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Outline for Tiered Activity

Name: Uri Kestenbaum

Grade: Six
Subject Matter / Unit: Gemara, Bava Metzia 21b
Key concept(s) / skill (s) for everyone to master.

Key Aramaic words used in the Gemaras discussion,

namely: , , ,
The argument between and regarding objects that are lost and
whose owner will most probably give up hope of finding it.
The 3-step process in which and will agree.
Namely: If 1) the owner loses an object 2) the object has an identifying
siman, 3) Everyone will agree that one may not keep the object, even if
it is assumed that the owner gave up hope.

What is a suitable baseline activity (i.e. an activity that would be appropriate

for the mid-level average students in your class)?

Students write in the translation of each Aramaic phrase taught.

A short, accompanying explanation of what each step of Gemara is
talking about preludes the sections of phrases.
A 3-step graphic organizer highlights the elements that and
agree upon. Students are to fill in the correct details to each step.

What are ways of building in scaffolding so that weaker students are

supported and are able to complete the learning activity?

Instead of translating each phrase, students are given only the key
words in the sugya to translate.
All words have nekudot.
The words or concepts which are negative are colored red, the
words or phrases that are positive are colored blue. This helps orient
weaker students to the thought process behind each phrase.
Accompanying pictures/diagrams are inserted next to phrases of the
Gemara so the students can associate each phrase with a picture.
Phrases not included in the weaker students handout are summarized
in Did You Know? boxes.
The 3-step process part of the activity is already completed; students
can use this as a guide to understand the lesson.

What are ways of stretching the learning so that stronger students are
enriched and challenged through the learning activity?

The source page of the Gemara is left without nekudot. Students can

Outline for Tiered Activity

use the handout for reference if they are unsure of how to pronounce
the exact term.
Instead of a phrase-by-phrase breakdown to translate, students refer to
an actual picture of the Gemara to translate.
No accompanying preludes are provided. Students are to attempt to
extract the breakdown of the Gemara by translating, and referring to
the diagram in the Process section of the activity.
In the Process section, a diagram is provided, without any English
scaffolding. Students must refer to the actual language of the Gemara to
decipher what each step means.
Students are given an option to figure out the next step of the Gemara
by using the diagram and their own Gemara.

Baseline Activity:
1) Translate in the blank spaces provided.
2) Fill in the process of the Gemara at the end.
Intro. > W h a t i s t h e dkld i n a c a s e o f zrcn `ly ,ye`i ?
Translate in the blank spaces provided:
,xn Yi
` ,ye`i ...zrcn `ly xn` iia` ,ye`i ied `l... xn` `axe .ye`i ied... -

Step #1 > What is the dkld in a case of zrcn `ly ,ye`i where
the object has a oniq ?
,oniq ea yiy xaca `nlr ilek ibilt `l .ye`i ied `lc ab lr s`e dipirnyc ,seql y`inc .ye`i ied `l -

,dicil `z` ikc .dicil `z`c `ed `xeqi`a -

Everyone agrees if...

Activity for Weaker Students:

1) Translate in the blank spaces below, or above the text.
2) Follow along the thought process by referring to the pictures
and diagrams.

Key Words:

zr cn `ly

Intro. > W h a t i s t h e dkld i n a c a s e o f zrcn `ly ,ye`i ?


yE`i ied `l xn `


yE`i ied xn `

q FA WiW
xa cA

`n l r ilEM

WE`i ied ` lc ,ibil R ` l

Everyone agrees if...

Activity for Stronger Students:

1) Translate each numbered phrase on the blank lines below.
2) Complete the Gemara Process on Page 2.


The diagram above outlines the steps of the Gemara.
Explain each numbered step. (Step 3 is tomorrows lesson.
See if you can go ahead in the Gemara and figure it out..)









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