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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Figures of Speech
Unit Author
Vanette D. Dalisay
First and Last

Claudette A. Trespuentes
Rhodrence M. Mista
Zenkerr David Gatuz

School Name

University of St. La Salle

School City

Bacolod City, Negros Region Island

Unit Overview
Unit Title
Figure of Speech
Unit Summary
Figures of Speech talks about beauty, vividness and vitality of a language. In this unit plan, the students
will be given five (5) figures of speech naming: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Onomatopoeia and
Hyperbole. Students will investigate and gain knowledge the five figures of speech given to them, by
handing over the task to the group one who will discuss to the class figures of speech. After the
discussion the students to make a paragraph or sentences applying the 5 literary devices or if they desire
to make a poem they can do also. Then students will dig deeper into the Figure of Speech through
examining the unit questions, Why do writers utilize figures of speech on their writings specifically on
poem? How can we apply figures of speech in our daily lives? After which, the students are to
witnessed or study the work of Robert Frost Fire and Ice and they must have identified the different
figures of speech or literary devices mention on his poem through oral recitation. Next meeting the class
will be divided into five groups and will be given one poem in each group and be able to identify what is
Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification and Hyperbole in the poem. At the end of the unit, the
students are to make a literary folio with their own writings. They can write a poem applying the five
figures of speech or any literary devices; they can also their own short stories, essays, etc. This will be
done individually. How does a figure of speech show the value of creativity? The purpose of studying
figures of speech is that you may learn to recognize them and use them in youre writing.

Subject Area
ENGLISH Language Arts

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Essentials Course

Grade Level
Grade 7 students
Approximate Time Needed
Seven days.
45 minutes every meeting on MWF
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (taken from Deped K-12 Curriculum Guide)

The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of

connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds
of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
EN7WC-Ia-4.1: Recognize the common purposes for writing
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Students must have:

a. Identified the different Figures of Speech
b. Actively participated in the class discussion through oral recitation.
d. Actively participated on the activities given to them.
e. Presented to the class a short presentation where Metaphor is being applied in their conversation.
f. Composed their own poem and performed it in the class.
g. Created their literary folio.

Curriculum-Framing Questions
How do figures of speech show the value of creativity?

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course


Why do writers utilize figures of speech on their writings specifically on poem?

How can we apply figures of speech in our daily lives?


What is a Figure of Speech?

What Simile?
What Metaphor?
What Personification?
What is Onomatopoeia?
What is Hyperbole?
What is the difference between Simile and Metaphor?

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Triple Es Assessment Plan


Process and Purpose of



The teacher will discuss the final project of the class.

Afterwards, the teacher will inform the class
regarding the deadline of their literary folio which
would be next week Monday.
The teacher will present to the class the rubric for
their literary folio.

Literary Folio

The students will draft their short stories or a little

background or theme that they prefer on their own

Feed backing

The teacher will give some feedback to the drafts

that they have.


The teacher will raise the unit question to the

students. Afterwards, the students will be given time
to reflect and answer or share their insights to the
class orally.
The teacher will check and give some feedback on
the progress of their project.

Feed backing
Literary Folio Evaluation

Teacher will check and evaluate the students literary

folio with the use of rubric. Afterwards, the teacher
will grade their final project and record it.


Students reflect on what they have learned in the

unit and able to answer the essential questions. It
strengthens ones capacity to learn.

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Essentials Course

Assessment Timeline

project work

Students work on projects and

complete tasks

the project to
the class.

The students will start off

with their drafts.

The teacher will give some

feedback on the students draft.

The teacher will raise the

unit question to the class and the
students will answer it orally.

the class
regarding the
deadline of the
literary folio
which would be
next week

the rubric to the

The students will spend the

remaining time to continue working
on their literary folio.

Teacher will provide

feedback on the progress of the
students work.

After project work is


The teacher will evaluate their

literary folio with the use of rubric.
Afterwards, the teacher will grade it
individually and record it.

The teacher will flash to the

screen the essential question.

The students will answer or give

their insights regarding the essential
question on a crosswise.

Finish and pass their literary


Assessment Summary

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Essentials Course

The final project of the students will be creating their own literary folio that will serve as their
assessment throughout the unit. The teacher will inform the class what kind of final project they will
have and state to the class the deadline of the literary folio. Afterwards, the teacher will present to the
class the rubric for the said project. They will start off by making their drafts and the teacher will
provide feedback on their drafts. Next day, the teacher will ask the unit question to the students and
they will share their thoughts orally. Afterwards, the remaining time will spend to go on with the making
of their literary folio. The teacher will check and provide some feedback on the progress of their final
project. Next Monday, they will pass their literary folio and will be evaluated by the teacher with the use
of rubric. It will be recorded. After which, the teacher will flash to the lcd projector the essential
question and the students will give their insights or thoughts on a crosswise.

Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Know how to use Microsoft Word.
Basic Internet Use
Instructional Procedures

First Day - MONDAY (45 minutes)

How to attain more knowledge from the topic Figures of Speech The teacher will ask the students
some Essential questions and it will serves as motivation before the lesson proper begins. After
that, the teacher will turn over the class to the group one. They are to introduce five figures of
speech. The students will listen attentively and interact to the reporter after which the teacher will
asked the students if they understood the lesson. After the reporting about the figures of speech,
the teacher will make a follow up lecture regarding the lesson. The teacher will discuss first about
the Simile to them and after which, the teacher will give an activity, the teacher will provide a poem
and the students will find a pair to answer the said activity. Before they will begin the teacher will
give the instructions wherein the students will identify the Simile that can be found in the poem.
After they finish answering the teacher will asked the students to exchange paper and the teacher
will reveal the answering flashing it to the LCD Projector. After which, the teacher will give an
assignment to the students. They are to define what Metaphor is and give 3 example of their own.

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Essentials Course

Second Day - Wednesday (45 minutes)

The teacher will play a video coming from YouTube that will serve as a motivation. The students will
be asked to give their insights or opinion regarding what they have watched. Afterwards, the
students will be asked to pass their assignments for it will be checked by the teacher. The teacher
will start the discussion by asking the students to define what Metaphor is. Afterwards they are to
give their examples through oral recitation. The teacher will start the discussion in order to expand
their knowledge further about Metaphor. The teacher will discuss the lesson further and asked the
students to read what is being flashed on the screen and will be explained by the teacher. After,
they have recognized what is a Metaphor; after which, the class will be divided into five groups.
When they are already in their respective group, they must choose their leader. The teacher will
instruct them regarding on the activity. They will make a short presentation where Metaphor is
being applied in their conversation. The criteria will be:
Used a specific theme or situation
Numbers of metaphors mentioned
Accurate utilization of metaphors

- 10 points
- 15 points
- 25 points
50 points

Third Day - Friday (45 minutes)

The teacher will have a quick review about Simile and Metaphor. Before introducing another topic,
The teacher will flash to the LCD Projector a picture of a clock with feet, flowers with hands, and a
smiling sun. The students will be asked to describe what they have seen through oral recitation.
Afterwards, Personification will be introduced to the class. The teacher will discuss further about
the topic. After discussing it, the students will be asked to give their examples through oral
recitation. Then the teacher will have a short objective quiz about Simile, Metaphor and
Personification. The paper will be checked by exchanging it with their seatmates.

Fourth Day Monday (45 minutes)

Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia will be discussed to the students. Afterwards, the students will be
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Essentials Course

asked to give examples through oral recitation. Then the teacher will divide the class into five
groups or they can still have their same group. They are to compose a poem applying the different
figures of speech. The remaining time will be spend composing or drafting their own poem and to
be perform next meeting The teacher will checked the draft they have and will be given additional 5
points. They will grade by the following criteria:
Specific theme used for the poetry reading
Costumes, props, background music, etc.
Numbers of figures of speech utilized
Accurate usage of figures of speech

- 5 points
- 5 points
- 15 points
- 25 points


50 points

Fifth Day - Wednesday (45 minutes)

The students will perform their poems and they will be given for about 20mins. They will be
graded. The teacher will provide feedback to the students performance. To evaluate their
knowledge about the unit, they are to make a literary folio that will be submitted on next
week, Monday. They can write their own poems there, essays, short stories, and what they
have learned on the unit. Afterwards, the rubric will be presented to the whole class. They will
star with their drafts and the teacher will provide some feedback about their draft. Next day,
the students will continue working on their literary folio.

Sixth Day Friday (45 minutes)

The teacher will ask the students Why do writers utilize figures of speech on their writings
specifically on poem? How can we apply figures of speech in our daily lives? The students will answer

this orally. Then, the remaining time would spend for the class to go on with their literary folio.
The teacher will provide some feedback on the progress of the students work.

Seventh Day Monday (45 minutes)

The students will submit their literary folio and the teacher will evaluate their final porject with
the use of the rubric. After which, the teacher will flash to the screen the question How do

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Essentials Course

figures of speech show the value of creativity? after which the students will write their
insights or thoughts on a crosswise.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction



Create a list of websites to gather information from for the research projects.

Give students a handout to visually reinforce how the bibliography should look.

Preview key vocabulary as a group prior to starting projects.

Allow students to work with a partner.

Allow the students to see examples and rubrics and to ask questions before
starting the major tasks in the unit.

Visual and verbal reinforcement whenever possible.

Repeat and clarify directions and information whenever necessary.

Allow adequate wait time for questions.

We are an English only state so all of the accommodations that I would use for my
resource and/or Title I students listed above are also beneficial for my NES students.
NA-This class is specifically designed as an intervention class for learning disabled
resource and Title I students who struggle in these academic areas and are below
grade level.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Laser Disk




Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equip.

DVD Player


Other Laptop

Internet Connection


Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)


Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software


Other Microsoft PowerPointt

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
Printed Materials


Carolina T. Gonzales and Nelda R. Fransisco, Essential English, Worktext in

Literature and Language. Manila, Philippines, 2015
I have a plethora of resources from attending teacher training conferences
wherein it talks about how to develop the writing skills of the students.

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

What's the Value of the Figures of Speech?

Figure of Speech
Internet Resources

Literary Devices Definition and Examples of Literary Terms

Top 20 Figures of Speech

A video from Youtube

Other Resources

Figures of Speech

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks
of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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