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Spiritual Gems from Jafar al-diq

(d. 148/765)
The Sufi recension of the Qurn commentary
ascribed to the Imm Jafar al-diq
as contained in
Ab Abd al-Ramn al-Sulams (d. 412/1021)
aqiq al-Tafsr
With the Arabic text reproduced
from the edition by Paul Nwyia
Translated and Annotated
Farhana Mayer


Spiritual Gems
Jafar al-diq
In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful

t is related from Jafar b. Muammad that he said: The Book

of God has four things: literal expression (ibrah), allusion
(ishrah), subtleties (laif) and the deepest realities (aqiq).1

The literal expression is for the commonalty (awmm), the allusion

is for the elite (khaw), the subtleties are for the friends [of God]
(awliy)2 and the deepest realities are for the prophets (anbiy).

al-Midah (The Table-Spread)

al-Midah (The Table-Spread)

Y ayyuhlladhna man
O ye who believe.

Concerning His [above] words, Jafar b. Muammad said: Therein are

four characteristics: a vocative; a metonymy; an allusion, and an attestation. The [word] y is the vocative, and ayyu is the particularisation
of the vocative; the h is the metonymy; the [word] alladhna is the
allusion; and [the word] man is the attestation.

innallha yakumu m yurd

verily God ordains what He intends.

Jafar said: (God) ordains what He intends (to ordain) and then brings
to pass His intention (irdah) and His will (mashah).63 Then he who
is content with His ordinance is at ease and has been guided to the way
of his good conduct; while he who resents His ordinance nevertheless
must undergo it, but has in it resentment and disgrace.


al-Midah (The Table-Spread)


(a)l-yawma akmaltu lakum dnakum

this day I have perfected for you your faith.
Jafar b. Muammad said: This day is a reference to the day that
Muammad the Messenger of God was sent, and the day of his
prophetic message/mission.


yaghfiru liman yashu wa yuadhdhibu man yashu

He forgives whom He wills (to forgive) and He chastises
whom He wills (to chastise).
Jafar said: He forgives whom He wills (to forgive), as a grace to them;
and He chastises whom He wills (to chastise), justly.64

wabtagh ilayhil-waslah
and seek unto Him a means of approach.
Jafar said: Seek from Him closeness (to Him).


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