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Skill Effects Cheat Sheet

Astrogation (Intellect)
Used for plotting hyperspace jumps.
s = better location, less travel time, less calculation time
a = less time, convenient stopovers
x = fast calculation, much less travel time, valuable info like alternate route
t = less accuracy, longer travel time, missing details
y = drop out on collision course, damage hyperdrive, etc.
Athletics (Brawn)
Running, jumping, climbing, swimming, etc.
s = less time or better distance
a = b for allies or aa for an extra maneuver (max 2)
x = Impressive results
t = strain, fall prone, wounds, etc
y = Critical Injury
Charm (Presence)
Persuasion, appeal to better nature, seduction, etc.
s = support for more scenes
a = affect nearby people
x = target becomes a recurring minor ally
t = affect less people or rub them wrong
y = target becomes a recurring minor enemy
Coercion (Willpower)
Threaten, questioning a captive, torture.
s = Inflict 1 strain for ss
a = Affect others for aa
x = Break the target's willpower to be subjugated ally
t = Building resentment in the target
y = Give away pertinent info accidentally
Computers (Intellect)
Slicing, hacking, etc.
s = less time to do the job

a = uncover additional information

x = cover up well and add c to attempts to track the user
t = Alert security systems and give leave evidence that grants b
y = As t but character is trackable via data trail
Cool (Presence)
Resist Charm, Initiative when lying in wait/ready, social initiative
s = Usually just to go first
a = Get additional insight or helpful side info
x = Recover 3 strain
t = Miss vital details
y = Lose 1 turn while overwhelmed (as being stunned)
Coordination (Agility)
Balance, escape bonds, crawl through a tight space, acrobatics, etc.
s = Increase distance or decrease time. Each s = +25% distance, to a max of +100%
a = Spend aa for a free maneuver (max 2)
x = Impressive results/benefits
t = Lose free maneuver for 1 round per t
y = Take a wound or lose vital equipment
Deception (Cunning)
Mislead, distract, leave a false trail, lie, etc.
s = Longer before the target realizes it was a lie
a = Increase the value of good or make the target feel like he's getting a deal
x = Future checks against the target are base difficulty, rather than opposed.
t = Give away a little bit of the lie.
y = Target spreads mistrust or tries to screw the character over
Discipline (Willpower)
Resist Fear, Leadership, Coercion, and Deception, and resist a too good to be true deal
s = Usually opposed, but when unopposed, downgrade next die pool difficulty once
a = Get additional insight or helpful side info
x = Give b to allies' next checks.
t = Lose resolve and take penalties
y = Overwhelmed and may only take 1 maneuver next turn
Leadership (Presence)
Rally the fearful, sway a crowd, reassert loyalty
s = Extend support for more scenes
a = Affect bystanders
x = The target may become a recurring follower or aide
t = Orders take longer and are done poorly
y = Undermine authority or worse, make a target a recurring thorn in the side
Mechanics (Intellect)
Fix something, build something, etc.
s = Each s reduces the time taken by 10-20%

a = High quality repairs may even grant a b for a session

x = Add a single-use bonus function
t = Shoddy repairs malfunction shortly thereafter.
y = Break the object or damage related systems
Medicine (Intellect)
Heal someone
s = Heal a single wound per s
a = Eliminate a single strain per a
x = Heal a critical wound or extra wounds
t = Longer time or inflict shock/pain
y = Unintentionally inflict additional wounds
Negotiation (Presence)
Buy something, work out a deal or treaty
s = Each s adds 5% profit or increases the scope of the deal
a = Concessions, boons, and perks
x = The target may become a regular client or supplier who helps out
t = Increase good cost or shorten contract.
y = Get bad goods or get sabotaged/betrayed
Perception (Cunning)
Avoid surprise, oppose Skulduggery, notice stuff, scrutinize, etc
s = Additional details
a = Get other info associated with the target
x = Get a b on future checks related to the target
t = Miss vital details
y = Assume something very wrong
Piloting (Planetary or Space) (Agility)
Fly a speeder or starship of some sort
s = Gain insight or a way to tweak the vehicle
a = Reveal a vulnerability in another vehicle
x = Get a free maneuver
t = tt gives the opponents a b
y = Deal damage or strain to the vehicle
Resilience (Brawn)
Stay away, dehydration, hunger, heat, cold, poison, etc.
s = Ignore the effects longer
a = Reduce the difficulty of future checks
x = Recover 3 strain
t = Penalties on future checks
y = Take a wound or Critical Injury
Skulduggery (Cunning or Agility)
Pick a lock, pick a pocket, sleight of hand, spot weak security, etc. Opposed by Perception
s = Gain additional insight if unopposed

a = Spot another mark or a side benefit

x = Get an unexpected boon
t = Get caught right after the act
y = Leave evidence or get caught red handed
Stealth (Agility)
Hide, sneak, etc. Opposed by Perception.
s = Aide allies in sneaking
a = Reduce time, move faster, or find really good cover, or distract someone
x = Distract a target for the whole scene so stealth is unnecessary
t = Take longer (25%ish) or be hindered in some way
y = Leave evidence behind
Streetwise (Cunning)
Gather information, innuendo, etc.
s = Reduce time taken or funds expended
a = Additional rumors and sources
x = Earn a semi-permanent contact
t = Misinformation
y = Let important information slip, maybe to an adversary
Survival (Cunning)
Find food, shelter, track someone, estimate weather, handle animals, etc.
s = Assist others or stockpile future goods
a = Learn some important information
x = Learn a vital clue or become fast friends with the animal
t = Lose resources
y = Take wounds, strain, or a Critical Injury
Vigilance (Willpower)
Initiative when prepared, prep work beforehand
s = Usually for Initiative, but sometimes indicates extra preparation
a = Note an important environmental factor
x = A free maneuver during the first round of combat
t = Miss something very important in the environment
y = Get surprised and take only a maneuver on the first combat round
Knowledge (Intellect)
Recalling information about something
s = Additional information
a = Extra trivial information
x = Relevant, advantageous information
t = Miss a detail
y = Get outright wrong information that is misleading

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