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(1) During a thunderstorm, we see the flash of lightning before we hear the clap of thunder. Why is that 80? Can you decipher the word writen across the ambulance? Why isi written in auch a way? Learning Outcomes In this chapter, you will learn: ‘© to explain that when light falls on an object, it can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed; i * to explain that luminous bodies produce light on their own; : © to investigate what happens when light falls on opaque, translucent and transparent material «© to explain the difference between a ray and a beam; « to identify the types of beams; © to investigate the linear propagation of light; i * to explain the formation of shadows; E © to describe the formation of solar and lunar eclipses: b, © to explain what is meant by reflection of lights © to investigate the images formed by mirrors; 7 « to describe how optical instruments like the periscope, reflecting telescope and microscope make use of reflection of light; / «# to describe the uses of reflecting surfaces in our everyday lives: @n average many ti 330 my how m: faster d thunde; Try The | trave Earth tore The | 84 diste light the iste rath Stud! ERI Noture of Light Light is a form of energy which can be detected by our eyes. “Tt can travel from one place to another through different media .and_through_a vacuum. The speed of light in vacuum is 300000 000.m/s (3 x 10* ms"). Compare this to the average running speé a 100 m race, which is about 10 nus. How many times is light faster than this speed? The speed of sound is about 330 avs in air, if the speed of light in air is about 300 000 000 mis, how many times is light faster than sound in air? Light travels mach faster than sound and that is why we see lightning first before we hear thunder. Ef : Science Titbits The table below shows a range of Try It Out The light which enables you to see during the day approximate speeds of different moving travels:about 150 000 000 km from the Sun to the objects. This will give you a better Earth. How long does it take the light from the Sun idea of how fast light travels. to reach the Earth? - Object Speed (m/s) The nearest star to our planet, other than the Sun, Earth in orbit 29 790 is 4.4 light yeats away. One light yeor is the “Artificial satellite 7 500 distance light travels in a year. How long does the in orbit light from this star take to reach us? Suggest why : the ‘light year’ is-used as a unit for measuring the det aircraft iid - distance between distant stars and out planet, Falcon (fastest bird) 97 rather than the unit ‘kilometre. an : (Cat cruising on 25 highway | Olympic sprinter | 10 Person jogging | 3 = Person walking 17 : Snail crawling 0.03 Study the table below, What does it tell you about the speed of light? 230.000 000 . ~ 225.000 000 Glass = 200.000 000 Diamond 125 000 000 gt travels at different speeds indifferent media. It travels faster © ‘air than in water org! 1ss, Light (ravels in straight lines as long as it remains in one medium. This is easily observed when we look at the straight edges of a beam of light from a light projector or 2 light i ray box. Look around you. Can you deseribe some observations to show that light travels in straight lines? Fig. 4.1 A beam of light from a projector i ‘The diagram below shows the experimental set-up commonly used (0 ‘demonstrate that light travels in straight lines. If one of the cardboards js shifted slightly so that the holes are no longer in line, the eye will not be able to see the lighted bulb. cardboard t Light rags are represented by straight lines with arrows indicating their dirgetién of motion, A beam of light is made up of a bundle of rays Tt-can be parallel, divergent or convergent. Aray of ight ‘A parallel beam of light ~ Light will change direction if: it bounces off a reflective surface, like a mirror, or if i passes from one medium to © another. For example, a tay of light is bent when it moves from air to water, These situations will be covered “later on in this and the next chapter ‘divergent beam oflight convergent beam of ight Some 0 ae said and the objects of light worms bodies not emi hhot gas We car sky. U the pla known falling the oth Sun, ar part of When transn differe pass th absorb ‘Trans, This p TV or Clear “Saine ; Clear gl ‘Some objects are able to give out Light of their own. These objects ave said to be luminous. The Sun, the stars, the hot gases in a flame ‘and the hot filament of an electric bulb are some examples of luminous ‘objects around us. Some living things can give out light, The emission of light by living things is called bioltimineseence. Fireflies, g10 ‘worms and some G2ep-S6a fish use chemical reactions that make theit bodies glow with light. This kind of light is called cold light as it is not emitted at high temperatures, unlike those emitted by the Sum, stars, hot gases and filament bulb. ‘We can see the stars, the Moon and even other planets in the night sky. Unlike the staré which give out their own light/the Moon and the planets do pot. Objects which do not give out.their own light are known as noriluminous objects, They can only be seen when light falling on them is reflected into our eyes. We can see the Moon and the other planets in the night sky because they reflect light from the ‘Sun, and this reflected light reaches our eyes. Can you temember which part of the eye senses the light? When light falls on an object, it can be-Féfleeted (bounced off), transmitted (passed through) or absorbed. Diffetent-moteriats fave ifferent-optical-propenies — some allow almost all of the light to pase through them, while reflecting some of the light, while others may absorb most of the fight and reflect the rest. “Transparent materials allow almost all the light to pass through them, ‘This property allows us to see through them, The outermost part of @ ‘TV of computer screen, for éxample, is made of transparent material iamond, certain plastics (e.g. Perspex), water and air are amples of transparent materials. some’ Fig. 4.3 What is the purpose of pasting stickers on the glass door? Fig. 4.2. Bioluminescence in a firefly ‘esis light to pass through. We cannot + vee clearly through translucent materials and objects bebind translucent | snaterials look blurred. Frosted glass, tracing paper and rice paper are Some examples of translucent materials. ~~~ z | Fig. 4.4 Example of @ translucent material Qndoue materials do not allow ligh(to.pass through them. There are WY opaque materials around us, Wood, metals, concrete, ceramic tiles and certain plastics (e.g. Bakelit@) are opaque materials. Fig. 45 Some materials are transparent, while others are translucent or opaque. Try 1¢ Out Should the following objects be transparent, translucent or opaque? Explain. 4400 The water level indicator in Frosted glass panes The container of an a coffee-making machine of a bathroom undeveloped roll of film «© Light is a form of eneray which can be detected by our eyes. It can travel through vacuum and different media, The speed of light is 300 000 000 m/s in vacuum. Tt travels at different speeds in different media. © Light travels in straight ines in the same medium, «© The path along which light travels is called a ray. A bundle of rays make up a beam of light. A light beam may be parallel, divergent or convergent. © Objects that give out their own light are luminous. e.g. the Sun, stars, hot gases. The emission of light by living things such as fireflies and glow-worms is called bioluminescence. « Objects that do not give out light of thefr own are non-luminous, e.g. the Moon, planets, books, ‘They can be seen when light falling on them is reflected into our eyes. ‘© Transparent materials allow almost all the light to pass through them, e.g. clear glass, Perspex, water, diamond, Translucent materials only allow some light to pass through them, e.g. frosted glass, tracing paper, rice paper. Opaque materials do not allow any light to pass through them, e.g. wood, metals, concrete. blocked by an opaque abject. ‘avels Ta stRaIRHT ines. Li ‘Thus’a région of darkness where light cannot reach is formed behind the object Look at the diagram above. Imagine the sun is rising. How would the shadow of the building look and where would the shadow be as the sun (a) rises further up in the sky; (b) sets? You may draw light rays: Tike those in the diagram above to help you locate the position and find the size of the shadows. Fig. 4.6. Shadow puppet shows will not be possibie. without opaque materials. Science Titbits The position of the shadow of an object under the Sun can be used to tell time, as “in a sundial. ‘Try It Out Predict whether a shadow is formed when a translucent material is placed in the path of light. Explain your prediction. Test your prediction by shining a torch ‘through a translucent material, with a wall or white board acting as @ screen. Was your prediction correct? The of th lighte lamp Fig.« ‘The dark Sua, inm For: regic pent brig) Asi out ligh lan exten soure Fig. ‘The type of shadow that is formed depends on the size and position of the source of light and the object. pinhole {o produce oo t lighted lamp Potet ancl eornptods otars. Fig, 4.7 Shadow formed by 2 point source of light “The shadow formed by a point source of light is uniformly and totally agar & dark with a sharp outline like that shown in the diagram above. The ‘Sun, being very far away, can be considered as a point source of light in most situations, (qt Gy patter dottne | For an extended source of light, the shadow formed consists of a dark region called an umbra and a partial shadow called a penumbra. The penumbra varies in brightness. It is very dark near the umbra, but gets brighter and brighter at the outer part where more light can reach it, ‘As a result of the changing brightness in the penumbra, no sharp outline is formed. lighted extended light source Try ft Out shadow play Use your hands to cast shadows on a wall with the help of a torch in a dark oom. Find out what happen to the shadows when you move (a) the light source closer to your hands, then Penumbra, umbra further away; (b) move your hands closer to the light 'A street lamp is an extended light source, When you walk towards a source, then further. street lamp, a shadow with an umbra and a penumbra is formed behind you, Will the shadow get shorter or longer as you walk closer to the lamp? Whereis the shadow formed when you walk pass the street amp and the lamp is behind you? Try it Out Have you ever watched a football match or other sporting event held under lights? Did you notice that the players cast more than one shadow? Consider a game played in a stadium with four large fioodlights, at the corners of the field. How many shadows would each player cast? How would the different shadows cast by one player differ from another if the player was (a) in the very centre of the field? (b) at one comer of the field? (c) at one end of the field, in the middle of the goalmouth? O° floodlight Eclipses Have you ever seen a solar eclipse (eclipse of the Sun) or a lunar eclipse (eclipse of the Moony? Kelipses occur because light travels in straight lin Fig. 49 A solar eclipse Fig. 4.10 A lunar eclipse During a Solar eclipse, the Sun is partially obscured (partial solar cclipse) or totally obscured (total solar eclipse) by the Moon. This happens when the Sun, the Moon and the Barth are in a straight Line and the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Barth. The Sun casts ‘shadow of the Moon on the Earth. | rH Taw nappa ShanT Sun tha, man the 1S os “The Sun cost on Pe moO Aha Faith Fig, 4.11. Eclipse of the Sun (The diagram above is not drawn to scale) | | | ‘The shadow of the Moon cast on the Earth consists of an umbra surrounded by @ penumbra. An_ observer on. the Earth in the umbra | satexperiense a total slar elips lean observer ine penumbra | will Ht be able to-see-part of the Sum and will experi partial | solai‘eclipse. Study the diagram above, Does a solar eclipse oceur in” | the day’or in the night? Does it oceur when there is a full moon or & new moon? Daring & lunar eclipse, the Moon is obscured bythe Barth as the Barth comes in between the Sun-and the Moon andall¢hree ore in ast line. "The Sun casts a shadow of the Earth on the Moon. Fie VG, Te S Brey cape ore Fig, 412 Eclipse of the Moon (The diagram above is ndt crawn to scale) ‘When the Moon is entirely within the umbra, at position X on the Earth-will observe a total-lunar eclipse. The observer will not be able to see the Moon at all for some time as the Earth blocks the Moon from the Sun and no light from the Sui reaches the Moon. When the Moon moves slightly out of the straight line, part of it enters 7 sae i Science Titbits the penumbra and_a partial lunar eclipse is observed. iclipse of the’ rigor occurs on nights when there is a Tull ab Lenn! There are many myths and / EARL legends regarding solar and os Try it Out lunar eclipses. One myth ‘There fs a new moon and 2 full moon every month. A solar {how 3 line une eclinse can only occur when there js a new moon and a lunag | sonew og Be ya ny eclipse can only occur when there isa full moon. Suagest why solar and lunar eclipses do not occur every month.. of others? ‘© Shadows are formed and ectipses occur because light travels in. straight, lines. '* A shadow is a region of darkness formed when ‘the path of light is blocked by an opaque object. * A point source of light forms a shadow of an object with umbra only. The umbra is a dark region with a well-defined outline. © An extended source of light forms a shadow with an umbra.and a partial shadow called penumbra.” # A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, the Moon and the,Earth are in a straight line and the Moon i between the Sun and the Earth. © A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are in a straight line and the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. See The Pinhole Camera —Apinhole comers or of a box with a small pinhole on one side fy Cf - a are auRiwene screen oF phOTORTAphe ftmrom the opposite side; Te ~~ ibe Wat Tigh travels i straight fine: ons ihe aL wensveent Soreen or eae seresapric tim CPG Out ‘ “ object =) pinnote : Fig, 4.13. A tiny pinhole gives a sherp image. : Light rays from different parts of an object enter the pinhole camera through the pinhole. The rays-siike the traislicent screen where they form a real and inverted image of the same colour as the object. An i image is real IF it can be formed on a.screen. -¥f the pinhole is-small, the image will be ¢ sharp,-but-not_very bright because only a little light can enter the camera. If the pinhole is. enlarged. she image will be brighteras move light-cai-enler Howevet, the-image-will-be Tess sharp. This can be explained by considering | aie largor pitiole as being made up of a series of small pinholes, each ) producing its own image in a slightly different position. This \ overlapping of images causes the final image to be blurred. | of the candle stike ) eerenseeee aoe |) rays from the top of “ the candle strike this wide pntle _ patine soresn ‘translucent pinhole camera transi Fig. 4.14 A wide pinhole gives a blured image. Try Ht Out ; Complete the paths of light in the following diagrams. What do they te image and the distance of the object or image from the pinhole? object futher away ‘rom the pinhole \ screen further away from From the ‘Try It Our’ above, you can see that the si depends on the distance of the object from the pinhole (object distance) and the distance of the image from the pinhole (image distance). It also depends on the size of the object. larger than, equal to or smaller than, the size.of. he object, and can be found using the following formula: Height of image _ Height of object Object distance { ne From the above formula, we can see that the imtage-size and object, size are equal if the image distance and object distance are equal. Is the image bigger or smaller than the object if (a) the image distance is greater than the object distance; (b) the object distance is greater than the image distance? all you about the size of the > KO ST | a pinhole oct nearer we he penole \ soreen nearerto the pntole ——_] object he pinhole Key Points _ # The image formed by a pinhole camera is real, inverted and of the same colour as the object. As the size of the pinhole increases, the brightness of the image increases but its sharpness decreases. ‘# The image size is equal to the object size if the image distance and object. distance are equal. The jimage is smaller than the object if the object distance is greater than the image distance. The image is targer than the object if the object distance is smaller than the image distance. (4.4% Reflection of Light ‘When a ball hits a wall, it bounces off. Similarly, light travelling in a, straight line bounces off or is reflected when it strikes the surface of another mreciarm. ‘When a parallel light beam strikes a smooth surface, it wil be reflected as a parallel beam (sée Fig. 4.13). Now-parallel rays stikinig smooth surface will prodiice either diverging or converging reflected rays which form sharp images (see Fig. 4-16 and Fig:4-17)- Reflection from ‘smooth surface is called regular reflection. Mirrors and polished mhelals have smooth surfaces. which produce rejular reflections and sharp images. SS SM 7 \ \/ image Fig. 4.18. Rollecon of Fig 4.16. Foftecon of Fig. 4.17 Relleton o parallel ight ays at verging light ys converging ight rays Semooth surface, ata smooth ata smooth surface. ‘The velected rays Surage. A vinual 2 real image is ate paral image (one which ~ formes where the cannot be eaught relectod comerging | jn. screen) Is faysmeet i formed | Look carefully at this page. Does this page have a smooth surface? Can you see your own image on this page? Most surfaces, even if they ‘seem smooth, are actually not. Under a microscope, each tiny part of | the surface of this page will be angled differently : Parallel rays. of light-falling-onto sucha surface-will be scattered (eflected in different directions). This type of reflection is called diffused or scattered reflection and-no.images.are formed. Fig. 4.18 Diflused reflection from a rough surface. In which direction(s) are the parallel t light rays reflected? ‘The brightness of a non-luminous object depends on how much light falls on the object and how much light the object reflects. Smooth, white and silvery surfaces reflect light very well, ; When a light ray strikes a smooth surface at right angle (90° to the surface), it is reflected along the same path, The line at right angles to the surface is called the normal. | tight ray striking the surface at fight angio is reflected ‘along the normal NS nommat'—| / rollecting surface However, if a light ray strikes at an angle to the normal, it will be reflected at the same angle to the normal, but on the opposite side of the normal. : reflecting. incéent ay reflec eee (eg.amiror) angle of —~ incidence ‘angio of reflection \, reflected ray — Fig, 4.19 ‘Reflection of a ight ray ‘The incident ray is the light ray striking the surface while the reflected ray is the light ray which is reflected. The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the notmal, while the angle of reflection is the angle between the reflected ray and the normal. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, Ta ee Angle of incidence = Anglésofineidence, What is the angle of incidence and angle of reflection when a light ray strikes the surface at right angle? gy Notinas ~ The. pacpansc har ven Try Ht Out Use a smooth piece of aluminium foil to reflect sunlight onto the walls or ceiling of your classroom. Crumple the aluminium foil, then unfold and fiatten it. Use it to reflect the sunlight. Describe the difference in the observation in the two situations. Science Titbits | ‘An Eskimo puts on dark glasses to protect his eyes from light reflected from snow. This reflected light ‘ean cause snow blindness. ap TH PLT Suaspace dd yours Se piu rare Ye ntact Coy Mans Te PrN ~wW & Gh nesene : we baa! Up the angie the node Ay ost faa pivmasé? Pree of 12jd0. 69 — Us tthe Ang otra, Is the Reflection of light is the bouncing of light off the surface on. which it falls. ‘Smoothy surfaces suc as glass and polished metals produce regular reflection. A parallel beam of light striking a smooth surface is reflected as a parallel beam. Rough surfaces such as paper or wood produce diffused or scattered reflection. A parallel beam of light striking a rough surface is reflected in all ditections (scattered). The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Mi ind Other Reflectin Surfaces Images formed by a plane mirror Mirrors ate goad reflectors of light-because-they-are-smooth.and.. silvered. Smooth surfaces produce regular eflection and silver is very. light. A plane mirror is a.mirvor with a flat surface, 1 plane’mirror when light rays from objects are ed by the receptor-cells We see images i lected by the mirror into o jn the retina Of tie eyes, The light signals are sent to the brain via the optic nerve to be interpreted. Figure 4,20 shows how, by reflecting light, a plane mirror forms an iinage of a lighted bulb. Li: I | | | the abject is reflected by the ner ie oft ior ! y pene @ frirror SF g.420 Howe plane minor | i Is the image of the object as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of i? Look at yourself in a plane mirror. Is your mirror image the same size as you? Is your image as far behind the mirror as you are in front of it? Place a screen behind the mirror and try to catch your own image ‘on it. Can your image in the mirror be formed on the screen? An image is virtual if it cannot be formed on a screen. Plane mirrors produce ‘Thus, if you'stand’| metre away from the mirror, your image is also L metre bebind the mirror, Fig. 4.21. This miror produces distorted images. Js this a plane mirror? ‘The girl in the photograph below is holding a card with her right hand. Look at the image of the girl and the card in the mirror. Is the image upright? Is the card held in the left or right hand in the mirror image? Is the mirror image of the words on the card the right way round? What do the words say? Science Titbits Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519) was not only a great artist who produced masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa.and The Last Supper, he also carried out research in fields ranging / from architecture to the sciences. His scientific and technical writings were handwritten in mirror-image script from right to left. Image that is car is invert lateral the rig view r \ A a Fig. 42 Uses « How » Beside: other u traffic dance s Placing Took m that is, they are inverted from left to right. The rear-view mirror in a” car is usually a plane milfor, and the Iniages it praduces are laterally inverted. For this reason, the word."AMBULANCE" is often printed laterally inverted on the front of ambularices so that the image will be the right way round and cai be easily read by drivers from their rear- vigw mirrors. ie ‘ Fig, 422 A rear-view window is used to observe traffic conditions behind the car. Uses of mirrors and other reflecting surfaces How many times do you look at yourself in the mittor every day? “RESideS being used to check your appearance, plane mirrors have many other uses. They are used as rear-view mirrors in. vehicles to monitor traffic conditions bebind the vehicles. They are lined on the yralls of dance studios to let dancers monitor their body and dance inovements, Placing'a large mirror on the wall of a home or office-makes.the place look 1iote Spacious, Fig, 4.28 Why are the walls of dance studios lined with micrors? Have you played with a kaleidoscope? A kaleidoscope is a tube ri taining two or more plane mirrors inlined at certain angles to each ther, Small pieces of coloured objec are placed atthe bottom of the ube, When the tube is turned, constantly changing patterns, formed by multiple reflections of the loose pieces of coloured objects, are seen through the eyepiece. ‘This is what ‘you may see. kalekdoscope Fig. 4.24 A kaleidoscope and patterns formed by it ‘Many optical instruments use mirrors to reflect and change the Girection in which light is wavelling. Peri nicroscopes and reflecting telescopes are some examples of optical instruments. which use mirrors as reflectots, mirror ‘concave reflector Fig, 4.28 A telescope enables us to see distant objects such as the Moon, planets and stars clear. Fig. 4.25 A microscope enables Uso 908 things which ate too sinail to be seen by the naked eye. Try it Out Nea | comes Get two identical | rectangular plane miro. | Place them vertically at | Fight angles to each other. | Put an object in front of | the two mirrors and observe the images formed in the mirrors. How many images of the object can you see? Decrease the angle between | the two mirrors and observe | the images formed. | of a mel differen dimit of vic and mnie SSL irr Fig, 427 A partcope enables us to se objects which are not in our direct line of sight. eg, We can use one to ‘Soe over people's head in ‘2 crowd; Soldiers hicing 19 trenches use i for ‘observing what is above ‘ground; sailors in @ ‘submarine under the water Surface use itto see what | Fig is above the water. Not all reflecting surfaces are flat like a plane mirror, Concave and 7 convex mirrors have curved surfaces. Look at the front and the back of a metal spoon and observe the images of your face formed by the | different sides of the metal spoon. Ate they the same?” ~ back of spoon front of spoon Fig. 428. Images formed by the different sides of the | metal spoon. ‘Aconcave mirror has a-eflecting surface that caves inwards justlike the front of the metal spoon. On the other hand, a convex mirror has ageflecting surface that bulges outwards, just like the back Gf metal. | | | : Convex mirrors produce virtual, upright images which are aim in size than the objects) and give a wider scope, of view. They are used as Security mirrors ih shops, car wing mirrors and blind corner mitrors, Why are convex mirrors preferred over plane rmirors in these uses? Fig. 4.30 Securly miror Fig. 4.31. Blind comer Concave mirrors, produce virtual-images which are-uprightsand magnified (bigger in size than the objects) if the object is very near the mitfor. ‘They are used as dentists’ mirrors and cosmetic mirrors, Fig. 42 A dentists mirror Fig. 4.33 A cosmetic mirror magnifies the image makes your face look of your teeth, bigger Observe what happens when these mirrors are held far away from the objects, Concave reflectors are used in car headlights and seatchlights to produce a perallel beam of reflected light from a small light bulb. ‘a concave mirror ina torch light rays light bulb parallel beams produced Reflectors are used in photography studios to get rid of unwanted shadows when photographs are being taken. Images formed by a plane mirror are virtual, upright, laterally inverted, same size as the objects ‘and as far behind the mirror as the objects are in front. lane mirrors are used for checking appearances and dance movements, in interior decorations, jn kaleidoscopes and in optical instruments such as microscopes, reflecting telescopes and periscopes. Convex mirrors produce upright images and give a wide scope of view. They are used as security mirrors, car wing mirrors and blind comer mirrors. Concave mirrors produce magnified images if the objects are near to the mirror. They are used as dentists’ mirrors and cosmetic mirrors. travels ata speed of | 3x10" m/s in vacuum but slower in other media and travels in straight tines | in the samme medium = shadows 0 | eclipses to Form when | occur when the | ‘opague objects | Sun, the Moon | block the paths | and the Barth of light — see straight line Actaost | Solace ee | ee foe | tee a | oe seus | Soci aumeee, | kt ore oe power | Seats cee | eae goaet | conte week, ee teties, | (umbra) and an outer, slightly brighter region (penumbra) ‘and does not bavea sharp cra a eee ee __lienr, Tuminous objects such a5 tho Sun, the stars, hot gases, the hot filaments of electric bulbs and same living things t = non-luminous objects do not give off light of their own however, | absorb materials which #0 not allow any light be ‘wansmitted are ‘opaque «allow some light to passthrough are translucent + allow almost all Tight to pass ough are transparent | | I ir reflected |" aa rough surfaces ssh 1S per wn pros ated o | scattered reflection | and the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection smooth surfaces such as mirrors ‘which produce regular reflection | j Sint | eines | ee | ++ laterally inverted. | Eee ae | ‘car mirrors, in microscopes, periscopes and reflecting telescopes | they are used as reat-view | while concave mirrors are used as dentist's miro | fand cosmetic mizvors and convex mirrors as Secrity microns, ear-wing mitrors and blind= belt dalial abs tt ds seats iS Questrone State whether the following statements about light are true ot false, Correct the statement if it is false. Light can travel in a-vacuurn, Light travels in straight lines in the same medium. ‘The speed of light is the same in all media. “The speed of light in vacuum is 330 m/s. \ Parallel rays of light will never meet. Light is necessary for us to see. We cain see a distant star because light travels all the way from space to our eyes. 4 We can see a bright building in the distance because reflected light from the building travels all the way to our eyes. ‘A rough surface does not reflect light. j. Solar eclipse occurs when there is @ full moon. : | | Ly 2. Name two examples of: a. luminous objects; b. non-laminons objects; ©. opaque objects: 4, translucent objects; €. transparent objects. 3, The diagram below shows a light source, a non-luminous opaque object and the eye of an i observer, Draw two arrows (to represent light rays) in the diagram to show how the eye secs the non-laminous object, | rhon-luminous, opaque object © ‘ | light source — 4, State a property of light which gives rise to the formation of shadows and occurrences of eclipses. 5. Compare the shadows formed by a point source of light and an extended source of light. 2 yar ‘a, What natural phenomenon does the diagram above represent? b. Label the umbra and penumbra in the diagram. c. What kind of eclipse will a person at point X on the Earth observe when the Moon is in the position as shown in the diagram? 7, Compare the characteristics of an image formed by a pinhole camera and a plane mirror. . X 8. What will happen to the image of a pinhole camera if a. the size of the pinhole is increased; the object distance is increased; : { c. the object distance is equal to the image distance; | 4 the screen is moved nearer to the pinhole? Give an example of each type of sufface. 10, Write down two uses of | 9. What type of surface produces (a) a regular reflection; (b) a diffused or scattered reflection? winy a. a plane mirror; b. a concave mirror; ©. a convex mirror. Le & 11. Write the mirror image of the word ‘MIRROR’. | Ir 12, Complete the diagrams below, a } @ ® | z 30° incident ray| Why does the straw appear bent in the water? Why is it common to ee rainbows near waterfalls? Learning Outcomes In this chapter, you will learn: | © to investigate the passage of light through glass/Perspex blocks; * to explain what is meant by refraction of light; * to understand the effects of refraction e.g. apparent depth; * to investigate the passage of light through lenses; * to investigate the images formed by lenses; |. * to describe how the refraction of light is used in optical instruments like microscopes, cameras and telescopes; ‘* to investigate the significance of optical instruments in everyday life; * to compare the eye and the camera; | * to shaw an awareness of optical illusion; * to investigate the dispersion of light through a prism; | ® to describe the dispersion of tight: : ** to explain that the colour of an object depends on the colours of light it reflects. ie aA *' panrlen Per “The diagrams ofthe solr eclipse and lunar eclipse cannot be drawn to scale on the book: Sussest why. ‘out energy Gome chemicals absorb ultraviolet radiation, which is invisible to our eyes. and gi ja the form of visible light. This is Called fluorescence. Suggest some of its uses. -There are more than 1 000 species of fish wiich produce light of their own, most of them live in the deep sea, Anger fish and later fish ae two examples of himinous deep-sea fish. Susgest the need and purposes for these fish to produce light. Light supports life on Earth, Elaborate. Suggest why looking at distant stars allows us to Took back in time, John combed his hai outside a café on a bright sunny afterioon, using the eafé’s glass wall as da initror, When he stepped into the dark café, his friend, Kevin said, “T saw you combing your hair outside the café while I was waiting for you inside here.” “spueT dida’t see you through the glass! Icould only see my own reflection,” replied John, aening red with embarrassment. a. | Explain John’s and Kevin's situations. b. What characteristics does the café’s glass wall have? ‘Why is itundesirable to place dressing misrors at right angles to each other in filets? ' ‘The GLOBE Program ‘Name Type Overview sank << | ( | Students study the movement of the Sun during the day by making quantitative ‘observations of the direction and length of the shadow cast by a stick (known as a solar gnomon). Making a Sundial Learning Activity In Chapter 4, you have learnt that light can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed when it falls on a surface. The photograph below (Fig, 5.1) shows what happens when a ray of light falls on the surface of a glass block. Look at the photograph carefully. What happens to the light after it strikes the surface of the glass block? incident ray reflected ray ‘emergent vay Fig. 5.1. Reflection and refraction of ight in glass block Part of the light is reflected after it strikes the surface. The faint reflected ray can be seen in the photograph, Most of the light passes through the transparent glass block before emerging from the glass block into the air (see the emergent ray in the photograph). Light“ travels in a straight line in the same medium, but as light passes from Une A ki per the air into the glass block, it bends or changes direction (see refracted S fhe ray), It bends again when emerging from the glass block into the air, MALU PS anvl< whey M6 A gh teu; The change in direction oF bending of light when it travels from Shee vg. oy | one transparent medium to another is called refraction of ight. vec oe ‘ep aa @ Phan vy COL cape Crvgn Thee Mepracrin diagicty OV eh ay liar} ee Barro The eackwe inden [Light refracts because it travels a different speeds in different media WALD A AC pauie Dayne mal ‘The change in speed causes itto bend. Light bends towards ti when its speed decreases as it passes from one medium to) nother and away from the normal when its spee increases as it passes from one ‘medium to another. Light travels faster in-air than itr glass: When tight travels from air to glass, it bends towards the normal. When emerging from the glass, light bends away from the normal. S ek normal —a line drawn at a t ae right angle (90°) to the ‘ me surface of the medium, atthe A normal point of incidence a | : oS itdendsroearas eee {Senora when 1 : ght bends away tonormgarogass | \ Spent usual _- wen it tavels from MY ‘lass to air Fig. 5:2 Refraction of light “ try it Out Fill in the blanks with the help of the table on page 135, Chapter 4, which shows the speed of light in different media. a. Light bends (towards/away from) the normal when it passes from air to water. b. Light bends — (towards/away froin) the normal when it passes from glass to water. Will light be bent if it enters a medium at tight angles? Light falling on @ transparent medium at right angles to the surface ‘passes right through without refracting Incident ray lass block Eos emergent ray \ fects of Refraction Refraction of light takes place in all of us the very moment we open our eyes. Light entering our eyes is teftacted by the comea and the lens in the eye before it forms an image on the retina. a trout sie the oye wp sacl ho ia andthe lee Refraction of light gives rise to the following effects. ee depth: : “The beading of light gives us a false impression of the depth anc position BF ObIects in a transparent medium, such as water Ruiuming pools, for’éxaniple, appear shallower than they actually are because of refraction of light, Fish in the water appear shallower than TnEyractally are whe Viewed from the ai for the samme season. | In the case of the swimming pool, light from the bottom of the pool | is sefraced as it moves out ofthe water into the sit, Light travels | faster in at than n water. As light from the pool leaves the water i it speed up and Bends away from the normal. When the refracted \ fight enters Gne’s eye, what is seen isthe image, which appears to ak were from above the object. The bottoin of the pool thus appears t6 be éloser to the observer than it actually is. Refraction at the ‘water surface bends Tight away from the normal a8 t enters the ar. | co : I \ speeeatpaaion Se] (eee SS] wae | CIE) postion SES) sone | \ Eco fise ICS) ctooal ~ | Seat | | | Try It Out | ‘At davin or dusk, the Sun appears to be above ‘the horizon for three to four minutes longer than observer _ it really is. Why is that so? | atpnton Y ‘*\ Objects appear bent when partially immersed in water A straw partially immersed water looks hent, shifted ‘and magnified from the air because of refraction of light. is because light from the part of the straw immersed in water fractetas it passes-from water w glass and fromrglass-to-air “before it reaches our-eyes. Will the sttaw appear bent if itis fully inamerses in. water? ae Ny / \t-Dispersion of white light Sunlight may appear white, but itis actually. made up of different colours GF Tight. These : colours you see in a rainbow orange, vellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV)-This> band_of.coloured lights makes up: white light and is called th spectrum of white Tight. trum white tight _—-/ =~ a brism Fig. 5.4 Dispersion of white fight by a prism Science Titbits You may use the following _ mnemonic to help you remember the rainbow “colours: | Richard of York Gans Battle in Vain When a beam of white light enters a glass prism, it is split into different coloured lights as shown in Figure 5.4. This is caused by the refraction of light as it enters the prism The different coloured lights, which make up the white light, slow down by different amounts as the white light enters the prism, hence they bend or refract by different angles. ‘Violet light, which slows down the most, is refracted the most, while red light, which slows down the least, is refracted the least. The splitting or separation of white light into its component colours is called the dispersion of white light. [As the refracted light leaves the prism, it is bent again, but not back to its original path. This is because the face of the prism through which the light leaves is not parallel to the face through which it enters. ‘To prove that white light is a mixture of different colours, another prism can be used to recombine the colours of its spectrum as shown below. sunt Ah prism <= white beam triangular prism — a three dimensional block of glass or other transparent material ‘which has a triangular cross- section Ai rai Another way of combining the colours of aspectumisby spinning Toys 14 Oud rainbow-coloured disc called the Newton’s disc spinning Try 1% Out Make a Newton’s disc. Insert a pencil through the centre of the disc to act as the axle, Spin the dise with the pencil tip downwards and ‘observe the colour of the spinning disc. Fig. 55 Newton's cise A.ainbow is formed when sunlight is. dispersed by the tiny raindrops in the ai Rainbows are often-seen-near- waterfalls because tiny water droplets in the air a6 iterfalls disperse suilight, Fig. 56 Rainbow is formed because of dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets in the alr, «The change in-divection or-bending of light when it travels from one transparent medium to another is called refraction of light. ‘© Light refracts when passing from one transparent medium into another because light travels at different speeds in different media, + Light bends towards the normal when its speed decreases as it passes from one medium to another, and it bends away from the normal when its speed increases as it passes from one medium to another, ‘ Apparent depth and dispersion of white light are effects of refraction. Objects which are partially immersed in water appear bent from the air because of refraction of light. We live in a multi-coloured world because our eyes can detect the colours emitted or reflected from the objects around us. The seinen the human eye contains thre sypes of receptor cells called groan sensitive receptor call red ight no signal to thebain blue sensitive Teceptor call red senstve receptor col optienerve signals to the b Human eye ! ‘Seeing red ight Red, blue and green are the primary colours of light. Mixing the , flight produces white light. “Tivo. primary colours Of Tight can be mixed to produce the secondary.colours of” Science Titbits | The primary colours of light | are different from the { primary colours of pigments, ‘ which are red, blue and yellow. Fig. 5.7 Primary and secondary colours of light Try lt Out Study the diagram. What coloured light is obtained when each of the following pairs of coloured lights are mixed? 1 ted + blue = Magarin red + green = fc AbOud blue + green = Parone |, magenta + green = Uidas yellow + blue = Wute._ cyan + red = __ Date ‘When a mixture of red and green light enters the eye, the red-sensitive and green-sensitive nerve Gels in the retina seri'elecrteatsignais to ch iat tur 3S yellow TE COlOUF mn, the image on the television screen is made up of dots oF coloured lights...A mixture of red, green and blue dots ia-different combinations and varying intensities produces the different colours in We see objects because they emit of reflect light into our eyes. A luminous -object appears the colour Of the Hght Wat iCemits- Anon lemifious Object appear’ ia certain colour because it refleets that colour of light into our eye A red car reflets the red colour in white light and absorbs all the other colours. Fig, 5.8 A réd car reflects the red colour in white light and absorbs the other colours, so the car appears red. Fig, 5.9. Mik reflects all the colours, so it ‘appears white. Similarly, the unprinted parts of this textbook appear white because they reflect all the colours of white light. The words.on this page, however, appear black because they absorb all the colours of white light and do not reflect any colour. A green leaf appears green becanse it reflects the green colour and absorbs the other colours.of white light. — . Fig. 5.10 Green leaf reflects the green colour in white light and absotbs the others, so the grass appears green, ‘What happens when a green leaf is placed in different coloured lights instead of white tight? eet een green tog ight light Tight green teat green leat ‘green teat ) The leaf appears green The leal appears black “Tho teal appears black ‘because it refiects the green because it absorbs the red light because it absorbs blue light light, ‘and does not reflect any light. andl does not reflect any light. Fig. 5.11 Appearance of green leaf under diferent coloured lights I Tights. Yellow light is a mixture of red and green lights. A green leaf under yellow dn ells the. aren light hi ‘makes up light bata Try It Out Complete the table below to show what colours red, green and blue objects would appear to be under different coloured lights. Colour of object under white light — oe Red Green Blue Colour of tight I Red Green Blue Yellow | | * The retina in the human eye has receptors which are sensitive to three colours — red, blue and green. This enables us to have colour vision. * Red, blue and green are the primary colours of light. They produce white light when mixed. © Cyan, magenta and yellow are secondary colours of light. They are formed by mixing two primary colours-oight as shown-below: = Red + Green = Yellow ~ Red + Blue = Magenta ~ Blue + Green = Cyan : * A non-luminous object appears a certain colour-because it reflects that-colour-and. absorbs the oi ~EGSt.e.g. A green leaf appears gréen because it reflects green light and absorbs light of other ) colours. ‘+ If an object reflects all the colours of white light, it appears white, If it absorbs all colours of light, it appears black. _AGghE They ae very useful in everyday life. Right at thi omen, you ‘are using the lenses in your eyes to read these words, e-also used in optical instruments such as cameras, binoculars, telescopes, ‘niemsniess aud projet. Pe People who are short-sighted or long- tens made from wanspaent materials such as glass or clear plastics. Some COMMON TYPES Of lenses are shown below. | | VV \\ \ J double plano- convex double plano- concave convex, Gonvex meniscus concave concave meniscus Fig, 5.12 Convex or converging Fig. 5.18 Concave or diverging lenses are thicker in the lonses are thinner in the middle than at the edges. middle than at the edges, “The photographs below show the refraction of light by a concave lens and a convex lens. From the photographs above, can you explain why a concave lens is also called a diverging lens while @ convex lens is called a converging ~ Tens? Qn maginary line drawn through the centre ' _of the Tens and perpendicular to its curved surface(S). > 1¢ focal point or principal focus (F) is a point on the principal focal length (f) focal length Fig. 5.18 A thick tens Fig. 5.17. A thin ons ‘The characteristics and position of an image formed by a thin converging lens depend on the distance of the object from the lens (object distance). You will investigate this in your practical Try it Out Use a ray box, and convex and concave lenses of different thicknesses to find out their effects on a parallel beam of light. Try It Out Observe the lens in a magnifying glass. What kind of lens is it? Place the magnifying glass close to this book to look at some of the words. How does the image of the words appear? Move the magnifying glass far away from the book while keeping the distance between your eye and the lens the same. How does the image appear? ‘The lens used in a magnifying glass is a biconvex Jens. When the magniiying glass is Held close {0 the object, the image formed is ee ‘and magnified (hence the name magnifying glass). \ Ales camera ~ ae . oa be, ience Titbits ‘A lens camera wofks onthe same principle as a pinhole camera except dclenc ; ‘that a pinhole came ‘Automatic cameras adjust {0 enter thé camera so that the film feed not be exposed for too long. the image distance automatically. Today, digital The converging lens in a tens camera forms real and inverted images cameras which have tight- _ ofa light-sensitive fl. Sharp images Of Objects aCdifferesi distances” sensitive charge coupled fare formed on the film by adj devices (CCD) instead of “Gistance between the image and the centre of the lens, In thé case of light-sensitive films are commonly used. Light signals are changed to electrical signals by the CCD ina digital camera and the ‘images captured can be stored ina computer. and edited by photo-editing software before printing or < eemaiting. / Fig, 5.19 A digital camera ‘To focus or get a sharp image of distant objects, the image distance is, decreased by moving the converging lens closer to the film until the image distance is equal to the Tocal length of the Tens (See Fig. 5:20)-- lens : ‘The lens is moved backward rays from a tistant objact ‘can be considered 2s parallel Fig. 5.20 Focusing on a distant object ‘To focus on near objects, the converging lens is moved further away from the film to inerease-the image distance (see Fig. 5.21). a rays fo Braco EH = forward. Fig, 5.21 Focusing on a near object “You have lain abou oe he Human eye in Form 2, Chaper 4 ‘The human .2¥€_uses a convex lens to form real, inverted and diminished images. i Although the images formed on the reting OF the human eye are real, inverted and diminished, the brain interprets them as upright and equal in size as the object. Figures 5.22 and 5.23 show how the human eye forms sharp images ‘ of a distant object and a near object. | | | i bi ciliary muscles : parallel ight’ ———+- fays trom sharp ‘stant object - imma f : te : Fig, 5.22 To form a sharp image of a distant abject’on the retina, c the ions is pulled thinner so that it bends the rays to a ' lesser extent, : To see distant objects, the lens is made thinner by the ciliary muscles eye. This increases the focal length of the Jens and bends the light passing through it to a lesser extent so that a sharp image can be formed op the-tetina— Fig. 5.28 To form a sharp image of a near object fon the retina, the lens becomes thicker so that it bends the rays to a greater extent 9 To see near objects,.the-ciliary muscles contract, making lens / “thicker ‘This decreases the focal Jength of the lens and bends the light G patsing through io a greater extent so chat sharp image ofthe near’ object-can-be-formed-on_the retina. Try it Out Study the following diagrams of the human eye and a lens camera carefully, Compare the similarities and differences of the labelled parts of the eye and the camera, and how each focuses light to forin sharp images of distant and near objects. stern i p cllary muscies Sy focusing device fe dlephragm tors —| eye ls — ) i - pupil ~ 7 aperture chorold — black surface ide Jn Form 2, you have leamt that some people cannot see distant objects clearly. This condition is called short-sightedness or myopia and is caused by the lens of the eye being too thick or the eyeball being too Tong so that the Take from distant ob envy 168 at a point befor light rays converge here parallel rays from distant object diverging lens parallel ray. one rom distant KY object image nlike a person who is short-sighted, a person suffering from long sightedness can see_distant ohjects-clearly, but near objects ampeat blurred. Long-sightedness is caused by the_lens of the eye bei thin or an E¥eball being too short so that light from near hea is not bent enough for it to converge at -_ sighted e Corrected With a Converging (Convex) lens Which ~converges-the High before 1 ener mee — 7 near \\ pares je simage Although the human eye is a remarkable organ, it can have defects (e.g. short-sightedness and long-sightedness) and limitations. One of + its limitations is that it can give rise to an optical illusion — a visually perceived image which is deceptive or misleading, as shown by the ‘ following examples. Do the two fed tines appear straight of bent? Place a ruler against the lines and check if they are straight “6° CY | ‘Ave the circles in the centre of both drawings the | ‘same size? Use a ruler to check their ameters. ‘Stare at the black heart above for at ledst 30 seconds, then ‘stare immediately at a blank piece of paper or wall. What do you see? What is the colour of the image you see? From the above examples, you see that our eyes can play tricks on us! Besides optical illusions, our eyes have other limitations, Our eyes cannot see clearly things which are too dim, too bright, too far or too small, Can the human eye see objects which are very near? (Hint: refer to Form 2, Chapter 4.) With the help of optical instruments, the limitations of the eye can be overcome. Microscopes help us to see things which are too small to be seen by the naked eye and telescopes and binoculars coat us to see distant objects in greater detail. A microscofe> Liké a magnifyitg glass, a microscope magnifies objects, However, instead of using 2 single converging lens, the compound microscope. has at least two converging lenses — the objective lens and the eyepiece. The objective lens magnifies the specimen while the cyepccr magnifies the image ofthe obestive fen. Thus the foal magnification of the object is much greater than that of the magnifying alass. eyepiece objective tenses Fig, 5.24 A compound microscope ‘Most compourid microscopes have a few objective lenses with different magnifications. The total magnification is equal to the magnification of the object lens multiplied by the magnification of the eyepiece. Try it Out Place one magnifying glass above another to magnify an object. Move the magnifying glass on top farther from or nearer to the eye until a clear, magnified image of the object is observed. The two magnifying glasses act like a compound microscope. _ ‘a. CA refracting telescope Telescopes collect light from distant objects and magnify them so that we can see them in greater detail. Unlike a reflecting telescope Fig. 4.26) which uses mirrors to reflect light into an eyepiece, a refracting telescope uses converging lenses to collect and focus the light from distant objects as shown in the diagram below. ‘The objective lens of the refracting telescope collects light from distant ‘objects and bends the light so that it focuses at a point inside the tube of the telescope. The eyeptece magnifies the image of the objective lens. Compare this to see how a compound microscope focuses light light from distant object objective fons: Fig, 5.25 A retracting telescope fight from the distance object is eyepiece brought to focus at this paint by the objective lens ‘© A lens is a piece of transparent material with one or more curved surfaces and is used for refracting light. © Acconcave or diverging lens causes parallel rays of light to bend away from one another; a convex or converging lens causes parallel rays of light to bend towards each other. ‘* The position and type of image formed by a thin converging lens depend on the object distance. * Short-sightedness and long-sightedness’are two eye defects. Short-sightedness can be corrected with a diverging lens while long-sightedness can be corrected with a converging lens. + The human eye has limitations. It can give rise to optical illusions and is unable to see clearly objects which are too dim, too bright, too far, too near or too small. * Optical instruments such as magnifying glass, microscope, telescope and binoculars can be used to overcome the limits of our eyes. They use lenses to refract and focus light. Position of object | Characteristics of How to focus image Human eye Distant or near Real, inverted and | Ciliary muscle diminished contracts or relaxes. to change the thickness of the lens of the eye, and hence its focal length. Lens camera | Distant or near Real, inverted and | The camera lens is diminished for moved away from the distant objects film for a near object and closer to the film for a distant object. Magnifying glass | Very near to the | Virtual, upright and | The magnifying glass lens (object magnified is moved nearer or distance is less farther away from the than the focal eye. length of the lens) and this od a + apparent depth + objects partially immersed in water to appear bent Ta] the dispersion of white Tight by a prism OOO DRED LLL LS LOT OT ID, which| is which is made] wot | yellow, orange and red colour lights| wa] i the splitting of white light into a spectrum of colour lights violet, indigo, blue, green, reed, blue and green as the. primary colours of light cH) vnc | refraction wie] the bending of light due to a change in the speed of light as it passes from fone transparent medium to another at an angle to the normal eg. lights bent when it passes through lenses | gg ‘which may be convex (converging) or ‘concave (diverging) = cir be ipa non-luminous object to and Appear a certain colour causes DECAUS it reflects that colour of fight e.g. Agreen leaf reflects sereen light and absorbs other colour lights; Milk appears white as it reflects all the colours of white light. ‘can be mixed to produce white light and the secondary colours of light: yellow (mixing ted and green), eyan (mixing blue and green) and magenta (mixing blue and red) r ' | | POOORDLLE BOOGIE OT the lens in the human eye is | a converging lens which refracts and converges light | to form images on the light-sensitive retina and the human eye may have defects such as: i + short-sightedness which can be comected with a diverging lens. + long-sightedness which can be corrected with a converging lens and the human eye has ions, which can sometimes give rise to optical il lite i What is refraction of light? What causes it? Write down three effects of refraction. 3. Complete the diagram below by drawing the normal, the refracted ray and the emergent ray. incident ray ai ‘What is dispersion of white light? 4 ‘What causes dispersion? Name the colours in the spectrum of white Light. Name the primary colours of light. Ge Name the secondary colours of light. Fill in the blanks: red light + blue light > Hight magenta light + green light > ___light ight + tight 5 yellow light fed light + blue light + green light > tight Shue light + red light — white light green light + blue light Tight ‘A red cat will appear ___ under blue light. ‘What colour will an object under white light appear to be if: a. it reflects all the colours of light; bit absorbs all the colours of light; ¢. it reflects green light and absorbs other colour 4, it reflects red light and absorbs other colours? A thicker lens has a_______ focal length than a thinner lens made of the same material, | | : | B B Light rays parallel to the principal axis of a convex lens will converge at @ point called the after passing through the lens. ‘What type of lens is a. found in the human eye; bb, used in spectacles to correct long-sightedness; c. used in spectacles to comrect short-sightedness?. A _______ ens causes parallel: rays of light to bend away from one another: a ens causes parallel rays of light to bend towards each other. . The distance between the centre of the lens and the film is the image distance of a lens camera. How should the image distance vary to get a sharp image of (a) a distant object; (b) a near object? . State whether the following statements describe a lens camera ot the human eye: a. The image distance is fixed. b. The focal length is fixed. c. The lens changes thickness, and hence its focal length. 4. The image distance is changed by moving the lens away or towards the light-sensitive surface where the image is formed. . Compare the characteristics of the images formed by a. the lens camera and the human eye; b, the magnifying glass and the human eye. In the diagram below, .____ (AB) appears to be longer although both A and B are of equal length. This is an example of an > — Ss A B |. The human eye has limitations, some of which can be overcome by the use of optical instruments. Which optical instrument can we use 0 help us see objects which are: a. too small; b. too far? State one similarity and one difference between a, the compound microscope and the refracting telescope; bb. the refracting telescope and reflecting telescope in terms of the object distance and how light from the object is brought to focus. AMARANTE AAA MA aN anatase RO 2t Inverted, real, diminished “uaF Inverted, real, same size as object feu<2t Inverted, real, magnified uct Upright, magnified, virtual From the information given above, state and explain what the object distance should be for: 4 a magnifying glass; b. a projector; ©. allens camera; d, a photocopier making a copy equal in size as the original copy. OPO LE DOLE I EOL IL SOO D ODI! P EE TONITE Suppose you are going out cycling at night. Using what you have learnt about light in the previous and this chapter, suggest how you can make yourself and the bicycle visible to other road users to ensure road safety. SkQhenttehunaoiiiaanvaanain oan tus tho aaah aan actin assisuad BOP eg cone think? oye F BOE econ A stick is partially immersed in water, as shown in the diagram below. Draw dotted lines in the z | | ;

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