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Operations on

Real Numbers

Operations on Real Numbers

Real Numbers can be combined using the familiar operations:



Order of Operations on Real Numbers

When evaluation arithmetic expressions that contain

several of these operations, we use the following
convention to determine the order in which
operations are performed.

Order of Operations on Real Numbers


Perform operations inside parenthesis first

beginning with the innermost pair.
In dividing two expressions, the numerator and
denominator of the quotient are treated as if
they are within parentheses.

Order of Operations on Real Numbers


Perform all multiplication and division

Working from left to right.


Perform all addition and subtraction

Working from left to right.

Evaluating an Arithmetic Expression

Find the value of the expression

Evaluating an Arithmetic Expression

First we evaluate the numerator and denominator of the quotient
Recall, these are treated as if they are inside parentheses

Properties of
Real Numbers

Commutative Property
ab = ba
when we add or multiply two numbers, the order
of addition or multiplication doesnt matter.

Associative Property
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(ab)c = a(bc)
when we add or multiply three numbers, it doesnt
matter which two we add or multiply first.

Distributive Property

Whenever we multiply
a number by a sum.

2 (3 + 5)



Using the properties

Example (a)

2 + (3 + 7)
= 2 + (7 + 3)

(Commutative Property of Addition)

= (2 + 7) + 3

(Associative Property of Addition)

Using the properties

Example (b)

2(x + 3)
= 2(x) + 2(3)
= 2x + 6

(Distributive Property)


Using the properties

Example (c)

(a + b)(x + y)
= x(a + b) + y(a + b)

(Distributive Property)

= (ax + bx) + (ay + by)

(Distributive Property)

= ax + bx + ay + by

(Associative Property)

Addition and

Additive Identity

The number 0 is special for addition.

It is called the ADDITIVE IDENTITY.


Every real number a has a negative,

-a, that satisfies a + (-a) = 0.
Subtraction undoes addition.

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