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Ruserction Season 6 Episode 6When in

Doubt...never give up
(West Virginia, Border of DC)
(Team 1, Jamess group)
the camera showed a shot of the forrest being pounded on by the heavy rain fall there was so
much rain that you could barely see right in front of your face. As the camera showed the forrest
it jumped to Jamess group it showed James and everyone still locking arms and James was
holding on to a tree.
As he was David said.
David Pegouske: Ok what are we going to do...Jacks been gone for a half an hour now and the
tornado will be on us any minuet now...and we cant be here for when it passes through because
it was heading this way when it touched the ground.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: to be honest David I dont know where to go I cant see whats in front of my face
and Jacks the tracker in this group...and we dont want to get lost in this woods in the middle of
this storm so I say we stay put until he comes back for us.
as he said that the camera zoomed in on just Kailie and James and as it did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: How much do you want to bet that Jack will find a place out here for us to take
shelter in.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: do you want the truth or do you want me to lie with the truth.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: the first one.
as she said that James said.James Dixon: I think that he will find a place for us we just have to
have a little hope.
as he said that James looked out in the storm and as he did he looked back at Kailie and as he

did he said.
James Dixon: Look if we survive this how about we go out for dinner.
as he said that Kailie had a shocked look on her face and James noticed that and as he did
Kailie didnt answer him and as she didnt James said.
James Dixon: Look I know weve been through a lot of shit and this storm might be the end of us
but if its not why dont we go out to dinner if we survive this shit storm.
as James said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: yes Id love to.
as she said that the camera jumped to Jack and as it did he was walking through the storm and
as he was he was about to give up hope on finding shelter until he came across a window less
barn. And as he saw it he smiled and as he did the camera jumped back to James and the
others holding onto the tree and as it did James was still looking out into the storm and as he
was Jack started to appear off in the distance and as he did James said.
James Dixon: Guys its Jack...its Jack.
as he said that everyone looked at Jack as he approached the group and as he did Jack said.
Jack: theres a barn.
as he said that the camera jumped to the inside of the barn and as it did it was a small bar only
a few horse stables the rest of the barn was an open stable. And as the camera showed the
inside it showed that it was windowless. As it did the camera stayed inside and the doors swung
open and it showed James and his supply group outside standing in the rain and as they were
James, Anthony, Robert, David, and Jack searched the barn and the others stood out in the rain
as it started to thunder and lighting and as it did Jack whistled and as he did that was the all
clear whistle.
As James heard it he motioned for everyone to come into the barn and as he did Aubrie and
David put chains on the doors to keep them closed. As they did the camera showed that it was
now night time outside and as it was the group got a small fire started and as they did James
saw that everyone was awake but only Jack, Anthony, Robert, Savanna and Kailie were by the
fire and Aubrie was keeping watch by the door...and David was sitting down with his back up
against the wall of the barn and as he was James said.
James Dixon: you know were alive and there not out there...we in here us all of us have survived
together for the past 5 years through thick and thin. We survived through the disaster that

happened on Lucass farm...and then the destruction of the prison...and me dying and coming
back to life...and the brutal skull...and the fall of Mackinaw...and now this storm. Were all still
alive. I guess thats how we are all still alive by working a family. I get that now I
might have not gotten that before a few years ago but I get it now. The only way we survive is by
doing it together. Thats the only way we can protect ourselfs from the dead these days now is
with people at your side. So from now on we won't leave anyone behind. Because were different
from most fact were different then every group thats out there right now because we
have each other...and thats how well survive by staying together.
as he said that James looked at David then at Anthony and then at Jack and as he did Jack
stood up and as he did James started to lie on the ground and as he did James said.
James Dixon: lets all get some sleep well have a big day of catching up to do tomorrow.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: Ill take first watch.
(West Virginia, border of DC)
(Abounded small town)
(Ralphs group)
the camera jumped into a dark abounded building and it was dark and as it was the camera
showed someone was pounding on the door trying to get into the building and they were
pointing hard and as they were after pounding on it several times the camera showed that it was
Ralph Biggs and Evan Hall and as it showed them they held the double push doors open and as
they did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: Everybody in...everybody in the tornado is right behind us.
as he said that Ralphs group poured into the building and as the last person entered the
building Ralph and Evan closed and locked the door and as they did the building started to
shake and as it did the tornado was passing by the building and as it was Ralph and Evan said.
Ralph Biggs: Everyone get under something.
as he said that he and Evan Hall put there backs up against the door as everyone jumped
behind some cash registers and as they did Ralph and Evan held onto the door tightly and as
they did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: son of a bitch...son of a bitch.
as he said that the glass to the windows in the front of the store next to the doors started to

break and as they did the pressure of the tornado made Ralph and Evan pass out.
(West Virginia)(Dirt Road)(Sunset, Several hours earlier)
the camera showed Graham and Lisa walking down the dirt road holding hands and as they
were Graham said.Graham: We need to find some fucking shelter now.
as he said that Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: I know.
as she said that Graham said.
Graham: Wheres Mr. Teller he should have been back by now.
as he said that Lisa said.Lisa Benderson: the storm probably hit base camp hes most likely
as she said that Graham looked behind him and as he did he said.
Graham: Um...Lisa.
as he said that Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: What.
as she said that Graham said.
Graham: you might want to start running now.
as he said that Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: Why.
as she said that Graham pointed with his hand and as he did Lisa turned around and she saw
the tornado quickly approaching them and as she did Graham said.
Graham: Thats why.
as he said that Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: Oh my god.
as she said that Lisa and Graham started running as fast as they could down the dirt road as the
tornado started to go after them. As they ran...they started to hear a car horn and as they did
Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: do you hear that.
as she said that Graham said.
Graham: yeah I do.

as he said that Mr. Tellers mini van came driving out of the woods and as it did the middle door
slid open and as it did Michael Kennan had his window rolled down and as he did he said.
Michael Kennan: get your asses in now.
as he said that he saw the tornado quickly approaching and as he did Graham and Lisa got into
the van and as they did they were about to close the door to the van when it was ripped off its
hinges by the tornado and as it was Michael looked at Mr. Teller and as he did he said.
Michael Kennan: hit it.
as he said that Mr. Teller pressed down hard on the gas peddle of the mini van and as he did the
tornado was right behind them and it was lifting the back end of the mini van in the air and as it
was Lisa said.Lisa Benderson: Cant this thing go any faster.
as she said that Mr. Teller said.Mr. Teller: Im giving her all shes got.
as he said that the front end of the vehicle lifted off of the ground and as it did the car was in the
tornado and as it was the car started to go out of control. As it did Graham and Lisa buckled
there seat belts and so did Michale and Mr. Teller as they did Michael said.
Michael Kennan: Well any bright last words Mr. Teller.
as he said that Mr. Teller said.
Mr. Teller: lets just pray.
as he said that everyone in the car joined hands and as they did the car was being kicked and
flipped around by the tornado and as it was after several minuets of that it was thrown out of the
tornado and into the forrest and as it was about to hit the ground Michale said.
Michael Kennan: Were about to hit the ground.
as he said that Mr. Teller said.
Mr. Teller: Everybody hang on.
as he said that everybody gripped onto there seats and as they did the mini van hit the ground
hard with a thud and as it did that several times and it hit the forrest and it rolled and as it knocked down several trees and as it came to a stop Michale was the only one who was
awake but not for long because he was loosing conscience and he looked to his left and then to
the back of him and he saw that Mr. Teller and Graham and Lisa were all knocked out and as he
was he saw that the sun was now gone and it was night out and as he did he said.
Michael Kennan: Yeah...were safe now.
as he said that he passed out

(West Virginia, border of DC)

(Team 1 Jamess supply run)
(Abounded barn, forrest)
the camera jumped to the barn James and his group were in and as it did it showed Jack pacing
back and for worth at the entrance of the barn and as it did the camera jumped to Kailie and she
was watching James...and as she was James was asleep along with everyone else in the barn.
As he was Kailie had a smile on her face and as she did the camera jumped to Jack and as it
did he would glance out the crack of the door and as he would he saw the lighting and he could
hear the roar of the thunder. And it was still raining outside and as he was walking by the door
he looked through the small opening as lighting struck and as he did he saw a group of about 40
walkers making there way to the barn.
As he did he said.
Jack: Shit.
as he said that he used all of his strength and pressed up against the door and as he did the
camera showed the walkers coming right up to the door and as they were no one could hear the
walkers because of how loud the thunder was and as they heard the thunder Kailie rolled over
and as she did she saw Jack struggling to keep the door closed and as she did she got up from
her spot and as she did she accidentally kicked David in the back.
Which woke him up with a start and he gripped his weapon as he did he saw Jack and Kailie
trying to keep the door to the barn closed and as he did he got up and rushed to there aid and
as he did the camera jumped to the 3 of them and they were using all of there strength and as
they were David had his back to the door and the camera showed them having a tough time
keeping the door closed.
As those 3 were keeping the door closed the camera jumped to Savanna and as it did she woke
up from her sleep and as she did she saw the 3 trying to keep the doors closed and as she did
she got up and woke James up and James woke up Anthony, Aubrie, and Robert and they all
rushed up to the door to help the rest of the group.
As they all tired to keep the door shut the camera showed them all struggling to keep the door
shut and as they were the camera showed that the walkers werent stopping coming towards the
(West Virginia, Border of DC)(Morning)(Forrest, Abounded barn)
(Team 2 Ralphs group)

the camera jumped to Ralphs group and as it did it was zoomed in on Ralphs face and as it
was Ryan was lightly slapping Ralph awake and as he was Ralph finally woke up and as he did
Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: Hey good morning...did you sleep well.
as he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: What hit me.
as he said that Ryan said.Ryan Campbell: the pressure of the tornado hit had your
back pressed up against a glass door and the tornado broke it. Your lucky your still alive.
as he said that Ryan helped Ralph to his feet as he did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: How are the others.
as he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: the others are fine...your going to like the building we ran into.
as he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: Why.
as he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: turn around.
as he said that Ralph turned around and as he did he saw a huge group of weapons hung on
the walls and in racks and several machetes and katanas every where in the room and as he
did Ralph said.Ralph Biggs: this is a gun store.
as he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: We didnt know until morning.
as he said that Ryan tossed Ralph a duffle bag and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: Start loading up ammo we leave for base camp with in the hour.
as he said that Ralph looked in the empty duffle bag and he walked to where they kept ammo
clips and he started putting ammo into the bag.
(West Virginia border of DC)

(Team 1 Jamess supply group)
(Forrest, Abounded barn)
the camera jumped to the barn and as it did it showed everyone passed except Jack and Kailie
and as they were Jack saw that there was something wrong in Kailies eyes and as he did he
Jack: Whats wrong.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: Im torn between choosing 2 different people as the love of my life.
as she said that Jack said.
Jack: Who are they.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: James Dixon and David Pegouske....I cant choose between the 2...I mean I
dont want to hurt either one of them if I start dating one of them and it docent work out. But I still
haven't decided who I want yet. I mean David saved me from the senator when he had me held
captive...when James has saved me on a numerous of times I just dont know who to choose.
as she said that Jack said.
Jack: then try both.
as he said that Kailie looked at him and as he did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Excuse me.
as she said that Jack said.
Jack: you like the both of them go on date with James and see how you like it then go on a date
with David and see how you like him...then choose which one you liked best and the winner is
your true love.
as he said that Kailie didnt know what to say for a few seconds and as she didnt Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: Ill try that...thats a really good idea.
as she said that Jack said.
Jack: thanks...Im full of them.

as he said that Kailie said.Kailie Kennedy: any way you should get some sleep youve been up
all night weve got a full day ahead of us.
as she said that Jack said.
Jack: Yeah.
as he said that Kailie was about to stand up and as she was...she was meet by Savanna and
when she saw her she said.
Kailie Kennedy: What do you want now Savanna.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: I want you to come with me...Ive got something to show you.

as she said that the camera jumped to the outside of the barn and as it did it zoomed in on the
doors and Savanna opened them and as she did Kailie followed her out the door. As she did
Savanna said.Savanna: My god.
as she said that the camera showed a path through the forrest where the tornado was and as it
did Kailie said.Kailie Kennedy: it went right past us.
as she said that the camera showed walker body parts scattered everywhere in trees and all
over the ground. The camera jumped to a large open field and as it did it showed a sun rise and
it was a beautiful sun rise and Kailie and Savanna took a seat on a log and as they did Kailie
Kailie Kennedy: I get why you took me out here and Im ready.
as she said that Savanna looked at her and as she did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: Im ready to begin to heal.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: Im glad you said that Kailie.
as she said that they hugged each other and as they did Savanna pulled out a second
generation iPod touch and as she did she pulled out some speakers to go along with it and as
she did Savanna said.Savanna: James said that we could use it.
as she said that Savanna turned it on and the camera showed that it had a half battery life left
and as it did Savanna entered the passcode into it and as she did she connected the portable
speakers to it and as she did she pressed the song Sweet Caroline by the artist Neil Diamond

and it started to play.

as it did the camera jumped back to the barn and as it did the camera zoomed in on a mans
boots and as it did he walked up to the barn that James and the rest of his group were in. As he
did the camera jumped into the barn and as it did James and the rest of his group were awake
and as they were the barn door opened and as it did James said.
James Dixon: you 2 are back good we that means we can get back to our...
as James was about to finish his sentence he stopped talking as he looked at the door and as
he did Jack and Anthony aimed there crossbows at the man who entered the room and as they
did everyone else pulled out there knifes and as they did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: who in the hell are you.
as he said that the man who came into the barn was wearing a red button down shirt and brown
pants and had a similar full length leather coat that James was wearing and the man had
shoulder length brown hair and a beard and blue eyes and he looked like he was in his mid 20s
and as he saw James he said.
Isaac Green: My name is Isaac Green and I have an Offer of a life time for you James Dixon.
as he said that he grew a big smirk on his face and the camera zoomed in on him.
(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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