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AP yates SOLUTIONS-HW-chop-03-Vectors-Mation 20, Page SOLUTIONS to Homework Chapter 3 Kinematics in 2 Dimensions. Vectors. Homework Assignment 1 Read Chapter 3, Sections 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3, pages 45 - 49. ‘Questions (page 65) 1 (Ore cor travels due east at 40 km/h, and a second car travels north at 40 km/h. Are thelr velocities equal? Explain, Their velocities are NOT equal, because the two velocities have different directions. 4 Deeing baseball practice, a batter hits very high fly bell and then rus ina straight ne and catches i Which hed ‘the greater displacement, the batter or the bal 1] Since both the batter and the ball started their motion at the same location (where the ball was hit) and ended their motion atthe same location (wher the ball was caught), the displacement of both wwas the same. 6 Two vectors have length sun? Skmand V=40km, What are the maximum and minimum magritudes of their vector B]_ tte two vectors are in the sme direction the magitdeof thir sum wl be maximum, and wil te75 um, ifthe evo vectors ac inthe oppose dietion, the magritoe of ter sum wl be a minimum, and walle 0 kn. Ifthe wo vector are ented in ay ole configuration the Imagntud oftheir sum wll be between 03 km and 73 km, Page| (SOLUTIONS) AP Physics SOLUTIONS HW-Chap-08-Vector ation 20 Page 2 End of Chapter Problems (pp 65-71) 1 (1) A cor is driven 215 km west and then 85ke southwest, What isthe displacement of the car from the paint of origin (magnitude and direction)? Draw a diagram, using an appropriate scale, The resultant vector displacement ofthe caris given by B, =B,., +B... The westward displacement is 215-+85.cos 43° = 275.1 km_and the south displacement is £85sin 45" = 60.1 km. The resultant displacement has a magnitude of ¥ 275.1 +60.1° = 281.6 km = [BaZa]. The dircetion is 0 = tan" 60,275.1=12.3" = [12° south of wes! o ‘SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MACK'S SOLUTION 2 (QA delivery trek travel 18 blacks noth, 10 blocs est, and 16 blocs south, What iit frldeplacerent from the origin? Aszune the blocks are equal length 2. ‘The track has a displacement of 18+ (-16) east. The resultant has a magnitude of ¥2' +10° =[10 blocks) and a dircetion [LT north of eax. blocks north and 10 blocks at Don Page 2 (SOLUTIONS) AP Physics HOMEWORK:Chop-03-Vestore- Metin 20 any End of Chapter Problems (pp 65-71) oo oes 1 ve > Nz ¢ {Acari riven 3 bm estan hen hn sane What the digenet of he car from the pit of orig (nagritade and direction)? Draw a diagram, ing an appropriate scale. 7 we CV owe Yo ee 1% : Mt ieee () cry as Kua OT ow Va sults) > GO Bae Pvodva tier (2) Adelivery truck travels 18 blocks north, 10 blocks east, end 16 blocks south. What is its Final displacement rom the erigin? Assume the blocks are equal length, I ry 2 Gdacter De de Bvecten r Dez VO bk a are 2+ Ds 2 bee Yar jertats Page 2 HOMEWCRY) a0 Price SSOLUTIONS-HW-Chep-03-Vectors-Mation: 2D, Pages 4 (An object experiences two velocity components in the X and Y directions. Tf Ve 6.80 units and V,=-7.40 units, determine the maghituse and direction of the resultant velocity vector V experienced by the object. 4. Given that V, “6.80 units snd V, =~7:40 unis the magnitude of V is given by V = Vi 0¥? = 680° «(—7.40)° ‘The direction ic gven by an ange of = tan? 2S Ear], or 47° below the postvese ‘SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MACK'S SOLUTION a (ED Grophically determine the resultant of the following three vector displacements (you need a ruler and 6 protector) (1) 34 m, 25° north of eost: (2)48 m, 33° ecst of rorth: (3) 22 m, 56° west of south, 5. ‘The vectors for the problem are drawn approximately to scale, The resultant has a length of {58 m] and a direction 489 north of east. If calculations are done, the actual resultant should be 57.4 m at 47.5" north of east. + You interpret the instruction “north of east" as *from east direction, or +X, .g0 “north” of this axis (upwards) the ‘amount of the specified angle." + You interpret the instruction “east of north’ as *from the north direction or *¥ axis, go “east” of this axis (ight of) the amount of the specified angle." + You interpret the instruction "west of south" as “from the south direction or ~Y axis, to "west of this axis (left of) ‘the amount of the specified angle.” age 3 (SOLUTIONS) a Pysles HOMEWORK:-Chap 02-Vectore Merion 2 4 {) Ancbject experiences two velocity comporents in the X and directions. If Vx = 6.80 units ené Wy =-7.40 nits, determine the magnitude ond direction of the resutant velocity vector V experienced by the object 5 rope determite the resultant ofthe flloing thre vector displacements You need ruler and protractor). fosne the abject notes each of These dsplocenen in satessio, one apncenent atone: 1°29 3 oO Racername HINT: Start the first vector below at the origin of the graph below (lowe left corner) HINT: The phrase “rotth of east” means "etarting t the ¥X axis, go “up” (nerth) the number of degrees * q insted mde OK AK KES, ZX Ade { ) 24m, 25 eth of Lest : 7 gate occa skaeh oF 4M ORS, Gra S3° Fase Bien seni Se ok NM aRis, qa S&S WREST poe oy a Ore é = Dy = Vin + Dex t Pre = GW(cos MD " we Das * Pow cae 5 v Oy = Vert Dey + Vay = ASS je) = S48 = GHG oy + afent3) pe 1onevons = (arYsuse) = 22m 20 Pies SOLUTIONS HW.Chap-03.Vectors-Metion-20 apes Me-1 ANSWER B. 4. (B) is correct. Both components of the first leg of the trip are 15 sin 45° 15 cos 45° = 10.6 m, so 10.6 m south and 10.6 m cast. The next leg of the trip is 30 miles west, so the net horizontal displacement is 19.4 m yest, and the net vertical displacement is 10.6 m south. By the equation V= V(V? + V2), V= 22.1 mand @ = tan” (V,/V,) = 29° south of west. What vector represents the displacement of person who walks 15 km at 45° south of east, then 30 km due west? (A) 17° west of south (B) 29° south of west (©) 45° west of north (D) 61° east of south a ent ere {opyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #4, 45] ‘SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MACK'S SOLUTION Mc-2 ANSWER D 1, (D)iscorrect. The vertical component of the vector is given by V, = Vsin 8 = (33 m)(sin 76°) = 32m. ‘What is the vertical component of a 33 m ‘vector that is at a 76° angle with the x axis? (A) 25m (B) 28m, (©) 30m (D) 32m aan [Copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #1, 45) Poge 4 (SOLUTIONS) — foge 4 AP Physics Meo j What vector represents the displacement of a | person who walks 15 km at 45° south of east, then 30 kin due west? (ATE west oF sau (0 29° south of west (Coperaeretaeah © Wash otwet> tcooyight Prenice Hal AP Review, #8, 48] ia ace >. aK oe soe’ ® (st te oak CS we — WE a Whats thetCST SS oF 033m Day = + WW cas AT seats a7 ang wih he a a Codey = A (B) 28m (30m 7 (b) 32m fA NAM lew @3m copyright Prentice Hal, AP Review, #1 45) O=tte Pax = (FE Sud : - = AD.& Dy MO yr 0540 =>) se ne eee aU casQ > Oy 7 VY car y os Gye) ess (%°) G8) Ox Page 4 HOMEWORK) se tryiee SOLUTIONS HW-chop-03-Vectors-Mation 20 Page 5 Homework Assignment 2 Read Chapter 3, Sections 3-4, pages 49 - 53. Questions (p 65) B Tf you are riding ona train that speeds past arother train moving inthe same direction on an adjacent treck, it ‘appears that the other train is moving backward, Why? 13. Your reference frame is that of the train you are riding. If you are traveling with a relatively constant velocity (not over a hill or around a curve or drastically changing speed), then you will interpret your reference frame as being a rest. Since you are moving forward Taser than the other train, the other ‘cain is moving backwards relative to you. Seeing the other train go past your window from front to rear makes it ook like the other train is going backwards. This similar to passing a semi truck on the interstate — out of a passenger window, it Tooks lke the track is going backwards, 5 ‘A person siting inan enclosed train car, moving at canstant velocity, throws a ball straight up into the i in her reference frame, @ ‘Where does the ball and? What is your answer ifthe car (accelerates (©)decelerates (@rouds a curve (©) moves with constant velocity but is epen to the clr? 15, (@) The bal lands atthe same point fom which it was thrown inside the train ear— back in the vower's hand. (@) Ir ehe car accelerates, the ball will and behind the point from which it was thrown. {o) Fhe car decelerates, the ball will land in front of the point from which it wasthrown, (Tf the car rounds a curve (assume it curves to the righ), than the ball wil land to the lft of the point from which it was thrown {(@). The bal willbe slowed by air resistance, and so will land behind the point from which it was ‘rown, % “Two rowers, who can row at the same speed instill mater, set off across a river at the same time, One heads straight across and is pulled downstream somewhat by the current, The other ore heads upstream at on argle so as +9 errive at a point opposite the starting point, Which rower reaches the opposite sie first? 16, Both rowers need to cover the same “cross river" distance. Te rower withthe greatest speed in the “cross river" direction willbe the one that reaches the other side first. The current has no bearing on the problem because the current doesn't helpeither ofthe bosts move across the river. ‘Thus the rower heading straight across will reach the other side frst. All of his rowing effort hes gone into ‘crossing the river. For the upstream rower, some of his rowing effort goes into battling the current, and so his “cross river” speed will be enly fraction of his rowing speed. age 5 (SOLUTIONS) 0 Pye SOLUTIONS HW chp 03: res Hw 8 (Ub Vector is 66units log ond points slong the eee: the r anis Vector Ves 85 unis long and points at = 45° to tne poe x ans (a) What are the andy compo- nents of each vector? (6) Determine the sum Vy 4%, (@magaltude and ange) Use parallelogram method oroph paper) and method of components to do question (6) SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MACK'S SOLUTION Page 6 (SOLUTEONS) HOMEWORK Chap 03-Yestors-iMaton-20 age 6 ; Hwa : succes ave (Ui) Vector 9, is 6 6nits long and pofnts alone the negnay” ‘t tive x au. Vector Vis 8 Stunts long and points at +45" cy ee Omran eee ee nents of each vector? (6) Determine the sum ¥) + Vy a SW MNSye a (nagnimde and angle). ; ra nee Use pralegram method (graph pape) anethd of cmponents fa question () = O77 ews owas 6G Savery ays BT Sayers “0 Wana wc keke Chores ey) Vai WaAnoiwee & ons. zona @ IRA uN & a ; Or) ra Sele \y x ae go Vay Ve Nas = Nu * Vex ey + lye 929) ~ G6 * Bs eas SF) 5 f J OKs 602 ee 4 Seer Miata o a “Ney, ON | oD Nga = Gro WF) ‘ z aye a =? fae veka dive te wna * C=X auts ) > &O une AP Physics SOLUTIONS HW:chep 03-Veetore-Maon-20, Homework Assignment 3 Read Chapter 3, Sections 3~! pages 54 - 57, End of Chapter Problems (continued) 18 (D)A diver running 18 m/s dives out horizontally from the edge of a vertical cliff and 30 slater reaches the water below. How high was the cliff, ond how for from its base did the diver hit the water? 18, Choose downward tobe the postivey direction. The origin will be a the point where he diver dives from the cliff. In the horizontal direction, v,, =1.8m/s and a, =O. In the vertical direction, gO, a, =9.80m/s? , y,=0, and the time of fights ¢= 3.08. The height ofthe cifis found fiom applying Eq. -11b to the vertical motion yay erg tha? >» y=040+4(9.80m/s!)(3.05)" ‘The distance from the base ofthe cliff to where the diver hits the waleris found from the horizontal motion at constant velocity: Aen v,t=(1.8m/s)(3 5) =Eam) (a4 oa 22 (ED) A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of « building 45.0 m fll and lands 24.0 m from the base. What was ‘the balls intial speos?? BE] choose downward tobe the positive y direction The origin willbe atthe point where the bal is thrown from the roof ofthe building. Inthe vertical direction, v, s0m/s*. y, =0.and the displacement is 45.0 m, The tine of ight s found from applying By. 211b to the vertical rmoton, 2(0.80m/s)° > r= 2452) 9.05 soe 3800/5 “Te horizontal speed (which isthe init! sped) is found rom the horizontal motion at constant velocity ptvgtttar > 45.0 Dim. ve > v,=Aaft=240 m/3.03 = Page 7 (SOLUTIONS) ae Physics SOLUTIONS-HW/-chop-03-Vectors Motion 20 Page 8 22, ‘A football is kicked at ground level with a speed of 18,0 m/s at an angle of 35.0" to the horizontal, How much later ees it hit the ground? 22. Choose the point at which the football is kicked the origin, and choose upward to be the positivey direction. When the football reaches the ground again, they displacement is 0. For the football, *q=(18.0sin35.0")m/s, a, =-9.80m/s andthe final y velocity willbe the opposite ofthe starting y velocity (reference problem 328). Use Eq. 2-L1a to find the time of flight. (-18.05in35.0°) m/s ~(18.05in35.0° }m/s 980m) Vg tat > pat] 23 ‘A ball thrown horizontally et 22.2 m/s from the roof ofa building lands 36.0 m from the base of the building. How ‘ellis the building? 23, Choose downward to be the positivey direction, The origin isthe point where the balls frown from the oof of the building. Inthe veical direction, ,, =O, y, =0, and a, =9.80m/3". The ini horizontal velocity is 22.2 m/s and the horizontal range is 360m. The time of Might is found from the horizontal motion at constant velocity Av=vt > £4 Ax/v, =36. m/22.2 m/s =1.62 8 ‘The vertical displacement, which isthe height of the building, is found by applying Eq. 2116 to the vertical motion, yo tVygt tha 0+09 4(9.80m/s")(1.62 5)" = faa ge 8 (SOLUTZONS) ‘AP Physics SOLUTIONS HW: chap 08-Vectos- Maton 25, Page 9 Mc-3 ANSWER 3 [After a model rocket reached its maximum height, it then took 5.0 seconds to return to the leach ait. What isthe approcimato maximum height reached bythe rocket? [Ngoc air resistance} a) 49m 8) 20m (2) 98m (4) 250m Mc-4 ANSWER E A ball is thrown horizontally out the window ‘of a building with a velocity of 8.0 ms from a height of 2500 m. How far from the base of the building will the ball land? (A) 5tm (B) 60m (90m (D) 15m (B) 180m Mc-5 ANSWER 3 ‘Above a flat horizontal plane, arrow Ais shot horizon- tally ftom a bow at aspeed of 20 meters per second, 2s shownin the following diagram. A second atrow 8 is dropped from the same height and atthe sarne instart as Ais fired, te pe Neglecting a resstance,compared tothe amount (oftime A takes to strike the plane, the amount of time Bakes strike the plane is (less (2) more (the same Mc-6 ANSWER B 10. (B)isthe correct answer. The vertical components given by Y= Yo* Uyt— 1/2(gt, where y= 0,y5 = 3m, Y= 0 $0,0 = 3mm 497, 501 = 0.785. A bullet fired horizontally from a height of ‘three meters with a velocity of 120 mis wil hit the ground after how many seconds? (A) 0555 (B) 078s (©) 0965 (D) 16s (©) 288 Page 9 (SOLUTIONS) AP Physies SOLUTIONS HW.chep-08-Vectors-Motion 20 Page 10 {Copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #10, 46] Use the information below to answer the next two questions. [Use the information below to answer the next two questions. ‘of 400 meters per second at an angle of 40.° with the horizontal. {Regents, Fan 2002, #62, #63) ‘A golf ball eaves a golf chub with an initial velocity ay Mc-7 ANSWER ‘What i the vertical component ofthe golf alls ini- tial velocity? (D 25:7 ms (8) 40.0 ms (2) 306 ms (4) 813m Mc-8 ANSWER ‘What is the total horizontal distance trveled by the al ball during the first 250 seconds oft ight? (2) 100, m (@) 643m @) 6m @) 00m Mc-9 ANSWER C tits maximum height, the vertical compo- nent of velocity for an object projected at 4.9 mis ata 60" angle is (A) 9.8 nis (B) 49 mis Ooms (D) ~49 mis (E) -9.8 mis me-10 ANSWER 2 A projectiles bunched with anil velocty of $a meters pt scond aan angie of 3 above the inortomtalWhetsthe magnitude othe vertcl Onysings—ter" 2y,sind,_2(652m/s)sin24 5° & (9.80m/s*) “The time of O represents the launching of the ball. (6) The taal horizontal distance coveredis found from the horizontal motion a constant velocity Ax =v, =(v,0089,)!=(65.2m/s)(c0s34.5°)(7.54 s) = [205 an} (@ The velocity of the projectile 1.50 s after firing is found as the vector sum of the horizontal and vertical velocities at that time, The horizontal velocity is a comstant ¥, 6080, = (65.2m/s)(cos34.5°) = 53.7 m/s, The vertical velocity is found from Eg. 21a, vy, =¥yp +a = 4 sind, — t= (65. 2a nsss ~(9.80m/s?) (1.508) = 2.2/5 = V53.7 422.2 = [8Amps] [734s] and ¢=0 ‘Thus the speed of the projectile is v = The dicection above the horizontal is given by @ = Page 12 (SOLUTZONS) AP Physics SOLUTIONS HW: chap-03-Vectors-Metian20 age 13 End of Chapter Problems (page 67) 7 (Ct Remo ie chucking pebbles gently up to Julie's window, ard he wort the pebbles to hit the window wth enya horizontal component of velocity. He is standing at the edge of a rose garden 4.5 m below her window and 8,0 m from the base of the wall (FIGURE 3-34). How fast are the pebbles going when they hit her window? FIGURE 2-24 Som 4 Problem 20 20. Choose upward 1 be the positivey direetion. ‘The origin isthe point rom which the ebbles are released. Inthe vertical direction, a, = -9.80m/s° the velocity at the window is v, =0, andthe vertical displacement is 45 m. The initialy velocity is found from Eq, 2-1. v=vi+24,(-%) > [n2 2a, (y— yo) = Jo-2(-9.80m/s*)(4.5 m) = 9.39m/s Find the time for the pebbles to travel to the window from Eq. 2112. Y= Me _ 0-94 m/s «Sms Find the horizontal speed from the horizoatal motion at constant velocity Arey > v= Axfr=5.0 m/0.958 s=[2m/5 ‘This is the speed ofthe pebbles when they hit the window. =p tat r= =0.988s ( ALTE RANE VE BBM SOLUTION ATTACK EY) ge 13 (SOLUTIONS) se ice owewons ch t2seccean tS fgets End of Copter Problems (page 67) 2 7 es Remta is chucking pebbles gently upto Julies window, and he wants the pebbles to hit the window with onlye ee horizontal component of velocity. He is starding at the edge of arose garden 4.5 m below her window and 5.0 m ‘rom the base of the wall (FIGURE, 3-34). How fast ar the pebbles going when they hit her window? fan: [Notice the words “hit the window with only a horizontal comporent of velocity". Te, the vertical component is zero, [At what point ina trajectory does V, = 07) 6 as Niees aa) an Nar Vay = Ve cas a = @ * hep fnounes-o4 ee : Problem 20, Ax MNaew, Vy = 0 ate awd Wot Ay — a *, Y Rye are + 2 Ney: Noa ne + fq > Nased Qi ae ‘i Te eet cio : Y Nie 29 (Nay —> “Mey i 26 ore = 78 74 9 i & 2 N. Q Vy 2 My ey ve — bg Beets ban ! 5 ay a) @ Vertu to sey Y Vy Fe Vex CRMASSawA ) Pape 13 (HOMEWORK) SOLUTIONS +W-Chap 03-Vectore Meio 20 age 4 MC-16 [ANSWER 2 Objects A and B are dropped from rest near Earth’s surface, Object A has mass m and object B has mass 2m. After 2 soconds of freefall, object A has a speed. 1 and has fallen a distance d. What are the and distance of fall of object B after 2 seconds of fre fall? [copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review] MC-37 ANSWER 4 A ball is thrown horizontally from the top ofa build- ‘ng with an initial velocity of 15 meters per second. At the same instant, a scoond ball is dropped from the top ofthe building, The two balls have the same (2) path as they fall Fella ie god (G) initial horizontal velocity (A) initial vertical velocity Mc-19 ANSWER 4 ‘Abaallis projected horizontally tothe right rom aheigh (of 50.metersas shown n the folowing diagram. o 50.m ‘Which diagram best represents the position of the ball at 1.0-second intervals? . 2 o [Copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #27, 58) Page 14 (SOLUTIONS) AP ysis SOLUTIONS -HW-hop-03-Vectors Motion 20 ge 15, MC-18 ANSWER D For what it's worth, this is an example of a hard multiple choice problem on an old AP EXAM. Basically, you need to find the time of flight from the x component of motion, expressed in terms of the velocity you want to find (as a symbol), and use this time in the to find the y ‘component of motion, from which you can find the velocity (as a number). 9. (D) is correct. The velocity sought has an x component of V, = Vcos 6 = Vos 45° = 0.707 Vanda ycomponentof V, = Vsin 8 = Vsin 45° = 0.707. Using the equations x = x, + vjgtand y = yp + vot — 1/2(gF), 20 = 0 + (0.707 V) 30 t= 20/0.707V, which can be plugged into 0 ~ 0 + (0.707 V) #~ 1/2(¢#) (0.707 V)(20/0.707 V) ~ 4.9(20/0.707 VY. Solving for V, V= 14 mis. At what velocity should a ball be thrown at 145° angle so that it hits a target that is 20 meters away and placed atthe seme height? (A) 3 mis B) 7 mis (©) ms () Wms (B) 18 mis ‘ADD SOLUTION age 15 (SOLUTIONS) AP Pysice SOLUTEONS-HW-chap03-Vectors-otion 2 Page 16 mc-20 ANSWER 4 ‘Aboaseball player rows a bl horizontal. Which statement bert describes the bls motion afterit is thrown? (Negletar resistance) (1) tts vertical speed remains the sare and ts hd zontal speedincreases, yi vertical speed emai the same and Rs ho zontal speed remainsthe same. (hits vertical speed increases and its hoizontal speed increases. (its vertical speed increases and itshosizontal scenlcvemibueesis copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #25, 57] Mc-21 ANSWER 1 + Ared bal and a green ball are simukaneoushy ‘thrown horizontally from the same height. The red ballhas an initial speed of 40. meters per second and. the green ballhas an intial speed of 20. meters per second, Compared tothe time it takes the red allo reach the ground, the time't takes the green ballto reach the ground willbe (the same {B)hatfas much (@)twice as much (4) four times as much [copyright Prentice-Hall, AP Review, #26, 68] ar ‘The pilot of an airplane traveling 180 km/h wants to drop supplies to Flood victims isolated ona patch of land 160 m below, The supplies should be dropped how many seconds before the plane is directly overhead? | an @) You just need to know how long the cargo wil fel, from the height given as 160m Remember that the vertical comporent of motion i independent of the horizontal comporent, so the horizontal velocity is irrelevant to the question of vertical motion, 27. Choose doweward to be the positvey dcetion. ‘The origin isthe point where the supplies ae 160m=04044(9.80m/s")e > 260m) aoa Ba [Note that the speed ofthe aiplane does not enter into this calculation, ® During the time 5.74, the plane wil travel from the origin at drop (see picture above) to location just above the flood victims, so 20,4, X=vd (180 ken/ ne (1000 m/e / 3600 5 / he 6.71) Page 16 (SOLUTEONS) AP Pyles SSOLUTIONS-HW-chep-03-Vectors-Metien-2D Page 7 CHALLENGE PROBLEM End of Chapter Problem (page 62) Baseball clears right field fence. 62, When Babe Ruth hit a homer over the 7.5-m-high right- field fence 95m from home plate. roughly what was the minimum speed of the ball when it left the bat? Assume the ball was hit LOm above the ground and its path initially made a 38° angle with the ground, ‘The minimum speed will be that for which the ball just clears the ‘ence; ie, the ball has a height of 7-5m when itis 95 m borizoatally from home plate, The origin is at home plate, with upward as the positive y direction, For the ball, y,= 1.0m, y=75m,a,=—g Yyg =H, SiN, , ¥, =¥, COSA, and A, =38°. See the diagram (nto seale). For the horizontal motion at constant velocity, Ar=v,=, 6080, ,and so 1 For the vertical motion, apply Eg. 2116. ¥4 0088, yay tng tha,t = yy by, (sind, eb at” ‘Substitute the value ofthe time of flight for the first occurrence only in the above equation, and then solve forthe time. +ygsind, Let > yay, rysind: te > ob vgsind . a T0m=75 m1(95 m)eande [fim 7S mr OS meme) 4, 9.80) Finan the ie with he horizontal range ind he nia spond a 95m Ax=v cost > vy Samy Teos8, (BTIBs)cos 8 Al Se edie Sse dom At ro WG Page 17 (SOLUTIONS) se re Homewonechep os ecwre tne / wet CHALLENGE PROBLEM rant End of Chapter Problem (page 62) Baseball lars eight Tiel fence S keg 62, When Babe Ruth ita homer over the 7S.chigh sight field fence 95m from home plate, roughly what was the minimum speed of the ball when it lee the bat? Assume the ball was hit L0m above the ground and iis path initially made a 38” angle with the ground 4 NOTE: There ic more then ene wy to cole this problem You needa starting point: What equation conects given Information ou have tthe nil (gle) launch velocity Then the lay to realize that you are en an (2) pamton he Trajectory Hat ipsa tne of Fight thot SNOT to fy No a 2 XN ak X Youx wl of Ris S. \ “¥ J ~— —> Ke ag wa a Swen XY EMM Vo = Wex)t eta eee ‘ \ (@otee) aga! Mele ell elie ie SUH Gacus ds Yeu eal be X Y= Mey t- 36 Ve Sas > a, » Gai g) Ck - So as “(xe \(a°) — \ A Leverage Kovi2z and Yeavd ae 2 Ka How Page 17 (HOMEWORK) ‘AP Pyles ‘SOLUTIONS -HW-chep-03-Vectors-Motian-20 Page 18 CHALLENGE PROBLEM End of Chapter Problem 57 Raindrops make an angle @ degrees with the vertical when viewed through @ moving train window (FIGURE 3-43). If ‘the speed of the train is Vr, what isthe speed of the raindrops in the reference frame of the Earth in which they are assumed to fall vertically? ‘Tis isnot a number problem, but a symbolic problem, asking fora general equation into which you could plug-in numbers if you hod them. Note the vector diagram below. Once you have thi, everything fells into place. FIGURE 3-43. Problem 57 ‘Choose the x direction to be the direction of train travel (the direction the ‘passenger is facing) and choose the y direction to be up. This relationship exists, among the Velocities: V5 = Vg. + Vena ~ From the diagram, find the ‘expression for the speed of the raindrops. tang= ty, tan Yi Veun re pont Page 18 (SOLUTIONS) AB Pics SOLUTIONS-HW’ Chap 03-Vectors-Metion 20 Page 19 Homework Assignment 5 Read Chapter 3, Sections 3~ Mc-22 ANSWER 3 A ball is fired witha velocity of 12 metess per second from cannon pointing north, while the cannon is moving eastward at a velocity of 24 ‘meters per second. Which vector best represents the resultant velocity of the ball as it leaves the cannon? oon @ ON @ on My [Copyright Borron's Educational Services, Let's Review Regents Physics, Mazur, 62 #35) Me-23 ANSWER 2 A river flows duc eas at 5 meters per second. A ‘motorboat leaves the north shore ofthe ver aad Theads due south st 20 meters per second. 4s shown in the diagram below. Which vector best represents. the resultant ‘elocty of the boat rolative tothe riverbank? 35m 2ome 20m 25m am @ cy) a (Regents, June 1995, #6] Mc-24 ANSWER A gil attempts to swim directly across a stream 15 meters wide, When she reaches the other side, she is 15 meters downstream. The magnitude of her displacement is loses to 30m Q2m Bim — 15m [copyright Borron's Educational Services, Lets Review Regents Physics, Mazur, 76, #5) Page 19 (SOLUTIONS) 2 Physics ‘SOLUTEONS-HW-chop 03-Vectors-Mation 20 age 20 End of Chapter Problem (page 68) 36 ‘A person going for « morning jog on the deck of a crue chip ie running toward the bow (front) of the chip at 2.2 rm/s while the ship is movi chead at 7.5 m/s. ®) What is the velocity of the jogger relative to the water? ») Later, the joager is moving toward the stern (rear) of the ship, What is the joggers velocity relative to the water 36, Call the drcction of the bos relative to the water the positive direction. ©) Voor =Vyan + Vea @22 m/s +75 m/s [9.7 m/s in the direction the boat is moving) 2.2 m/s +75 m/s ) Fieve 53 m/s i the direction the boat is moving] aL ‘Ar eleplare i heading ve south at a speed of 600 hn/h Tf a wind begins blowing from the southwest at «speed of 100 wh (overage) ealeuate: @ ‘the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the plane relative t the ground, and w how far fromits intended position wll it be after 1Omin f the pilot fakes vo corrective action. 441, Calleas the positive direction and north the poivey dzection. Then the following votor velocity relationship exists DF paeot = Vian (0,-600)kr/t + (10060845.0° 1005in 45.0") fh ee sec * TOT) (Samp) = BT [iS east of som () The plane is away from its intended postion by the distance the at has cemused itto move. ‘The wind speed is 100 km, so afer 10 min (1/6), the Plane is of couse by Ax 00kayf)(2) Page 20 (SOLUTIONS) AP Physics SOLUTIONS -HW-chap-03-Vectors-tion 2 Pege 2 CHALLENGE PROBLEM 46. A boat, whose speed instill water is 170 m/s, must cross a 260-n-wide river and arrive ata point 110 m upstream ‘from where it starts (FIGURE 3-40), To do so, the pilat must head the boat at a 45° upstream angle, What is the speed of the river's current? FIGURE 3-40 Problem 46 (Look in your bock for 0 more readable diagram) This is actually @ hard problem. “The actuel path of the boat is given by the line connecting start to the finish point. To follow this path, the boat has to cim at @ greater angle of 457 as shown, 46, Call the direction ofthe flow ofthe river the x diretion, and the sin4s* Yana = (1-70.m/s} 1.305 m/s, 0522.9" Equate the horizontal components of the velocities, Vp $10.8 = Yagyy C0845" Vane > Vee = Yann £0845 ~ Fags SiO =(1.70m/s)eos45" (1.305 m/s) sin 22.9° =0,69m/s = [0.7 m/s ATTACH SOLUTION Page 21 (SOLUTIONS) AP Physics SOLUTIONS-HW.Chap-03-Vectors Metin. 23 Page 22 ‘CHALLENGE PROBLEM (Not in textbook) ‘A torpedo leaves a ship at 2.1 n/s, end siitaly aimed at a target 85 meters away, The current of the ocean flows perpendicular to this tonpedo path at 0.9 m/s Tt helps to draw a picture, Ho tort corel toad be nieces 8 ees inthe rection hep ni ela? Mei he mega ot herent ey ver th represen the cei fecof bth he tayo why othe caren? iwc ag lhe eat velcy be gent he frp tal ec? ‘hbo ae shel he trpeds be ined te eangeste or the cae? AME ne Sol A Syme nck : NOTE: This is an AP EXAM problem from previous exam: 2, (a) At2.1 mv, it will take the torpedo 40.5 seconds to travel 85 m. In 40.5 sec- conds, the perpendicular current 0.9 mis will carry the torpedo 36.1 m downstream from the target. (b) The magnitude of the resultant velocity will be given by VIVEF Vp) = V(G.1 mis) + (0.9 mis)") = 2.3 mis. (©) Because the velocities given are perpendicular, the torpedo’s angle will be given by tan 0 = (current velocity vector) /(torpedo velocity vector) = (09 mfs)/(2.1 m/s) = 043,500 = 23°. (a) Because the velocities given are perpendicular, the torpedo should be aimed at the angle given by sin @ = (current velocity vector) /(torpedo velocity vector) = (0.9 m/s)/(2.1 mis) = 0.43, 90 @ = 2: This response correctly accounts for the relative velocity of two perpendicular velocity vectors. The response to part a demonstrates a basic kinematics equation, while the response to part b utilizes the Pythagorean theorem to determine the magnitude of the resultant vector, which is the hypotenuse of the vector sum. The responses to parts ¢ and d wiiliz the correct trigonometric relationships for the given velocity vectors. Page 22 (SOLUTIONS) 28 Prysies HOMEWORK chep-03-Vectors-Mation-20 Pose 22 CHALLENGE PROBLEM —- (Not in textbook) A torgede leaves a ship at 2.1 m/s, ands intally omed ata target 85 meters away, The cxrrent of the ocean flows perperdiculr to this torpedo path at 8 m/s. a was ° Vas # It helps to drow a picture. A ¥ t x a eA og Sg beet Ss Ve & ae tek and dovedo Wit he off ao xe Vt = Oa) Gos) =4Om & . i: Sou vet » How for off ccurse will the torpedo be when it reaches 85 meters in the direction of the torpedo's initial velochy? _? try, | F4os¢ arm 3 What will be the magnitude of the resultant velocity vecter that represents the combined effects of both the ‘orpedo's velocity ard the current? Var dvsaue = Jone ae = (2.24 w/e) Na a - A282» 6 = dan /y ) Bowe oy ve : . a4 iE SEY. bh ( V2.1 ) = 1% de. Ma ‘At what enle should the torpedo be aimed Yo compensate for the current? Va ‘ “fy 3° 2 '(% La ; G : A, ) ~ Y Faw (0%) * (s°) : — a — ratte wit he renita (lf rena he pen ely? ret onevorn Sl Mas > ~ v. iv

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