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How Does a Cell Phone Work?

By Jaki

Welcome to my slide show! If you are like
many other Americans in the twenty-first
century you most likely use a type of
sophisticated radio, commonly known as a
cell phone. But have you ever really
wondered how a cell phone works? How you
can have a simple conversation with
someone? How you can be directed from one
call to another? Well if you read into this
website it will surely explain these question. I
hope you enjoy! =]

Mainly started for business people. Estimated that at least
One member from each family owns a cell phone in the
United States. Cell phones are defined as a sophisticated
radio, or a wireless communication tool that uses, cells,
base station, and a cell phone tower for each call. There are
many amounts of cells that use extensive frequencies that
allow many people to use cell phones at the same time.
During a call its traveled from base station to base stations
it goes from cell to cell. Cell phones also use a short wave
analog or a digital telecommunication where a subscriber
has a wireless connection from mobile telephone to
relatively nearby transmitter and a receiver in the base

and more science

The main part of a cell phone is the cell

which is a system inside the phone. The
system divides an area of cells into groups of
cells on a hexagonal grid form. The cell
phone connects to towers, then connects you
to land based telephone system route call.

.And Some More Science


....And more science

The fourth is the MTSO chooses a
frequency pair for your phone to use in the
cell to take the call. The fifth is the MTSO
connects and communicates with your
phone telling it what frequencies to use and
when the phone and tower will begin these
frequencies, and then you are connected.
The sixth and final as you start to use up all
of the cell the tower takes note of the dying
cell, this means its time for the control
channel to place you with another cell.

Radio waves
Radio waves can vary in different sizes.
They range from football fields to footballs.
Its job is to carry signals for your cell phone.
For cell phones mainly they are used to
transmit information. They vary form being
a lot smaller than normal television waves.
Whenever you make a call on your cell
phone your voice is encoded and made into
radio waves that are transmitted by the
antennae on your cell phone and it goes to
the nearest base station.




FrequenciesThese can allow thousands of mobile users to share channels.

MTSO- each carrier in each city runs what is called a central office. known
as the Mobile Telephone Switching Office
Dying cell- Is when its time for the control channel to place you with another
Radio waves- transmit information by the intennae and goes to a
base station


Dont know


portonally correct


The previous graph contains the information

that I collected from my question.
I asked twenty adults if they knew how a cell
phone works.
The results were on the previous slide.

Related links
How cell phones work

Physics of Cell Phones

This site gave me through and

clear information about my

This site gave me stepby-step information, on

how a cell phone works.

How stuff works

This site gave me the
codes behind the science
of a cell phone.

MRS. Pecks Website

This Website gave me clear
information on how radio waves
are used by cell phones

Biggie Questions

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