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per-2i-10 ¢€:0tan From VEDDERPRICE Fax T40d Poi/ea Foa80 ee0en PRICE 1639 8RDADMAK 7H FLOOR New YORK NEW YORK 10018 212 407 7700 fan 712 9077788 {Typo ben ayes with sano 21240) 7 Bar Fox Rondo 22407725, Fs peat Contiancay ote Thamesaga Ute ff me om err wy wh saves wa ay can sorexn tat swags ean 38 EN, Please deliver the following page(s) to: To: Jeffrey A. Kehl, Esq. Kehl, Katzive & Simon, LLP Maria Blena Gonzalez, Esa. United Federation of Teachers, Local 2, AFT, AFL-CIO From: Lyle S. Zuckerman Date: Apri} 22. 2010 Client Ne Special instructions to receiving operaor: Message: Fax No.: 212-500-5031 Confirmatin No.: Fax No: 212-228-9253 Confirmation No.: Sender’s Ext: 212-407-6964 Total Pages: 9 Time Received by Fax Dept. poretl=I0 02:07pm From F300 P02/08 F388 VEDDERPRICE \EDDER PEEP 1628 BROKOWAY ATTIC R.OOR YORK NEW YORK COTO 212-407-7700 ists. 2uceenaan 21207-7798 prea aete mewnbreenoee cn nea oR 9 ASTON April 21, 2010 VIA FACSIMILE (212) 500-5031 AND FEDEX, Jeffrey A. Kebl, Esq. Kehl, Katzive & Simon, LLP 317 Madison Avenue - 21st Floor New York, New York 10017-5208 via JE. (212) 228-9253 AND FEDEX Maria Elena Gonzalez, Esq United Federation of Teachers, Local 2, AFT, AFL-CIO 52 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10004 Re: KIPP AMP Academy Charter Schoo! Dear Mr. Kehl and Ms. Gonzalez: This law firm represents Dameon Clay, a teacher at KIPP AMP Academy Charter ‘School. Pursuant to documents we obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Law request, you are listed as counsel for KIPP AMP and the UFT respectively in connection with the centification proceeding that occurred about one year ago. If either of you no longer serves as counsel, kindly let me know as soon as possible. Enclosed please find a copy of Mr. Clay’s Petition for Decentfication of the UFT. which was filed with the PERILS today. My understanding of PER procedure is that the filing of this Petition prohibits further collective bargaining between KIPP AMP and the UET (because Mr. Clay, the Petitioner and thus party to this proceeding, does not consent to such bargaining). Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. SF as C2 ickerman Enclosures ce; Dameon Clay 0231839001 Anr-Ri-10 02:07pm Fron TH00 Po3/oe 88 STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD PETITION FOR CERTIFICATION ANDIOR DECERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Fie an orga! ana four (4) cope of wis | pO NOT WRITEJNTHIS SPACE Fethion wah me Director of Pub Employment Practices and ‘Representation, New York State Pubic Employment Case No. C- Rolavons Bosra, 00 Wor Road, Suite 500, abany, NY ¥2208-2656 11 more space required fr any te, aac ‘xadtional sheets, eummbering am accordingly The shewing | Dave Revered Shares! ana deciaranon of aunentty sicukd not be Stixed 9 we Peto “The Pewtoner ieges rat ne otowing cxcumstances exist ane requests tat ne New York Site Pubic Employment Reiabons Bosra proceed under is preper auinory 1. Purpase ofthis ptiion. (Check oniy the lines which are appropriate) ‘A. Gerancavon of Wegouaung Renresentve (employee Organtztvon) A suostante, numer ot employes wa pe — Topresentes hor purpoaae af eatecve negotahons by pottionet and peysaner desires tobe corbiod ws roposertalve oe “tipioyces for purposes of cotocine negotaons puseuant a Secton 207 of te Act, 1 {Employer - One or more employee organzations nave presented # cite to petitoner w ve recon sing obroverkains of oibovoet al Petwoter pa scone —— Representa Se ine nova ¢ v7 Decertitesvan - Pestoner ase hat he cent recognees chu ngcusing represent sos Ee cprneal tepserat tans a wle pat Petworth Borer Peter snes te Sony ocopnaes Soa neposina resonate w unk 2, Name, assess ane ei9phone ana fax numbers of Petioner: Lave St. Unt 321} ro Clifton NS 07012 ‘Fax Number: 2. 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Yean 12. tins matter subject to Secon 206.1 oF 212 of ne At? _ No 13 Hyou have checkea Box 1 A above o you afm mat you an the employe organzaton you represent o suppor do no asker ie dg erke against fy aorenman pant pipe any uch tie, pen Bh Cogan acu ass aru suena ume? 32 YES 14 It you navn checkea Box 1.6 sbove (a) tae e grounds upon when me cerfatonsnouid be revoked te eeDgniion anne “Tht employes 1 tre umt No longer desee to oe Represented by tre urT (nae enloesaganizaion caret coin ocean by te pale enoye: gage in 9 tke tes, instigated, encourages oF condoned & Strike agwinst any govemment? __ YES. me 15. include a lear and concse etatamant of any emer relevant fees, Taccars thay the above Pelion ana thatthe siatements heron ar oe fo he Beat Gly knawiodge and boli —Beasgaee ee Api ena 190m dor-2-i0. 02:086n From 1-300 POg/e Foa8e ‘SHOWING OF INTEREST 1 am employed by tne (PRINT NANE OF TERY and sgn ts snown of terest euppon ofa ropresentanon ptaon te fa by Sate Mira PETIRISRERY ‘wan me New York Saxe Puoie Employment Relaions Board oorty te pesioner andlor to Scart re curr negoBatng agent Win vospect tote flowing Negohateg Ine: (Ua Jon Tiles In Cunt Propccad Oagsining Une “Teche, Lenensns, Specaalisis, — 1 FULL NAME Pring: TOKAoa. 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FULLNAME (Pray.__n/owus €. Berney By Miownn Sreser, 8 -Reowenw NY 1208 ‘ADDRESS wen IME: SEmevn/ Sev T SEVER TECK WORK LOCATION: 783% Race V™ Foe Pecan , Brion FULL SIGNATURE: ywet _pate:_wfiaSro me: CER WORK LOCATION nas FULL SIGNATURE DATE poreti=10 02:08 Fron Tenia F aT/Me ‘SHOWING OF INTEREST tam employed by no pier Schoo) (PRINT NAME OF EMPLOYER) re Sgn Bis stowng itera’ ssppon ota epresartation pat fo be Ned by Peeler wit te Now York Ste Public Employers Retains Board wo cer the pemione ano to Gecerty re curare nepoianng Apert win respect o the folowing negating wi: (461 Job Tues In Curent or Proposed Bagnning Uny—\ enclnees. Aion Specialist * o WORK LOCATION: Fu SIGNATURE 3 FULLNAME Penn OVAL voor AZ Gates Bue ese Se WUNIEs mre geee eS WORK LOCATION Sx EOP P maL siNATURE Hash, Pel Dae 4, FULL NAME (Print) WORK LOCATION FULL SIGNATURE WORK LOCATION: _ f Furs sicnature AY (SA) Ar-2I-10- 02:08 From To300 P.08/09 F-a48 SHOWING OF rEREsT | am employed by ne p ‘ Chaetee Seleo ig F EMPLO nd ign mis showing of rurenin suppor of a rprocontaton poten 6 be Bed by “Soomes Che GRIT NAME OF PETITIONER we the New York Stse Puc Emernmert Retaions Board o ceity ne petioner andar 12 Aecanty fe cent negotating agent wit respect othe folowing negotiating un (sto Tes in Cure or Proposes Baganig Unt) Tr eachers. , Leaman, Specialists, Somal Wornees , Counselors, Prams and Schools Capensetn Moraes me: WORK LOCATION: FULL SIGNATURE: 2. FULL NAME (Prin ‘ADDRESS: mE: WORK LOCATION FULLSIGNATURE pate 3 FULL NAME (Ponty ADDRESS: Tme: WORK LOCATION FULL SIGNATURE: DATE: 4. FULL MAME (Print) ‘ADDRESS: me: WORK LOCATION FULL SIGNATURE, DATE: 6 FULL NAME (Prion ‘ADDRESS, Te: WORK LOCATION FULL SIGNATURE, DATE: Poe YoY I-10 O2:08ea From T3009 7.00/00 F390 Declaration of Authent 1, Dameon Clay, am a public employee employed by KIPP AMP Academy Charter School, 1224 Park Place, Brooklyn, NY 11213. Enclosed herewith is one original and four copies of an Amended Petition for Decertification and Showing of Interest forms demonstrating majority support for decertification. As a public employee within the negotiating unit, | am authorized by Section 201.2 to execute and file this declaration; I also have been authorized to file it by each person who executed the Showing of Interest Forms. 1 affirm under penalty of perjury that upon my personal knowledge: (1) the persons whose names and signatures appear on the Showing of Interest forms submitted have themselves signed the Showing of Interest forms on the dates specified thereon; (2) the person whose names and signatures appear on the Showing of Interest forms are in fact current public employees of KIPP AMP Academy Charter School and currently are represented by the United Federation of Tenchers: and (3) inquiry was made of each of the persons whose names and signatures appear ‘on the Showing of Interest forms regarding their inclusion in the existing negotiating unit which is the subject of the petition, and that by affixing their names and signatures to the Showing of Interest forms they have expressed their desire to not be represented by the United Federation of Teachers. Signed. ‘Dameon Clay ‘Swom to before me this PO day of April, 2010. lic JAMES HANSHUMAKER, oral PUBLIC, ba of Kew Yor ua narsas Coun, /o (ngs (AY. nooo 01

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