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When does “Coming Out” by a Performer Not Require an Hour on King, Oprah, the View or


A friend and I were watching Larry King this evening (Friday, April 23, 2010), when King had
as his sole guest for his hour program on CNN a performer named Jennifer Knapp, a popular
singer apparently strongly identified with being an avowed Christian. who has recently "come
out." King devoted his whole show discussing this topic with the woman in context of her faith,
ideals, and her prognosis for maintaining a vibrant career in light of this revelation.. Really!

The last time I looked, the calendar indicated that this was 2010 far beyond the time when people
whispered at the water cooler, gossiped in the lunch room or glared at a someone reputed to be
homosexual. Besides all the education, practical experience in blending personalities in the
workplace (gay or straight, there are difficulties in this arena), and recognizing that everyone has
the right to be committed in personal relationships irrespective of gender (isn’t finding love hard
enough without complicating it with arbitrary limitations), this seems to be a non-issue at best.
Perhaps a private discussion in one’s home with family members, but certainly not on an hour
program that is telecast to millionsof people around the globe two or three times each night.

Doesn’t it seem incongruous given the plethora of issues we must all face daily in light of the
economy and its impact on our lives in many ways, overwhelming unemployment, catastrophic
health issues facing many Americans, foreign and domestic unrest, a continued war and residual
political and cultural friction in the Middle East, not to mention in the USA. So, why then should
a talented and obviously gifted and attractive singer have to justify any personal relationship,
proclivity or lifestyle. She is tainted or untainted by virtue of habit, addiction, etc. But, certainly
loving deeply is one of the healthiest expressions that anyone can have – and share. Whether this
relationship endures, results in “marriage” or living together, or fades to black within a short
period of time is not a function of homosexuality any more than heterosexuals not “working out”
after dating, living together, being married or simply being together. I haven’t seen heterosexual
performers on with King for an hour solely discussing their career in light of a romance, unless it
had another twist to it, i.e. James Carville and Mary Matalin on opposite sides of the fence
politically and who are married and have been for quite some time. In fact, this unique pair –
(wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall in their home during the Clinton/Bush Sr. years) – has
been the subject of much humor on Saturday Night Live, Jon Stewart, and the subject of at least
one or two movies.

So, let’s really focus on what we need to examine critically so that our lives will be enhanced. I
long for the day when “coming out” is no longer so earth-shattering that it requires a full hour
with King and when such a revelation is no longer "news" requiring an hour of prime time on a
platform that reaches millions. Don’t you? Besides, for anti-abortionists, it is the ultimate
antidote to birth control ()

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