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Robert M. is a 14-year-old high school student admitted to the psychiatric

unit at Monte
Hospital on March 10, 2000, for his second psychiatric hospitalization.
He was referred for an interview and psychological testing by Harold Smith,
MD, to estimate his intelligence, differential diagnosis, behavioral dynamics,
and potential for adjustment.
Anna is a 12-year, 1-month-old bilingual, Hispanic female who is currently
residing in
a foster home due to parental abuse, neglect, and abandonment.
Anna presents with irritability, anxiety, and poor peer relations.
Additionally, Annas foster parents indicate that Anna is having problems in
school because of interpersonal difficulties with her classmates and problems
adjusting to their home (e.g., seeks constant attention, argues with foster
Annas therapist, Mary Smith, LCSW, requested this psychological evaluation
to assist in assessing her current level of cognitive and emotional
functioning, clarify her diagnosis, identify her strengths, and provide
suggestions that may be useful in helping her to adjust to school.
This 70-year-old, divorced woman
was referred for psychological evaluation by Dr. M.,
who specified that the patient suffered from agoraphobia and requested
assistance in
identifying effective treatment for her condition.
A. G., on the other hand, indicated that she had had agoraphobia in the past,
but described her current problem as one of motivation rather than panic or
She asserted that she is currently not immobilized nor is she extremely
anxious when she travels.
She attributes her restrictive lifestyle to the absence of energy and
motivation to travel and engage in social activities.

She acknowledged an underlying apprehension that arises when she is

scheduled to leave home, however, resulting in her putting off her departure
as long as possible.
After she actually goes out, she reported that she remains anxious until she
returns home.
The current evaluation was designed to clarify the nature of the problem, to
develop treatment plans, and, if indicated, to initiate a treatment program.

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