Causes of The Uterine

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Causes of the uterine

size greater than the



What does it mean "measuring large for dates"?
Measuring large for dates means your fundal height is more
than 2 cm larger than expected for your stage of pregnancy
based on your due date. Among the possible explanations are:
Wrong E.D.D
Uterine fibroids.
Mutiple pregnancy
Macrosomic baby
Breech position of the baby
Maternal Obesity

1. Wrong E.D.D
Inaccurate L.M.P
Could not recalled her L.M.P

2. Uterine fibroids
Common non-cancerous (benign) growths
that develop in the myometrium.
Mostly, more than one fibroid in the uterus.
Fibroids can dramatically increase in size
during pregnancy.
Mostly, asymptomatic.

3. Multiple pregnancy
Fracternal Twins
-Usually occurs when more than one egg is
fertilized and implants in the uterus.
Identical Twins
-One egg is fertilized and then divides into
two or more embryos.
Either of these processes can lead to
triplets, quadruplets, or other multiple

4. Polyhyramnios
If the developing baby does not swallow and absorb
amniotic fluid in normal amounts. This can happen if the
baby has certain health problems, including:
- Gastrointestinal disorder.
- Brain and nervous system problems.
- Achondroplasia.

It can also happen if the mom has poorly controlled

Polyhydramnios may also be due to increased fluid
production, which occurs with:
- Certain lung disorders in the baby.
- Multiple pregnancy (for example, twins or triplets).
- Hydrops fetalis in the baby.

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