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260 From The Ground Up Examination Guide.... The specimen examination questions which appear in this chapter are based on both the Private and Commercial Pilot Ex- amination Guides. They are designed to assist you in preparing for your own examination It cannot be too strongly emphasized that they are sample questions only, not the actual questions which you will be called Uupan to answer —so do not attempt to memorize the answers. The ‘questions are offered merely as a guide to the subject matter on which they are based. Study that subject matter unti you know it suticiently well to be prepared to answer any questicn of a similar ature which could possibly bo conetructod on an oxamination paper. Always fead the siatement fist. Be sure you understand what, it means. Decide the correct answer in your own mind (or plot titi is a problem) — before you lookat the multiple choice answers. ‘Then select the answer which mest nearly coincides with your own reasoning, The correct one of the four multiple choice answers will be foundin "Answers To The Questions", following the questions. Mark your selection ofthe correct answer before you consult the table. Do not be discouraged if your answer does not exactly agree with the one which appears inthis manual. Every effort is made to keep this publication completely up-to-dateby constantrevision, but ‘changes occur so fast that it is dificult to keep pace with them al AIR REGULATIONS and AIR NAVIGATION ORDERS are also subject o endless change. No attempi has been made in this, ‘manual to reproduce these regulations in their entirety although some of the requiations have been oultinedin the Section Rules of the Air and in the Chapter Aeronautical Rules and Facilities. The {Air Regulations and the Air Navigation Orders will soon be con- soidated into one body of legislaton, the Air Regulation Series and Published as the Canadian Aeronautical Code. Each series will incorporate all regulations relating to a particular area of aviation, such as registration, certification and marking, orlicensing, or visual flight rules, etc. It is important for a student pilot to study the regulations, with particular reference to the sections which apply 10 the type of licence towards which he/she is working (i.e. private, commercial, VFR, IFR, etc). ALLP. CANADA (Aeronautical Information Publication) — A. ‘Transport Canada pubication in which all information of interes! to pilots and navigators is consolidated. Amendments are published ‘and distributed every 56 days. The publication contains information ‘onaerodromas, communications, meteorology, rules of the air and air traffic services, facilitation, search and rescue, aeronautical charts, licensing, registration and airworthiness and airmanstip, ‘The publicaton is intended to consolidate in one publication all preflight reference information required by pilots in planning fights. It incorporates in plain language a description of Air Regulations and Air Navigation Orders. NOTAM — An acronym for Notices to Airmen, NOTAMSs are Used to advertise information concerning the establishment, condi- tion or any change in ary aeronautical facility, service or procedure, the knowledge of which is essential to pilots. Class | NOTAMSs are distributed by an Automated Data Inter- ‘change System (ADIS)to ll fightservice stations andare available to pilots on 2 continuing basis They may also be broadcast as a Voce Advisory on the FSS frequency in the locality for which the NOTAM has been issued. Class | NOTAMS are issued to dissemi- nate vital information about the condition of aeronautical facilities such as navigation aids, airports, runways, approach systems, communication frequencies, etc., changes in designated airspace or air traffic procedures, hazards, military exercises or maneuvers ‘and special events. Class Il NOTAMs are distributed by mail to give notice of changes to procedures and to uisseminate information of a more ‘general nature. INFORMATION CIRCULARS AND AVIATION NOTICES — 4Arealsodistibutedby mailtoadvise pilotsof changes o procedures | and to impart information of a general administrative or advisory ature. CANADIAN EXAMINATIONS Thewitien examination {ora PrvatePila's Licence in Canada, consis ofa single paper of 00 questions made up t approximate 'y 25 questions on each of he folowing subjects: Ar Law ‘Aeronautics: General Knowledge (which includes Theory of Flight, Engines, Artrames and General Armanstip)... Navagation (which includes aiways and cross county procedure). . Meteorology. ‘The CommercialPlot's examination consists alsootone paper af 100 questions on te following subjects Ai Regulations and Air Navigation Orders... Air Tac Rules and Procedures Navigation, Fight tanning, Radio Ads toNavigaton ... Metedrot ay... Theory of Fight, Aircraft OperatingProcedures..Airames and Aero Engines... Amanship. Trangport Canada roquros that all persone taking oxame to acquire any class of plot licence must iso write an exam on Air Talc Control Procedures and Pilat/Contoller Responsibilities In adetion to the knowledge of radi aids required to obtain either a Private of Commercial it's Licence, a Radio Operators Licence is required in Canada to operate an aircrat radio ransmit ter. The examination for the licence consists of a few simple ‘qoctone i oncure that you urdoretand how te operate recotvng and transmitting equipment, that you know the regulations ap- Biicable to radiotelephone communications and procedures, and thatyouknow the rado regulations relating to aistress, urgency and Safely. YOU are not required to know morse code orto undersiana ectroniecreuts STUDY MATERIAL In addition to your text, A.LP. Canada, the Air Regulations and ‘Air Navigation Orders, there are several booklets that are very helpful in preparing fer the written pilot examination, ‘Sample Examination for Private Pilot Licence. A 22 page booklet containing 100 questions typical of those found in current ‘Transport Canada examinations. Because this booklet is prepared by the authorities who set the civil pilot examinations, itis a good guide to a candidate preparing io sit for an examination. ‘Study and Reference Guide for Private Pilot and Commer- ial Pilot Licences. A complete syllabus of Canadian plo! © amination requirements. Outlines the subject matter and degree of knowledge required to pass the Transport Canada examinations in the following subjects: Air Regulations, Airframes and Engines, Theory of Fight, Flight Instruments, Meteorology, Navigation and Radio Aids, and Flight Operations. Similar Reference Guides are available for the Airline Transport Pilot Licence. ‘Study Questions for Private Pilots. A collection of about 600 ‘questions relating to all subjects on which an applicant for a Private cence may expect be examined. ‘These publications are available from Transport Canada. Ot- tawa, Canada. Examination Guide 261 The following publication, while not a “must” for examination requirements, contains extremely valuable information for both VFR. and IFR operations, and should be in the possession o all Com- ‘mercial and Transport Pilots in Canada, Canada Air Pilot. Published in two volumes, east and west of, Winnipeg respectively. Contains complete and detailed data on all aerodromes, seaplane bases, customs aipors, radio aids (VOR and LFIMF), arways, radio stations, beacons, broadcasting sta- tions, radio ‘requency bands, instiument approach and landing procedures, D/F procedures, ADIZ, and mountain regions. ‘Aerodrome charts show airport runways, radio aids, instrument landing procedures, field data, ground facilities, etc. ‘The above publication is obtanable from the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Ontario. SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Itis the pilot's responsbilty to ascertain that certain certificates. and documents are aboard the airplane and appropriately dis- Played, These equred documents clude registration certificate, Flight Manual and current alrworth- ness certificate, 2. current airworthiness certificate, operations imitations (Form 308) and Airplane Fight Manual. 3. certificate of registration, certificate of airworthiness, jour- ney log books, radio equipment licence or permit for each craw member. 4. airplane operating limitations set forth in a Flight Manual, cn placards, listings or marking, current airworthiness cer- titicate, registration certificate. 22. When operating in accordance wih VFR, aircraft shal be flown 1. outside designated airways. 2. outside control zones. 3. with visual reference to the ground or water. 4, only inClass D Airspace. 3. Aprivate pilot may conduct. fight without visual reference to the ‘ground or water if 1. cleared for VFR on top. 2. outside of controled airspace. 3. cleared for Special VFR, 4, endorsed for instument fight. 4. Except for the purpose of taking off or landing, an airplane may not be flown at a height of less than over an aerodrome, except as otherwise directed by the ATC unit. 1. 1000 feet. 3.2000 feet 2, 2000 fet. 4,500 feet. 5. You ae tying at night, off airways, at 3000 feet and observe the White light ofan airplane at approximately your alttude and in your immediate vieniy thereisapossibityofeolision, AirRegulations require that 4. the other pilot alter course tothe right, 2. the otter pilot alter course io the left. 3. you alter course the right. 4, you alter course to the let. 6. When on final approach for landing, the right-of way is normally given to 1. faster airplanes, 3 airplanesat higher altitude 2. slower airplanes. 4 airplanes a lower alitude. 7. Al facts relating to meintenance, repairs, new installations and, ‘modtications must be recorded in the 1. Aircraft Journey Log 2. Aircrat Fight Manual 3. Airerat Technical Log, 4. Certificate of Airworthiness. 8. Atear in the skin of a monocoque fuselage 1. willnot affect the stress capabilty ofthe structure. 2, might affect the tress capebiity ofthe structure. 3. will cause flutter. 4 increases the load factor. 9. Adevice fitted to a control surface to relieve control pressure on that control surtace is caled a 1 2. rudder. adjustable stabilzer. 3, mass balance. 4. trim tab. 10. The ratio of the actval load acting on the wings to the gross weight ofthe airplane is called 4. the aspect ratio. a 4 the load factor. the power load. 4, compression. 11. Va, the design maneuvering speed, is not indicated on the airspeed indicator. It can normally be found in the Airplane Flight Marual or on a placard in the cockpit. This airspeed is important because its the recommended airspeed to be used when flying the trafic circuit. 9. maneuvering with both the landing gear and wing flaps extended, flying in extremely rough air or severe turbulence. ‘maximum range (miles per pound of fuel) is desired. LOAD FACTOR CHART, | Fig.12. Load factors produced at varying degrees of bank at constant altitude. 12. Referring to the Load Factor Chart in Fig. 12, if he maximum flight load facior is 3.8, what is the maximum bank at constant altitude and at maximum gross weight which could be made without ‘exceeding this load factor? 1 a about 67", about74°, 2 legs than 50°. 4. not over 76 gs. 18. Atorsion stress is caused by 1 3. corrosion. 4. twisting. 14, The five principal factors which affect the magnitude of lit and drag of an ardane wing are angle of attack, gross weight, lift coefficient, shape of the airfoil, wind velocity. angle of attack, shape ofthe airfoil, wing area, airspeed, air densiy. angle of attack, shape of the airfoil, aspect ratio, coetficient of lt, ross weight. angle of attack, trust, goss weight, airspeed, air density 18. When an aircrafts flying in normal straight and level light, at a ‘constant airspeed, pope weight equals drag and thrust equalslift. drag equals lift and weight equals thrust. lift equals weight and drag equals thrust weight and thrust equal it 262 From The Ground Up 16. The relative wind has an effect on the s ’ c 1. angeotincidence. 3, coetficent of arag 2. angle of attack 4, asymmetric thrust. 17. When the angle of attack of the wing is increased to the point meee \whoro the wing stall, the contre of prossuro will TAS W00mph TA wHaph TAB AIAN 41. move rearward and then forward. 2. move forward. 3, move forward and then rearward. Fig27. 4. remain stationary. 1. Airplane 8's rate of turn and radius of turn is the same as, 18. What is profile drag? airplanes A and C. 1. drag produced by the generation of it. 2. drag producod by a positive angle of attack 3. formdrag plus skin friction. 4, wingtip vortices 19. The bes! iftidrag ratio is achieved 4. gliding for maximum range. 2. gliding for maximum endurance. 3. climbing at best angle of climb airspeed. 4. climbing at best rate of cimb airspeed. 20. When an airplane is fying very near the ground and influenced. by ground effect, 1. parasite drag is reduced 2. skin friction is reduced. 3. the wing tip vortices are strengthened. 4, induced drag is reduced, 21. On cortain airplanes, the manufacturer tecommonds the use of some degree of flap during take-off. Flaps, under these crcumstan- ces, 1. permit a higher take-off speed. 2. permit a better angle ot climb. 3. increase the usper camber of the wing and produce more ‘it 4. change the angle of incidence of the wing. 22, The moton of an airplane about its normal axis is known as 1. yawing. 3. rolling 2. looping. 4 pitching. 23. A mass of streamined shape fitted in front of the hinge of a Control surface is incorporated to 4. counteract flute. 2. counteract adverse yaw. 3, increase the centre of gravity range. 4, improve directonal stability. 24, An aircraft that exhibits positive stability on the longitudinal axis, ‘and neutral stability on the lateral axis would correct 1. apiich displacement but would recuire positive correction of rol 2. ayaw displacement but would require positivecorrectionof apitch. 3. apitch displacement but would require positive correction of ayaw. 4, aol displacement but would roqui positive correction of apitch. 25. Lateral stabilty is improved by 1. balanced contols. 2, offsetting the vertical fn. 3. alhigh aspect ratio. 4. dinedral 28. In comparison with take-off and climb under calm conditions, inclimbing an airplane into wind you should recognize that one of the following conditions exists. 1. lower angle of attack is normally employed. 2. the rate of cimb is increased. 3. the angle of clmb is increased. 4. increased power is normally used. 27. Retorting to Fig. 27 and assuming that all the sirplanes re making co-ordinated turns, which of the following statements is correct? 2, Airplanes A, Band C have the samerate oftur, butairplane Chas the largest radius of turn. 3. Airplane A has the greatest rate and smallest radius of turn. 4. Airplane C has the greatest rate and largest radius of tur. 228. An aircraft which has a normal stalling speed of 70 knots is in a ‘sleep 60° turn. What Is the stalling speed in the steep turn? 4, 99 knots. 3. 140 knots. 2. 70 knots. 4.75 knots, COMMENTS: In a 60°bank turn with a load factor of 2, multiply tho rormal stall speed by the square root of the load factor being imposed. Refer to Section Stall in the Chapter Theory of Flight. 29. it thin coating of frost or lignt snow has formed on the wings ofan airplane, the take-off should not be attempted until it has been. removed because 1. the coating will disturb the airflow over the wings and destray comet the liting capability 2. the added weight overloads the airplane. 3. the covering is cold and brit. 4, the cold air has contracted the covering of the wings, thus, changing the airfoil section 30. An aircraft stalls atan indicated airspeedof 60 knotsat sea level ‘At 10,000 feet ASL, the aircraft, at the same weight, stalls at 1. an indicated airspeed of 70 knots. 2. altrue airspeed of 60 knots. 3. an indicated airspeed of 0 knots. 4, altrue airspeed lower than the indicated airspeed. 31, During autorotation, the downgoing wirg nas 1. the same angée of attack as the upgoing wing, 2. greater angle of attack than the upgoing wing. 3. allesser anale of attack than the upaoing wing. 4. ismore affected by the angle of incidence. 32. An airplane flying at 10,000 feet ASL in the Altimeter Settng Region should have its atimeterset to 1. the altimeter seting of the aerodrome of depanure, 2, the altimeter setting of the aerodrome of intended landing. 3. 29,92 inches mercury. 4. the altimeter setting of the nearest aerodrome. 3. Ifthe pitottube becomes blocked by dint, water orice, inaccurate readings wil be caused in the 4. altimeter. 2. attitude indicator. & & cE ks . : Fig.34. 24. Of he airs rato nig, 96, slate one at cen td 60 oe vw 2 ak a Uses pow ae ot cata ofspeat niaton on ange depcey te repeat taraeoh Pa 33 Vine Nevr need pee 8. airspeed indicator. “4 vertical speed indicator Examination Guide 263 Vso — Power-off stall with gear and flaps “landing” (down) ei — Power off stall with gear and flaps “clean” (up) ‘Ynio— The maximum permitted speed or normal operations \Vre— Mex. flaps down speed, Flap operating range. Normal operating range Caution range. cotoue CHE C4 wine YRLOW EE een aa Fig.35. 35, By reference to the airspeed indicator illustrated in Fig. 35, you determine that VNO is 1. the upper limit ofthe white are. 2, 38 kno's less than VNE. 3. the upper limit ofthe yellow arc. 4. 140 knots (the md point of the yellow are). 36. Ina reciprocating engine operating on afour stroke cycle, during the compression stroke 4. the intake valve is closed and the exhaust valve is open. 2. both vaives are open. 3. both vaves are cosed. 4. the exhaust valve is closed and the intake valve is open, 37. Ina piston engine, the camshaft 4. rotates at the same speed as the crankshatt 2, rotates at half the speed of the crankshaft 3, rotates at twice the speed of the crankshaft 4. is indopendent ofthe crankshatt 38. The volume of the cylinder at the bottom of the compression stroke compared to the volume at the top ofthe stroke is called 1. the mean effective pressure. 2, the volumetric efficiency, {3 the piston displacement, 4, the compression ratio. 89. When a check of the dip stick indicates the need for two litres Of ol, the attendant informs you that he has only detergent type oll available. This means that 1. it should never be used in engines over 125 hp. 2 it can be used only in engines with suitable fiters and flexible oil ines. 3. itis the ‘test type of oll and should always be used when available 4. the oll contains adcitives and should be added only to the same type of ol 40. After oll diluton has been applied to an engine, 1. the sump should be topped up with engine oil 2. the oll shouldbe drainedintoa container and keptin awarm place. 3, the oil should be vented, 4. the engine should be run for an aporopriate time at 2 sufficiently high temperature to boil off the fuel before departing on the next fight. 41. You make certain thatno less than the specified octane gas is Used in filing your tanks. Use of gasoline with alower octane rating may cause. 1. rough operation and lower manitold pressure. 2. detonation. 3. pre-ignition and increased output 4. the spark plugs to foul 42. The fuel is drawn from the carburetor float chamber into the engine by means of 1. a fuel pump. 8. a venturi effect 2. anacceleration pump. 4. a turbocharger. 43. At cruise power, above 5000 feet, its generally advisable to lean the engine to “lean best power" 4. to achieve oconomy of fuel consumption. 2. to prevent detonation. 3, to prevent carburetor icing, 4, to cool the engine. 44, The purpose of an exhaust gas temperature (EGT) analyzer is toindicate the 1. fuel flow to the engine. 2. temperature ofthe air entering the air intake 3. temperature of the exhaust gas in the exhaust manifold to accurately adjust mixture setting. 4. percentage of fuel in the cylinders, 45, Carburetor ice may be detected by 41. an increase in rpm. 2. adecrease in exhaust gas temperature, 3. an increase incylinder head temperatures, 4. a decrease inmanifold pressure, 46. If carburetor ice is present, the restricion to airlow frequently causes a richer mixture and some loss of power. Application of carburetor heat wil iksly cause a further inmediate lose of power. Inthis case you should ’ 1. leave full heat applied unti al ice is dissipated. 2. tur carburetor heat off and adjust the mixture control to obtain maximum ppm, 3. decrease the amount of carburetor heat urtil the rpm in: creases. 4. tum carbureter heat of and open the throttle to obtain desires power. 47. One of the principal advantages of the fuel injecton system is 1. economy of fuel consumption. 2. improbabilty ef carburetoricing. 3. higher horsepower. 4. better general performance. 48, Adevice that uses the energyof the hot exhaust gases to supply the engine with dense air at high altitude is called a 4. supercharger. 3. turbocnarger. 2. augmentorsystem. 4. carburetor. ‘49. When the magneto switch isin the OFF position 1. the primary circuit of the magneto is grounded to the airframe. 2. the contact breaker points are closed. 2. the electrical componenis installed in the airplane will not operate. 4. the high tension currentin the secondary circuits directed to the battery 50. during alight at normal cruising speed, one magneto ofa cual igntion system failed completely, it would normally cause 1. aloss of approximately 75 rpm. 2. the engine fo overheat. 3. excessive vibration of the engine. 4. considerable extra load on the other magneto. 51. Coarse pitch, in reference to a propeller, 4. is used for take-ott 2. also is known 2s “increase rpm’ 3. is used for cruise. 4. should be selected for landing. 52. In an airplane fitted with a constant speed propeller, any adjustment ofthe throtte 1. is regstered on the manifold pressure gauge. From The Ground Up 2. is registered on the tachometer. 3. adjusts the speed of the propeller. 4, adjusts ihe pitch of the propeller. '88.Bolore engaging the ater to warm up he engine the props shouldbe pulled through several times in order to build up ‘adequate comprossion forstarting 2. need rot be puled through. This is only necessary on an airplane without a starter. 3. shouldbe pulledihrough several times toloosen congealed oil andto panaly prime tne engine 4, should not be pulled through because of the danger of a kickback 54, tyour airplane has amaximum angle of smb at aspeed of knots but the manufacturer recommends climbing at 87 knots, the ‘mos{ probable reason fo the higher recommended airspeed woud be 1. to obtain better wsiiity win tne nose lowered 2. 10 obtain better cooling ofthe engine. 3. to maintain a higher head temperature at the higher airspeed. 4. danger of stalling ina cimb at the lower airspeed 55. Whatis the most commonly recommended practcefor prevent- ing condensation inthe fuel tanks? 1. drain e pint of fuel from the tank sumps each night. 2. strain all fuel as tis put no the tanks. 3. fileach fuel tank after every fight 4. install a quick drain gascoiaor. $56. A layer of dark grey loud from which continuous ran or snow falls is called 1. cirrostatus 3. nimbostatus. 2. altostatus + cumulonimbus. 57, When fying through a layer of nimbosiratus, you encounter sudden severe turbulence. The most probable cause is 1. embedded towering cumuius or cumulonimbus. 2. embedded altocumulus. 3. embedded stratocumuius. 4. embedded cirocumulus. 58, The tropopause is lower 4. én-summer than n winter. 2. over the equator than over the north pole. 53. ever the north pole than over the equator. 4, south ofthe jet seam than north oft 59, The cloues which appear, in sequence, in advance of an approaching warm front are 1. ius, cirrostratus, altostrtus and rimbostratus. 2. cumulus, cumulonimbus, and nimbostratus. 3. citrus, cumulonimbus and nimbostratus. 4 altostatus, cumulus, cumulonimbus and rimbostatus. 60. The MSL pressure and the altimeter seting ae induded inthe hourly weather station report. In Canada, 1. MSL pressure isin inches of mercury and altimeter setting isinhectopascaismilibars 2. both readings are in hectopascalsilibars. 3. MSL pressure is in hectopascalsimilibars and altimeter oting isin inchoe of mercury. 4, both readings ae in inches of mercury. 61. A steep pressure gracient indicates 1. calmair. 8. strong winds. 2. light winds 4 rising pressure, 62. Anaircratis flying at 10,000 feet ASL on atrack of 200° In order to maintain thstrack, the plots holding a heading of 185°. An area of tow pressure exists 1. totherightof track. 3. aheadot the airplane. 2 tothelettatthetrack, 4 toetind the arglane 63. Atright as the sidas of the hils or mountains cool, the air in contact with them tends to become denser and blows down the slope into the valley. This winds called a 1. anabatic wind. 3. mountain wave. 2. katabatic wind. 4. land breeze. 64, If you were flying on a westerly heading and encountered a ‘range of, mountains lying in a non south hne and ityou atterngted. to fly through a saddle on a west heading with the wind from the west, you would expect 1. to lose altitude rapidly on the west side of the saddle. 2. to lose altitude rapidly on the east side of the saddle. 3. to lose altitude rapidly while in the saddle. 4, {0 gain altitude rapidly on the east side of the saddle. 65. Lenticular clouds are usually associated with 1. awarm front 3. amountain wave. 2. acold front. 4. inversions. 66. A sudden violent change in wind speed or direction that can impose severe penalties on an airplane's performance is called 1. wind tip vortices. 3. diurnal variation. 2. wind shear. 4, clear air turbulence. 67. When unsaturated aris forcedto rise, the expansion of the ising air causes it to cool. This cooling is called 1. the normal lapse rate and is .98°C per 1000 feet. 2. advection cooling and is 2°C per 1000 feet. 8. radiation cooling and is 3°C per 1000 feet. 4; the dry adiabatic lapse rate and is 3°C per 1000 feet. 168, The surface temperature is 20°C and the dewpoint is 5°C. The surface elevation is 900 feet. Atwhat height might the bases of the ‘convective type clouds be expected to be? 1. 5900 feet ASL. 3. 8400 feet ASL. 2, 5900 feet AGL. 4, 8400 feet AGL. 663. In certain circumstances, air at higher altitudes may be warmer than the air bolow it. This is callod 1. convection, 3. radiation. 2. invarsion, 4. lapse rate reversal. 70. Select the correct statement from the following. 1. Asshallow lapse rate indicates unstable air. 2. Anisothermal layer favours vertical motion. 3. Vertical currents develop readily in unstable air 4. Visibility is always good in stable 71. An air mass may be defined as a large section of the __ with uniform properties of _and__ in the horizontal. The missing words are 1. stratosphere, temperature, pressure. 2. tropopause, stability, pressure. 3. atmosphere, stability, moisture. 4. troposphere, temperature, moisture. 72. Afrontis 1. a narrow transition zone between a cyclone and an an- ticyclone. 2. alline of thunderstorms, 3. annarrow transition zone between two air masses. 4. amass of layer cloud which is very thick and which covers ‘a wide area. 73. The cloud and precipitation that often develop ata cold tront are caused by 1. cold air climting over the warm air. 2. cold air being heated as it moves over the warm ground. 3, warm air expanding asit s lifted by the advancing cold air. 4, convergence. 74. In order for clouds to form in the atmosphere, relative humidity mustbe___ there mustbe ofthe airand___must be present. The missing words are 1. low, cooling, coalescence. 2. high, cooling. condensation nuclei. 3. high, heating, condensation nuctei. 4. ten, bealing coalescence. 75. Fog that forms on clear nights with light winds is known as, 1. advection fog. 3. upslope fog, 2. steam tog, 4, radiation 109. Examination Guide 265 76. The dissipation of fogis assumed to resuk rom an increase in the wind velocity that blows the fog away. 2 ee theses oe tanec 3. terrestial radiation as sunlight filters down through the fog or stratus layer. 4. subsidence. 77. Hoar frost forms on an aircraft as a result of 1. supercooled water droplets freezing on impact. 2. freezing rain striking the aircrat. 3. water vapour turning directly into ice crystals on the arcrat, 4. water vapour condensing on the aircraft and then freezing, 78. Asa thunderstorm matures, strong downdrafts develop and cold air rushing down out of the cloud spreads along the suriace well in ‘advance ofthe storm itso. This fs callod 1. amicroburst. 8. virga. 2. the gust front. 4. thunderstorm turbulence. 79. Mechanical turbulence is the result of 4. convecton. 2. friction between the air and the ground. 3. diurnal variation of wind. 4. orograptic it. 80. The surface weather map (see insert indicated that at map time 1. Maritime Tropical Air is responsible for a Bermuda High over the Maritimes. 2. the cold air over the prairies will move north and not affect central Ontario. 3. central Alberta is enjoying clear skies and warm tempera- tures. 4. a stationary tront over the Eastern Seaboard is bringing Precipitation to that area. aS 2X4 953 24%™ +28” ees 3 45 Station Model Fig.81. 81. Referring to the station model in Fig. 81, the temperature of tha sationis___, the dewpoint is the windis from and tha barometric pressure is _. 1. -2,-6, NW, 985.3hPalmb. 2. 24, 6, NE, 853.0 hPaimb, 3. °6,3, SE, 1028.0"Hg. 4, -6, 02, W, 985.3 hPalmb, WEATHER DATA Aerodrome Forecasts: The following aerodrome forecasts were available at the Calgary Weather Office. They were issued at 1030Z and are valid from 1 100Z to 23002. YVC (Calgary) CLR 0215, ‘AL (Lethbridge) C30 OVC 3625 1600Z 20 SCT C60 BKN 3110 YYXH (Medicine Hat) C30 OVC 3620 1700Z SCT C80 BKN 3115G NOH (Fegina) C13 OVC 4TRW- 3125 18002 90 SCT C80 BKN 1 Hourly Weather Sequence Reports: The following sequer- 228 wore available at the Calgary Weather Ofice. They are the ‘weather reports for 13002. YC CLR 15 205/9/2/36201012 YaL M27 Ove 8 17377/2/3610/003 YxH 12 SCT E25 OVC 10 132/1/6/0222G30/002 YOR M13 BKN 85 OVC 4RW- 095/9/8/312026/976 Upper Winds Forecast: The available forecast of winds at Calgary is valid from 10002 to 22002, ‘6c00 9000 12000 18000 Ye 02s 3520 2930 7840 82. In the hourly weather sequence reports, cloud heights are reported in hundreds of fect above 1. the highest terrain within a radius of 25 miles ofthe sition of observation. 2, the highest obstruction within Ses of the perimeter af the airport 3. the surface at the statio of observation. 4. MSL (mean sea level) atthe station of observation. 83. At Calgary (YC), the reported weather is 4. cellingisuniimited— visbilty 15 miles —sealevelpressure 1020.5 hPaimb — temperature 9°C — dewpoint 2° — wind 360° at 20 kts. — altimeter setting 90.12 inches 2. coling is z0r0 — visibilty 15 milos — sea lovel proseure 1020.5 hPaimb — temperature 90 — dewpoint 2°C — wind 360° at 20 kts. — altimeter seting 30.12 inches. 3. ceiling unlimited — visibility 15 mies — sea level pressure 1020.5 hPaimb — temperature 9°O — dewpoint 26 — wind 180° at 20 ks. — altimeter setting 30.12 inches. 4. ceiling unlimited — vsiiity 15 mies — sea level pressure 1029.5 inches —dewpoint °C —temperature 2°C —wind 360? at 20 kis. — altimeter setting 30.12 inches. £84. The report of weather and obstructons to vision at Regina (YOR) is 4. moderate rain 8. very ight freezing rain 2, lightrain showers. 4. light snow showers. £85. Upper winds forecasts are available ‘or many stations. These forecasts often prove very helpul in trip planning. Referring to the Upper winds forecast, we find trat the wind direction and speed at YYC bbetwean 1000Z and 22002 at 7500 feet (by interpolation), would be approximately 1. 350? at 20 knots 3. 030° at 15 kno's 2, 005" at 18 knots. 4, 040° at 32 kno's £86. The forecast weather for Medicine Hat is 1. ceiling 3000 feet, overcast, surface winds tom 360° at 20 knots 2. ceiling 300 feet, overcest, surface winds from 036° at 20 knos. 3. ceiling 1300 feet, scattered, surtace winds from 310° at 25 kno. 4, ceiling 3000 feet, overcast, surtace winds tom 200° at 36 knots. 87. The geographical co-ordinates of Swit Curent are (refer fo the 41,000,000 chart at the back ofthe book) 1. 50%8N,107%41'W 3. 50°18N, 107°4rE 2. SPAN, 108%19E 4. 50°35N,07°82W £86. 1045 Mountain Deylight Time ia 4. 17482. 3.02482. 2. 16452. 4.03482. £89. A curved line on the surface ofthe earth that cuts all meridians atthe same angle is called a 4. thumb line. 3. azimuth ine. 2. great circe. 4. gtvation. 90. Magnotc variation is dofined as 1. errors in the compass caused ty the magnetic field as- socated with metal in the airplane frame and engine. 2. thedifferencebetween the magnetictrackand the magnetic heading ofthe airplane. 3, the angle between true north ard magnete north at any Given point onthe earth. 266 From The Ground Up 4, the difference between true track and magnetic track. 91. In the northern hemisphere, if your airplane is on a northerly heading and if a turn is made towards the east or the west, the ‘compass reading 1. will lag or indicate a turn in the opposite direction. 2 will leador indicats a turn in the opposite direction 3. is inversely proportional to the magnetic variation for the particular area, 4, willbe correct, providing the turn has been perfectly co-or dinated 92, Inan airplane in straight and level fight, the magnetic compass will indicate a turn to the left when 4. accelerating on aheading of 270° 2. decelerating on aheading of 090°. 3. decelerating on aheading of 270°. 4, accelerating on aheading of 000°. 193, The following are terms which you, as a pila, should be familiar with, Associate ihe terms with the appropriate definitions. A. Isogonic Line .Agonic Line. B. Isobar. D Isotherm VI.A line connecting points of equal pressure on a constant, altitude chart, X. Aline on a chart joining points of zero variation, Y. Aline on a chart joining points of equal variation, Z Aline on a char. joining places or points having equal temperatures, 1. AW.BX,.CZ,DY. 3.AY.BW,CX, DZ, ZAK BWCX,0Z 4AY,B2,CW.0-X. ‘94, Inthe vicinity of the magnetic poles there is an area 4. inwhich all airplanes must be under positive control. 2. in which the compass is unteliabe, 3. in which you must reset the heading indicator every 3 minutes. 4, in which the northerly turning error of he compass is more pronounced than usual. 95. VFR Navigation Charis (VNC Series) are based on a Lambert ‘Conformal Conic Projection. The folowing listcontains $ properties characterstic ofthis projection ands other properties characteristic of a Nercator Projection. ‘A. Meridians are straight, parle ines, intersecting the para- lels (which are also straight. parallel ines) at rich angles. B. Meridians are converging ines, intersecting the parallels (which are concentric arcs of circles) at right angles. C. A straight line represents agreat circle. D. A straight line represents arhumb line. E, Scale errors are small hence the scale may be considered constant over a single sheet. F. Scale varies wit latitude and is only consiant at the ‘equator, hence distances must be measured onthe latitude scale adjacent to the area. Which of the folowing indudes the 3 items which are characteristic of the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection? 1 A—C—F. 3A—D—-E 2 B—D—F. 4B—C-E 96, What does a map scale expressed as 1: 1.000.000 mean? 4. 1 inch » 8 miles 2. 1 inch on the map = one milionth of a mile 3. 1 mile equals = 1,000,000 inches. 4 inch on the map = 1,000,000 inches on the ground. 97. Complete familiarity with the compass rose Is essential to navigation. Wh of these statements s tue? The reciprocal of 267° is 117° 2, The drocion NE is 080, 3. To turnright 80° om a heading of 145° would be a turn to 238°, 4. The reciprocal of 115° is 225°. ‘88. You plan toconduet afght from Lindsay (N44® 22" W78° 4710 Colingwood (N44? 27° WBG? 08) at an airspeed of 120 kis. (Refer {0 [00,000 chart of the map insert at the back of the book.) The wird is forecast to be fiom 300° at 20 knots. What is the magnetic, heading to steer and wnat ie the anticipated groundspeed? 1, 279M and 139 knots. 3. 271°M and 101 knots. 2, 288M and 101 knots. 4. 281°M and 139 knots. 99. What is the distance from Lindsay to Collingwood? 1. 68n. miles. 3.59. miles. 2. 596 miles. 4.118 n. miles, 400. Based on your anticipated groundspesd, how long should the tlignt take? 1. 35 minutes. 3.41 minutes, 2. 30 minutes. 4.70 minutes. 101.,You areonafightbetwoon Peterborough (N44 13° W76°21") and Wiarton (N44? 44° WB1” 06). At 1015 you cross the eastern shore of Lake Simcoe on track. Al 1033 you see immediately below youthe eastern shore of Georgian Bay at Wasaga Beach. Assuming {hat you are ontrack, what grourdspeed are you making? 4, 90 mph. 3.140 kro. 2. t20mph. 4.120 knots. 102. Based onthatgroundspeed,when wllyou artiveovor Wiarton? 1. 1080. 3.1045. 2. 1087 4.1110. 403. You are planning fight from Calaary (N51° 06'W1 14° 01 to Swift Current N50" 17 W107? 4")atan estimated groundspeed of +40 knots, (Refer to the map insert atthe back of the book. Use the 41:1,000,000char.) Your airplane's average fuel consumption 12 gas U.S. per hour. Usable fuel capacity is 48 gallons U.S. Allowing fora 45 minute fuel reserve, what are the safe fuel hours stil available when you land at Swift Current? 4. thr. 15 min 3.1 hr $0 min 2. the 4.45 minutes. 104, Ona fight esween Midlané (N44? 41!W79° 55) and Oshawa INAS" 85 W78"59), sme use andmaks woud be Highway 400 — Vietor Airway V 37 — the east shore of Lake Simcoe — the town of Uxbridge. 2. Highway 400 —theeastshore of Lake Simcoe — Alert Area CYA 503 — the town of Uxbridge. 3. Highway 400— Victor Airway V215—thetown of Uxbiidge —Hohway 401 4, Highway 400 — the west shore of Lake Simcoe — the railtead running north tom Toronto to Beaverton — the town of Uxbricge. 105, An airport is 1, aresistered aerodrome. 2. an gerodrome with a control tower. 3, an gerodrome in respect of which a certificate is in force. 4, an eerodrome with paved runways, 1106. The west end ot a runway criented east and west ls numbered 1. 09, 3.27. 2. 90. 4.270. 407. An airport rotating beacon when lighted by day means 4. an emergency condition exists. 2. the control tower's closed. 3. the weather in the control zone isbelow VFR limit. 4, nothing special, the beacon Is always lighted. 108. Where taxiviay holding positions have not been established, aircraft waiting to enter an active runway should normally hold 4. 100 foot from tho edge of the runway. 2. at the edge of the runway. 3. 200 feet from the edge of the runway. 4. behind the threshold line. 108. You are well advanced on final approach and the runway is clear of trafic, You have not received landing clearance and are Unable to establish contact with the tower. You should 4. continue and land as the runway i clear: 2. continue and land as you assume the tower controller is. busy with other duties for the moment. Examination Guide 267 3. continue and land because with a runway clear of trafic, landing clearance is ust a formality. 4. pull up and make another circut 110, Your destination airportis one for which a Special Procedures NOTAMhas been published. Itstates that the circuit height is 1500 feet ASL. The airport elevation is 400 feet ASL. The ceiling is 1000 feet overcast and the visibility is 3 miles. Under these circumstan- ces, your circu alitude should be 4. 1100 feet above the airport elevation. 2. 1000 feet above the airport elevation, 3. 500 feet below the coud base. 4. as high as possible without entering the cous. 111, Anaircrattis ‘cleared tothe circuit where a left hand circuit is in effec. Without turther approval from ATC, a rght turn may be made to 1. enter the circuit from the upwind side, cresswind or on the. downwind leg 2. enter the base leg. 3. enter the final leg, 4, descend on downwind leg, 112. You have been authorized to taxi to the runway in use. To got there you must cross two taxiways and one runway. Your authoriza- tion allows you to 4. taxi to position on the runway in use. 2, taxi to hold short of the runway in use but get clearence to cross the other runway. 3, taxi to hold shor of he runwayin use, but get clearance to cross each taxiway and runway enroute. 4, taxi to, but hold short of the runway in use. 113. Accepting a clearance for an “immediate take-off allows the pilot to 1. back trackon the live runway touse the maximum available length fortake-oft 2. taxi to @ full stop in position on the runway and take off without futher clearance, 3. taxi onto the runway and take off in one continuoys move~ ment. 4, complete the run-up and pre-teke-off check on the runway. 114. A departing VFR aircraft will normally clear tower frequency when 1. analtitude of2000 fest above the groundhasbeen reached, 2. the flights 15 miles from the airport. 3, the fight 10 minutos flying timo from the airport. 4, the flights clear of the control zone. 115. The specified area associated with a mandatory frequency and within which a pilot is required to contact the ground station and report his intentions normally is. 4. 5 n.m. in radius andextends up to 3000 ft. AGL. 2. 10mm. inradius and extends up to 3000 ft. AGL. 3. Sinim. in adius and extends up to 5000 ft. AGL. 4. 10 num. in radius and extends up to 5000 ft. AGL. 116. Picts flying VFR and intending toland at an aerodrome where no mandatory frequency, aerodrome traffic frequency or ground station exists, should broadcast thelr intentions on. 1. 123.2.Mbz. 3. 126.7 MHz. 2. 122.8 Mbz. 4,121.5 MHz. 4117. Aseries of red flashes directed te an airplane in fight means 4. altport unsafe, do not land. 2. give way'to other aircraft and continue circling 3. do not land for the tme being. 4. you are in a prohibited area, ater course. 118. A flashing white light from the control tower to an airplane taxiing or about to take off means 4. clear the runway. 2. delay you take-off. 3. return to the ramp or hangar. 4, be on the alert for hazardous conditions. 119. When in VFR fight in the Northern Domestic Airspace, the altimeter should be set to ___ and the direction of ight should be determined by ___ track caleulations 1. the current altimeter setting of the neareststation along the route of fight — true. 2, 29,92 Hg — magnet. 3. tho curren’ altimeter seting ofthe nearest station along the route of fight — magnetic. 4, 29.92" Hg — tue. 420, To transit VFR through any part of Class C Airspace, pilots must 1. have a special Class G endorsement to their licences. 2, monitor 126.7 MHz. 3. advise ATC oftheir intentions and obtain a clearance. 4. obtain prior permission in writing from the ATC uni. 121. Toconduct a VFR fightin Class B Airspace, a pilot must 4. have a Class B licence endorsement. 2. be flying an airplane equipped with a ful IFFL instrument panel 3, advise ATO of his intentions ard obtain aclearance, 4, squawk code 1200 cn the transponder. 122, The primary linen of Cass. © Arsace oVER fights ao provide headings to the pilot that will "nome" the aircraft to the airport 2, provide assistance toa pilot ying above an overcast cloud condition 3. more efficiently integrate the flow of VFRand IFR fights in the vicinity of major airports. 4, permit “Special VER’ fights to be conducted within the control zone. 123. An airspace classified as Class F and indicated on an ‘eronatioal chartby the code GVA(S) denotes 4. a danger area with atilory activity 2. arestricted area with surveillance activity 4. an alert area with scaring activity 4. an altitude reservation. 4124, Which ofthe folowing extends uowards from the surface of the earth? 1. Terminal Control Area. 9, Low Level Airway. 2 Control Zone. 4. Control Area Extension. 425. An area in which air trafic control extends upwards from a ‘specified height above the surface is called 4. acontrol zone. 3. a light information area. 2. arestricted area. 4. acontrol area 126. Atght plan or fight notfcation must be fledfor al VFR flights 4. along designated airways, 2. atright 3, above $020 feet AGL. 4. to or froma military aerodrome. 127. When a VFR fight plan has been filed wit the appropriate ‘ATC uri, the pilot in command shall report his arival within 4. 30 minutes after landing, 2. 1 hour after landing 3. 12hours after landing. 4, 24 hours after landing. 128, AVFR fightplan must be closed by the pilet 4. by advising ATC either dirocty or via = communications base of hs arrival time. 2. except at airports served by acontrol tower in which case the tower will close the fight pan. 3, by patking his aircrat in close proximity io the tower. 4. by filing @ return fight plan. 129, Using the folowing data, which time should be entered in the “Elapsed Time" saction of the fiaht plan form? Estimated elapsed time A to B — 1 hour 10 minutes Estimated stopover time at B — 45 minutes. 268 From The Ground Up Estimated elapsed time B 10 C— 1 hour 30 minutes. 1. 3 hours 25 minutes. 2. 2hours 40 minutes. 3. 3hours 25 minutes plus 45 minutes for reserve. 4. 1 hour $5 minutes. 190. An Ai Trafc Coto “ston” isthe same as an Air Traffic Contvol “Clearance” 2 ls bl op wal stool fe I om itis directed unless he considers it unsafe to do so. 3. must be “read back in full to the controller and confirmed before becoming effective. 4. is in effect advice provided by ATC and does not require, aaccaptance or formal acknowledgement by the pilot con- cemed 131. Appilot accepts a clearance and subsequently finds that all or part of the clearance cannot be complied with. He should 1. comply as best he can under the circumstances to carry out the clearance and say nothing to ATC. 2. comply as besthe can under the circumstances and advise ATC as soon as possible 3, disregard the clearance. 4. comply with only the part that suits him. 182. You are tying an airplane outside ofa control area on across. country fight at an alttude of mere than 3000 feet but below 18,000, feet. Your magnetic rackis 185° Fight visibility is 21/2 miles. Your altitude should be 1. odd thousands plus 500 feet 2. even thousands plus 500 feet 3. oddthousancs. 4. assgned to you by ATC. 193. What i the minimum height AGL above which aircraft shall ‘comply with the Cruising Altitude Order? 1. 700 feet 3. 3000 eet 2. 2200 feet 4. 3500feet. 124. In Canada, fighis conducted VFR on top 41. may be conducted in Class B Airspace. 2, may be conducted ifthe weather at ground level is IFR. 3, may be conducted if the departure point and the destination are forecast to have VFR weather. 4, are not permitted. 185. The minimum fight visibility for airplanes under VFR outside controlled airspace, aerodrome traffic zones and special areas of British Columbia is ___; within control zones, the minimum flight visibility is __. Themissing figures are 1. 500 feet, 1 mile. 3.1 mie, 1 mile, 2. (mile, 3 miles. 4,3 mies, 3 miles. 136. The plot ofa fixed wing airplane taking off on « VFR flight must have sufficient fuel to complete the fight with forecast weather conditions, plus reserve fuel for 4. climb to cruising altitude. 2. 1 hourat normal cruise speed. 3. 45 minutes at normal cruise speed 4, 100 miles diversion to an alternate airport. 137. Special VFR may be authorized by the appropriate ATC unit fo an airpane with a functioring two way radio when flight and ground visbilty are not less than 1. Smiles, 3.12 miles. 4.1 mile, ‘accordance with Special VFR would be 1. contro zone. 2. aerodrome traffic zone. 3. terminal control area. 4. the speed limit area. 139. A pilct on a Special VR tlight has been cleared to the circuit. ‘Ahead and below his fight path there is an overcast layer of stratus loud. The responsibilty of remaining clear of cloud is 1. the responsbilty of the 2. the responsibilty of the tower controler as it is within a control zone. 8. the responsibilty of ATC because the weather is below VR. 4, the resporsibilty is shared equally by the pilot ané ATC. 140, ADIZ rules apply 1. only to airrat lying at a true airspeed of 180 or more. 2. only to aireratt flying above Flight Level 180. 3. woallaircratt 4. ‘all southbound aircraft. 1141. In radio transmission, ground waves follow the surface of the earth, As they come in contact withthe surface, the ground waves ‘slow down. This slowing down is called 4. diffraction 3. surface attenuation, 2. skip. 4. eran effect 142. The long range capabilies of HF radio are attributable to the behaviour of 1. ground waves. 2. sky waves. 2. line of aight ranemiesion, 4. phase differential, 143. Two of the folowing four statements are characteristic of VHF equipment. Select the two which are correct. ‘A. One of the disadvantages of VHF is its susceptibility to atmospheric and precipitation static. B. VHF is relatively free from atmospheric and precipitation static. C. Receptiondistance for usable services generally based on, radio “ine of sight”. . Reception distance remains constant regardless of the altitude, 1. Aand D, 3. Aand C, 2, BandD. 4, Band, 144. ATIS information for Calgary airport is broadcast on the frequency __ATIS gives information relating to___(Reter to the 11,000,000 chart) 1.1148 Miz — ceiling, visibility, wind, altimeter setting, runway inuse. 2. 125.0MH2— collin, wind, altmeter seting, runway in use, traffic density, 8. 114,.8MH2—ceiling, visibility, wind, runway inuse, landing clearance, 4, 125.0MH2—celling, wind, alimoter seting, runway in use. 145. Your intial radio contact withthe control tower shall aways be 1. immediately after entering the control zone. 2. upon entering the aerodrome tratfic zone. 3. ptior to entering the control zone. 4. immediately prior to joining the circuit 146. The minimum content of an iniial radio call up to Winnipeg tower by the pilot of C-GULT is "Winnipeg Tower, This is Piper Warrior __*. 1. Golf, Uniiorm, Lima, Tango. Over. 2. Lima, Tango. Requesting Landing Information. Over. 3. Uniform, Lima, Tango. Over. 4. Charlie, Golf, Uniform, Lima, Tango. Over. 147. Insubsequent transmissions, ifintiated by ATC, the following may be omitted: 1. the first two letters ofthe registration. 2. the fist three letters of the registration. 3. the phonetic equivalents. 4. the whole registration. 148. The tower answers your transmission withthe folowing instruc- tion: "Golf Uniform Lima Tango — Runway Two Five — Wind ‘Three Six Zero at One Zero — Altimeter Three Zero Zero Three — Report Five Miles North — Over.” From the preceding message, you know that 1. you are cleared to land. 2. the altimeter setting is three zero one two. Examination Guide 269 3. your downwind magnetic heading will be approximately 070°. 4, the windie 10 mph. 149. The tower frequency al Lethbridge is 1. 248 MHz 3,120.7 Mz. 2. 1183MHz 4.1157 MHz. 150. VHF Direction Finding equipment provides directional assis- tance. The DF information is electronically derived from 1. automatic direction finding equipment. 2. the VHF Omnidiractional Rango tranemitor. 3. radar surveillance radar. 4, radio signals transmitted trom the airera. 151. Plots using a heading ndicatoras a reference during VHF/OF. homing should 1. reset the indicator every 15 minutes. 2, not resetthe indicator without advising the DF operator. 3. notresetihe indicator unless the DF operator recommends such action 4, mentally compensate for gyroscopic precession every § minutes. 152. A communication staiion that provides alport and vehicle advisory service, assists pil in planning thei fights by providing weather and other informaton and accepts and relays fight plans and provides other fight saety services is called 4. a fight iniormation afc. 2. acontroltower. 3, afight service station 4, acommet 153. Apilot on a VER fight nas requested radar assistance and is flying aradar vector, provided by ATC, io the nearest airport. Ahoad and below isa soid overcast cloud condition. The plot should 1. maintain heading and altitude as tis clearance issued by ATC, 2, maintain heading and altitude because ATC knows of the cloud ané will issue further insiructions 3. cimb above the coud and fly 1000 feet on top. 4 alter course as necessary to remain VFR and advise ATC: 154. The prefix of cal to the London fight sence station should be 4. London Radio, this 6 2. London Fight Service Station, this is 3. London Advisory, this is. 4. London Centre, this 155. A radio equipped aircraft has deen cleared to land at a Controid airpor. The pilot should acknowledge the clearance by 4. clicking the microphone button. 2 transmitting the appropriate aircraft callsign 3. replying “Roger 4 replying "Wilco" 156. Plots fying VER in uncontrolled sirspace should monior 4. 121.5MHz, 3, 122.2 MHz. 2. 126.7 Miz. 4, 123.2 MH2, 157. The emergency VHF frequency is 4. 122.1 MHz, 3. 121.5 MHz, 2. 118.3Mbz. 4, 5280 MHz. 158. An airplane has an engine on fire over a remote area. What radiotetephony call up signal would the pilot transmit three tmes? 4. Mayday. 3. Urgent. 2. Pan. 7S0 5 159. You are instructed to lly the 260° radial outbound from the VOR. You would set 1, 260 on the OBS and expect a FROM reading with the needle centred. 2, 260 on the OBS and expect a TO reading with the noodle centred 3. 080 on the OBS and expect a FROM reading with the needle centred 4. 026 on the OBS and expect a TO reading withthe needle centred 160. You are flying inbound to a VOR and the bearing selector is, set to 090. With amagneticheading of 090°, younote that the CDI needlestars to move tothe left. You would expect that 1. the windis from the right and would turn to 060° to intercept the radial 2. the wind is from the left and would turn to 060° to intercept the radial 3. the winds from the ght ané would tun to 120° to intercept the racial 4, the windis from thelett and would tun to 120" to intercept the racial 161. With the bearing selector set to 270, ist all the airplane positions (Fig. 161) that would give a TO reading on the TO!FROM, indicator. 1. Gand. 2. A,Dands. 3. ,G and E,F, Gand. Fig.161. 162. What s one of the indications you observe when youtly directly ‘over an omnirange station on a preselected course? 4. The need will swing through 180°, 2. The bearing selector wll return to 0°. 3. You will penetrate a cone of silence. 4. The TO/FROM indication will reverse. 163. Which of the following is not a VOR frequency? 4. 115.2.MHz 3, 126.7 MHz, 2. 113.4 Mee, 4,117.5 MHz, 164. A plotis able to derive both azimuth or directional information and disiance information from a VORTAC transmiter, ifthe aircraft is equipped with both, 1. a VOR receiver anda DME. 2. a VOR receiver andan ADF 3. an ADF and a DME. 4. a VOR receiver anda marker beacon receiver. 165. The navigational aid located at Maland (N44? 41° W79° 55°) (Frofer to the 1; 500,000 chant is a 1. VOR and transmits on 112.8 MHz. 2. NDB and transmits on Channel 75. 8. VORTAC and transmits on 122.8 MHz, 4. ILS and transmits on 112.8 Mb 166. A OME displays the distance between the airplane and the ‘ground iransmitting station as 1. altitude plus ground distance. 2. ground distance. 3. slant range, 4. aDME arc. 167. The ILS indicator in Fig, 167 shows the airplane to be off the localizer beam and off the glide path. The pilot must ly into the glide path and correct o the ___ to intercept the locaiizer. 1, down, let. 3. down, right. 2. up, let. 4. up, right 1168. On final approach on a iront coutse approach to an ILS, 270 From The Ground Up. 2, aperatonal weight empty pis the payload. 3. maximum weight approved for operation of the airplane, ‘3, basic emply weight plus the useful los 178, Ifthe aiplane is improperly loaded and the aft C.G. limit ‘exceeded to any appreciable extent, it willbe “lfc fo put ini stall and spin 2, nose heavy. 3. cificut to get of the grours. Fig.167. 4. easy to stall and spin and recovery would be more difficu 1. the localizer is vai hrougn 80° on ether side ottne centre than under concitons of poper loading. line. 180. Your Airplane Flight Manual specifies a basic emply weight c 2, the yellow segment is on the leftand the blue segments 1640 Ibs, and a maximum gross weight of 2550 Ibs. You ar onthe right planning a fight with 2 fiends wha weigh 172 Ibs. and 195 Ibs 3, the middle markerisintercepted-4 mies fromthe thresholé. _feegeatively. Your weight Is 179 lbs. You have three pieces c 4. the gldeslope is set at an angle of 2 baggage weighing 30, 24 and 17 Ios. each, You have ful fuel tank 469, The midale marker ofthe ILS illuminates a ight on the __giving you 48 U.S. Gallons of usable fuel. The take-off weight of th markerbeacon fecewverandisheardasaseriesol__Themissing _alipiane would be words are “the seme as the maximum gross weight. 4. yellow, dashes, 3. blue, dots. 2. white, dots anddashes. 4, blue. dashes. 1170. What does the needle of the ADF normally indicate? 1. the loop position of maximum signal strength, 2. the relative beating of the station, 3: the relative heading of the airplane. 4, the magnetic bearing of the radial towards the station. 171. How do you determine that drift is present when homing by aor? 1. by aviation of the ADF when maintaining a constant heac- ing by heading indicator or magnetic compass. 2, by variation on the heading indicator when maintaining a constant heading by ADF. 8, if the reading on the heading indicator is higher than the ADF, the drift isto starboard. 4. when the reading on the magnetic compass and ADF do not agree. 172, With a magnetic heading of 950° and an ADF reading of 300°, the magneticbearing to the station is. 1. 050° 3.1108. 2. 2908 4, 300°. 173. Your heading is 160° and the ADF reading is 090% If you tun to amagnetc heading of 150°, the ADF wil ead 4. 240° 3. 120°. 2. 160 4.030" 4174. A waneponder tranemitting on Mode C 1. automaticaly reports altitude to the radar operator. 2. causes the target representing the aircraft on the rader screen to blossom. 3. does not need 10 be equipped witn an encoding altimeter because the pressure altimeter can te ted into the system. 4, identiies the aircraft as being a VFR fight below 10,000, feet ASL. 175, For VFR fight below 10,000 feet ASL, the proper transponder code to select is 1. 0600 3.7700. 2 1400 4.1200. 178, An aircat suffering communication faiure may alert ATC to the problem, oy selecting code 4. 700, 3.4700. 2 7600. 4.1400. 177. To minimize the danger of static electric starting aire during refueling operations. the aircraft should be 1. bonded. 2. fitted with static discharge wicks. 3. grounded 4. relulled immediately alte landing 178. The maximum gross weight of an airplane is the 4. asic empy weight plus the payloac. 2. slighty more than the maximum gross weight. 3, Sis ess than the maximum gross weight. 4, 56 Ibs less than the maximum gross weight. 481, You are planning a trip with three friands. The front sec passenger weighs 200 bs. Your weight is 180 Ibs. The back sea passengers weigh 149 IDs and 125 Ibs respectively. You hav baggage that weighs 100 lbs. Use the charts in Fig. 4, 5 and 6 i the Chapter Airmanship to do the calculatons for this problem ‘Assume a basic empty weight of 1507 lbs. forthe airplane and a fu fuelloadof 41 Sgallons U.S. Maximum gross weight for this airplan is 2500 lbs. 1. The total weight is 25 lbs. less than the maximum gros ‘weight but the C.G. is outside the moment envelope. 2. The total weight is 25 lbs. over the maximum gioss weigh and the C.G. is outside the moment envelope. 3, The total weightis equal to the maximum gross weight an the C.G. is within the moment envelope. 4, The total weight is 25 tbs less than the maximum gros ‘weight and the C.G. is within the moment envelope. 102, Pressure altitude is 8000 feel. The outside air temperature i 40°C. Density altitude is. (Use the circular slide rue side of fligat computer to do the calculation.) 41. 7000feet and well within safe limits for any general aviatio airplane manufactured today. 2, 9000 feet and could be above the safe operating limitation for your airplane, particularly if the airport has a sho runway. 8. 8000eet and well within safe limits for any general aviatio airplane manufactured today. 4, 10,000 feet anc could be above the safe operating limita tions for your alplane, paniculary if he airporthas a sho runway. 183, Two of the most important factors which affectthe performanc ‘of an airplane are temperature and altitude. Assume that you wi take off under the following conditions: Airport — 5000 feet above sea level Tomporsture—28° Airspeed — 70 knots. ‘You willtake off diectly into a surtace wind of 10 knots. Wit ‘laps up, yourtake-off tocleara 50 foot obstacle willbe approximate ly. (Refer to Fig. 189, page 271) 1. 2875 feet 3. 2300 feet 2. 2610 feet 4.3130 feet 184. Inthe example given in the previous question, yourground ru willbe approximately 1, 920 feet 3. 1044 feet 2. 1150feet 4. 1380 feet 185, Since tne surtace wing Is gusting, causing turbulence as yo approach to land, itis important to 1. always use full taps. Examination Guide ani ‘TAKE-OFF DISTANCE. Flaps Up T/O Distance (Feet) to clear 50 ft. obstacle at 80 mph (70 kts) (Ground run 40% of distance shown). Outside Air Temperature AoC oa NGC eB 40°C. Altitude Distance Sea Level 2000 Feet 4000 Feet (6000 Feet 7000 Feet + Landing and take-off correction: Reduce distances by approximately 10 percent for each 5 knots windspeed. Fig. 183. 2, land as slowly as possible, 3. maintain the same airspeed you would in smooth air: 4. carry alle excess airspeed to assure positive contro 186. You have been cleared to land in a gusty wind condition. You are concerned at the wind angle as indicated by the windsack at the ‘approach end of the runway, which you feel now favours another runway. You should 1. continue to land 2s you must obey the landing clearance, 2. use full laps and approach at a reduced approach speed. 3, alter heading and land on another runway which is more into wind, 4. overshoot and request an into wind runway. 187. The wind is blowing at 90° to the runway. The airplane you are flying has a staling speed of 50 knots. Whats the maximum wind. velocity that the airplane can handle? (See Cross Winds in Chaptor Alrmanship.) 1. 10 knots. 3. Sknots. 2. 15knots 4,20 knots, 488. "Daylight" in Canada, at any place where the eun rises and sets daly, 's dened as tat perodo ime between sunrise and sunset. 2 cre oo aU ccayieoendgle ga ae after sunset. ‘3. commencing one haif hour before sunrise and ending one half hour after sunset. ‘4. when the centre of the sun'sdiscis not more than 12° below the horizon when viewed from the sutace. 189, An aiplane lying at right must display onits right, orstarboard, wingtip the following ight 1. aed ight. 3 aiflashing green light. 2. awhitelight. 4. a green ight 190. Which statement concerning wing tip vortices is false? 1. Thoy aro caused directly by jot wach 2. These vortices normally settle below and behind the aircrat. ‘3. With a ight cross wind, one vortex can remain stationary over the ground, for some tme. 4. Lateral movement of vortices, even in wind condition, may place a vortex core over a parallel runway. 191. The pilot of a light aircraft approaching to land immediately following a large aircraft should plan his approach (other cir- cumstances permitting) to remain 41. above the approach path of the laige aircraft and land beyondits touch down point. 2 onthe upwind side ofthe large aircraft's approach path and land on the upwind side of the runway. 3. below the approach path of the large aircraft and land just, prior to its touchdown point 4, on tne normal approach path for his aitptane but at higher, speed, as there is only a slight chance of encountering hazardous turbulence. 192. A helicopter in forward fight producos 1. rotary blade vortices which rise above the helicopter. 2. traling vortices similar to wing tip vortices. 3, turbulence which remains at the same level as the halicop- ter 4, turbulence ahead of the helicopter. 193, Wing tip vortices generated by a departing airplane are most 1, before rotation, 2. at iff 3. immediately following the application of take-off power. 4. during cruise climb configuration. 194. Anisoated thunderstormis in close proximity to an aerodrome. Apilot wishing to land should 4. nol be concerned about wind shear on final approach because the thundersiorm is of to the west and not over the approach path. 2. hold over a known point clear ofthe thunderstorm untiitis wel past the aerodrome. 3, land as quickly as possible to be on the ground before the thunderstorm reaches the aerodrome. 4. add one half the wind gust factor to the recommended landing speed. 195, At high altitude, a pilot is susceptible to hypoxia. Hyponia is 1. excess carbon monoxide in the haemoglobin. 2, imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body sys- tom, 3. spatial disorientation. 4. lack of euffcient oxygen in the body cells. 196. To prevent hypoxia, a pilot should 1. use oxygen above 5000 feet ASL during daytime. 2. breathe into a paper bag. 3. use oxygen above 5000 feet ASL at night. 4. open the windows and air vents on the airplane. 197. After receiving a local or general dental or other anaesthetic, ‘pilot should allow __ hours to elapse betore fying. 1. 48 3.72. 2. 24. 4.12 198. One alcoholiedrink taken at5000 fect as comparedto thesame drink taken as sea level 1, hasa lesser effect. 2. has a greater effect. 3. has no appreciable ditterence in effect. 4, increases the chance of coriolis effect. 199. Which of the following statements pertaining to the use of alcohol is true? 1. Relatively small amounts of alcohol significantly decrease plot's tolerance to hypoxia. 2. Small amounts of alcohol will notatfect a piot's judgement. 3. The effects of alcohol are constant regardless of altiude. 4. Coffee accelerates the body's ability to recover from the effects of alcohol 200, Soloctthe statemont that best describos the eMects of fatigue. 4. Financial or family problems do not infiuence fatigue. 2. Fatigue slows reaction time and contributes to errors. 3. A fatigued person recuperates more quickly as altitude gained. 4, A fatigued person must have food immediately before and during a flight 201. After any underwater activity where compressed airic used for ‘espiration, itis recommended that within 24 hours following such activity a piot should 272 From The Ground Up 1. not 2, alow atleast € hours between taking any medicine or rug 2. rest fight to alitudes of less than 7000 feet. and tying 3. testi rales of climb and descent to less than 200 feet per 3, alow atleast 48 hours after commencing medication minute 4. restrict fight to passenger stats only. 4, testi fight to passenger status only 202. Many common drugs such 2s cold tablets, cough mixtures, ntitistamines and other over the counter remedies may seriously impair the judgment and co-ordination needed while fying. The safest rule isto 1 read the manulacturer’s warning to ensure that you are aware of possible reactions to such drugs. 203. A condition in which there is a lowering of the temperature of ‘he body's core is called 1. hyperventilation 2. hypoglycemia, ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS 13 423 83.1 1242 23 431 842 125.4 34 443 852 126.4 42 434 86.1 1272 53 464 874 128.4 e4 412 882 129.4 73 483 89.1 1902 a2 404 90.3 191.2 a4 504 14 192.1 10.3 513 923 133.3 11.8 S24 93.3 1944 12.2 533 942 1352 13.4 542 95.4 196.3 142 953 96.4 197.4 183 563 973 138.1 162 SrA 982 199.1 173 583 993 140.3 18.3 59.1 100.1 141.3 191 603 101.4 1422 204 613 102.2 143.4 213 23 103.3 1444 224 632 104.4 145.3 23.4 64.2 1053 146.4 24.4 653 106.1 447.4 25.4 66.2 107.3 148.3 263 ors 108.3 1492 273 68.4 109.4 180.4 28.4 60.2 110.3 161.2 29.1 70.3 14 1623 30.3 m4 1124 153.4 31.2 723 1133 1544 32.4 73.3 1144 1652 33.3 742 1154 156.2 34.1 75.8 116.1 1973, 352 763 1174 158.1 363 713 1183 159.1 372 782 1194 1602 38.4 73.2 1203 161.3 39.4 80.4 1213 162.4 40.4 eit 122.3 1633 a2 223 1233 164.1 165.1 166.3 167.4 168.2 169.4 170.2 m2 172.2 173.3 1744 175.4 176.2 173 178.3 179.4 180.3 181.2 182.2 183.3 184.1 185.4 186.4 187.1 188.3 189.4 190.1 101.4 192.2 193.2 1942 195.4 196.3 197.1 198.2 199.1 200.2 201.4 202.4 203.4 3. cofiolis effect 4. hypothermia 274 From The Ground Up GLOSSARY ‘Absolute Altitude, Actual eight above the earths surface Advisory Service. Advice and information provided by a facility to assist pilots in the safe conduct of fightand aircraft movement Aeredrome. Ary area of land or water used for arival and departure, rmovementor servicing o! aera Aeredrome Traffic Frequency (ATF).A VHF trequency designated forse ‘of radio ecuipped airratt operating onthe surface or inthe vicinity of ‘certain spect uncontrolled airport, Aeredrome Traffic Zone. Class E Airspace of delineddimensions extending ‘Upwards from the surlace of the earth Aeredynamie Coetticients. Nondimensional cotfiiens fr aerodynamic forces andmoments (e, drag anit coeficents). Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS). Airborne equipment tat Tunctons independenty ofthe ai alfic contol system to detect poten tial conficing aircraft hat are equpped with SSR transponders. ACAS, ‘equipmentdesigned and manviacturedintheU S. is called Trafic Art ‘and Colision Avoidance System TCAS). Ar Carrer. A person wno operates a commercialair service Aircraft. Any machine capable of deriing suppot in the atmosphere trom the reactions of the a. Aireratt Engine. An engine used for propelling an aircraft. It includes futbochargere, apputtanances snd acosetorion nacaseary for te functioning, but does nt include propellers. Alrtrame. incluies fuselage, booms, nacelles, coulings, tangs, airoll surfaces and landing gear ofan areraf and ther acessois and Alret (Airmen's Meteorological Advisory). A weather advisory issuedto ‘afraft having limited capabiliy kadvses of weather significant he Salely ofthe aircraft, Airplane. Powe: driven hesvier than ar airerat, deriving its it in fight trom Sorodyname reactions on surtsces that remain fie under gen ‘conditions ight Alport. An aeredrome in respect of which a cetfcae isin force. Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar (ASR). A medium range radar ‘designed for both away and attort survaillznes applications ‘Airport Survelliance Fladar (ASR). Relatively short range radar intended for surveilance of airport and terminal areas. ‘Airport Tratfc.Allaticonthe maneuvering areactan arportandallarcrat Tying in the vicinity ofan arport Airspeed indicator. An instument that indicates the speed that an airplane is traveling through te ai. Air Time. The period of tine commencing when the airplane leaves the supporting surface and terminaing when f touches the supporting Surface at he next pont of lanaing, Air Trafic. Al arcraftin fight and all arcraft operating on the maneuvering ‘reat anaeroorome Air Traffic Control Clearance. Authorization by an air trafic control unitior naira proceed wihin controled srtpace under posed cons Ar Tratfie Control Instruction. A directive issued by an air tafic contol ‘nit for rac conrol purposes. Air ratlic Control Service A service provides forthe purpose of preventing Colisions between arcraftandol expediing and maintaining an orderly flow of ar tat. Al Trafic Control Unit. An area control centre established o provide ait twalfic contol service to IFA fightsandcontoled VFR figs: terminal contol untestablished a provideairtalic centro serves a IFR Might {and controled VFR fights operating within aterminal control area: an rportconroltower unt estabishedto provide aitraficcortrol service tw airpon tatic, ‘Airworthy. in respect to an aeronautical product, in a fit and-safe stat for Tight ana in conforiny withthe applcable siandards of arworiNess, Alert Area. Class F Airspace of defined dimensons within which a high volume of pot aig or an unsual ype of aerial avy may carted out [Attomate Airport. An acrosome eposiiod in ght plan to which a fight ay proceed when landing atthe inlonded destination becomes inad- visable, ‘Altimeter. An instrument that, by measuring the pressure of he atmosphere, ‘displays alitude information, ‘Altimeter Setting. The barometric pressure reading used to adjust pres sure ameter for variations in existing atmospheric pressure or to ie standard atimeter seting (28.92" Hg). ‘Altitude. The heghto aleve, pointorcbjectmeasuredin featabove ground level (AGL or from mean sea eval (MSL). Altitude Reservation. Airspace of defined dimensions incontolledairspace reserved forthe use o a specific agency durng a speciied ime, Angle of Attack Indicator. An instrument that indicates 2 contnuous readout ofthe margin above te stall. ‘Approach/Arrival Control. An ATC service povided to expedite thefow of TFR fights inbound within a terminal contol area. ‘Apron. Thatpartot an aerodrome inlended io accommodate tne loading and ‘unloading of passengers andcargo, the refueling, servicing and park ing of aera. ‘rea Control Centre (ACC). A unit located within 2 contol area which provides supervision of IFR enroute a trate witha tha area In the US. itis called an ar route atic control centre (ART). {rea Navigation (RNAV). A navigation system that permits aircraft opera tion on any desited course within an area serviced by ground based ‘avigaion signals or within the capabiltes of self contained arborne system {Arrival Report. A repot containing the aircrat registration, the aerodrome ‘of departure, the time of arival and the aerodrome of arrival {Attitude Incieator. An instrument designed to provide an artical torizon ‘98 a moans of roleronce for judging atttedo of an alplana. ‘Automatic Direction Finder (ADF). An aircraft racio navigation system which senses and indicates ihe drecton to @ UMF directional radio beacon ground tensmitor. ‘Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS). The continuous broad- ‘cast offecordes nonconal iniormation ih selected terminal areas. Balanced Field Length. The fieldlenatn where the distance to accelerate ‘and stop is equal othe takeoff stance of an airplane experiencing {an engine failure at the citcal engine falurerecogniion speed (V1). ‘Bearing. Tre nonzontal arecion to oF irom ary point, usually measured clockwse from true north, magnetic noth, or some other reference, point, rough 360 degrees, Blind Spot. An area from which radio transmissions and or radar echoes ‘cannotba receives Brake Horsepower (BHP). The power delivered atthe propeller shat of an ‘aircrafengine. Broadcast. radio transmission that originates from an aircraft and that is ot directed to any particular receiving station, Calibrated Airspeed (CAS). Indicated airspeed corrected for postion and instrument ero. Call Up. Inia! volce contact between a faclly and an airratt using the identification ofthe unit being called and the untinitating th cal. Ccanaaian Domestic Airspace. Al navigable aspace ot Canada, (Canard. A control surface incorporating a horzontal stablizer and elevator attached to the foward part the airplane ‘CAVOK. A term used te indicate no cioud below 5000 feet, visibility 6 miles jr mote and no precipitation ar thunderstorm activi or fog oF éiting snow. Coiling. The lowest height at which broken o overcast condition exss, oF the veriealvisibiiy whan an ebscured condition such as snow, smoke ‘or fog exists, stil Navigation. The determination of geographical position by refer ‘once te celestial bodes, Centre, A unt located within a contol area which provides supervision of TER enroute atic within the area. Certificate of Airworthiness. A conditional ceriicate of fitness for fight ‘seuedin respec of particular alrrat Cortiticate of Registration. A corticate issued tothe owner of an aircraft with respect tothe registration and the registration markings for that Class of Airspace. A,B,C, D,E, and F. See Chart (Clear Air Turbulence. Turbulence encounter in air where no clouds are resent Clearance Limit. The fs. pointorlocationto which an aircrafts claaredwhen ssuedan air atic contol earance, ‘Climb, Best Angle of. The angle which will gan the mostaltiude in agiven distance. climb, BestRate of. The angle wich wil gain the most aitude inthe least time Codes/Transponder Codes. The number assigned to a panicular rutiple pulse reply signal ransmitedby a transponder. ‘Commet. A ground communication facility associated with a weather station ‘and authorized to pase weather infermaion to arivng and departing, airoratt ‘Community Aerodrome Radio Station (CARS). Anair/ground adi station ‘Operatedby the Terria Government atarporsin he nother areas of Canada, ‘Compass Locator. A iow power LMF non directional radio beacon installed fle outer oF migdle marker ofan ILS fo enable an aircraft to home to the marker by means of ADF Glossary 275 Compass Rose. A circle gaduatod ndegrees prnted on some charts as @ Teferenceto true o magna direction Contact Approach, An approach wherein an aircraft on an IFR fight plan, having anATC autho‘zation, operating clear of cloud ard with at east {mile visibility, may proceed to the destination airport by visual reer ence to the surace ofthe earth, Control Area. A controlled airspace extending upwards fron a speciiod height above the surface of the earth in which ai tric contol is Provided, Control Area Extension. Controlled airspace of defined dimansions win the low level airspace extending upwards fom 2200 fect above the Surface ofthe earth, Controlted Airport. An aiport at which an ATC unit is provided. Controlled Airspace. An sitspace of defined dimensions within which ATC ‘Sonica is provided. Controlled VER (CVFR) Flight. A fight conducted under the visual fight ‘ules within Class Barspace and n accordance win ATC clearance ‘Control Zone. Controlled airspace of defined dmensions extending up- Warde fem tha surlaea atthe aarth up to 3000 fet above spar ‘evaluation unless otharwase spectiod Co-ordinates. Intersections of lines of reference usually expressed in ‘degrees, minutes and seconds ol lattude and longitude used to deter ‘mine postion Course. The irtended direction of fightin the horeontal plane measuredin ‘degrees fom north. (US. term. Ir Canada, called track) Also, an om bearing tovards a VOR, VORTAC or TACAN navigational facity Course Deviation Indicator. A vertical neede incorporated into an ‘OMNIILS indicator to stow devation from me Selectoe VOR course orradial Critical Altitude. The maximum altitude at which tis possible to maintain a Tated powor or speciied mantols pressure, (Critical Field Length, The balanced feid length ss applesto a patculr ‘aiplane. The citical eld length is calculated for each Individual airplane to moot the balanced fad length erteria (Cross Wind. Awind not parallel to the runway oro the path ofan aircrat {Cruising Altitude/Level. An alttude o fight level maintained during level tight. ‘Customs Notifcation Service (ADCUS).A service provided, by ATC unés, ‘or advance notification 1o Customs ofcials or tans-berde fights at spectied Ports of Enty Danger Area. Class F Airspace of defied dimansions within hich actwvitos ‘dangerous to the fight of aircraftmay exist Daylight. The period of tire in any day when the contre of the sun's seis Tess than 6 degrees below the horzon. and, inany place where the sun rises and sets daly, may be considered tobe the period commencing ‘one hal hour before sunrise and ending onehalf hour aller sunset. Day VFR. A flight conductod in accordance wih VER during the hours of aight. Deed Reckoning. Navigaton by use ct predetermined vectoss of wind and te atspee,precalalatedheading, roundspeedandstimatedtine larval Decision Height (DH). A spectied height at whicha missed approach must De nated during a precision approach if the required visual relerance to continue the approach to landhas not been established, Defence VER (OVER) Flight. A fight conducted n accordance with visual fight ules within an Air Defence identiicatin Zone. Denalty Altitude. Proseurealtude corected for omporatre, Departure Control. An ATC service for departing IFR, and under certain condtions, VFR aircraft Designatedintersection. Apoint onthe surlace o! the earth aver which two 't more designated positon nos ntorzect. The position inos may Bo ‘magneticbearings rom NDBS, radals rom VHE JUNE aids, centrebns ‘of designated aways, ar rules, localizers and OME distances. Deviation. The angle through wiich the compass needle is eaiacta trom ‘magnetic norh due tothe influence of magnetic fields inthe aiplane Discrete Frequency. A separate radio requency ior use in deectpilovcen- troller communications in ATC wtich reduces trequency congestion by controling the number of aircraft operating on he requency atany One time, Displaced Threshold. a tiresnold tna i located ata point onthe runway ther than the designated beginning ofthe runway. Distance Measuring Equipment (OME). Equipment used i» measure in autical miles the slent range dstance of an aircraft fom the ONE. avigation a Doppler Navigation System. A self contained area navigation systom that fixes the postion of anairplane and determines groundspeedby means. ‘of radar beams direct from the aircraft o the ground that measure "Doppler Sit DUATS (DirectUser Access Terminal System). Acomputerbased system provided by a vender to plots and other operational personnel. It ‘supplies aviation weather and NOTAM information and provides tight plan fling capabily Emergency Locator Trensmitter (ELT), A radi transmitter which operates Tom its own pawer source on 121.5 MHz, or on 121.5MHz and 223.0 MHz, and is activatod automascaly by the g forces experiencedin a crash ending, Empennage.The tail section of an plane (verical stabilizer orfin, horizon: talstablizer or tall lane, rudder elevators, andall trimming and contol Sevices) Equivalent Airspeed (EAS). Caltxated airspeed corrected for comeres- silty factor. Expected Further Clearance Time. Tho time at which its expected that Turthoe clearance vl be Issued to an aicalt. Feathered Propeller. Apxopelior whose blades have been rotated sothat “he leaang and trating edges are nearly paral win ho arora ght path to minimize drag and engne rotation Final, Commonly used to mean an aircrafts on the final approach course ‘ris alnad with alanding area, Final Approach. That part of an instrument approach procedure trom the ‘ime an aeraf has completed ne last procedure turn or base tum, oF ‘tossed the final approach fix or point, o intercepted the last rack Specified forthe precedure unt itreachas the missed approach pont Inthis pation ofthe procedure, lignmentand descertforlancing are ‘accomplsned, Fx. A geographical postion determned by visual reference tothe surlace, ‘F by reference to one or more radio navais, or by celestial plating, ‘orby arather navigational device. Flag/Flag Alarm. A warring device corporates in certain aborne naviga ‘ion anc fight instuments to indicate that the instrument is inoperative cor that sgnal strength is below acceptable values. Flaps Down Speed. The maximum speed at which the airplane may be own withthe flaps lowered Fight Information Region (FIR). An airspace of deinad dimensions ox {tending upwards trom the suface of the earth win which fight, information service and alerting service is provided. Fight ltinersry. Specified informaton relating to the interded fight ct an ‘aicrat, fats fled with a responsible person Fight Level FL). An alitude expressed in hundreds of fetincicated on an ‘alimeter sei to 23.62" Hg or 1013.2 hectopascals/milbars. Flight Path. A line, course or track along which an aislane i flying oF intended to be flown Fight Permit. A pormitissued to an amatour bull arcrat or 1 a private ‘aircraft, that does not quality for a certicate of aiworthiness, for Purposes of experiment, test, emonstraton or other special fight. FightPlan/Notifcation. Specitedirformation, elatingtotreintendedtight ‘ofan aterat, thats fled with ATC. Flight Service Station FSS). An aeronautical facility providing mobile and fixed communications, fight information, search and rescue aleting and weather and fight planning sorvices te pists andather users. Fight Time. The time rom the moment the aircraft ist moves under itsown Power forthe purpose of fight unt the moment it comes to rest athe ext pont of landing. Flight Waten, An onzouts fight advisory service provided by Fight Sonice ‘Stations in he U.S.on frequency 122.0 MH. Flight Visibilt. The average range of visibility at any given time forward ‘om the cockpit ofan aircraft fight Full Throttle Altitude. Tho maximum altitude at whieh maximum engine ‘power cutput is avaiable. Above that aitude, the horsepower 0! the ‘Engine willbe less fan the rated horsepower. General Aviation. Thatparion of civlaviation which encommpassesalltacets ‘of aviaton except scheduled air services and non-scheduled ait ‘fansport operations for remuneration orhre and mistary aviabon Glide PathiGiide Slope. A descent profie determined for vertical guidence ring inal approach, Gide Speed for Endurance. The airspeed hat gives, wth no power Glide Speed tor Range. The airspeed that resuts in an angle of attackthat ‘ves the maximumitverag rato. Global Positioning System (GPS). A preciso navigation system based on satelilas orbiting he earth at very high alltude. Postion in 3 dimes: sions is calculated by trianguiaton. Grid Navigation. A navigation system devised for use in areas in dose proximity tothe nor pole, Gross Weight. The maximum permissible weight of the airplane. CGroundspeed. The speed ofan aircraft relative’ the suriace ofthe ground. Ground Visibility. The vbity at anaerodromeas reportedby an ATC unit, ’an FSS, 2 CARS, a Commet station ora ground based radio station porated by an at ear. Heading, The lection in which the longitudinal axis of an arcrttis pointed, sally expressed in degrees trom north (tue or compass). 276 Heading Inciestor. An inseument designed inicate the hein ofan airplane. Height Above Aerodrome(HAA). Theheigntintestottne minmumdescent alitude above the published aerodrome elevation. Height Above Touchdown Zone Elevation (HAT). The height foctof he ‘decision right or the minimum descent alitude above the touchdown Hentz (tz), The standard radio equivalent of requency in cycles per second of an electromagnet wave. Kilhertz (Kr) Is a frequency of 1000, tycles per second. Megahertz (MHz) is a frequency of one millon, {ycies pe second. High Frequency (HF). The frequency band between 3 and 30 MHz High Level Air Route, Inthe High Level Airspace, a prescribed track between specified rato aids 10 navigation along which ATC services, notproviced. High Level Airspace. All atspace that is within the Canadian Domesic Airspace ator above 18,000 feet ASL. High Level Airway. Inthe controlled high level aspace, a prescribed track between specified rio aids fo navigation and designated “slong which ATC service is provided. Holding Fix/Holding Point. A specified location, dntitied by visual or oer ‘means inthe Viciniy of which fe postion of an aire in fights ‘maintained in accordance with an ATC clearance. Homing. Fighttoward a navaid, without correcting for wind, by adjusting the ‘aircraft neading to maintain a relative bearing of zero depress. Horizontal Situation indicator (HSI) A navigational instrurent that com. nes the display of acing weicater win the ply fan on Identitication Zone. An aispace of detined dimensions extending upwards from the surface ofthe earth wihin which oeriain rules apply forthe security control of airtratfic. {FR AlrcrafuFlight. An alcratt conducting fight in accordance with insta ‘ment fight rues, IFR Conditions. Weather conditions below the minimum fer fight under visual fight ules, Incfcated Airspeed (IAS) The uncorrected speed ofthe sical wad trom the airspeed indicator. isthe measurementof the ference between, impact ard static pressure Inccated Atta. Tho reading on he alimetr when is seta he curent arometre pressure Inertial Navigation System (INS). A set contained long range navigation system wnich by means of computers, precision gyros and sensitive ‘accelerometers provdes guidance and steering information and curately dspiays postion, qroundspeed andheadina, Inner Marker. A marker beacon used with an ILS, located between the ‘midale marker and the thresholdo! the ILS runway. Instrument Flight Rules (FR). Rules governing fie conductol fight under instrument meteorological concitons. Instrument Landing System (ILS).A precision insirumentapproach system consisting of a localzer, glide path, outer and middle markers and, approachligits Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). Meteorological conditions ‘expresseaintermns fvstlly citance rom coud andestingiess than the minima spectied lor visual meteorological conctione. Instrument Runway. A runway equipped with electronic and visual naviga tion aids for which a precision orronprecision approach procedure has, been approved. International Civil Avistion Organization (ICAO). A specialized agency ot the United Nations whose objecive is to develop the principles and techniques of Intemational ar navigation and to foster planning and avalopment of inaesational calaitranepot Intersection.) A point dined by any combinaton of courses. racials beatings of two or more navigation aids. 2) The point where two runways coss or meat within thar length ‘JetStream. A nigrating steam of highspeed winds present athigh altitude ‘Joint Enroute Terminal System (JETS), An automated ATC system that sisplays digitally onaadar conso alitude information on aipianes win Mode C transponder capabily Landing Gear Extended Speed. The maximum speed at which an alrrat ‘can be saely own withthe landing gear exianded. Landing Gear Operating Speed. Themaximum speed atwhich the landing ‘gear canbe safely extended or retracted. Landing Roll. The distance from the point oftoucdown tothe point where the aifcrat can be brought toa sop or ext the runway. Landing Sequence. The order in which aircraft aro positioned for landing. ‘Losd Factor. The ratio ofa spected lad tothe total weight of the aircraft. Local Traffic. Arcraftoperatinginthetraficcrcuitor wihinsigtofthe tower. Localizer. Tnecomponentot an ILS which provides course guidance tothe ‘unway, From The Groung up Loran (Long Range Navigation). Ar electronic navigation system by which hyperbole ines of pasion are cetermined by measuring tnesiorence in ne time of recepion of synchronized pulse signals Wom two fed transmiters, Low Frequency (LF). Te frequency band between 30 and 300 KHZ. ‘Low Level Airspace. Allairspace within the Canadian Domestic Airspace below 18,000 feet ASL. Low Level Air Route. in the low levol airspace, all that area extending Upwards from the surface ofthe eath within certain specified beun aries and within wich ATC service is notprovided. ‘Low Level Airway. In tho low loval apace, a proscribed track botwoon spected radio aids io navigation along which ATC sence is provided. ‘Mach indicator. An instrument tha provides a continuous indication ofthe ‘ali of airspeed tothe local speed of sound. ‘Mach Number. Tho ratio! true airspeed tothe speed of sound, Mandatory Frequency (VF). A VHF trequency designated for use of radio ‘equipped aircraft operating on he surface or in the vicinity of cerain, Spectied uncontrolled airports. Maneuvering Area. That part of an aorodrome intended fer the taking off ‘and landing of aircraft. Maneuvering Speed. The maximum speed at which the fight controls can be fully deflected wehout damage fo the alplane strucure, Monitold Pressure. Absolute pressise measured al the appropriate point in the induction system, expressed in inches of mercury. Manifold Pressure Gauge. Aninstumentthatindcates ninches ofmorcury the pressure ofthe wel/ar mixture in the ergine intake manifold Marker Beacon. An electronic navigation facility transmiting a 75 MHz Vertical ar or bone shaped radiation pattem Mayday. The international radiotelechony distress signal. MEDEVAC. A term used to request ATS priorty handling for a medical fevacuaton fight based on a mecical emergency in fe transpot of, pattents organ dorors, organs or other urgently noeded ife-saving redicalmateral Medium Frequency (MF) The requency band between 300and3000 KHz Middle Marker. A marker beacon that defines 2 point along the glide rath ‘ofan ILS, normally lbeated ator near decison height Miltary Fiying Area (MFA), Class F Airspace of defined dimensions within the high level airspace designated for the use of military training and, testing uitary Terminal Control Area (MTCA). Controlled airspace of defined ‘dimensions designed to serve arriving, departing and enroute aircraft and within which special procedures and exemptions exist fr miliary arerat Minimum Grossing Altiude (MCA) The lowest altitude at certain fixes at ‘which an aircraft must cross. Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA), A specified height referenced to sea Tevel for a nonprecsion approach Below which descent must not be made unt the roqured visual feference te continue te approach to fand has been established. Minimum Enroute IFR Altitude (MEA). The lowest alttude above sealevel ‘between specified fxes on alays or air routes at wricn acceptable signal coverapeis received andwhich meets the obstruction clearance requrements, ‘Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA). That altitude in efoct DDetwoen fixes on a VHF/UHF aieway which meets ihe obstruction clearance requirements fr the route segment. ‘Minimum Reception Alttude (MRA). Ata spectic VHF/UHF intersecton, the lowest alitude above sea level at which acceptable navigation signal coverage is recoived o dotermine th intersection. Mimum Sink Speed, The peed that ves, wit no power, minimum MinimumsiMinima. Weather condition requirements establshed fora par ticular operation or ype of operation ‘Mode. The letor or number assigned to a spec pulse spacing of radio ‘signals Yansmitted and recerved by ground interrogator and airborne transporders: Mode Gis used for alttude reporting Mountainous Region. An area of detined lata dimensions above which ‘special rules conceming minimum IFR altitudes apply Movement Area. That part of an aerodrome intended tor the surlace movement of aicraf, Including maneuveritg areas and aprons. Navigational Ald/Navaid. Any visualor electronic device airsorne or onthe Sufface which provides point fo point guidance information or positon, ‘Sata fo arerattin fight Never Exceed Speed. The maximum spued at which the ‘operated in smooth air. Night. The period ofime wnen the centre ofthe sun's disci more than & ‘dogreesbelow the Fotizan or the period of me commencing one hal. four ater sunset and ending ons half mourbetore sunfise, in any place where the sunrises and sets daly. [Night VER. Aight conducted in accerdance with VFR duringhours of right lane canbe Glossary Nondirectional Beacon (NDB). An UNF radio beacon transmiting non- ‘drectional signals whereby the pict ofan aiteaf equipped with ADF ‘can datermina his baaring to oF from he ratio beacon and "noma" on ‘or rack to orfrom the sation. Nonprecision Approach Procedure. Astandard instrument approach pro ‘cedure in which no electronic guide pathis provided. NORDO. Airrat in which no radio equiementisinsiale. ‘Normal Operating Limit Speed. The maximum safe spoed at which the ‘atplane should be operated: the cruise speed for which it was, designed. Northern Domestic Airspace (NDA) All aispace within the Canadian ‘Domest Alspace mates non aa line that specticaly detined by regulation, begins atthe Alaska/Canada border on the Arctic Ocean ‘and, more orless, exter southward trough Vellowknifeto Church, ‘nd thence rortheast fo Frobisher and the Atlantic Ocean, NOTAM. Noticas io airman are vanamited on the islacommunication net ‘works and are also pubsshed in printed form and convey information ‘of special import regarding the facies in theW respective areas. ‘Omega. A long range navigation system based on very low frequency avigation signals ransmitied by Bworld wide stations, ‘Omni. The commonly used shortened name for the very high frequency ‘omniairectional navigation system, ‘Outer Marker. A marker beacon ator near the glide path intercept altitude ‘fan ILS approach, Ploage. Navigation by visual eterenceto lanamars, Pllot-In-command. The plotresponsibe forthe operation and safety of an ‘areraft during fight time. IREP (Pilot Westher Report). A repor of metorologial phenomena ‘encountered aicraftin fight Pitch Setting. The propelierbiade setting as determinedby the lade angle Position Report. Arepor over aknownlecaton as tansmitted by an areal TeATC. lve Control. Control of al air trafic within designated airpace by ar ‘waffic contro, Precipitation. Any or all forms of wator pantces (rain, sleet, hal or snow) that fll fromthe almosphere and reach the surtace. Precision Approach Radar (PAR). A high definiion. short range radar ‘2pproach aio It provides alttude, azimuth andrange information Pressure Altitude. The reading on the alimeter when itis setto standard barometric pressure (28.92" Hg), Procedure Turn. & maneuver in which a tura is made away tom a desig ated tack olowedby tur inthe apposite direction, Boh tums being ‘executed s0as o perm the aicrat to intercep: and procesd along the ‘eciprocal ofthe designated track Propeler. A device for propeling an arplane by is action on the air. ‘Comprises two or more Hades on anengine driven shaftforthe purpose ‘ofpreducing trust approximately perpendicular ‘ots plane of rotation. RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging). A device which, by measuring the time intoval between transmission and reception of aio pulses and correlating the angular orientaion ofthe radiated antenna beam, Provides infarmation on range, azimuth andio’ elevation of objects {fe path of te ransmitad pues. Radar Altimeter Radio Altimeter, Airborne equipment which makes use the reflection of radio waves from tre ground o determine ine height, olthat aera above the ground Radial. A magnetic bearing extending rom a VOR, VORTAC or TACAN navigation facility. Radio. (1) A device used for communication. (2) Used to refer to a fight Fadlo Magnetic Indicator (RMI). A navigational instrument coupled witha {yf0 compass that indicates the drection 1 a selected navaid and Indicates bearing with respect fo the heading ef he areal. ating A statoment that. as a part of a pilot license, sets ‘orth special ‘conaitons, pivleges oriabons. emote Communications Outlet (RCO). An unmanned air/ground con Tunications station remotely contoied by an FS or CARS. -eporting Point. A geograptical location in relationto which the poston of ‘a atcratt separ Restricted Area. Class F Aispace of defined dimensions above the and ‘2163s oF feritovial waters win whch the fight o areas testictes inaccordance with cerain spectieg conditions. Roche! Range. Class F airepace of defines dimensions within which testing ‘frocks is conducted oy the miltary. ONLY. An aiplane equipped witha radio receiver only. Rotate A word used indicate one of several take-off sequences. The term ‘slams from otate about the lateral axis ofan aitplane” and applies ‘change of atlude durng take-of “Runway. A defined rectangular area, onaand aerodrome, propared forthe Tanding and take-off unot aircraft slong is lergth, Runway Visual Range (RVR). For a particular runway, the maxmum ‘dstancein the direction of take-off ar landng a plot wile able to see theligntsorother dainoating markers alongihe runway em aspect Point above the contre ine tha: corresponds fo the average eye level athe moment of touchdown, ‘Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). A rads system that requires com- plementary aircraft aquipment(ransponde), ‘Separation. In ATC, the spacing of srraft to achieve thersafe and orderly ‘movement in fight and while landing and aking of. ‘Sigmet (Significant Meteorological Information). A weather advisory “issued concerning weather significant to the safety of aircrat (e.g. fomadoes, hunderstorms, severe turbulence, cing, ete) Southern Demestic Airspace (SDA). All aispace withn the Canadian ‘Domestis Arepace that les South ofa line, that, specially dines by regulation, begin atthe Alaska/Canada border on ne Arctic Ccean ‘and, mote or lass, exionds souhwara tough Yellowarteto Churchill, and theres nortneast to Frobisher and the Alantic Ocean, ‘Special VER Conditions. Weather conditions in @ control zone which are Tess than basie VFA and in which some alert are permitted fight, Under visual fight rules. ‘Specified Area. An area inthe vienily of an uncontrolled aerocrome tor which a mandatory frequency or an aerodrome trafic frequency has. been designated snd within which MF or ATF procedures apply Usually acrcle with aS nautica mie radius extending up t0 3000 feet above aerodrome slevaton. ‘Standard Atmosphere. A standard unit of atmospheric pressure, 29.92 inches of mercury at 15°C at sea evel, as defined by ICAO. ‘Standard Rate Turn. A tira of thee degrees por second, ‘Stopover Flight Plan. & fight plan which includes two o more separate ‘enroute fight Segments with an intermediate stop at one or more, airports, ‘Staightin Approach. Entry into the trattic circuit by interception ot the ial ‘pproact leg without executing ay other parton af the trac cxcuit, ‘Student Jet Training Area. Class F Arspace ofdetined aimensions exenc: ing upwards from the surtace ofthe earthto 18,000 feet ASL in which intensive student jot taining tes place ‘TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), An ultrahigh frequency at navigation aia which provides oulably equipped alrerat a continuous indication of Dearing and distance to a Tacan station. ‘Tachometer. An insrumont that indicates the speed at which the engine rankshaft i turning. “Target. The indication snown on a radar display resulting from a prmary adar relurn on a radar beacon reply Terminal Cortrol Area (TCA). Anaispace of defined dimensions extending ‘Upwards from a dened base AGL within which a terminal contral unit Provides ATC services to IFA fights. TCAS are usually Class D. ‘Airspace, Dut may be classed as B or © Tetrahedron. A device located on the airport which is usad as alanding/ wind direction indicator, ‘Threshold. The beginning of that prion of the runway usable fr landing ‘Threshold Grossing Height (TCH). The height ofthe glide path above the runway threshold Touch and Go. An operation by an aircraft that lands and departs on a runway without stopping or exiing the runway. ‘Touchdown. (1) Tho point at which an aircraft first makes contact with tho Tanding sulace (2) IniL, the point wherethe glide path interceps the landing surface ‘Touchdown Zone (TDZ}. The first 3000 feet of runway irom the threshold inthe dtection of lang, ‘Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE), The highest runway cenreline eleva tion inte touchdown zone, ‘Tower. A termina acity which through use of a/ground communications, ‘visual signaling, provides ATC services to borne aicraftoperatngin the icinty of me arpor andi arcrat operating on the moverentarea ofthe airport. ‘Track. The projaction onthe earth's surtace ol the path ef an aircra, the ‘ection of which at any point is usually expressed in degrees from ‘north (tue, magnet or and) ‘ratficCireut. The tratictlow thatisprescribedtoraircraftlancing at, teiing ‘nor taking of from an airport. Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWB). A continuous recording of ‘eteordogical and aeronautical information that is beadcast on IMF ‘anaior VON raciibes ‘Transponder. Aceceivertransmiter which wil generate areply signal upon Proper interrogation (SSA) True Altitude. Exact height above mean sea level “True Airspeed. Calbrated airspeed (or equivalent aispeed) corrected for ensty eror. 278 From The Ground Up ‘Tum and Slip Indicator Turn CoOrdinator. An instrument designed 10 indicate tha irection and rate a turn ol an airerat and the arsount of slipping er skigding nthe turn Uncontrolled Aerodrome/Airport. An aerodrome or airport without an air ‘alli cortrol tower in operation, Variation. Theangla between the trus marian and the magnetic meridian, Vector. A heading issuedto an aircraft to provide navigational uidance by radar Vertical Speed Indicator An instrument that indicates the ate, infect per ‘minute. a which an plane is ascending or dascencing, Very High Frequency (VHF). The recuency bandbetween Sand 300 NH2, Very Low Frequency (VLF). The frequency bard between 2 and 90 KHz, VER AircraftiFlight, An arerat concucting fightin accordance with visual fgntruas \VHE Direction Finding Service (VHFIDF). A facility designed to provide bearing information b apianes Visibility. The ablty, as determined by atmospheric conditions and ex- ‘tessed in units of distance. to see and idantily prominent uniigted ‘Objects by day and prominent lighted objec by night. Visual Approach. An apocoach wherein an airaft on an IFR fight lan, ‘peratingin VFR weather conaltons under he controofan ATC facility, ‘and having an ATC authorizaten, may preceed to the aiport of des- Tinavon in VER weather condtlens Visual Flight Rules. Rules that govern the procedures for conducting fight “undervisualeonatons, Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). Meteorological conciions ex- ‘pressed in terms of visibly, distance irom cloud and celing equal fo, Orbetter than specified minima, VOR (Very High Frequency Ormidirectional Range) Station. A ground ‘based navigation aid transmitting VHF navigaton signals 360° in azimuth oriented from magratic north, VORTAC (VOR/TACAN). A navication aid providing VOR azimuth, TACAN, ‘azimuth and TACAN DME at one site. Vortices/Wing Tip Vertices. Circular pattems of air created by the move: mentot an aifolthrough the air when ganerating fight. VOT (VOR Test Signa). A ground facility whch emits aiest signal to check ‘VOR receiver accuracy Wake Turbulence. Te turbulence associated with the pair of counter-rotat ing vores train from the wing tips ofan airplane in fight Waypoint NAV). A predetermined geographical position used forroute or ‘prograss reporting purposes that i Setned as relative to @ VORTAC. Staton postion, Wind Direction Indlestor. A device which visually indicates the wird direc tion forthe purpose of determining the sirecbon in which landiags and take-ofs shoulé ba made, Wind sheer. A chango, thor vercally orhorzontaly,inwind spood andlor directon in a shor distance resutng ina tearing o: shearing etiect. ABBREVIATIONS ‘Aor AST — Atantic Standard Time ‘ARE — Above Aerodrome Elevation ‘AAS — AtportAdvisory Service 'AASF\— Airport and Arrways Surveillance Radar ‘ACA — Artie Control Area ‘ACAS — Arberne Colisen Avoidance System ACO Aven Control Contre ‘A10— Aerodrame ‘AD— Aiewortiness Directive ‘ADOUS— Advise Customs ‘ADF — Automatic Direction Finder ‘AD'S — Automatic Data interchange Systom ‘ADZ— Air Defence identification Zone ‘AES — Atmosoheric Enveonment Service ANG — AirGround ‘AGL — Above Ground Level ‘AL— Attnude indicator ‘AIC — Aeronautical Inforration Circular ‘AIP — Aeronautical Information Pubication Canada ‘Aimet — Aroan's Meteorological Advisory ‘At Alitude ‘Alt — Alternate ‘AM— Amplituse Modulated ANE — Airerat Maintonsnee Engingsr ANAL —Analjsis ‘AND — Air Navigation Ordor AOE — Airpor ol Entry ‘ARCAL — Aircraft Radio Contol of Lighting ‘ARTO — A Route Trae Control (US) ‘AS.— Above Sea Level ‘ASA Arpon Surveillance Radar ‘ATC — Air Trac Contol [ATCRES — ATC Ragar Beacon Sysiom [ATF — Aerodrome Traffic Frequency ‘ATIS — Autorratio Terminal Informaton Service ‘ATS — Air Trac Services ‘ATZ— Aorodome Trae Zone AUN— AlLupweight ‘AWIS— Aviaton Weather Information Service BO— Rack Course FO — Beat Frequency Oscilator BHP — Brake Horse Powat BM — Back Marker BMEP — Brake Mean Etfecve Pressure (Cor CST — Cantal Standard Time C—Colsius (CAE — Contrel Area Extension an. — Canaca CAP — Canada Air Plot CARS — Community Aerodrome Fadi Station CAS — Calibrated Airspeed CASAP — Confidential Aviation Safety Reporting Program GAT — Gil Aviation Tribunal CAT — Clear Air Turbulence GAT 1— Category | GAT Category ‘CAVU— Coling and Vsitity Unites cI —Coralion and Contormity inspection CDA— Canadian Domestic Airspace CDI— Course Deviation Ingicato: CFB — Canacian Forces Base (CFS — Canada Fight Supplemont CG — Centre ot Gravty (GNINPS — Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Col A— Conifeate of Airworthiness. Cot R—Centicate ot Registration GP—Cenire of Pressure (GRO — Censoldated Regulations of Canada GTA— Control Area (CTAISB— Canadian Transportation Accident Invesigaton and Salely Board VER — Controlled VER (GW— Continuous Wave (Wireless Key) 62—Conrol Zone DADS —Digtal meter Display System DAH — Designated Arspace Harabook DCO — Deuble Channel Duplex DGS — Double Chantel Simpl DEW — Distant Early Waring DF — Direction Finding DH— Decsion Height DME — Distance Measuring Equpment DN — Department o! National Defence DOC — Department of Communications DOT — Department of Transport DIR Dead Reckoning DT—Dayight Time DUATS — Direct User Access Terminal System DVFR— Defence Visual Fight Rules E or EST —Eastem Standard Tine EAS — Equivalent Airspeed [EFIS — Electronic Fight Instrument System EGT— Exhaust Gas Temperature EHF — Exremely High Frequency ELT — Emergency Locator Transmitter ETA— Estimated Time of Arval ETD — Expected Time of Departure ETE — Expected Time Enroute F—Fatvenheit Glossary FA— Aviation Area Forecast FAA — Federal Avion Administration (US.) FAF — Final Approach Fx FAR — Feveral At Regulations (U.S.) FD — Upper Winds and Temperature Forecast FIR — Fight Information Region FL—Fight Level FM Frequancy Modulation FSS — Fight Service Station FT — Aerodrome Forecast VFR — VFR Fiighi Following Service GCA — Ground Contolles Approach GHA — Greenwicn Hour Angie GP — Gide Path o Glide Slope GPS — Global Posiioning Systam GS— Gide Siope HAA— Height Abore Aerosrone HAT — Height Above Touchsewn Zone Exvation Hg. —rchos of Mercury HI — Heading Incicator HIAL High intnaty Approath Ligtting HLA— ih Love arspace HP Horse Power hPa— Hectopascal His. — Hours HSI Horizontal Stuaton Indicator He— Herz 24 — Continuous Operation AF — Initial Approach Fix IAG — Incicateg Airspeed ICAO —Internatoral Civil Aviation Orgarization IF — Intermediate Fix IFR— Instrument Fight Rules ILS — Instrument Landing System IMC — Instrument Hleteorologcal Conditions INS — Inerial Navigation System 1SA— Intemational Standard Atmosphere J— High Lovel Aiway “BI — James Brake indicator {JETS — Joint Enroute Terminal System km— Kilometer is — kos Ltt Lat, — Latitude LDA— Localize Type Directional Aid LHA— Local Hour Angle LIAL —Low Intensty Approach Lighting LLA— Low Level Arspace LMF —Low’Medium Frequency LOHAN — Long Range Air Nawgation £S8— Lower Sige Band Mor MST — Mountain Standerd Time MAG Mean Aerodynamie Chord Mag. —Magnetic Mp— Nilibar MCA —Minimum Crossing Alitude MDA — Minimum Descent Altude MEA — Minimum Envoute Aliude MEDEVAC— Medical Evacuation Fight MEP —Mean Etfecve Pressure Met. — Meteorology METO — Maximum Except Take-Off Power MF —Nandatory Frequency MFA —Mitary Flying Area M2 —Megahert MLS — Microwave Landing System MN — Midale Marker MOA — Miltary Operations Area MOGA — Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude MP — Manifold Pressure Mpn— Miles per Hour MRA— Minimum Flecepton Attude MSL— Mean Sea Level MTCA— Miltary TerminalControl Area MVFA—Marghal Visual Fight Rules IN miles — Nautical Milos Nav.— Navigaion ‘Navaié — Navigation Ai .NAVSTAR — Global Positoning System NCA Northen Control area NDA— Northen Oomestc Airspace NDB— Non Directional Beacon NM— Nautical Mile NORDO— No Radio NOTAM— Notces to Airmen NT Error —Nafhetly Turning Error OAT — Outside Ai Temperature (085 — Omni Bearing Selector (0105 — Operational Information Dissay System (OM— Outer Marker (ONS — Omens Navigation System OR—On Request (Ot — On Tine P or PST — Pantie Standard Time PAL — Perpheral station PAPI— Precison Approach Path Indcator PAR — Precision Approacn Radar PAS — Private Advisory Sation PATWAS Piet Automate Telephone Weather Answering Senco PCZ— Positive Contiol Zone PIREPS — Pict Reports PNI— Pictorial Navigation Indicator PROG — Prognosis FVA— Radius of Action RADAR — Rado Detection and Ranging RAFCON — Radar Approach Control RAREPS — Woather Rladat Reports ASO —Reglcnal Aviation Satety Oficer RAT — Rectied Ar Temperature FICO — Remote Communcations Ouset FIGR — Runway Conalion Report [RDD-1 — Radar Digitzed Display FSS — Remate Fight Service Station RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator RNAV —Area Navigation RONLY — Receiver Only RPM — Rotations per Minute RISC — Runway Surface Condition RTF —Radiotelephony Frequencies VOS— Remote Vehicie Control Sevice RVR— Runwey Visual Range Fay — Funway Siumles — State Miles SA— Aviation Weather Repo SAR — Search and Rescue SARSAT — Search and Rescue Satelite SAWR Supplemental Avaion Weather Report ‘SCA— Southern Control Area SCATANA — Security Control of Air Trafic ‘SCS — Single Channel Seplex ‘SD — Radar Report ‘SDA Southern Domestic Airspace ‘SHA — Sidereal Hour Angle 'SID— Standard Instument Departure ‘Signet — Signticant Meteorological hformation SM Statue Mile ‘588 — Single Side Band SSR — Secondary Surveilance Radar ‘SST — Supersonic Transport STAR — Standard Torminal Arrival Rowte STOL— Short Take-Off and Landing T—Twe 280 From The Ground Up TACAN— Tactical Ai Navigation TAS —True Airspeed TAT —True Air Tenperature TB —Tack Bar TC— Transport Canada TCA— Terminal Control Area ‘TCAS — Traffic Alot and Collison Avoidance System (U.S) TGH— Threshold Crossing Hegnt DZ— Touchdown Zone ‘TDZE — Touchdown Zone Elevation TiO — Take-ott ‘TW — Transcribed Weather Broadcast we —Tower UDF —UHF Direction Finder UH — Diva High Frequency UNICOM — Private Advisory Sation US— United States USB — Upper Side Band UTC —Gorordinated Univeral Time V— Vitor Airway (VOR) \VASIS — Visual Approach Sioge Indicator Systom VCS — Vehicle Control Service \VOF 0° YHF/DF — VHF Direction Finder \VFR— Visual Fight Rules VHF — Very High Frequency VLE — Very Low Frequency \VNC— Visual Meteorological Concitions VNC —VFR Navigation Chart \VOLMET — Infght Meteorological information VOR —VHF Omni-siectional Range VORTAC — VORVTACAN ‘VOT — VOR Receiver Test Facility \VSI—Vertcal Speed Indicator VTA— VFR Torminal Area Chert VTOL — Vertical Take-of and Landing VTPO— VFR Termnal Procedure Chart WAC —World Aeronautical Chart WAS — Water Aerodrome Supplement WP— Waypoint Wx — Weather XC-— Cross Country Zor ZULU— Co.Oxinated Universal Time 2 VHE Station Location Matter THE V SPEEDS \Vq— design maneuvering speed \Vs— design speed for maximum gust tensity Ve-— design cruisig speed, Vp — design dvina speed \Voesoe demonstrates fight ving speed. Ve—design lap speed, Vecuro— maximum speed for stably characteristics, Vee —maximum fap extended spoed. Va— maximum speed in level ight with ated rpm and power. ce — maximum lancing gear extended speed zo —landing light operation speed. Vio — maximum landing gear operating speed. Vice —lit-of speed Vie — minimum contol speed, The minimum speed at which tis possible tocantal the airplane inthe air, wth he cecal engine inoperative. ‘Vics —minimum contro speed in he ar ina take-off conrigurato. ‘Vives —minimum contro speedon the ground. The minimum speedat which its possible te suffer an engine fallre on takeoff and maintain control ofthe arpiane. ‘Viuet—minimum contol speedin the alrin en approachor landing conigur tien with an engine inoperative. ‘one — maximum operating speed. The maximum permitted speed for ‘lloperatons ‘Vins —misimum unstick speed. The minirum speed at which the arpsane ean belted off the runway without displaying any hazardous Tight charactors. ‘Vue — never excoed speed. Vho— maximum permed spees for nota operations. ma — rough ac speed. The recommended speed for tight in turbuence, Va—tetaon speed \Vner—er0s the threshold sposd \Vo- stall speed. Te minimum stoady tight spood at which the alan is convolabl. Va.— sill speed otainedin aspect cortiguration, Power-ofstal speed (Clean) ‘Vso — al sped inlanding contiguration Vi — sp00d for best angle of cmb Vy — speed for best ato of ci. tial engine speed. Take-f decision spoedTh speed above ‘teh fe taeof Is contnued and bron wien ake-ots aba ‘ened in the event ofan engine fare \Vs—take-of safe speed. Take-off and cimb speed. Venn —minimum teke-f satey speed. Vs fp reaction speed TURBINE TERMINOLOGY Pilots of wine aiplanes shoug be tama with he folowing terms: 'Nreumters rotor tospoeds of various components, Ny—gas generator speed. No— powor turbine speed. N,—hoh rotor speed. N— Compressor speed (rpm er percent) fra single compressor engine. Ni ~ Speed of the low pressure compressor of a dual compressor engin, certhe speedolasingle compressor engine equippad with atree turbine No Speed ofthe high pressure compressor ofa dual compressor engine, othe ree turbine speed of a single compressor engine equicped with 2iree turbine PHOTO CREDIT: Ns— Fie turbine speed of a dial compressor engine equipped wih a free tubine. Beta Range — the ground range of operation ofthe propeller in atrboprop configuration. For ground operation, controlabl thrust can be ob- taned by scheduling and co-ordnaling fuel flow and blade angle fccording tothe dictates ofthe power lever. The bela range refers to the angle of tavel of the propeler from fine pitch up tothe point of reverse propsler angle Page 100, Fig.6: SUPERSTOCK/FOUR BY FIVE. Photographer: Tom Rosanthal Page 245: [BOEING CANADA, DeHaviland Division. Glossary 281 CONVERSION TABLE UNITS OF MEASUREMENT freimpriagsene eS som Diawnalons cee Disance ‘Nautical Miles tome feo [ewe us Jo us Je us and Tenths | ‘Alitudss, Heights, = ces aes Elevations and Dime im ott BR ‘sions on Aerodrome: Feet } 8 3 2 BAS and Shon Distances ne ae ot Hofzonal sped Ha pes aoe al Vertical Speed ect Per Minute any Boke 2 Boa Wind Speed Knots uke Bo nS Wind Directon for Degrees Magnetic in Southern Be Boas | 2 Rx Landing and Taking Domestic Airspace 15 330 1 335 3 dal off Degress True in Northern 3 eS % Bx Domestic Airspace te hoe a BS Wind Direction for Bia Bie 8 ee ees Dearees True Bun Bon io Faia Cloind Altitude Fe 33S Bie usa and Height = BSS 3 fe om tts Visi ‘Statute Miles B38 BD i ni “Akimeter Tnches of Mercury cad ae eee seis snd iar Be eR xe nt reel Celaus ok OES ee Surface Upper Ait ae xs feo 35.3 ‘Weight Pounds Mae %3 | tae ain] Hours and Minutes the Ban Boh Sao bint Time ‘Day of 2¢ Hou! ee aes mies! Beginning at Midnight & te Boe Greenwich Mean Time CONVERSION TABLES and FACTORS AVIATION GASOLINE TEMPERATURE MULTIPLY Y TOOBTAIN CTs oe litres/weight in pounds at 18°C Celsius giStnen Fahrenneit 90 194 ags32 iB = E i 85 185 | Centimeters 0.3837 —_Inch 10 1588 (8B 225 437 80 © 176_| Fahrenheit’ Subtract 32 Celsius 20 (316 6S 102.7 220 42875167 then x59 2539.5 7m 110.6 215419 70158 | Fathome 6 Foot 30 478 73 118.8 20 41065 tag | Feet 0.30481 Meters 3858.3, 80 126.4 205 401 60 140_-| Gallonsiimp) 1.20095 Gallons(US) ” 62 8 ad 200392 55131 us) S287 kires 45. Lt 90 a2 1% © 383-5012 ere 0 79.0 9s 150.1 TA ASN | inchesotHg. 38:86395 Milibars Sate Ed mos 9.491174 Lbs. sa.inch | inte 254 Milimoters kilograms 2.20862 Pounds 17 338.2577 _'| Kilometers «0.62137 Miles (Statute) 16 0329 208 a 0.539553 (Nautical) 46 320 «1558 | Lbseqinch 2.036 —inchesof Hg. 185-311 1050 |_Litres, 0.219975 Gallons(Imp.) 150 90205, ay : 0.264178 (WS) EQUIVALENTS 14293 00S 32 | Meters 3.28083 Feet MINUTES HOURS 140 284-0523. | Miles (Nautica) 76/68 Miles (Statute) 5 1 195-275 4104 "41853249 Kilometers 0. Z 130 266 1505 ” (Statute) 66/76 Miles 15 3 (Nautica) 2 3 12 257 20-4 Rls) ae eee 120 248 25-13 ee a= Milibars 0.020531 Inches of Hy. 2 5 115-239-302 0.7501 Millimeters of 35 6 m0 230 35 3t Hg. 0. 7 105 221 40-40 | Millimeters 0.03037 Inch “6 8 joo 212 4549 Motta. 1.33315 Milibars 3 3 % 203 50-58 | Pounds 0.453592 Kilograms 55 9

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