Critical Literacy 2 0

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Name: Kirsten Koyle

Cohort: B1

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Video Game Rating Grade: 6 Date: Jan. 15, 2015
Subject/Strand: Language/ Media Literacy Unit: Ratings Location: Classroom/ Time: 30 Minutes
Lesson Plan Description

(What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

The purpose of this unit will be to serve as an opportunity for the students to take their previous
knowledge of individual game ratings (ESRB), how ratings are determined as well as how to
interpret these ratings into giving two games a rating along with rationale behind their decision.
This will help the students further understand the target market for individual games and the
populations excluded from the games market. The students will also have the opportunity to
explain how they view the game, then compare it to their classmates, and how they think other
cultural groups would feel towards these games. This will help build upon previous knowledge of
The students will be watching two advertisements for different video games, they will be taking
their previous knowledge of advertisements and critical thinking into determining if the
advertisement demonstrates the rating given.
This lesson will fit into the context of the unit because the students have already learned about the
ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) and the IARC (International Age Rating Coalition). The
students have been required to look at different ratings from Early Childhood up through to Adults
Only. They have been looking at the rating guide, the process, what each rating means and the
implications of the ratings. The class will serve as their opportunity to brush up their rating
interpretations, and audience implications before their culminating task. There will be discussion as
to the fairness of the rating system as well as the level of enforcement.
The students will be required to have rationale behind their rating decision using language as
demonstrated by the ESRB, and posted in class. They will need to understand target audiences, and
how to determine those excluded. The students will also be required to understand the purpose of
advertisements. The class will also be required to understand why and how rating systems are put
in place in upcoming classes.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations

(numbers from documents and details)

Media Literacy
1. Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations

(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3), have
expectations that match assessment

1.3.Evaluate the effectiveness of presentation and treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and /or
experiences in media texts
1.4.Explain why different audiences might have difference responses to media texts

Learning Goals

Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know
and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will learn

The negative implications of video games on excluded populations

How to think critically about video games and their ratings


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Success Criteria

Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria
to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and
thinking, in language that students can readily understand).

I can: communicate through writing my critical thinking, showing understanding of target and excluded
I can: write and discuss rational for giving a game a new rating
I can: participate in small and large group discussions, debating the effectiveness and fairness of ESRB

How will I know students have learned what I intended?

Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply):

Knowledge and Understanding;


Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Circle One)

Assessment Mode
Written, Oral, Performance
(Write, Say, Do)

Written: The students

will be individually
submitting a rationale
behind the rating they
have given to a video
game. They will be
required to use unitrelated language as
well as taking into
account target
audiences and excluded
Say: Students will be
discussing in small and
large groups their
rational for their rating,
as well as the
effectiveness of the
ESRB rating of the
game and its fairness to
all populations.



(Describe way(s) you and/or your students will assess.)

Assessment Strategy and Task

for Students- What are the students

Assessment Tool - Instrument used to

assess task and record learning e.g.,

doing to show their learning? e.g. turn and

talk, role play/individual, cooperative, etc.

rubric, checklist, observation sheet, turn/talk, role play


Students will be showing their

learning by their ability to use the
appropriate language to support their
rating decision. They will also be
required to demonstrate a critical
look into the ESRB rating and if it is
effective, and fair. Students will also
be encouraged to debate the games
representation of difference
audiences. The class will be doing
this by submitting a short, written
summary of their rating. They will
also be having small and large groups

Written Notes: Teacher will be taking written

notes during the class forum to add
additional support for the students
checkbricks, if the student struggled during
their writing component but was easily able
to verbalize their thoughts.
Checkbrick: Students will be submitting a
written explanation of their rating at the end
of the class. Checkbrick will be assessing
language used, writing techniques, and an
understanding of the rating system. This will
be returned back to the student.


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

* An understanding the the ESRB rating system, the process which is used and enforcement
* The knowledge of target and excluded groups
* Practice at looking critically at media forms

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Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment/Accommodations,


Students who are not comfortable participating in large group discussions will be able to submit a further written piece
explaining their critical look at the ESRB rating system as well as excluded groups.

Students who need to watch the game play clip will be given an Ipad to watch more times
Written instructions for the task will be provided on the white board.
Students may work in small groups, instead of individually
A timer will be set at the beginning of the work time to allow for students to better manage their time

IEP David: Vision Impaired

Requires literature with large print

Will be given an Ipad to watch the game play
Game play will have described video (will be headphones)
Sits at the front of the class to better see white board
Instructions will be typed and given to David

IEP Lindsay: LD Putting thoughts into written format

Will be given the opportunity to use Dragon (talk to text) on computer

Prefers to write responses on chart paper and marker


Will be using self-regulation check ins (provided on desk)

Instructions will be typed ad given to Anna
Wears headphones with music playing while working individually
Has the option to sit on a yoga ball or stand while working

IEP Jerry: Anxiety

At beginning of the day will be given typed lay out of the day including the activities
Has quiet fidget toys in desk
Has option to sit on yoga ball or stand
Time checks during work period
Sensitive to loud sounds: will wear headphones and watch game play individually

Learning Skills/Work Habits



Highlight/circle ones that are assessed:



(for word wall and/or to develop schema)

ESRB Entertainment Software Rating Board
Video Games
Early Childhood
Everyone 10+
Adults Only
Target Audience
Excluded Groups
Suggestive Themes

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independent work,

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration

List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any
attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use
of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

Each student will have break down of Ratings Guide

Media Literacy work books
Smart board and projector
Computer with 2 game plays loaded
Grant Theft Auto V
Ipads and headphones-David and Jerry
Ipads and head phones- floaters for students who need to re-watch
Computer with Dragon
Recording System
Anecdotal Records
Typed Instructions David and Anna
QR Codes for Ipads (installed with QR Code Reader)

Learning Environment

(grouping; transitions; physical set up)

Students will be completing the minds on at their individual work spaces, during the activity they may arrange their desks to work in
small groups. During consolidation and large group discussion, will arrange desks in forum mode which will be a circle around the

Cross Curricular Links N/A

Three Part Lesson
Identify what the students are expected to think about or do. Write the lesson description with
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do:

What Students do:

Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide

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Time: 2:00-2:10(Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Students will be sitting at their work spaces.
Teacher will be walking around the class while leading the
Minds On activity (to help will class management, having
proximity to all students)
What have we been learning about in Media?

Yes! So what does Alex mean by The people who do not play

Students will be sitting at their work spaces

Video Games
Target Audiences
The people who do not play games
Like parents, they dont like video games
Video games are for kids
The people who video games dont show

Great thought David! So the groups of people who are

excluded from the video games target audience. A population
who isnt represented from the ratings or the games
Today we are going to be using our knowledge about the
rating process and taking a critical look at video games to
take what we know to try rating the games and see how it
matches up to the rating that the ESRB has given.

Thinking critically
Looking at something and seeing what could be changed
Noticing problems or things that are missing

What do I mean by critical thinking?

Will get out their media work books with some chatter. Anna will be
checking in on her self- regulation tool. Jerry has switched to sitting
on the yoga ball, and will be watching this game play using the Ipad
and his own volume control. David will also be watching on his Ipad.
Will find the video by taking a picture of the BarCode on the white
board screen.
David and Jerry will scan the QR Code as posted on the white board

Ok, great. So lets take a look at game play from Minecraft.

While Im getting the clip up and ready to play take out your
media work books and open up to your ratings guide.
Will turn on the projector, and will already have the clip
loaded and ready to go.
3.2.1.OK, so I see that everyone has their work books
out and ready to go. So again, we are going to be watching a
game play clip of Minecraft and then you will be thinking of a
rating you would give it, as well as thinking critically of the
game. So that means you will be looking for populations that
may be excluded from this game and what that means for
those people. Youre also looking for what you feel the rating
should be.
Shows game play clip
Great, what are your thoughts?
Ok, why?

Students watch the gameplay, while taking note of the rating they
would give, and thinking critically of the game.

I think it is a pretty great game!

Well, it seems to be pretty fair for everyone. Especially for kids. I get
to play it at home because my parents dont think it is very violent.
You can also turn off the online mode, or if youre little you can have it
so the creepers are super easy or not there at all.
Well maybe people who dont like to build stuff, there isnt a set
language. Like no one talks so everyone can understand.
Anna checks her self-regulation tool. Stands.

Can you think critically of the game? Who isnt represented?

What about the rating?

Actually, I would think Everyone 10+ because when you read the
description there is some violence if you play online or have the
creepers. Plus, Enderman who can come and wreck your whole

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning.

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Time: 2:10-2:20 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Awesome, great job everyone. So now you will be doing what
we just did on your own or in a small group for a different
game play of Grand Theft Auto V. We will all watch a game
play video and then you will be writing me a response to tell
me what rating you would give it using the language used on
the rating guide. You will also write me a response to any
critical thoughts that you have for this game. I would like to
hear about target audience, excluded audiences, and the
effectiveness if the ESRB rating.
You can do this in a small group of two, and move where you
think you will work best in the class room. If you need to
watch the trailer again there is an extra Ipad floating around.
Will have written the instructions in point form on the white
board prior to the lesson, will uncover them now.
David will have large print instructions. Anna has typed
You will have about 10 minutes to write your response and
then well have a forum.
Plays Grand Theft Auto Youtube Clip twice

Students watch the youtube clip

Jerry and David will watch individually. Scanning the QR Code on the
Anna will use self-regulation tool, and switches to yoga ball
Lindsay will use Dragon on the computer to write responses.
Students write their responses in their media work books. Working
individually or in their small groups of 2.

Ok class, Ill be setting the timer at the front for 10 minutes.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection.

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Time: 2:20-2:30 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Turns off the timer
Anna, the timer has gone off.
Great work period everyone, we are going to have a forum
now. If you would rather write further on your submission,
then you can do that rather than be in our discussion. Please
arrange your desks in our forum mode. Quickly and without
any voices. Remember to lift your desks.
So what you did you think of GTA V?

Students are working on their written responses to GTA V. There are

some small group discussions. Students are on task. When timer goes
off, Anna continues to talk to neighbour
Some students chose to remain at desk to further their written piece,
the rest create a circle using their desks to make a forum. A common
occurrence in the class.
Well, just based on the trailer its hard to tell what it would be rated. I
have played it before and nothing that Ive seen is on the trailer.
Ya, and at the beginning of the trailer it says not suitable for
children but it just looks like SIMS.
I play this game so I know there is a lot of violence
I think the trailer is misleading then, there didnt really seem to be
THAT much violence.
Just guys carrying guns.
And the plane bombing guys.

Who would be the target audience then, based on what you

saw in the trailer

Not children.
I play it, so us.

Lauren, why do you say that?

I never have played this game, and I dont think I would like it.
Well, I dont know. The trailer looked like it is boring. Just driving in a
car, and I dont like cars. Maybe the target audience is boys.

The rating for this game is M. Does this match the rating that
you gave?
Lindsay, why do you think it is misleading? You said you gave
it a Teen rating.

What about excluded audiences?

Dylan, why do you think thinks are excluded

Awesome, this is good! Youre turning into critical thinkers!

Everyone did very well today and Im excited to read your
responses. Tomorrow we will start to go over what your project
for this unit will be, when you will be doing an in depth rating
and critical response to a video game. Jerry, next media class
we will be in the computer lab.

The trailer doesnt make it seem like that at all!

Its kind of misleading, I gave the game a Teen rating.
Well when you look at the rating guide it just says may contain
violence and the main difference between Teen and Mature is it
saying intense and I just didnt see anything intense about it!
Maybe kids, because the rating is for Mature so they might not get
I would say girls.
Well, I know my sister doesnt like video games and the Mature
rating says intense violence and blood. My sister doesnt like any of
those things.

Are we going to be able to play video games?

Do we get to type our responses?

Please rearrange your desks and get ready for Mr. Beaulieu,
youll be doing health next.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

This lesson will lead to working individually towards their culminating activity. The students will be required to do an in depth rating
and critical review of a video game of their choice. This will be done in the computer lab. The goal of this assignment will be to put
their critical thinking into practice, as well as experience using the ESRB website.

Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:
The Teacher:

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