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2016/02/29 14:22:46 Singapore (justin.jas.n-go@hpe.

Assigning to resource.

29/02/2016 11:40:21 India (


02/29/2016 11:23:15 India (

Not Blues supported

02/29/2016 05:06:45 Greenwich/Universal (HPOO):

|OO - 077 - Automated Lean Dispatcher~ Run ID 2273651|

2016/02/29 12:55:03 Hong Kong (

MNL L2 SAP support team does not support PN1 related issues

2016/02/26 08:27:05 India (

AG change

02/26/2016 00:23:44 Greenwich/Universal (HPOO):

|OO - 077 - Automated Lean Dispatcher~ Run ID 2259878|

02/25/2016 18:19:16 US/Central (

More information is required, user to reach is on BGL shift.


02/23/2016 19:21:13 Greenwich/Universal (HPOO):

|OO - 077 - Automated Lean Dispatcher~ Run ID 2248301|

2016/02/23 23:57:09 India (

Hi team .can you check the below directory
svdadm> cd /usr/sap/trans

svdadm> ll
total 2
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root


drwxr-xr-x 11 svdadm

1 Feb 19 14:18 SVD


1024 Mar 19 2015 SVD.old


02/23/2016 20:53:13 India (


02/23/2016 20:37:31 India (

[2/23/2016 8:24 PM] Nachimuthu, Pradeep:
Hi Pradeepika
[2/23/2016 8:25 PM] Killi, Pradeepika:
Hi Pradeep
i was able to transport from SVD to SVQ before
[2/23/2016 8:27 PM] Killi, Pradeepika:
i am getting error like below
Test call of transport control program (tp) ended with return code 0208
[2/23/2016 8:30 PM] Nachimuthu, Pradeep:

I am from NonSAP support team. I guess its on SAP system

[2/23/2016 8:31 PM] Killi, Pradeepika:
[2/23/2016 8:32 PM] Killi, Pradeepika:
SAP basis team need to look into it
[2/23/2016 8:32 PM] Nachimuthu, Pradeep:
ok, will move this ticket to Basis team.
Thanks for the information
ase ask them them to work as soon as possible
already 1 day wasted

02/23/2016 18:12:44 India (

From: Nachimuthu, Pradeep
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 6:10 PM
Cc: PDL Client HP Non-SAP_All
Subject: SD22447801/IM21766378 - I am not able to release transport request in
SVD,Please look into as soon as possible

Hi Pradeepika,

Error message or attachment is missing in the ticket. Based on ticket description I

guess the request is for SVP application.
Could you please provide more information.

Thanks and regards,


23/02/2016 10:40:35 India (


02/22/2016 21:07:46 US/Pacific (

Please attach investigation file that has done from your side

2016/02/22 20:35:12 India (

Hello Team,
Please check this ticket

2016/02/22 20:11:21 India (


02/22/2016 14:38:09 Greenwich/Universal (HPOO):

|OO - 080 - Lean Interaction IM Elevation~ Incident generated per Lean SD Elevation
SCR ruleID (86) SCR comparator runID (4650595)|
Service Recpient:
02/22/16 19:08:24 Greenwich/Universal (sla):
TTF - Medium - MC - Inc has hit 50% warning level
02/23/16 15:46:27 Greenwich/Universal (sla):
TTF - Medium - MC - Inc has been breached

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