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Publications of Ms Dana Sugu, Romanian Research Scholar who is staying in Kolkata for the

past few years.

The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture M: +91-9830411262, Email:

Scholars’ House, B14, Kolkata, 700029

Dana Sugu

Publications  Kena Upanishad (1995);

 Isa, Kena Katha, Prashna Upanishads with Swami Lokeswarananda’s

commentaries (1998);

 Isa Upanishad with Sankaracharya’s commentary (2007),

 Cunoasterea de Sine, Sankaracharya’s Atmabodha;

 Doar Magicianul e aievea (1998), translation of Swami Lokeswarananda’s

The Way to God;

 Predica de pe Munte dupa Advaita Vedanta (1998), translation of Swami

Prabhavananda’s The Sermon on The Month According to Vedanta,

 Atleti Spirituali (1998), translation of Ray Berry’s Spiritual Athletes

 Pancakarana, Sankaracharya’s Pancakarana (2008)

 Tagore la Gura Sobei in Mongpu, translation of Maitreyi Devi’s Mongpute

Robindranath (2008)

 Sadhana: Desavarsirea Vietii, translation of Rabindranth Tagore’s

Sadhana (2009)

 Indianul care pledeaza, translation of Amarya Sen’s The Argumetative

Indian (forecoming, April 2010)

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