Per 2 Report Excerpt 1

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‘SUMMATIVE COMMENTS BY PRESERVICE TEACHER: ‘This placement, leading on from my placement in PER 1, helped me to improve my skills as a'sre significantly, as well as give me a clearer picture of the functioning of the school system. ‘As | was already familiar with the school, the class and the procedures within the class I was able to become and feel Part ofthis learning environment immediately. | felt respected and supported within the class and within the school. Both the mentor teacher, Paul Duff, and the other staff were always happy to discuss matters with me when I had questions and gave me invaluable advice to improve my teaching practice and help me better understand the school as a whole In particular, Paul set aside a considerable amount of time at the end of each day to discuss lessons | had given and general questions | might have. This instant and honest feedback was essential fo me, especially in those situations where lessons did not go to plan, | tried to take the key points and apply them to my next lesson. While in some cases this was straight forward, in others | now appreciate that it wil take time to gradually change. One area in which | feel | have improved, but certainly still feel | need to improve further is pitching the lesson at the right level. Coming from an academic background | sometimes still struggle to place my lessons in a primary school setting. \also much appreciated accompanying Paul to a year 1/2 class where he was mentoring an early career teacher. This gave me valuable insights into a very different year level Overall | fee! this placement has presented itself as a steep, but rewarding, learning curve for me. | was able to learn much, but also still have much to leam. The support and welcoming environment at Sheldow Park Primary School ensured that I could take as much from the placement as possible. service teacher STES FOR MENTOR TEACHERS AND SITE COORDINATORS COMPLETING THIS REPORT The assessment criteria used inthis report are the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. ‘The Preservice Teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment, Plesse avoid the use of acronyms as student reports are ‘often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not alway falar with South Australian nomenclature The preservice teacher has completed the required the full 22 days of thelr placement including visit YES days a | LINO} MENTOR TEACHER COMMENTS: PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Know students anc how th 2. Know the content and how to teach it 1-1. Physica, social and intelectual development and characteristics of | 2.1 Content and teaching strategies ofthe teaching area Students 2.2 Content selection and organisation 1.2, Understand how students learn 2.3 Curriculum, essessment and reporting 13. Students win dverse inguiste, cultural, rebglous ana 24 URaitae an econ cane eee eae socioeconomic backgrounds 4.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Tores Strat Islander students 41.5. Diferentiate tesching to meet the specific leering needs of students across th fll ange of abifties | 16 Strateaies to suppor ful parcipaton of students with disabilly people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non Incigenous Australians 2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 1, Know students and how they learn This was John's first experience with students of this age and he worked hard to ensure his knowledge of their cognitive development so as to tailor his delivery more effectivel His feedback to each student was relevant, respectful and positive, Know the content and how to teach it John was careful to annotate the content of each lesson with the National Curriculum documentation. After some initial challenges with addressing the content to stucents of this age, John demonstrated improving skills in this area. By placoment's end John was much closer to delivering the content in an age appropriate way. His scope and sequence of Content was reasonable, logical and fluent. John was invited to give assessment to some students in some areas of their work and he was accurate in his evaluation of their achievements. John developed an appreciation of modeling how to do many of the tasks expected of the students before they began, Page 2 of 3

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