1 - Conversation Circle

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Ancient Civilization Conversation Circle Activity------------------------------------------------ Pre Assessment

SWBAT list/ describe/ categorize what they know about the
related concepts & unit using a Wonder Wall.
SWBAT generate questions they have about this unit.

Language Objective: (ELL) To write a question to learn more about a topic using
a list of keywords.
Key Language: question, conversation
photo cards, wonderwall, sticky tack

Build Background:
Tell students that Wonder is the start of wisdom before we can begin to learn some new wisdom, we have to get curious.
Key Vocabulary
Conversation- informal talk to exchange ideas
Wonder- asking a question to learn more or get curious about a topic (list the 5 W words)
State & Write Goal on Board: To have a conversation to learn and share what we know about key concepts in our next U.o.I. To wonder and ask
curious questions about what we well be inquiring about.

Hand each student a conversation card. Have them take a moment to look at their card.
Ask them What do they notice? What are they wondering? What do they know about this card? Where have they seen or heard this card before?
What do these pictures or words make you think of?
Have students get into two circles to do a CAROUSEL SHARE. (an inner circle and an outer circle) Have each student share their card, then
swap. When music plays the outer circle will move around when it stops, theyll repeat.
After the conversation have students break these cards into categories What connections can they see? (may put a group of unknown words
Place students questions onto the board near the photos
Explain this will serve as their Inspiration Board for what theyll learn this unit.

Closing: Discovery Notebook Share- One thing they shared, one thing they learned today, and one wonder they have for this unit.









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