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TEST 3 VI grade

Name and surname


1. Exercise

Read the paragraph and answer the questions

Brian is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at 6.00 oclock. Today he is late, and he is still in
bed. He usually goes to work by train but today he is driving to work. He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning, but
it is 7.30 now and he is still driving. He always has his lunch at 12.00, but today he isnt having lunch at 12.00
because he is looking after his sick patients. He usually watches TV at half past seven because his favorite
programme starts at half past seven. Brian has his dinner at 8.30 everyday. He always goes to bed at 24.00.
1. What does Brian do?
5. When does he always have his lunch?
2. What time does he usually get up?
6. What is he doing at 12.00 today?
3. How does he usually go to work?
7. Why does he usually watch TV at 7.30?
4. What time does he arrive at work every day?
What time does he go to bed?

2. Exercise


________/16 p.

Write the correct nouns

1. Write three healthy food: _____________

2. Write three wild animals: ______________

3. Write three vegetables: ______________

4. Write three drinks: ___________

________/12 p.

3. Exercise

Complete the sentences using Present Simple of the verbs

1. My mother _________________(not like)

2. Footballers __________________(wear)
long socks.
3. I ____________ (sleep) for about eight
hours every night.
4. Michael ________________ (not listen) to
the radio every evening.
5. Gregory is a vegetarian. He
_________________ (not/eat) meat.

6. ____________the giraffe has got long

7. ___________ Mel and Barney eat a lot of
8. She a1ways _______________
(remember) my birthday.
9. Can you hear those girls? What
_______________ (they/ta1k) about?
10. Sadie and Lisa
__________________(play) tennis every

_________/20 p.
4. Exercise
Put the adverb in the correct place in the sentence
1. Steve and his brother play computer in the morning.(never) ____________________________________
2. Julia reads an English story books.(sometimes) ______________________________________________
3. Mr. Bill gets up at. 6:30 every morning (always) _____________________________________________
4. Maths is very difficult. (usually) __________________________________________________________
5. Lions kill other animals for food. (often) ___________________________________________________
________/10 p.
5. Exercise
Write what time is it
1. 9:45 ____________________________
4. 8:15 _______________________
2. 3:30 ____________________________
5. 11:00 ______________________
3. 1:10 ____________________________
6. 5: 10 _______________________
6. Exercise
Translate the sentences in your language
1. Where do you come from? ____________________________________________________________
2. My sister`s favorite meal is cereal and milk. _______________________________________________
3. I have never seen an UFO. ______________________________________________________________
4. What sort of books do you read? _________________________________________________________
5. Are you scared of bats? ________________________________________________________________

_________/10 p.

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