6 Minute Walk Test

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6 Minute Walk Test

This test is commonly used to assess someones suitability for major

interventions (e.g. lung transplantation) or to see if there has been an
improvement after a specific therapeutic procedure. Unlike formal
cardiorespiratory testing no specialized equipment is needed other than a pulse
The patient rests for a short period and then walk along a flat surface for 6
minutes. The distance walked during this time, the presence of symptoms during
the walk, and whether or not the patient was able to complete the full 6 minute
are all recorded. The results are used as an indication of qualitative respiratory
function. Other baseline and post-walk measurements such as heart rate may
also be recorded as an indication of fitness.
Indication for a 6-minute walk test:

Assessment for lung transplantation or lung volume resection and post

surgery measurement
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Heart failure
Primary pulmonary hypertension
Cystic fibrosis
Predict mortality and morbidity

Sumber: Thillai, Muhunthan & Hattotuwa, Keith. 2012. Understanding ABGs &
Lung Function Tests. London: JP Medical.
Reporting result
The following information should be reported for the 6MWT:

Demographic data
Date of test
Medications taken on day of test
Supplemental oxygen use during the best, including flow rate and type
(e.g., pulsed)
e) Baseline data
SpO2 and pulse rate
Blood pressure
Borg scale rating for breathlessness
Borg scale rating for leg fatigue
f) End of 6MWT data
SpO2 and pulse rate
Borg scale rating for breathlessness
Borg scale rating for leg fatigue
Distance walked in 6 minutes
g) Whether or not patient stopped before 6 minute elapsed

h) Predicted 6MWD and percent of predicted

i) Technician comments and initials/name

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