Ethics Kalabagh Dam Pro

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Calabagh Dam Ethical Issue

University of Management and Technology

Assignment no 2
Submitted By:

Syed Zeeshan Bukhari


Submitted To:

Sir Farhan Dawood


Engineering Ethics

Calabagh Dam Ethical Issue

Kalabagh Dam overview:
Kalabagh Dam Project would be located on river Indus 100 miles south-west
of Pakistans capital Islamabad. The dam would have 3,600 megawatts
(4,800,000 hp) of electricity generation capacity with Estimated Total
Investment (June 1997)is PRs. 250 Billion. The Kalabagh Dam would provide
6.5 million acre feet of water. Its Gross Storage Capacity is 7.9 MAF and live
storage capacity is 6.1 MAF.

Ethically Rong:

Large number of people would be displaced.

Fertile cultivable land would be submerged.
Operation of Mardan SCARP would be adversely affected.
The anxiety that the project would render Sindh into a desert.
There would be no surplus water to fill Kalabagh reservoir.
Cultivation in river rain (Sailaba) areas would be adversely affected.
Mangrove forests, which are already threatened, would be further affected adversely.
Fish production and drinking water supply below Kotri would be adversely affected.

Ethically Right:
Generating a large chunk of hydro-power for meeting the growing demand of agricultural,
industrial and domestic consumers through low cost option.

Creating employment for 30,000 persons during construction and significant numbers after

Kalabagh would store surplus water in the flood season and make it available for controlled
utilization during the low flow season.
Kalabagh wit its installed capacity of 2400 MW (ultimate 3600 MW) would add to the system a
very large chunk of cheap hydro-power.
In an average year, 11413 million kilowatts hours (MKWhs) of electricity would be generated at
Further, as a result of conjunctive operation an additional 336 million MKWhs and up to 600
megawatts (MW) of additional peak power would be generated at Tarbella.
if Kalabagh was in position today, there would have been no load-shedding in Pakistan.
if Kalabagh was in position today, there would have been no load-shedding in Pakistan.
Kalabagh would reduce the frequency and severity of flooding along the Indus particularly
between the dam site an Indus/Punjab confluence, 300 miles downstream.
On a conservation basis, the overall direct benefits of Kalabagh Dam would be around Rs. 25
billion per annum.
Thus the investment cost of project would be repaid within a very short period of 9-10 years.

Calabagh Dam Ethical Issue

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