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1 apti A trader makes a profit of Rs. 576 after offering a discount of
1600| 1676| 2176|
15% on the mark-up price which is 160% of the cost price .what 1876
is his actual selling price?
2 apti Arjuns age was 8 more than that of his wife in 1992, when he
celebrated the silver jubilee of his marriage. At the time of his
marriage, his age is 9 less than twice his wifes age. How old
will his wife be at their golden jubilee celebration (if they live
that long)?
3 apti A film star quadruples his fees after every hit and halves his
fees after every flop. If his fees were same as it is now after 3
movies, how many different combinations are possible for the 3
movies? Each movie can be either a flop or a hit.
4 apti A number is written as 101 with base 3. How will its square be
written with base 3?
5 apti . The distance between two stations A and B is 230 km. Two
motor cyclists start simultaneously from A and B in opposite
directions and the distance between them after 3 hours is 20
km. One of the motorcyclists gains 10 km over the other in 1
hour. Find the ratio of the speeds of the faster motorcyclists
speed to the slower motorcyclists speed.
6 apti A cricketer has batted in 85 innings. He has scored 13
centuries, crossed the 50 run mark 21 times and crossed the
25 run mark 37 times and scored no double century. The
number of times he has scored below 25 is what percentage of
the number of times he scored between 25 and 49?
7 apti The answer-sheet for an objective type test with 25 questions
is in the form of a 5 x 5 matrix. The respondent answered the
questions such that exactly one question in each row and each
column is left blank and exactly one answer in each row and
each column is wrong. If each correct answer carries 1 mark
and there are no negative marks for a wrong answer, then what
is the score of the respondent?
8 apti The price of onions has increased by 75%. By how much
percent should a restaurant reduce the consumption of onions
so that the expenditure increases only by 20%?
9 apti If x, 2x + 2, 3x + 3, ... are in G.P., the fourth term is:
10 apti There are four consecutive even numbers. The product of the
first and the fourth is 216. What is the product of the second
and the third? (All the numbers are positive.)
11 apti A cube is cut into smaller cubes by dividing each edge in 5
equal parts. The cube is cut from the top along the two body
diagonals forming 4 prisms. How many of the smaller cubes do
not get cut?
12 apti The Fifth term of an arithmetic progression is 16 and the ninth
term is 44. Find its seventeenth term.
13 apti The heights of two right triangles are in the ratio 1 : 2, the
bases are in the ratio 2 : 1 and the ratio of smaller to the longer
side of the triangles other than the hypotenuse are in the ratio 2
: 1 then:


50| 75| 42| 67

1| 3| 4| Cannot be

10201| 10301|
10101| 10211
5/4| 4/3| 7/4| 3/2

37.8%| 33.33%|
300%| 87.5%

5| 15| 10| 20

31.4%| 25%| 50%|


27| -27| 13.5| -13.5

216| 220| 224| 230


60| 64| 80| None Of


86| 100| 112| Connot b

Be detetrmine
the hypotenuse are d
equal| the areas are
equal| the triangles
are congruent| all of



14 apti A & B can do a piece of work in 20 days and 30 days

respectively. They start together to finish the work but after
sometime B slips. If A completes the rest of the work in 10 days
then B has worked for _______ days.
15 apti a, b, c, d and e are five consecutive even numbers. What is the
maximum power of 2 by which the product of the above
numbers be necessarily divisible?
16 apti A tank supplies water to a family for 60 days. Due to a leak in
the tank, 5 liters of water is wasted everyday and then the
supply lasts for 10 days less. For how many days less will the
supply last if 50 liters of water leak everyday?
17 apti A CAT paper with 200 questions, with each there are 4 options,
of which one is correct. A particular student selects options 1
as answer for all 200 questions. Given that each choice is
equally likely, what can the student expect his score to be?
(Each correct answer fetches 1 point and wrong answer - 1/4).
18 apti Anil gave Sunil as many rupees as Sunil already had. When
Sunil received the money he asked Anil how much he had left
and promptly gave the same amount back to Anil. Anil then
gave Sunil as many rupees as Sunil had after which Anil did
not had any money left with him. In the end, Sunil had Rs.80 in
all. How much did Anil have in the beginning?
19 apti . A number when divided by 11 leaves the remainder 1, when
divided by 22 leaves the remainder 12 and when divided by 33
again leaves remainder 1. Find the lowest such number.
20 apti . The lowest number which is exactly divided by 7, 8, 9 but
leaves remainder of 5 when divided by 11 is?
21 apti How many pairs of numbers are there between 1 and 5 (not
including 1 and 5), such that the sum of the two numbers in the
pair is equal to their products?



6| 16| 12| 18

6| 7| 8| 9

15 days| 16 days| 18 d
days| 20 days

37.5| 12.5| 50| 0

30| 50| 20| 70

67| 78| 34| 100

504| 1008| 7056|

None of these
0| 1| 2| More than 2


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