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1. Go to the PROGRAM menu.

2. Select IdtUsbKbSetup application

3. To send single command:

1) Enter a command in the window labeled INPUT SETUP STRING
2) Click “Send” button or press “Enter” key
3) The command will be send to the reader
4) You can repeat the same command by pressing “Send” button again
5) You can clear the INPUT SETUP STRING window by clicking on “Clear input” button

4. To send batch commands:

1) Press the “Send File” button
2) An open file window will pop up
3) Chose the input file which contains batch commands
4) The batch commands will be sent one by one automatically.

5. The HISTORY window displays previous commands.

6. For review commands, the Response window displays the reader responses. For other
commands, it just output an empty line.

7. You can change the different readers without closing the application.

8. To end your application, click on “Exit” button.

Input Batch File Format:

The input batch file contains commands that will be sent to the reader.

There are several special formats for input file:

1. You can use any application to write it and save as any name that you want.
2. One command a line
3. If the line begin with “;;” , the application will regard this line as comment line and just
4. If it is a wrong command, the application still send it to the reader, but reader will just ignore it.
5. The last line of the commands must be END

This is a example for minimag reader, it also adapt for OMNI reader:
;;TEST FILE comment line, the application will not send it to the reader
/e/d/fo command line, the application will send it to the read and reader will run it
/e/d/fn command line, the application will send it to the read and reader will run it
Test error line, the application will send it the reader and reader will ignore it
;;/e/d/fu 11 comment line, the application will not send it to the reader
END last line of the file, the application will ignore any line from this line

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