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A History Untold

A short story of the most passionate azaan

to reclaim Pakistan in its darkest hour

SAFMA were waging a most brutal and

poisonous information war to attack the
army/ISI and completely destroy the Two
Nation Fact and Islamic ideology of Pakistan.
Shaukat Aziz, the economic hit man was the
Prime Minister, selling Pakistan to the dogs.
Tariq Aziz, a Qadiani was the Principal
Secretary of Musharraf, passing every secret
to the CIAand MI6.
CIA had already made a plan that by 2007,
they will remove Musharraf, bring in Zardari,
Benazir, Rehman Malik, Hussian Haqqani
and Iftikhar Chaudrey and then, with the help
of Geo, TTP, BLA and MQM -- the last phase
of the 4th and 5th Generation war would be
launched to dismember Pakistan by 2015 !!

Advanced Threat Analysis

Defence and Security Advisors

To be honest, CIA and RAW were dead right

in their assessment in 2005. In 2007-8,
Musharraf was removed through a CIA/RAW
funded lawyers movement. Benazir was
assassinated and the power was fully
transferred to Zardari, Rehman Malik,
Hussain Haqqani gang. TTP launched their
most violent rebellion in Swat and MQM in
Karachi. BLA was already attacking gas lines
and power structures and Pakistani State
symbols in the province. The COAS at that
time was Kayani -- another disaster for
Pakistan. The biggest betrayal was in the
Supreme Court where Iftikhar Chaudrey was
given the task of demolition of the State
through judicial means and through the
weapon of suomoto!

Let me share with you a story which has never

been told before! The most passionate and
emotional mission to reclaim and defend
Pakistan since Pakistan movement by our
forefathers in 1940's.
The year was 2005. President Musharraf was
in full power. It was when CIA decided that
Pakistan would be destroyed like Yugoslavia
by 2015!! Yes, by 2015!!! CIA had all the
reasons to believe that Pakistan cannot
Knowingly or unknowingly, Musharraf had
basically handed over Pakistan to CIA and
RAW. TTP Khawarij were fiercely attacking
Pakistan. Baluchistan insurgency was raging.
MQM had become the most powerful urban
Mafia in Karachi. Pakistan army was
disoriented, confused and the nation was
divided. For the first time, Pak army and the
nation were not standing together. Religious
parties like JUI and JI were ruling NWFP and
were fully supporting TTP to dig into Swat
and tribal areas to start a violent rebellion
within the urban centers. Geo group and

We at BrassTacks knew exactly what was

happening way back in 2002. For the next 5
years, we worked very closely with
Musharraf, trying to make him understand of
the threats and the plans of the CIA/RAW
nexus. BUT he did not understand.... In 2004,
I met him personally for 4 marathon hours in
army house Pindi. Explained to him each and


every axis of threat and even warned him that

he is heading for a collapse and ultimately
court cases against him. He was shocked at
this analysis but did not believe it!!! That was
my last meeting with Musharraf.... Tariq Aziz
and Shaukat Aziz blocked all my later
attempts to see him.

reclaim Pakistan from the abyss of disaster.

It was at that time in 2007, when I decided to
come out in the open to warn our nation of the
"Yugoslavia" doctrine and the coming
dismemberment plan of the enemies. I came
on PTV first and then started my own
program BrassTacks on News One channel.

Musharraf went on a crash from that point

onward. Pakistan was crashing towards a
failed State as well. Then came 2007. It was
clear now that Musharraf would be leaving
within months... and PPP would come into

My first program was on Secret plans of the

US in the War on Terror and the six grand

General Pasha was the DG ISI but he faced

extreme odds in the presence of such mega
traitors in power corridors. We saw that he
needed our full support in Information
Warfare, psy-ops and counter propaganda.
We decided to launch all guns blazing.
Supported and encouraged by our azaan, ISI
fought back on ground while BrassTacks held
the battle field of Information Warfare to
defend Pakistan. The result was the biggest
counter attack in the history of Pakistan to



strategic objectives of the US in the region. I

went public and blew the whistle...
This was the beginning of the public phase of
our mission to destroy the CIA/RAW plan
against Pakistan. Now you can appraise the
most dangerous situation. Times were
desperate. Enemies had occupied the
corridors of power, army, judiciary and media
and a bloody rebellion had begun in 3




MQM andAltaf Hussain.


Geo. Media terrorists.


SAFMA. Media traitors.


Zardari. President.


Rehman Malik. Interior Minister.


Hussain Haqqani. Pak ambassador to US.


Kayani. COAS.

Pakistan was slipping away from our hands

and the nation had given up hope! Army was
surrounded, taking heaviest of losses,
demoralized, led by a shameless coward
Kayani. Army officers could not enter the

RAW and CIA were confident and had

deployed following major assets against
Deobandi TTP. Deobandi political
parties and gangs like JUI, JI, SSP,
LeJ etc.

Iftikhar Chaudrey. Chief Justice.

To fight all these at the same time there was

only humble faqeer giving azaan, by fazal of
Allah alone, in these darkest of times when
hopelessness, desperation and panic was at its
peak !

I was ONE man only....and started to give my

azaan against impossible odds! Pakistan was
drowning. Enemy was confident that time
Pakistan will not survive and would become
another Yugoslavia within few years.





GHQ in uniforms as suicide attacks had

already martyred Lt General Mushtaq Beg at
the gates of GHQ and the terrorists had almost
entered the GHQ on another occasion.

passion of Pakistan in series "Pakistan aik

Ishq aik Junoon" and then Wake Up
Pakistan. Revived Ishq e Rasul (sm) and
rejected all ethnic, political and sectarian
arrogance which was being spread in the

Yes, it was almost game over for Pakistan

when we started to give our azaan and
attacked all the enemies at the same time!

Did hundreds of programs to support Pak

army, gave the concept of Ghazwa e Hind and
revived the destroyed morale of the armed
forces. Toured all over the country and met
with students, opinion makers, business
community and armed forces and gave
lectures, explained the ongoing war and
revived the hopes of a lost and confused
nation. I visit military establishments and
gave lectures on irregular warfare, 4th Gen

It was in 2007/8/9/10 that we told the nation

and the army about the 4th Generation War,
Indian Cold Start, US Af-Pak, difference
between TTA and TTP, MQM's role as urban
terrorists, exposition of BLA, role of TTP as
Khawarij, Role of Shaukat Aziz as economic
hit-man in our famous series Economic
Terrorism, revived Baba Iqbal, ignited the


The petitioner in this case is Syed Zaid Hamid, who is represented

through his counsel Raja Muhammad Irshad. Boththe petitioner
and the counsel are generally known for their connections with the
Pakistani establishment thus giving the impression as if they have
been encouraged by military/ISI to get the issue of Bugtis murder
probed through an independent judicial inquiry commission.
Raja Irshad when approached said that though he has been
representing the ISI and FC in different cases in various courts, in
this particular case his services have been hired by the
ZaidHamids think tank - Brass Track.

Wars and Military Strategy. Took the battle

the enemies on all fronts media, Supreme
Court and on ground. Attacked Geo and
SAFMA and took treason cases against them
in Supreme Court where another traitor
Iftikhar Chaudrey was sitting to defend them.
Still, we created great crisis for the media
traitors. Took the case of Akbar Bugti to the
Supreme Court to protect the army and
destroy the narrative of the BLA. Again,
Iftikhar Chaudrey came to defend BLA and
traitors but we destroyed the BLA narrative
totally on Akbar Bugti's suicide. Our policy
papers on 4th and 5th Gen wars, Cold Start and
Af-pak as well as religious and secular
insurgencies became serious policy issues
within the armed forces and policies were
developed to counter these threats.

Pakistan by 2015. Without any doubt,

BrassTacks was the only counter narrative in
the nation and international media to attack
the enemies on all axis so fiercely. We created
the iron clad protective shield around our
armed forces, ISI and the nation against
hostile narrative and disinformation of the

Alhamdolillah, Allah gave incredible

barakah in the azaan and for the first time -the armed forces, nation and the patriots
started to regroup, re-organize and then
counter attack the enemy plan to dismember

Pakistan needed allies in the region. We

travelled to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and
made secret contact with pro-Pakistan
Afghan government officials. We met the
policy makers in those countries and found

By 2010, we had stopped the national

collapse and were holding the lines..! Nation,
patriots and armed forces saw the hope that
we can rise and fight back...Tables had begun
to turn in our favor. Military operations of
Rah e Rast, Rah e Nijat and exercises of Azm
e Nau were built around the backdrop of our
Information Warfare and creation of
supportive environment in the country.


ways to enhance security cooperation with

Pakistan. Our back channel diplomatic work
started to create waves and opened many
serious channels for Pakistan.

stopped at all costs. It is most unfortunate that

the Deobandi religious gangs deployed by
Hindus at the time of creation of Pakistan to
attack Quaid e Azam were again deployed to
stop mission Takmeel e Pakistan in this most
dangerous phase ofour history. This betrayal
by the Deobandi clergy of JUI led by Fazal ur
Rehman and Samee ul Haq is also another of
their staggering crimes against the Ummah.

But at the same time, our mission also started

to receive extreme counter attack from the
enemies. Deobandi terrorist gangs, Geo,
MQM, Zardari, SAFMA -- all were deployed
by CIA/RAW to destroy our mission. Billions
of dollars of investment of the enemies was
now threatened due to ONE humble azaan
only. Mission Takmeel e Pakistan was the
deadliest threat to the CIA/RAW and had to be

But this mission was and still is under the

shadow of Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm). Alhamdolillah, we kept on
fighting despite extreme threats to our life,


policy. TTP were
fiercely attacked, military
courts were formed, MQM and PPP
terror was hunted, Geo was declared security
threat, economic terrorists were identified
and arrested, RAW/NDS nexus was attacked,
CIA's plans were neutralized.

h o n o r,
property, family
and children. Death
threats, murder cases, court
cases in every city, physical
attacks, we faced everything. Every
mean and evil method was deployed against
us and the campaign was led by Deobandi
pro-Mushriks gangs and Geo.

Army began hunting the economic and

political terrorists also. There is total panic in
political parties now. Altaf Hussain is under
serious threat, Zardari has fled the country
and Nawaz Shareef is feeling the rope around
his neck as NAB and FIA began tightening
their grip. The political terrorists are down
BUT not out yet and the Pak army has still a
long way to go to win this 5thGW but the
direction is now firmly set. Now the patriots
are attacking the traitors and the enemies.

We kept fighting alone like men possessed to

defend this Medinae Sani! Nation and the
armed forces finally came to know of the 4th
and 5th Gen Wars and the role of economic,
political, media and religious terrorism. TTP
were declared Khawarij by all Muslims and
Geo was fully exposed.

While the army fought on the ground, we

continue to give them covering fire in
Information Warfare and Psy-Ops, protecting
their back from the attacks by Khawarij, Geo,
SAFMAand political rascals.

Finally, in 2013, Allah gave us General

Raheel and then Gen Rizwan. The tables were
fully and finally began to turn against the
enemies..! Our azaan became the national

In June 2015, frustrated and defeated enemy

tried another desperate attempt to remove

In 2010-16 the Royal Islamic

Strategic Studies Centre, Jordan,
classified Zaid Hamid as one of the
most influential 500 Muslims living
in the world today and the most
powerful opinion maker on
Pakistani media.

Ta c k s f r o m
their path. I was
trapped and arrested in Saudi
Arabia. The enemies-- from CIA to
RAW to Khawarij to SAFMA -- were jubilant.
Indian FO demanded my extradition from
Saudi Arabia. Now they could once again
begin their 5th Gen War. But Allah had His
own plans. I came out after 4 months to hunt
these rascals again... covering the back of our
armed forces in this sacred Jihad. The enemy
was stunned. Their most ruthless attack to
silence this azaan had collapsed also.
This story has NEVER been told before in this
way. The people who matter know it well. The
nation never knew. Now we have presented
you with facts of this most amazing untold
secret of our history. Death and total
destruction came very close to this nation and
the enemies are still in disbelief as to how we
came out of it. Now you know...
In 2010, a retired senior General (former
CGS), came to my office in Chaklala Pindi.
He said Americans had told him in 1998 that
a storm would soon hit Pakistan. Pakistanis
will see it coming but will not be able to stop
it. Then the dear General added to it and said
Yes, the storm did come but it was the
Americans who did not see the BrassTacks
AllahuAkbar !!


How we damaged
Iran - India relations?
Let me share with you a historic and secret
story where BrassTacks severely damaged
Iran-India relations and brought Iran closer to

makers and think tanks and we convinced

them that India is their enemy and they must
speak on Kashmir and support Pakistan.
Also, we told them that US is after the nuclear
program of Pakistan. We convinced them that
Iran and Pakistan have common interest and
we must work against Kuffar and Mushriks in
the region.

My picture with Iranian President was used

to get me arrested in Saudi Arabia that I am an
Iranian spy. For the last 5 years, TTP and
RAW backed enemies are using this pic to
prove that I am an "Iranian" agent :)

Guess what happened after that?This is the

real story.

I went to Iran twice in 2011 and 2013. I had

meetings with Ahmedinejad, their policy

Iranian spiritual leader, for the first time,


gave a very strong statement against India,

calling them a "Zionist" State!!Wow !! I am
sure you know who told them the term "Hindu
Zionist"? :))

Our visit to Iran was a foreign policy coup

against India. It destroyed Iran-India relations
and humiliated our enemies and we got
support for Kashmir Jihad from Iran.

Also, Iranian President then gave the

statement in favor of Pakistan's nuke program
and attacked US policy of sitting in
A f g h a n i s t a n . Wo w a g a i n !


Now you get it?? That is why India was so

furious about my visit to Iran.


Let me share with you another fascinating

untold secret story where BrassTacks was
directly involved in defending Baluchistan
and Pakistan from RAW backed rebellion of
Akbar Bugti in 2005-6.

and attacks on armed force shad begun. The

writ of the State had evaporated and even the
President and the Governor used to come
under attack when touring Baluchistan. There
was total chaos and Baluchistan was rapidly
slipping away from Pakistan.

By 2004-5 while TTP was being prepared for

rebellion in NWFP, RAW and CIA had
already launched the rebellion in Baluchistan
using NawabAkbar Bugti as the new leader of
the BLA. Akbar Bugti had started attacks on
the gas lines and entire Pakistan was facing
gas shortages. Power lines were being
destroyed, convoys were attacked, all
development works of OGDC had stopped

In Pakistan, there was govt of Musharraf BUT

the political leadership was Shaukat Aziz and
PMLQ who all were of the shameless view
that Pakistan must accept the terms and
conditions of Akbar Bugti and this war is
NOT supported by RAW but is the fight for
the rights of the angry baluch people. The
PMLQ were also of the view that State of


This was my first introduction with Sardar

Mir Ahmadan Khan Bugti, first cousin of
NawabAkbar Bugti.

Pakistan must surrender to the demands of

Akbar Bugti and withdraw all forces from
Baluchistan and give huge funds and
authority toAkbar Bugti and his separatists.
The traitor media like Geo was also
supporting this false and RAW backed
narrative. There was a total crisis and chaos in
the country. There was NO voice in politics or
media which could give the actual real
narrative of the patriotic Baluch people.
Musharraf was totally surrounded by these
political leaders who were advising him to
surrender to Bugti's demands. Pakistan was
about to lose Baluchistan.

The story that I heard from Mir Ahmdan

shocked me to the core. He was a patriotic old
Baluch Sardar from the Rahija sub tribe of
Bugtis. A first cousin of the Nawab, he and his
entire Rahija, Kalpar and Massori Bugti tribes
were driven, beaten and exiled from their
native lands by Nawab Akbar Bugti, and for

Pak army was under the command of

Musharraf and was waiting for Musharraf to
decide, who remained confused because of
his advisers. ISI and MI knew of the crisis
BUT the political govt and the personal
secretary of the President Tariq Aziz
continue to betray the country and did not
allow Musharraf to take any action against
the rebel groups and treason and rebellion
ofAkbar Bugti.
It was in late 2005 or early 2006 that I
received a call from a dear friend in Military
Intelligence - Col Zahoor. He asked for help.
He said that there is a Baluch Sardar living in
Multan with his tribe and he is a close relative
of Nawab Akbar Bugti and is a very patriotic
Baluch but he and his tribe is being persecuted
and punished by the PMLQ govt and he needs
help. Col Zahoor wanted me to see how we
can help these patriotic Baluch.
I agreed. I gave a call to this Baluch Sardar in
Multan and invited him to Pindi. After a
couple of days, an old Jeep came to my house
with a dignified Baluch Sardar and his 4 body
guards. I took them to a small hotel in Pindi
and made them my personal guests.


actually the biggest criminals of the Baluch

people and were fighting to break Pakistan on
the orders of RAW.

the last 12 years, they were living a miserable

life in Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan. Their
homes were robbed by Nawab Bugti, their
women were dishonored, their men were
killed and their lands were occupied by
Nawab Akbar Bugti. Mir Ahmadan Bugti
knew all the dirty secrets of Nawab Akbar
Bugti. His own son was killed by Akbar
Bugti. Ahmadan knew that Nawab was
working for RAW to break Pakistan.

I had not started to come on media at that time.

Now my first priority was that we bring Mir
Ahmadan Bugti on PTV and air his interview
in which he would give the real patriotic
narrative of the Baluchistan crisis. So far, we
only had only heard the narrative of the
traitors. Musharraf was told that there are no
other Bugtis left and we have to do what the
traitors say...

I was stunned... ! For the first time, we had a

patriotic Bugti Sardar who could give
evidence that BLA and Nawab Akbar Bugti
were not fighting for Baluch rights BUT are

This was our moment to counter attack

fiercely with a true patriotic narrative. BUT
the real question was how can we get the
interview of Ahmadan on air when the
PML(Q) govt was deadly against Ahmadan
and wanted to get him arrested.???
PTV flatly refused to air the interview of
Ahmadan. I asked Col Zahoor for help but
even the Military Intelligence could not get
involved without the approval of Musharraf.
Now I was on my own. Alhamdolillah, I
found a contact very close to Musharraf.
Told him the real story and then he
called up the MD PTV and
asked him to air the
i n t e r v i e w.

Mir Ahmadan Khan Bugti


Now we got the permission even though the

govt was fiercely opposed to it but the
approval from an important person close to
Musharraf was strong enough.

The news that I have come to the PTV with

Ahmadan for an interview had already
travelled across the power corridors of the
country. There was extreme panic and anger
in the govt and in Dera Bugti, where Nawab
Akbar Bugti had ordered all the cable TV and
dishes to be shut down. He did not want
Baluch people to see this interview. Mushahid
Hussian, Chaudrey Shujaat, Tariq Aziz were
furious too but my source was strong enough
to stop them from blocking the airing.

I personally drove Ahmadan in my old rickety

Baleno car to the PTV head office in
Islamabad. The excitement was razor sharp.
This had never been done before. We were
going to challenge RAW's war against
Baluchistan and directly attack BLA and
Nawab Akbar Bugti and expose his deal with

It was a strong powerful and emotional

program with Ahmadan. Ahmed Qureshi
handled it well and for the first time Pakistan
came to know that Nawab Akbar Bugti is a
traitor and is brutal to his own tribe and his
own people... The myth of BLA was busted...
Program was aired on PTV, seen globally and
changed the entire war game... !! We were
jubilant. We did it, Alhamdolillah.

Mir Ahmadan was nervous as well. He had

never been on TV before, so I had to write the
entire questions/answers for him. Briefed him
in details on the subjects he has to speak and
how he has to handle the questions and
camera. He was going to be our lethal attack
on the enemies and I wanted him to be perfect.
Waiting in the visitor's lounge in PTV, a
young handsome fellow entered the room. I
had seen him few times on TV before but we
had never met. He stretched his hand for a
handshake and said " I amAhmed Qureshi" !

Now the Military Intelligence had a strong

case to support the patriotic Bugtis. It was
decided that all the exiled patriotic Bugtis
would be taken back to Dera Bugti and re16

settled in their homes under army's

protection. They will be given funds, food,
cattle, seeds and resources to start their lives
again. 12 thousand Bugtis started their
journey within weeks since we aired that
program on PTV. The tables had now turned
against the enemies. One TV program had
changed the entire national policy. Pak army
now knew that we have patriotic Bugtis on
our side.

Nawab Akbar Bugti was defeated.. His own

tribe was after his blood now and wanted
Bugti tribe wanted to put Akbar Bugti in a trial
through a tribal jirga and execute him. Fierce
clashes broke out between BLA and patriotic
Bugtis. Nawab Akbar Bugti fled Dera Bugti
and took refuge in mountains. Tribals of Mir
Ahmadan chased him into the mountains and
trapped him in a cave.

Dear Col Zahoor was given the task of resettling the Bugtis back into Dera Bugti, Sui
and Bekar areas. Convoys after convoys he
led the operation and traveled to Dera Bugti,
facing resistance from the BLA, ambushes,
rocket attacks and landmines. Still, the
operation continued and the patriotic Bugti
tribe was resettled in their native lands.

Pak army was called in. Bugti demanded to

see officers of Pak army to negotiate
surrender. He wanted to surrender to army and
not to his own tribe. 5 army officers went into
the cave empty handed to negotiate but it was
a trap. Bugti blew himself up, killing all the 5
army officers.... He committed suicide...


army did not kill him...

leading the fight against traitors.

On August 26th, around afternoon,

everything was normal on media. I received a
call from Col Zahoor. He spoke in hushed
excitement "the budha is finally silent" !

The entire game plan of RAW was destroyed

by one TV program which we arranged when
no one knew that patriotic Bugti seven

Within hours, the news started to break on

media. There was total panic in the enemy
ranks.. ! All traitors were crying, accusing the
army of killing the "great Baluch leader" !!

Col Zahoor was promoted to the rank of

Brigadier as an appreciation for his great
Brig Zahoor died soon afterwards in a Heli
crash in Muzaffarabad. Pakistan lost a son, I
lost a brother. But he lived like a hero and died
like one too.

I met Col Zahoor the next day and he had huge

stories to share.. The back of BLA in Bugti
areas was broken and now we could
concentrate on other regions. Mir Ahmadan
became our man in the area and was also
elected as the MNA in the next elections. Dera
Bugti became peaceful and now Mir Sarfraz
Bugti is the home minister of Baluchistan,

Recite Fatiha for Brigadier Zahoor please.

Shukar Alhamdolillah...


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