JJ. sewn into every dant ‘thing in the house. Bobby Ford. He uted to wosk for te, Nice kid. Stupid, (Homoves his boots) T never believed: that’ story about the governor paving hin 8 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN act r {$10000 or whatever. How tho hell would that pimply faced dodo ever even meet the governor le alone make deal sith him. T always thought what he wanted tras fo got his eneaby Title hands on my wiles kes Treas the same way ‘with Bolle whea T was his age (Rising, pishing up hie hat from the deals At the fost mention of her namo, BEALE moves info. the piano area, picks wp the shawl from the back of the piano ‘and ‘pute it on, She ails at the piano.) Hell, when T fot older too. Couldn't keep my Hands off her from the ey T met hee struggles with a paseage from a Mocard sonata. Tt is sisteen years earlier ond Brute ie eeventeen. She i alone in, her father’ Tnn in Miscouri. esen moves quietly toward Bruun whose back ie to, him, carrying his Boots fond wearing his hat, He's younp and rave, about hor age. Hfe keeps his distance Jor a moment.) Frags, (Sil playing) Who's there? (Pause) Who is thet? Sen, (Remaning hi at) Me Bias, (Stops playing and turns to look at Jessx.) Who's met (Jesse totes his hat on the Down Center platform, He does not answer) Cat got your tongue? Swser. Your audienee. (Ze applauds wrth his boots.) Bets. I'don't remember selling no tickets. Jesse. (Moving towards Betz.) Maybe I don't need no teket outs. ‘Then again, maybe you do, You don't even know what Tin doing. (She playe the same piece “so, Then you ant much of player are yout ius, (Stope playing.) You staying here? Tysse. (Crossing Down Left) You seen ws ride up Brie, (Turning toward Jusse.) Well this here is private quarters, Guests stay in the parlor— acti JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 9 Joss ( or the stblen : Brute (Gigolee) You talked to my father, buh? (stase moves dover fo Ba, enjoying the joke with Ker But soy taking meray tune back tothe ano, and continues ploying the vane piece) Preee (Moving Left of the piano.) You know how to’play snyting Bue tat one song? (Basu plays @ ‘gerne passe of the sonata. Te much faster and louder she plate Ye wal, obwiouly showing Of fede Ge popna) Whee happened yor ‘ess. (Croting behind the piano.) You probably been watching for us singe we war titee miler up the road, Betas. So? Srssn, Don't blame you, (Inase pus his Boots on the back of the plano) 7 amas. (Stops playing.) You make so much noise what do you expert? Your fiends a gentleman, (She Uwe hs boots on the floor Down Right of the piano.) Not tke some people T sould mention, Tassn. (Quakly pking up hiv boote and carefully placing them Conder on the platform) Gentecnant Hees my cousin Cole and » goddamn Too, ‘Bruin Cale what? ‘isan, Cole Younger Brute. (Peasing doesn o tle) Well ike him, be was real pli, Maybe TI ust go and see if he Ute mie (Shere and tate Down ght of sss, Where'd you lera to play that? Bent (Stopping) School race Bullet Brats, Watch Your tongue Sse. Whene'd yo ever go to athool? re Cartage Acie. (She tarts lave ting Bruta’s father.) Or in their rooms 10 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN cr 1 SES (Crssing Left of the pono) Teoud pay it thing qbiat® (Stopping) Yea, and you coud probably Jase. If you could play i, ¥oould play it Benue You don't even now whet tie Snes Td, Baars, Name Jussi, Piano. Bezes. Nope, Wrong Jesse Bulersp. (Bria walks Right of the piano, keeping some distance fom Tsar) ‘Phas goddamn plato. | stan ope before. Better than that, too Brisa. This here is «big bass dru, Sscr. Pino, Torun, Can ou play it? nese, That don't enn I don't know what iti Buus. Ifyou cant play Sy how do you expect to ow what i. (She Ronde him his boots; he tnores hen) Tasso, Taint going to stand here and argue about if a piano ise piano Virus, Can vou? Jnssn. T cod learn it, Show me how. (He site at tpi) ‘Bicts Maybe T wil, maybe T won't (aasn bangs on the Key. Bris drops ht boots on the floor) Bo easy. i 8 pounding.) You said it was « drum, (Phey both laugh) Buuux. Basy. Play on it like you liked it. (Image plays randomly, more gently this time, Bria inter- Pupts him by taking hee hand and placing his fingor (on middie C.) ‘This here's middle €, (Bete guider ‘rsst's finger over the keye.) Everything goes up ot ilown from that, Great, Youre « born genius. (Jesse rises, offering Brus the stool. She accepts and Jesse (quickly sits nazt to her. Te startlea Bruin, Put the Droceeds teaching im the scale, apain guiding his ce1 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 11 finger. Josep triee to put hie arm. around her. She Tose: perstitent. He trige to put his hand Bua rises hitting Kim.) You just ext Tothing about it, You're just ng her crotch.) 1 know where to find middle C. (Brite stars to leave again bul J8S8R Blocks her way.) What's your naine? ‘Bruin. Bele ‘Tessn, You live in this place? Buus, Do T look like paying guest? Jpsen. You're a smart eae Buzz, Well, you come into the living quarters where you aint suppdced to be and then yell at me for being Where I ive, (Bniis tree to get by him. Fear blocks her again.) _ Juste. i'm travelling, We're going to Kansas, Bauit, $07 Lote of people travelling to Kansas come through here, . ‘Jesst. To join the army? Brule, War'e over, Slaves been freed, Or sint you heard? Tse, Tt aint over for me. ‘There's still Yankees out there shooting at our people. You know that? ‘Bnuaa. No, Jusst. You ever hear of Captain William ©. Quan welt Brass, No, wash, Weil you should have and you will, We're going to do some shooting buck. (He. crosses to his Boots and picks them sup.) Tim Jesse James and Tm sping to sf this eountay on its ext Bruun. Then You aint going to be hore long. Insts. (Moving closer to her.) Long enoush, Brus, I got to go. (She croeece Up Right and stand neg tothe end ofthe platform) Jesse. Hey Belle. Wait, (/Te follows her for a short distance then erosees back to the piano) Well ding ‘tong bell Drum? (He plunks midile C with his boot) 12 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN crt Bullerap. (The lights change suddenly, leaving Jesse na special Downstage of the piano. He's older now In his carly thirties again, He edirestes the audience ‘Beute. We mill be 8 gods to the people, You will act JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 18 have a pair of riding boots, of marching boots, and they will make’ you a: maa of mine. (She crosses Right) “Insh, Yes sir, Captain, 1 am ready for your order You are the leader and my only dretm is Yo be Your lieutenant. Brie. (To Jnssr.) Sweet litle Jesse. (Jesse at- somes an ai case position) You are 30 pretty. 80 very pretiy with your pouty lige mouth, T know just how Sou ean save your country, in your own special way {Bruun wteps of the platform walking oward Jess) Mier. Yoosi, Than you sit. Bizus. Boy, you know what a decoy ie? dosent wiping ita anket Braun. Close enough. You ever play dress up ‘Jesee. I don't think so. (Brian puts her shawl on Jesse) ‘Bs, There. That's dressup sce Sir, T feel kind of supid. (Braz. removes her knife from her cabbard and hands i to esse.) Bruin, That! help you feel more ike a man, We're going info town tonight, and youTe going to siand in {he shadows smelling of perfume. (She refles Jusse’s hair and starts to leave, esse looks at the knife for moment, unsure what fo do with i) ‘Taser Wherell Tput it? Brun. (Stopping) Where ever i fte (Bee tums and walks Up Center leaving Jesse ‘Down Center as the lights fade to night-time. Bruix removes Jusst's hat and pute the Blanket from the Down Center platform around. her shoulders, She erostes Down Laft qe a Union Soldier and equate down trying to keep warm. Jesse, ae 2 Young Girl, notices her and turns ‘vay, disguising himaelf with the chase) Jesse, Hey. Soldier boy. Hey there. You. 14 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr Buuux, Well goddamn. What wo got here? “Jesse, Nice night for a walk Brute. (Risin) That aint all i a nive night for. Jesse. Lonely night. Don't have to be. Bucan. (She inches up behind Jesse.) Suppose you jus tll me what has to be “Tussn, Depends om what you want Brute, (Daaphy cting loon fo hin.) What aro you doing out by yourself, ile gel? (Brxam pinches ‘usse; he pulle away, moving further Down RGR) ss Just trying 0 eam a living Busi, (Staying clove behind Jussr.) Well now, we can't let a sweet thing Hike you go hungry. (Braue tries t0 feet a breast; Jeasu resists) Lats have a Bittle sample, then maybe well buy the lot. Fras. You don't have to buy. I got a present for Brun. And I got one for you. (Buus spine Josse ‘around, and realizes that he i @ man. Tusse draws the Rife and plunges it into her, Bsix sereamns and falls motionless into Jessn'sarme) ‘Jnsse. By by, soldier hoy. (Phe stab has driven them Center Stoge where they fall onto the D Center platform. Tessn it on top of Braz He pulls ‘the lnfe out of B31 as the lights bump to morning Ih ia-a fou years later and both are in their early wonties. They aro relazing on the platform) That's vist Quantell and me and the others done all ov Missouri, He was dead at 28, But we did it. We surely did it. No matter what anybody said though, T never took to perfume Buute, ‘The hell you didn't, Dresses was the part you liked the best, You keep playing soldier boy, you ‘won't even live as long as Billy “ssn. T only did it because 1 was good at it and T loved the surprise on their faces, Brus. If Td known you Tiked drisses back when scr1 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 15 you come though Carthage, TW have given you 8 couple. ‘esse. T got what T wanted back in Carthage Brute. Tdidn't know you was going off to fight a war in a dress. Did you and Billy ever argue over who fob to wear it? (She lawghe,) Jesse. Me and Billy was Gghting a war, You was off parading around with may cousin Cale not caring about anything. Tunis. (Sitting up.) 1 was so hot to get out of Carthage and that goddamned hotel, 'd have gone of with any dog that asked ‘Jessr, $0" you went with Cole, Figures, You could have waited for me, Brus. And I'd still be waiting. T didn't do nothing but sit around thet place all day and play the piano, When my father found out I had Cole's baby, he tied to kill me, You shold have come to me then Jesse You should have come ‘Jesse. Thad a mission, Me and Billy was going to change the whole country around. When we won I ras fing to get Montane for my own. (Laye back, arms extended, holding the Knife straight wp.) Billy was foing to make me king of Montana, Baus, (aking the knife, laughing.) Instead he ‘male you Queen of the Night. ‘Jrasn, (Sitting up.) Billy taught me to be a soldier Right out on the prairie. Nothing for hundred miles, then all of a sudllen thie litle wooden town of Lay renee. We come in like devil ofthe desert. “Ii ‘every man, burn every house." ‘That's whst Billy said, fand that's'sure as hell what we did. It was in every hewspaper in the country. In Chicago, it said we killed over tno hundred. Bruix, (Putting the knife back in her ecabbard.) ‘You ean’ even count that igh. Did you? “esse. Bily must of done that many his self, He'd be spouting the Bible while he waa burning the Church, 16 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN crt Quoting Shakespeare and raping the schoo! teacher. soon him grab alittle blonde headed girl. Nine maybe ten years old. Ripped her dress off and yell “Twill Tead them in paths they have not knostn." (Throws the shawl on the floor.) And he done it to her tight there on top of her brothers corpse, Ie kept screaming “Twill make erooked things steaight.” When he was done, he made that little gl say "Tssiah 42:16.” She never even new what ieameant Bruun. (Picking up the show), @ Uetle upset.) By row he does. (isan orostes Left and replaces the ‘Shazol on the back of the piano) ‘Jesse, When we come riding in with Billy waving dis black flag, I eould see the heat coming up irom the streets, Ike's vision on the prairie, We just leveled it Buu. (Standing Right of the piano.) You esll that soldiering? ‘There wasn't even any soldiers in Law “Tossb, The whole damn town was union lovers, Brute. Even the litle gle? ‘Jesse. When they grew up they would be, Bou, You think because you went around waving ‘hat black flag and seluting exch other that made you snarmy, ‘esse. We was an army because we won, Brute. You was the only one who ever believed that soldier crap: Quantsill dished out, At least all the thors Knew whet they Were: bunch of thug outlaws ‘Nothing more “Tesst. Only cause we lost, We split up, Little groups Billy got Killed, Now T got every federal soldier in ‘te country chasing me. Brute. So you come runing to me, (Site Left of Jest and speaks softly fo him.) They'll you. All You got to do is stay hore in the Indian Nations and they ean’ toch you. “Tusse. You aint turning me into one of your Indians following you around in some yodanmn feather st sce: JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 17 (san sites Right of the platform. Bre Chen rte Goes her eot tes pick up hor botice ond pat on) You mow ook & let my gt back there A bullet. “Thate hen you should have come to me ruta. (Stantng Right of pion.) Since win as 1 supposed to heep tack of you aad eruey Billy? Stsse (Sandon Left of rocker) Zeralda managed. ‘There was a bles my gut and Zoo was there cook: ing tea ad fixing me up. ‘bizun So vow matic her. Allover a oup of te. Susan; I maried her beease abe was there when T needed er. "You wat with your Indiana and Your god- ‘isan baby. While you man being throw ot of Ge Carthage Seatemy, Twas graduating from the Wie Him Chants Milary College, (Stepping up onto the Down Center platform and picking up kis hat) T have to 0, Balle Brite Yea, college of murder, arson, horse steal- ing and al srouod bell risng ‘sae Hore stealing? very Police Gxzotte Treads got: Bele Sere the tnagere hore tie nthe county. {Pueting on hs Rot) Tana soldier. outs.” (Phroeing. dessa the blanket) You're a soldier cause everywhere you go theres & war. ‘issu At lens Tim no thief T never been arrested for nothing and 1 never wil be, Cm gong to eam a living. Insee roses Up Lefton the platform faking the Banker wilh him) Taauun (Picking wp her riding cop from, the piano and moving the prano stool Down Left, elking fo the ftudionce) 1 had my share of tras ine enough. And {hey loved me. (Siting on the aldol) T dred up teal good and my tals was more famous than God Tet the Judge Judge, Parke, The Hanging Judes, fod nde bin mines (Ohore ir sudden chonge fe lights, dnsee turn around Up. Left as Judge Paver Te Bonet over hs shoulders He abe Ms Sorahead soit hs neckerchief and ut the Putt of 18 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr un as a gavel. We are in Judge Parker's eourtroom, {tnd Bras i on tris) Jesse, 1 am the law. ‘The only law, Parker's law west of the Pecos. T have gallows for twelve. A Parker's dozen. Would you care to try one? TBmuut. (To the audience) Gentlemen of the jury, im the best lay west of the Pesos, (To Jxsse,) Would you cate to try one? Tse, I've never had a woman before me, No woman has ever hanged west of the Pecos, The temptation is erent Bruze. I aint guilty. You cont steal your omn horse. And Venus is my horse. It’s just a bunch of drunks ‘alling, a ‘: ‘essh. (Cutting in) It's a hanging offense. Haye You met Mr. Maledon? He bull the gallows and he ties the rope. He has never banged 4 woman, The temptation s great Brum. (Rising and walking Down Right, To the ‘audience,) Six men ean walk up to Venus with eugat fand apples, and shell bite their hand. T ean feed ber broken elats for oats and shell Hck my fingers Jussn, There is no appeal fom my sentence. If T say guilty, Maledon wil tie the rope and you hang at the fist light. T prefer it at dawn, IU a Hite early for some folks, but T Tike the sun rising behind ‘Buute, You bring Venus in here and you ean cee who she loves, (Bry removes a hair pin and her Fair cascades to her shoulders seductively) Me ‘Jesse. Pethups, (To the audince,) Cleat the court! (Clear the court! The oourt wil meet with the defend. ant in camera, Clest the court. Vamoose. Get the hell ‘out of here, (BELLE starts 10 exit Down Right.) You Stay. There is one sppeal, (Crossing, to the’ Down Center platform, putting his gun sn his pants.) Your appeal to me pbiiit. (Loughe) S0 thats the law weet of the scr JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 19 Jesse, I am the law, (Unbuttoning hia shirt.) The only lew. Brute, (Unbuttoning and removing her bodice.) Judge, Tm ready to do ‘ay time end serve up my tentonce, with potatoes and peas for trimming. ‘Jesse. (Haiing the blankel over his head.) Tha law in her majesty is an avesome thing Bux, (Croesing. Down Center, facing Up toward JJessm.) And Belle Starr without her pants on is bell on wheels ‘esee. (Spreading the blanket on the foor Down Center) The sentence is— Baute. (Kneeling down on the blanket, dropping her bodice and crop on the blanket.) I know the eentence Let's earry it out. (Jssax pulls Baus toward him as the lights change to nighttime with a campfire eft. They pull apart as themselves, a few years alder now, in their late twenties, Buti touches an imaginary, {atoo on Jnssu's chet. Tt reads "Enter Here?) “Ket Here.” Now what is that supposed to be? ‘Jesse. I done that in Califeruin. Down on the what, Brute. Whats it for? Trsse. To confuse the vulgar while T live— (Re- ‘moving his hat.) and bale God when I die, ‘Bruin. (Leaning back.) Nothing but alow life thug Why're you so agstenbe? Jessx Lovable too Buus. Tord, I'know that, Everybody's good at something disse owing ign speci jis 1 thought banks wae your specialty. ‘ssa. (Polding Bruue's bodice.) Banks and Belle Brute, Hab! esse. You never had it so good. Buus, How would you know? Jussn. (Relazing, twing the bodize ax a pillow) All them damn Indians you keep marrying? Hell.” ‘Bauux. There you go, bringing up marrying again 20. JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUE! Jnssn. Tin bringing up Indians Bunun, Don't go putting down my men, Not if you vant to be one of them, Sosr.‘Thunks, shanks forthe oer. Benue. Taint ofering {ave, Wouldn't do you no good. il got one wife sever sald Td inary you any ay Tijiuces never saked you And T never will. You could never change your nae “oser, Bele, thst aint how it works . Bonu Ted with me. 1 changed my name the Gist time Afier thay the men ebange. Jose Starr How do Sou ike 1? “este Taint changing my name ; Baus. Thats Hake And thats why I ain’ mary ing sou, Tarry you an you'd have to go shooting at Jourelf, That's your eurtom ait dnd iy oem and Uy to blow their heads of ‘iest. (Removing his holler) Colet you only ma ried hin toepte me ‘bras Ari every time you took a shot at him, even afer wan ogee oor knoe Gt Wa ost Jescecaping "Hello Belle, don't forget me Jeaan (femoving his bell and touching her breast witht} Helio Belle, don't forget me 7 Diop, What ashes. you thing 1 remember? $0 ‘ey all th dane trying tobe famors. : ‘Taam, You ould be famous as me if you wasnt tug’ Itiering bubiee all over te place, What did yo ame this one? ue: Not Jesse el you that. Frases Feat Little Cloud er Big Duck or Feather Brel, Or ‘Brae His name's Id, a Stare, ruse (Sitting wp, faking of hs hat.) Peat] and Ba. 1 could nover aceon wh me, Weld nde into town Tooking for the benie apd you'd tara i nto @ nae. “Snut Like a litle boy robbing © piggy bank. usar, Piggy” bank! Hell women, snvented the sori JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 21 American bank robbery. You know what that mane? Belore me nobody ever thought of fy (Bx sls up and removes her boots, Susur puls ie gun out of hs pants) St. Valente’ Dey, 1888, Clay County Mise four, T inventod robbing banks, Me tnd Pane end Cale’ fter ‘we sobered hin up, come riding into the town of Liberty at nine in the morning shooting and hollering end searing the shit out of evervbods L ap- Dlod Quantel'emiltary texhnigues co roving ban, We even brought the fing. Onno holds hi gun up ke @ fag, Briss takes it from hin) Billy taught me, fake enough noe and ou ean have all you want 0 Jong as you take ft quiek: We took it quitk all sek Afteen thousand in "yold, ple of ston-negotable bonds, and a few hundred in cash, (Ieemoting is Boots} We got drunk on the eas wiped our behinds Wich he bonds, snd sold the gold to 8 pedir named Prominent Absomovit in San" Antone. Ad tats how bak robbing was invented ‘Beam (Louphing) Prominent Abromovit? Jusae Yep. A Jew peddle down there, Bought all ‘he gold coud bring Mim, aan, What he do-wih i? sce Sold i bank (0 the banks, guess, (They both tough.) So our army could have comthing more ‘°Biin, (Aiming th Jose) And th jin, (Aiming the gun af Jnssn) And the Kiln ‘was just for the fun of it? 7 Jest, (Faking the gun.) Billy always said, “Kil couple on. Monday, nd the ret cooperate. on ‘Douay. Bily— ‘Beuit Billy, Billy, I'm sick of hearing about Billy Whyn't you go mars} Bily. (Base es, walks Right oF Jess) 7 ine. There you go bringing up marrying sgain Bunun. (Putting on Josans hat) T look like Billy? Jesse. You look ike an Indien. (lle puts his gun ‘bac in th holatr ond removes his shire) ‘Bias. (Picking up Joen's Boots and moving to the 22 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN acts Down Center platform.) Riding boot, marching boots Ailhand tooled. Boots are the thing” (Siting, putting an the boots) Boots make the diference. (Snatching Fests anit from him and puting it on) ‘The feat tiene fever pit on man's cots, Tdone ft fool some damn Indisn who'd been stealing gold Seem the reser ation. (Rising, puting on see foster.) He must ad thy, maybe forty thousand dollars. 1 dressed up in Jim Starr clothes and went out to viet 1 Ued {trope around that Indin’s nesk and yanked till he fivelme the gold. He was too old to stop me anyhow. Tecan, (Turning acay from Brian) Picking on hal dead Indians, Figures, (Bruin picks up Jesse's bel, Snover belund him, aid puts i around Jesse's neck Tike’ bridle, turning’ ino her horse Ver. She punctuates her words by eracking her erp, mounting Stace’ shoulders asf rifing a horse.) Be [just pulled on the rope ill he give me the money. ‘Then T got on Venus and rode away with all That gold in mi" poekels, my man's panta-pockets. T fot on Venus and rode away. T mado dima Stare wash Snd brush Venus real good. (She ovacks her erp. Stssr rses to his knees) Venus, Come Venus. Up at. My proty inl (She simulates the motions of riding a horse, rotting at first then spurring him into @ Ganter, She ‘expresses pleasure in the riding as she Spun) Oh, ay ewe i To ride You touch You, Bay hands Gn Your mane. You are my’ pleasure, my uly pleamre, You are my Indian bey. Blue Buck, my on eruel Cherokee. (Bett pulls up on the belt Hopping him, and then dismounés. Josen, as himself Jor'an instant, thinks the game % over wnt Bmsse firows the belt at hin, turing hm into her Pudian lover) You wash Ven. You wash her good and brash Jer cont, You clean her hooves with a green sick and Yyou'comb her sane, (esse moves Betts Boots and Bodice Down Stage of the Down Center platform and picks up the blanket) You clean ber good and stzoke act x JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 23 ber fine and then yo can oko me. (Bua move ‘ial tthe Dou Cee laser enoriag Jesach tne Prato tlc tog ne ne to pty" aw qlee Te un mint Phe 2 tet (Hr ape Jace dno th plallrm Sus Grofis to heel the Blake abe hed eg neo tor bac) Cooley bands aed tebe toda ex Yr Ny Ghar, Soke me eth e {Yee "ortn ml 9 her de and vo ke ogy, isang Seah shold temove for Boots) 1 We hate foe'meal for dimer gh. Ato a coded op wn Yor" go Zed ents -and hen you One {Hamer i up brown Chin esc fr ho, Bk the taker him ooay th her oo te move ary toketip gh cls utah as iota teed battalions) Se aa torr hd ach one pir tan the et eee ged, ods plo ewe goths ead led off andthe othe fal ran‘ Mowe Thane ee Teulon A ty hero aol efewehare went heya iy lvely brown beans Bole ras inl them tapas anv Pale’ Gola Sale ptue overy elon and eben ie oun, He tar ele aad Tae te ala Nations. Mr card Fx eas ht thee In "The Ptce Gast, bu wl henner ae (There isa sudden change of lights back to day-time, Issn eps behind hs doshas Richard For, editor Sud principal enter for The Foie Gast. Por is'snappy and very eastern, He's an opporiunat and e secs in Bust a fire class opportunity. He has put on hie shirt, eit and neckorcie,leaving iis boots and belt et the coat tee. He intervis Bus) “sex. (Referring tothe notebook onthe desk which he uses ab a reporter’ pod) “More telentese than 24 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr 1 Pharaoh's daughter and braver than Joen of Arc.” ‘You like ie? BeLun. (Sill on Down Center platform.) Fos, you just make that stu wp. ‘Jesse. Merely the passion. You provide the partio- lars, Buti. Fox, what you ought to print are some Jesse particulars, True ones for a change. “Tessa (Sits in the rocker) T's taken me years to build Jesse's legends Now Teva get your pot boiling ‘You're one of our top sellers, lveady” way past Lariat Liltand getting up there with Jesee Tames. ‘Buus Why is it al the men I meet are erooks? ‘Tesce, They love it back east. Ym going to call you ‘Bela Starr Brum. Bella? ‘Tessh, —The Bandit Queen” by Richard Fox. Bru. [vs Belle At least get my name straight Jrsen, Bella! It's more romantic. Bella Starr. Wait Bells Sills, from Ttaly "Brus. What a cos of xp Insen. (Pointing to The Police Gazette on the desk.) ‘The Police Gazette is the number one eller in the country. Why? T give them heroos like Jesse James. Giants!’ and you're my fret giantess, A Temale Jeseo Tames. ‘Bauis, (Taking off Jesse's holster and hat.) Hah! Hice a thug. Your giant Jesse geta 0 confused from fgana end dresses, that half the time he don't know ‘ho hie ig and he’don't love nobody but himself nase, Well The Police Gazette's certainly not put- ting Tesco James in a dress, no, no. Not in my mag azine, (fe rise and stands Tight of Bras.) Now, f You're going to be my fire woman here, You too mutt Tollow the Gazette's rules for duels. One: Alwaya fight fair ‘Two: Look s man square in the eye before you shoot him, Three: never shoot a small pesoa, ‘Bunun. T do that Ti be one dead giantess. act: JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 25 Jessr. Th doesn't matter what you do, only what I say you do. A visions Lace the open partie Phe peat Yo, the takknoyn. ‘Then, galloping” ot of the night PR he fold ier on wer hore 1s Jo bin Hood, (Juss hurries to he del ond eapel begins to write in the notebook.) —— TBmss, The eny thing Jed do with silver bore is sical it, Foste, you fst once put the truth about ese in that magatine of yours afd 11 tl you n= ihing you want to hear abode Jusan (WWatking bore o Batti) The Police Gazette nus good ae is wor You ea trite Buta, Tras hel, You makeup Jes, and 11 make up me. Which of this junk you went thar? (nets Fes picks ‘up her boots, and. crotes Down Left fo i pr otk Se ne rocker, pari to “esse. We had you running the Long Branch Soon in Kanaas City * 7 7 un, (Sufig on the atl) Oh yeah, 1 roe in Kaze every Tusa on my brown and whe ce, ase. (Faking notee throughout) Venus Bre. (Button her boots) "wore buckekin breeches aid ten elton hat snd shot up the sects and robbed the basis before breakiast. (Croveng fo the Bown Center platform) spent the money, oa lavender velves dress (Draping the bare ys her Shoulders)” sod inthe evenings T became Rosa MeComus,— (On the platform seductively) the Sp fire of the plans, Queen ofthe dance hall. {Poot eal ow about overt ize, Yeab, Sure There wat Jack Spanier, Jim eich Sam Star Jt July ond om sna Chak, the Hive Bae asst (Looking up from the. manuscript) Blue Dust What'd you call him, Duckie? =e aus. Lelio him boy. took them to ata time, and I kept one on the shelf till I wanted him. rT 2% JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr r esse, (A little shocked.) Great stufl, Now, a little sotnething for the family irede, Tell me about you're ‘oxn sweet mop haired children, Bee. No, “Tress, Come on, a litle bit of home and hearth, Pearland Master Edie, ent it? Bruun. (Pointing at Susse with her riding crop.) You just leave them out of your magazines, don't want to read nothing about my children. I don't eare Where you hea it Tuseb. (Putting down the manuscript) Okey, But Lm cetiainly going to push the female Jesse James angle nue, (Disgusted) Ah the hell with binn. He's @ teigger hoppy lunatic. Him and hie brother and his coisa, Thardly know him. "Tessk, (Rises, crossing Right of Besa.) No, no History bas mated you ‘Buuis. Don't go telling me who T mated with, ‘nase, Vm going fo change the tile, “Bella Siarr— Buus, Belle! ‘esse. "Bella Starr the Bandit Queen or the Female Jesse James” by Richard Fos. Il outeel all the others. (Removing his vest and hanging son hit foal tree.) Move over Lariat Lil and Quicksilver Jean fhere comes Bella Starr, the Bandit Queen. (Jus sits fn hie vocker and picks up the magazine from the desk.) Batts. (Dropping Jossn's gun, holster and hat in his lap.) Who the hell buys these damn things? ‘Teste. (Toseing his neckerchief on the dest.) Why anybody ‘with a dime who wants to dream a little (rare walks Up Right. Ths lights tighten on Jest teho becomes himeelf again, sitting in hve rocker callin to his wife Zee, He puts his hat on, hangs his holster fn the back of the rocker, picks up The Police Gazette from the desk and reads He oalls Of Right.) Zoe. 226, aare you get that baby to but up? act JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 27 Buus, (de Jvacw's wife Ze.) Jes, he's go croup or something ioe, Cin but Ws Somithing ke that. He keepe coushing (Bente cries behind Jesse. She hos removed het bodice ond left her crop Up Right ond has ted a ribbon in her hain Zev ts pretty but @ tle prssy) F dont fel so good nether, Whyn't you take a look thin, Mr, Howard. Insti, Catise everytime Ido he ete in my face. Baus No Bae owe Me Howat sae. (Taking of his hat.) Quit calling me Mr Horand, nM OF i * BEILE, (Slonding Right of Jesse.) Thet's our name. nese Tim Ure of st Zos. T spent my whole fe Deling wp my amg, lt isa of suut. But I'm aftaid of it 1 don't want you get- ting abot ator arrested ® “esse, At Teast id be some activity. Intend of this enon siting around "Buti. Jest don't do mo more banks. Promise me. ‘You go olf like that 1 get's0 worried. You got one bullet, don't gt no more, “sats 1 thought yo liked it when T got bullet Brats, Tliked nursing yos, but ot you being hur. Please promise me Jess, don't dono more bank. Please, Promiee mae— Srson, (Shutting er up.) Okay, okey, For you Ze. Normore banks. (ence foramonent) ‘Bruue, That Kid was by again, Bobby Ford “isse: What be want ths tine? Be Jot al juste Zoe, 1 think you got an admirer Baus Hea bor. nase (Putting down the gazette.) Twas a boy one. Albu ene hundred years og. T know wht he wants. ‘Batin. (Embarrasced.) Well, he ain geting Ye issn He maybe don't even know whist he want, 28 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN But he wants it and I gob it, Mrs, Howard. (Jess pulls her onto his lap. She giggles.) Whya't you make Ns something to eat? ‘Buin, (Risin) Still want pancakes? Jossn, Sure Brute. (Starts fo leave but changes her mi ‘of these Sundays the Howards are going to Chure. Like everstody ele. ‘Jesse. Not this Howard, (Looks up at Zee.) Well, maybe. (Dats her On the Behind, shoving her axay.) Govon, bea wile ‘Betis, You be a husband and straiiten thet damn thing, (She points to the picture frame as she crosses Up Left) esse. (Rises, walking to the picture.) Why any body who lives out in the country needs a picture of the country ie beyond me. You could just look out the window. ‘But, (Stopping Right of piano.) Y'm just teving to make it nie for you, Just maybe Belp me a litle don't feel good esse. (Turning avcay from the picture.) The deal is Tinake the money, you make the beds Bunge. Don't start in on that again. T told you, T don't feel xo god. Tsar, (Getting angry.) Don't keep telling me what todo, Brice, If you'd do what you're supposed to T swouldn' have tell you ‘lesen, (Stepping of) the platform towards the rocker.) Tim sick of heating it ‘Buti, Jee, Vim sick ‘user, Then got better, Brute. Jese, you will be the death of me. The absolute death of me, (She walks to her coat tree, not hearing Jesse) "You're goddamn right T wil, (Jessx etorme to Ais coat tree and grabs his vest, Ay he ie putting t on scr: JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 29 his anger is interrupted by a thought, Ho speaks to the ‘udience,) Actually, T never planned to. be no. bank fobber, but a soldier, Tt just happened. (Starling Right of the rocker putting on hie holster) That's the thing, you thine Fou're planning your life, doing what you want to, and everybody gets it wrong. (Picks ng up his boots ‘and sitting in the rocker) beard ories about me make me out the eold-bloodest killer Since Cochise, and the next minute Tm helping the poor. (Pulling on Mik boots) That's fitting, because bo inatter how much I tried to plan it seetpe like 1 rotly just boinced and rieochete out of conteol from fone thing to the next (sing, opening the desk rawer and taking ou! @ shaving muy, brush, and razor) I mstriod Zee but. T never Tet Belle. (Pule Ihe hat on and walke Down Center, bringing The Police Gazette with hin, Buuux walks Down Center fetting the piano stool below the Down Center plat- form. She ie carrying a shaving s(rop and a towel) Teudldn' live with het and 1 couldn't live without hen (Sits down on the stool. Buus removes his hat ‘and tier the towel around his neck, Josaw then. hands Khor the Brush and the mug and she beging mizing the Inther) Just bounced and ricosheted. Ip the. end ‘they're going to ill me for if, but oh my, before they do, Til surely make this eotintey ‘bleed.’ (The lights change suddenly a8 he opens the razor and hands it 0 Brute, Ske carefully places i on the platform. ‘esse eajing through The Police Gazette.) Now thie is ihe way todo it ‘Brute. You'll et the bill. Jesse, 1 already paid it, (She bepine to lather the right se of his face. Fe enjoys it.) Bou. ['sint talking about money. "Tht feel good? ‘Jesee. You got s good touch. Leara how to pull ‘ect and you eould open a barbershop. ‘Bruit, { wish Thad « beard sometimes. Jusee. That's stupid. A’ board's a pain in tho ase, 30 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr ‘You always got to be shaving it. And all it ever docs is grow right back Bras. (Crossing Left in font of Jose.) 1 thought you Tiked this Tease. You want to doit every morning? Brats. Maybe Jessi. Well, when you make up your min, let me know eux, (Starting to lather ie lft side.) Jesse, you know what you are? Esse. A lover Bexus, You don't cere sbout me, You only care Tow you're there, Bena, Well Taint “Jrash, Then hos talking? TBauut, Beata bell out of te, (Finishes lathering him ‘and picks up the rasor, preparing to sharpen it) Well ow that every etsipe suit banker in the county's Walting for You, whet're you going to do? Srase, Yeah, just waiting for me to walk right in and take whatever L want. TBaLut, (Behind Jessy, sharpening the razor) ‘Thema bonks is nothing but great big move traps, Squealie little mouse, Banks is all played out. Done, Now me, Trapt mo a better iden, Me and a few seleoted friends ‘and that, does not inelude you, are going to stop us ‘train, A whole goddamn tain fll of money ‘hesee. (Looking up from the gazette.) Now that’s a fire clase A number ono idea. You don't have many, but when you do, i's A number one. Bello T think maybe Tim going to invent me the tin robbery, Beuux, (Drops the strop and rushes behind Jr, pulling his has) We probably ought to cut your bait feo. ‘Tesee, You can leave my hair slone, Just sheve me Bess, Peould eut of all your bsiz, make you shiny bald heed. SH AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 31 nse, O tad be reat Biss. tating feta mal andl of hei) ed be ood er 900, Nobo tc 90 Senta oatn en ear me yan (Fling the eu ha i ont of seven) Noting new abn ha Sema (Grabbing Bitaas wit ond paling her tsi fhm) kyo fae le ot eon indy you si hve esi ea {Drom ina and pnt The els Cseda) ‘Wyo ap lng spy thi an Brat Chott ove he oaden) Ete we fhssg Lent scape (etd) “dete tad Balle feb” Mate by Hoty ing heed par fogs the burtig dno ch dea ne {ine Babe went te guns, Top br tie het of Briss Iove Wish they could gt myname right, though. (BELLE tries to grab the magazine, 7 pul ay) Sammars whut hey sy in thee tings about test eant tts Vox hak bee eon xz Whats you gong to doy pat ot your ova spite Tho owe ate "Reesy fo Sana, (Honing her the gazette which ehe Dei tovrend) That tah, ik ana st eat fein to wre me & vise foun bok shot we {ei ote py rom the aon Up'ts e a od mich cntl ‘ver ng bt on bb Tain dar of me, rags Yo thf you wrt down that maken ie oJ kon the ge Ses Ue a ee tver wl be fue ink on the pag. mua dose Be tnagatine and drops ont pam) satin ata ou gu eto pil ia, Jes you te Suh ol Shal o ate wpe 82° JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN act 1 posed to be some kind of hero is God's joke, (Sh pens the razor and turns his head, about fo shave fm) Thats you. God's ke “asst, Up to now maybe ets: (She carefully begivs to shave his right side, punetuating her words with precise strokes" of the Fasor) For my part about yourput: He had a vilaine fous eye, an Mots bead and do believe a satanic Heart Puts Joss wold kil just to ae them Wick. Put: Thnted him without Tesson— (She wicks him ever fo lightly. He winces. She lightly dabs his face with the tovel) and T guess that® reason enough to love Jussn. (Grabbing Bruxy by the waist) But not reagon enough for eto change my name ‘piu, (Pulls away. Pause) What if you got changed after you tote # all down? ‘esse, Weil, uel just have to add chapter. Bex, (Moving behind Jessn preparing to shave hit loft side) What you Tost an eae? Just say. Would you have to pu that in? *°essn (Alte tense.) Shut up and do your job Brune. (Bepinning fo shave him again) How about be the same Jest, if you wasn't ese. Quit bab Bunun, lowly taking the razor wp towards hi ar) T heard ots of foe suy you waco all there firendy, What iff was totually ue. Not just a way ST epeaking, but maybe an eat got lopped of! (Ske cue rent) “rane Guth, Wateh t Bruit Oh, did cut your ear there? Tim really sory about tht, Jes T didnt mean to do that Let steift: Ghe trades tim sting on hi ap ane dab a the cu) Can't have ont Jome hry now can wet Gan we now? “aus You just be earful or Tl do some euting naysell (He grate her'ori so ake cont move the sor 1 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 23 ) Then well hove a little bit of Belle blood and Hie iol eee og. Al ied. Won vet (Spinning Up Stage on the stool, squeesing her tort Tenid'wont net ° , Bes Yes Jessa Shut up. (He loosens hie grip on her wrist and. pus her face to his, hissing her What left of the lather smears across her face) Share a ite soap, share a Title Mood. (Wien he begins to relaz, Bruit grabs desee's hai, pulling his head back and pus the Shade to his throat) Betis, What would you say if 1 fT... was to slide thie right” into "your throat. You ‘probably ‘wouldn't be saying much, “see. Pil do some siding in. (He grabs her legs and maker a few small’ humping motions againal her. Brute quiatly brine the Fazor clove to Tassn's oye. Ha sos tears backs) Brune How about you do that while sit open your eyes, Then Jesse love, you ean flow into me all you ‘Want. And all your blow, if you have any, ean wah oon my fee Tink i prt? Or ju ip By now, drssm is leaning all the way back, supporting Kinself with his arms on the floor) ~ ‘Jesse. What's that razor do for you, make vou me? Make you Jesse James? ‘That what it does for you? Good. Now well both be Jesse, And do twice as raany trains. (fe makes a small mation to sit up, but Bunty Held the razor right net to his es Keying him Bet, No. More what T bad in mind is slicing of chunks of you and potting them on me. (Making large Motions with the ‘razor which ‘come very close to Jesst’s ears and nose} I might hack off an ear tnd tick it on, or maybe Your nose. That way T can be éither one of us of both, Tl use you for spate paris (Ske olde the razor very still ond right next fo his Jace.) ‘Jesse, Yeah, or maybe Ti use you for something 34 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN act 1 (He grabs Buuux's thighs and begin to sit up slowly, Gejying Beta. and the razor. She persiats, keeping the razor slove fo hie eyes.) Cause that's what you really ‘want, aint ie? Wall, [Il make you a deal, You ean hhave'it on temporary Joan. Whenever I fesl ike giv ing it to vou. (BELLE pulle the razor back as if to come Gt him with it, Jesse grabs her wrist and squeeces {f. Bruun drops the razor. He rises, earning her to the Doten Center platform and laye her down. on her back He puts on ie hal ae Brus still on her back, ties toesenpe) Bisa Jesse, Jeaso, 1) ait your throat. 1 will. T really, really will, Til kill you. 1 really, really will Titi you~ Jessi Ride ‘em, (Bruze tries to kick Jmsep but he catches her fect and fipa her over on her stomach. ‘Ske Becomes Venus anc starts to eral up tho p ‘esau grabs her by the wast, pulling her back ‘and mounts her) Ride Venus, Ride... 1 ara the real Jesce. The only ene. Only Tam Jesse ‘Beis. Stare, Jesse Starr. The only Jesse Star (osse wave his hat in the air; they are silhouetted agent the back drop as the lights fade out.) END OF ACT ONE act Two 6 up revealing Bruun at her piano, softy playing thir passage ofthe vame Mozart sonata; Jesu is aitting in he rocking char labor ualy pecking af an old fask finishes a entence, and then pleased roth himelf, ‘te back and veads aloud fr Tessp, “The masked outlaws had spread themselves along the Tine of the train. "Well Frank, everything eam to be working all right’ Jesse romavked. "wae ght sorry we had to shoot Jack Farleyy said Franke (Ue throws down the mapazine and talks to the audi- fénce,) Jeosasl TT that don't beat all, There's people Feading that crap and thinking T go around talng Tike that. (Bexie stops playing and sts quietly at the piano.) No wonder the whole damn world’s confused shout who Tam and what-T dene, Ok, we done plenty ff trains all right. But there wasn’t rich in the Ay Of polite conversation going on while we was at i ‘Trains are a pain in the ase. Alwaye moving, not like banks shich just sit right there where they're supposed to, waiting for you. Robbing trains is done fone of two! ways: dumb” and bloody or snart and bloody. Dumb and bloody ie when you and t bunch of drunks see 4 train coming and you ride dawn onto the tracks shooting at it.The train just: keeps come Ing, atid the paseengers fire back at you ike yow ‘was & herd of buifelocs whieh you are. ‘The blood yours, The start, way 8 you bribe somebody to tell you which train is worth bothering with and then you buy'a ticket for a dollar, and get on when its Hopped. (Rises, takes his vest from the cou! tee. and puls it on.) That's the way me’ end Belle done it 35 36 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr ut Weld get on board, me lugging Belles leather valise Tike reguler husband and wile. (Picking wp hie coat from the bock of the rocker and putting st om) Pretty foon Belle would start moaning about having train Sickness, whatever the hell that was, She'd just hold ier pan erenn “go ee tenn ices." All the fonductors end eaboose men and half the passengers ‘vould come running over to help. (Putting on his hat Jrom. the coat tree) They wasn't so much gentlemen fs afraid she'd go and throw up all over their mice deen train. (Picks up the manswoript Joom the desk land crvsses Left of the rocker.) Whes they was all landing over ber in little cele, Pa pall my Colt,— ‘te drasos his gun.) and there’ they'd be. (Brute crosses Down Center carrying @ carpet-bag.) Get fEeous for epilling blood, and you better keep doing it, or next me the blood is yours. (Jessh pute fim back into the holater and begine to cross Down Center to Betan, Te 8 raiving and just after a train robbery. Before he joins Beta, dst stops and talks {othe audience.) Course after me and Belle, got amos, and our faces Was known, we couldn't do it anymore (Jessen squate down Bight of Brass: and writes in is ‘manuscript, Butts’ has dumped eeveral wallets fut of the carpet-bag and i counting the loot. She aw her shal over har head Jor protection from the rain) Benue. (Glancing at his manuscript.) Rain robber? ‘Now what the hell's that? ‘rast, No, n0. Train robber you fool. Just shut up Brats. That'd be ike you, go robbing the rain. You don't need it, theres plenty of it, you Just do it to be fomery. Worlds first and. only’ rain robber, Great Chief Rain in the Fuoe. (She Enocks Juss's hat of.) “issce. (Pulting his hat back on.) You ate the fault act JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 87 of it all. You look right at me, you supporedly isten {opi ain Jou el et nga nd then you bo shreating the word tbo jus wrod hough orto‘ the world don't know who T am Tink you doit on purpose ‘Brie Kow's lar'when Tear ong, Me. Hoard ‘Tesie, (Stade) Cause you are one, Always making shat crap up fo fe. Richard Fox and. ‘The Police Gazettes Yor dow care-what happens to Your name ‘Baus Atleast we my own Jesse, You hand ie ou to every drunk Tadian and hore thet you mec Sam Starr. Tom Stare Jim Mae, everybodys aned Stare to You (isk st agus Bute on the Down Centr pation) ‘uige, People are ging fo remember ie when Tm gone There's already 90 many sores about you B0- Redps ever gong’te get wall stright, (Bre res ad stands Lat of Suse, holdin ad of money and {he carpet-bap woth the empty wallets) Sian (Woveny his mantacipe) ‘Thy wil now abi den Vey at yu pnt aoa al put if you go talking about Bandit Queens, You Just far 1 Sus the toughest in the monting the soda in'the evening, ani in betwen dines 1 just sot up ihe place (Beles offre esse hi shore of the money, ie rejuest) ie ating teh Binun (Drope half the money on Sesa’s lp.) Well then whet you aught to sy te Belle Stan's go face Hee Son ho won ten and she bls the eit of mirrors {Ske throws her half ofthe money Into the earpet-ba) rast, Maybe 1 will. (Ries, ofering hs share to Beuute She refuse Toy Keep tetra of running i Goel and back wi Pitkerions and punks shoot ing ot to couse Tan Jeae James, Yun gong home (Tease Chrome his money into the earpet-bag. In re- 38 JESSH AND THE BANDIT QUEBN act turn Bexas throws the earpet-bag, now containing all the money, at Susan and thon crosses. Right Of the piano, dese crosses Up Right, leaving the farpet-bag on the rocker and the maruseript on the desks) Bouin, (Removing her shavel and replacing it om the piano as sho speaks to the audience.) T done time, Almost a year, my thirty-second. It was inthe federal prison in’ Detroit, was supposed. to weave chair Hottoms ut of split cane. (Walking Downstage of the piano.) The warden sort of ushered ze into thie zoom fall'et seat frames and hamboo. "Take a chain.” he says to me. “No thanks,” 1 say. “Td rather stand,” He damn near threw a chair at me. That stuf gels under Your finger nails sfter ‘ while and it never ames out. (Crossing Down Right) Detroit looked like ‘a nice town, what T sew of 3. £ was in for horse stealing. Crap. But with all the things 1 done I just took my medicine. Sam did bard labor and as fa? as Tiknow he's still doing it (Crossing Down Left) ‘After I got out I got mixed up with this wild west ‘show and this actor, Me. Searvey MeCargo, Jease was gone and T was just floating, co T took what come along. (The lights change tuddenly. Busty removes hor Bodize and swings over her head ax ake crosses {to her coat tree, Te rey MeCargo, a broken down actor, takee a bow to the audience and moves hig rocker Down Hight. He picks up the carpet-bag dnd steps into the rocker as if it were a stage coach, ‘and we're into The Wild West Show. Searvey takes it all very veriously, but Butta: performs by rote.) Vax Shoot (Buzas: picks up a pistol and ties Tess mecker- chief around her head like an outlaws. Jesse, a8 the Stage coach pascenger, bounces in the rocker treating ‘the motion of @ stage coach.) Beware travellers, 1ook fut for the dangere of the open road, beware the ways Of the highways. (Croseing Up Left on the platform, act x JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 39 shouting her lines. Jeseu heart her, motions 0 the ‘driver to go faster and bounces more furiously in the rocker.) Guard your gold and your women when you pass this way. (Brune gallops to. dhe Down Center platform.) ait there. (esse mimes the atage coach Evming to a sudden stop and crosses Down Left with tha earpet-bay, trying to escape.) You! Stop! ‘esse. (Turning Upstage, fais to his knees, arms raised.) Don't shoot, Plesce don't shoot. ‘Bruin, Traveller, your lack has run out, This is the ‘nd of the journey for you if You don't follow my Instructions. (She holds her gun up in the ain, away from dosst.) ‘Tesee. (Waving, indicating to point the gun at him.) Don't point that gin at me, Brute. (Quicily aiming the gun of him.) Six, guns are the words of the west, and I'm doing the telling. ‘Tesch: Ves si. Brute, Stand and deliver. (Josse stands maject- cally. He leaves the carpet-bag on the, foot, Bruin obviously forgetting her nest line) Stand and delevert ‘esse. (In stage whisper.) T am standing, (Cue- ing her) You know who Lam? Bune. (Crossiny Down Left to Insse who counters Down Right.) You know who T ama? esse, No tir, I surely do not. Buus, Wall sir, you are now enjoying the pleasure of meeting up ‘with Mr. Jesso James, the deeperado, (She jumpe onto the Down Center platform, pale the Kerchiaf from her mouth. He's amazed and terrified) ‘Sesse. Well, goddamn! (Cucing her again) Your srandchitdren. ‘Bruit. Yes sir, you will tell your grandehildren of this, IFT ehoose to let xou leave here with your vocal cords intact, (She placee the gun at Tussxs throat) Jessr, It is an honor, sis. (Iesse extende Mie hand o shake, Ae Buta transfers the gun to her loft hand, ‘ss tri to grab the pun. They struggle. She is supe 40 JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN scr a posed to let it fal, but docs not. Ina stage whisper.) Drop the gus, drop the gun. (Buus fete the gun drop ‘ond risee up, overpowering Jussn who falls down be~ Wind her) Brut. You think i's that casy to outwit the undis- pated leader of the frcest band of lead poisoners in the West? (Jessy gratis tut Jrom under hin and, with very Uitle effort, blacks several punches, Finally, she tends him fing Down Center with an obviously fake punch.) ‘Traveler, you tink you ean conquer the man who gave orders to Bloody Bill Anderson and rode with Quantell? (iusse crawls foward the gun, which is nezt fo BeLia's foot) You have sir an excess of earthly riches and there are homesteaders and little people who have not at all Tam hero to set. that aright. (Buuux stomps her foot, upposedly on Jose's hand, He fall back. down, cringing in mock pain.) Now. Stand and deliver. (He Starts fo rise. She pushes him back down with a kick that is much more real than anything elve in The Wild Wert Show. She picks up the gun and points it at him. Thie ie not what Scarvey has rehearsed and SX eurprises fim. de Jusse, realetioally, intensely.) Tam the real Jesse, The other, all the others are not me. Only Tam Jess, golden Jesse. Hunt for me, pat fe me, chase me acrose my prairie and I will ind you Tam your one true hero and you will love me thar when Tam dead beesuise this country’s greatest fea Js not for its heroes, but of them. (Beate rises, opel ing to the audionce, Jessn gets on his nos, savin wallet at her, trying to get har back into ‘The Wild Weet Show) They were streid of me while T lived and they will eurely build a tower to me when T dic. (She takes the walat) 1 than you Sesat, My pleaste, (Picks wp the earpet-bag Down Left and crows below Bexus.) Starvey McCargo gives you tho sack. (Jesse opens the carpet-bag? nun Yarowe the wallet into st: He then throwe i ab actu JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN 41 hher ond moves the rocker back to the desk and sits, tt as Soarvey.) Bruin (To the audience.) We went everywhere with the damn thing. (Putting the gun ino he earpet-bap.) People loved to watch Jesse hold up that stage. T matte co much money at it, that L hired me a special stoom for Vents, « Tile blael boy and I nemed him ‘esse. (Breeze leaves Up Right and stands next to th platform. Jesse, as himself, begins to type 8 th Tights tighten td the desk area. He makes an ervor and pushes back from the typevriter) ‘Sesse. “Oh that my words wore how written! Ob that they were printed ina book.” (He looks at Iie swork for a: moment) Fat now, yes fat. But once, ohy fonce, Now I will write i al daw, all of it, every last Sood-letting drop of jt. (Braxm,'ar Zee trovses left ks up The Police Gazette. She has re- lief and hav addled a hair ribbon) About how Trode out-one fine spring morning with Billy, and how I met Belle. (Betis turns to look at Jusst who ‘hae been unaioare of her presence. He pauses brieiy to look at her then goee back to his toring. Beaute site on the Down Center ‘platform, reading tho gazette. She is dimly lit) Fat how, but fh yex. 1Ml rite it all down with lots of pants lke ‘One fine spring morting.” All down once afd forall, sp they can get it straight. (he lights change sud denly as Busan speaks, interrupting Jessy at work.) Buusn. (Referring to’ The Police Gazette) Jesse T don't get this, Tt keeps saying she's the female Jesse ‘Tomes. T don’t ke that, “Jesse. You don't like it? How do you think 1 fel about i? Zee don't get worked up over nothing. (He trian to o back: to works) Bex Tt saya you go riding together. Jesse T don't think that’s right. If anybody should be in magazines itshould be me, Tease, (Wise, Wing Right of Baits.) That guy 42. JESSE AND THE BANDIT QUEEN act just makes that stuf up, T only met her once or twice. Back when sho was with Cole. Shes in jll anyay Cppeasing her) Maybe Pil get ws « map. Well £0 down to Rap. Tes in South America, ‘Brute. Thesed of ie Jessen. 1 could put my hands on twenty five thous send tomorrow. We could live on tha ike king end ‘Npniox Homay! I could get us end the kids and everything packed real quick: What language do they {aie down thre? Jesse But you know, I don't now. runs. Why? Why not? Jusst. Too dangers ight now. Somebady'd 1ee- ‘opine me, (Walking back to the rocker) Braun. Ob Jasse: Mayo ina few months Bruts, Ob “ses. Sir months ies. Ob ‘see. Maybe a yea, Bross. Oth, dese i's hard being married to yo (Crossing Left of Sess.) [wouldnt trade it, bu hurd. Timea you've of avay’so much and this Bella Star stu “esse, (Grabbing The Police Glsotte from her.) Balle. Tier name i Belle. Whyn't you go make Us some food Bree, You just ate

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