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Raw Foods Vegetarianism are DETOXIFICATION + Detoxcaton isthe proces by which the body ‘minster tin from te eale ‘Toxin est everyhere and can lead to heals problems ‘Toxin ae in fo0d andthe envionment, and persist because of our insuticent metabolic [bly to el the body of al hat we ae exposed toon a dally bass + About 60% of accumulated waste released in the fist seven days of detoxication + During this time, you wil fel worse before you feel better + When you begin a raw foods det the ton wate from aneal procs, processed foods ted wth sri poten, and cocked ood sarge from the cell, gis, aters, nd ves tothe ‘loodtream for emova rom the body + As they are removed, you may fel symptoms of Hines, but they are generally signs of healing +The symptoms may be discouraging, But» itis Shortved and worth the efor +The torns being discarded would have resulted in more serious sense, such as kidney sorders, ood disease, heat ease, arts, nerve degeneration cancer, ee + While the bod i using the enzymes and oxygen ‘of ving fods to ean the wast rom deep within ‘eer cl there ae some uncomfortable reactions tht may or may not occur inceased flatulence «han eruptions «Increased thst» Cravings + Runny nose * Headaches ability + Constipation + Insomnia + Nerousness + Coated tongue * Fatigue + Aches and pains «Fever * Wakes « Daren Eder * Nausea # Cold and fly symptoms + Bad breath» Diziness + Frequent uation + Nightmare Los of appt «The symptoms wil vay acoraing to mental stamina, the toxins being discarded, and the ‘coniton of the organs involved in the elimination + Htyou have avoided the we of cafene, nicotine, sugar, and alcohol the pas, your detoxication symptoms may be quite mld +H you ae making a drastic snitch in det and Mes), your symptoms may be strong +The good news is that detonation i sign that your body is becoming healthier; each day ‘he oud ids ise of wastes that may have eventually brought pain, disease, and sflering ‘The majority of people find thelr reactions {oleabie and are able to bear them motivated | by te promise of aly, heath, and longevity NaturalZin 1.866.RAW.ZING | «They can drain the body of energy and make you mare suscaptble to dsease and inkection + Tosns tend ta concenttate in the rain, ver, de! gastrointestinal vac: Diese places are reaponbl for eimai tos om the body + Since everyone is exposed to toxins, everyone an benefit rom detoxication on 9 proce bas ‘The length ofthe deansing proces depends 00 hove many years you have abused your body with a poor det ‘The noticeable detonation period usualy lasts for ontya week or two, with He to eat intensity ‘ew coniue fr years with es noticeable ups ‘ed dons ul you reach the seven yer paint ier the boy silly eget 1 Howoves, ight fom the start you will noice a reduction in the stent of your detoxication Symptoms as your body becomes accustomed {o youe new aw foods dt —> Helpful Lifestyle Changes ‘Breathe deeply + void sess and seek ut ways to relax and ‘esavesressul condone in your Me + Get sufcent sunlight, exercise, ond sleep + Counseling, mediation, and other therapies are proactive ways to veeve tress Helpful Dietary Changes + Drink ren na, a dey source ofcateci, which ‘es poner antossdnt tat easly ocd (geen tea contains cafe, butt abo contains ‘Beanie, which counteract he cen) + Fata welhbalanced cet ich in fats, vegetibes, and sprouts ‘Katanichokes; they help detonty the fiver “Eat foods in he Basic amy suchas cabbage, caulitoner nd Boel os + increase intake of betes 1 Keep a fod cary to detect inaviual pater of sensitivity to foods as regulary + Vegetarians donot eat meat, fh, and pouty “They subsist ona det composed primarily of vegetables, rain, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with ‘or wthout eggs and day products ‘+ Ateratve and msinsteeam ‘groups sch as The American Dietetic Asocation have aftrmed ‘thata vegetarian diet can meet al utrtonal needs + Rave foods vegetarianism isa et consisting of mostly uncooked, unprocessed, and organic rats, vegetables, nut, sed, and spreuted soins ond beans 1+ Meat, dairy, soy products, coe, back tea, cohol, or hems! supplement are not consumed ‘+ Amaximum of only 20% ofthe food may be Cooked; cooking foods above 115°F destoys many nutrents + ing foods ae rich in chlorophyll ded enzynes + They are rave plant food that contain the most ‘ution such a sprouted seeds, fresh Tice, rt, vegetables, herbs, et * Living foods are packed with hoxmones, oxygen, phytochemical, tnd enzymes and help te overoades ‘stem to recover «These antidotes hep wo ease the symptoms and speed up the proces of detain: * Dinklamen water (ue of ene een vith ght ounces f wat) wth upto teaspoon of cayenne Pepper when you wake up: Uishaps wo open the cust stm and kaze the body a, which speeds up the ate of detoxication “Fast on geen ins Gee Perch’ Whetges ic, Geen Dis, & Spt chan) oe dy ech ‘wel ths alos potent eng term tos oe eased ere they can cause probes ‘+ Doacckic, resstnce, and streching execs cy, ‘hey hp to speedup he detect process + Do not take drugs tains to hel your smptoms ‘the symptoms ae pat of te heal proces ll + Alo fevers belo 102 torn thee cure: your ody worka Iie overtime to ease + Rest the body eed al the enegyit an get to ibis of tans YOUR DESTINATION FOR RAW FOOD Natural Zing is the largest distributor of raw vegan organic food. Over 1,500 products! Order Today 866-729-9464 2 H0F3010 rior hog +The colon is ao called the large intestine or the bowel “1b ret inthe abdomen ancl forms the last par of the digestive tact “An extremely important organ, i cares out «8 numberof vial functions incuding the completion ofthe digestive process, which invalves absorbing water-soluble nutrients as ‘well asthe synthesis of certain vitamin 1 The colon isa major part ofthe excretory system and is responsible for elminating, gested food and other body wastes + Italo protects the body from infection and citer ‘Ina healthy and normally functioning colon, allo ths s achieved with the help of lions frend bacteria thet ive inthe colon and ‘make up about 70% ofthe dry weight ofthe body's fecal waste “The healthy transit time of food through the body occurs in less than 24 hours (or ‘more information see Permacharts’ Food Combining char) + However, the delicate balance ofthis internal ecosjstern can very easily be disturbed by 2 rnumber of factors including stress, pollution, oor fod and drink choices, drugs, smoking, land exposure to other toxic substances + One in thre people has a bowel problem such a iitable bowel syndrome, coi, and Crohn's disease + Diverticulitis (fected colon) and Candida, (east infection, are now widespread ‘The repercussions ofa toxic bowel may be seen throughout the body in a wide range of health problems “1s aso seen in the general malaise afecting s0 many in our socety Eliminate when needed <——— ‘Try to establish a routine bowel movement first thing inthe moming 1 The bowels need to evacuate inthe ‘momning because bacteria has been active and the metabolism has been inactive all Fight long + Try to evacuate again if posible Squat when you eliminate + Place a footstoo}, box, two telephone books, or step under both feet when Seated on the toilet * By raising both feet of the ground, you put yourself in a squating postion that is more atural and encourages easy elimination [> Healthy Colon * The body needs a clean and healthy colon to assimilate nuviens and dispose of waste + Ongoing complete bowel evacuation leads to robust heath | Distressed Colon + Unfortunately, milions of people have colons that are twisted out of shape and congested with several days or weeks worth of tonic waste + Excess fecal mater that i impacted along the walls of the colons breeding ground for unriendly bacteria + Wen this waste accumulates, the colon becomes weak and sluggish, which resus inconstipation + When the waste hardens, the natural ‘muscular contractions of the colon sow down and more buildup occurs also blocs nutient absorption through the als ofthe colon, and the undigested food puteties and becomes toxic «+ The design of the modern toilet actually contributes to constipation Get regular exercise + Exercise helps to keep abdominal muscles strong and frm | + It aso encourages peristalsis, which are the successive waves of involuntary contraction passing along the walls of the colon that force the contents onward + However, do not exercise immediately ater eating because the digestive process needs a lot of energy + It aso brings oxygen-rich blood tothe intestines, which improves the heslth and viaity of the cells + Proper use of enemas and implants help the colon improve muscle tone and strength + They are especialy helpful during the fst few seeks of your change in det, when a great ‘deal of waste matte is sent tothe clon from Sl pars ofthe Body for elimination + Enemas and implants help to improve the detoxication process + Enemas should be done once a week ‘on the evening oF merning after a day of fasting on liquids, Major Organs of Elimination + Every cal ofthe body has parts that help to ‘remove waste, but certain organs specaize in waste management “There are ways that you can assis them during the inal detoxication period Colon ‘+The colon isthe solid waste management ‘organ inthe body + Cleaning the colon sii; there have been cases in which individuals have had many pounds of mucous and rubberike ‘wast impacted along the walls of thei colon + Tip: Assist your calon by taking colon hydro:therapes that ar followed by wheatgrass implants Kidneys +The kidneys ae the organs that deal with is management ‘+ They fiter out the disolved acid wastes and keep the chemistry ofthe blood alkaline ‘Tip: You can help your kidneys by drinking lots cf purfed water and fresh alkaline ules such as Cucumber, celery, sunflower green, and pea ‘greens sprout juice (a minimum of } eunce ot Ice per one pound of body weight) Liver + This isthe recycling center of the body ‘The lver sorts the toxins and sends them to the appropriate organ fer elimination, But Fis backed up, it redects the oveiow of toxins + Tip: Wheatgrass implants help the Iver pull toxins out ofthe blood quicker Langs +The lungs work to purify the oxygen, which in tum feeds the blood «They also remove waste gases that come. from each cel ofthe body + Tip: Deep breathing from the diaphragm helps the lungs; ty to find an oxygen-rich fenvironment, such as near an ocean or forest for even outside, in which you can perform ‘aerobic exercises Lymph ‘The mph glands transport waste fom the calls othe major organs where itis inated + The major lymphatic glands are the appendix, spleen, thymus, and tons; they usually swell during detoxification ‘Tip: Drink plenty of pure and nourishing fluids and get regular exercse and massoge to help dite and transport the toxins through the body wo>-saueysewsad- mmm skin ‘th the largest surface area, the stn acts sa back up forthe ather elimination organs + It aso regulates body temperature and moisture content ‘Tip: Drinking plenty of pure and nourishing fis, dry-slin brushing, and massage encourage the shin to breathe, perspire, and release toxins; this may result in skin rashes, acne, The Tolet << + The moder toilet was designed without fully understanding the human anatomy «The design causes us to leave major areas of the abdominal wall unsupported as we bear down; we therefore cannot fully eliminate + Dx John Chiene discovered toilet users suffered from incomplete elimination compared with squatting position users + He actually weighed and compared his ov fecal mass passed on the tot with the, passed in a squatting poston; he found that he abvays eliminated less weight when he used the tole alone + In many countries, tllets are made so that ‘people squat when they move thei bowels The Footstool | + The footstool supports your feet up off the floor when you ae seated on the toilet + This postions your body so that {you ae squating onthe toilet + Squattng supports the abdominal wall and the bowel as we bear down and encourages Hf you ae using a new enema bag, fist remove the cover fram the end af the enema bag tube and cut approximately one inch from the end of tin a eiagonal manner Side the open end of th catheter over the cut enema bag tube; make sure they are Ssnugly connected by pressing and tuning the catheter over the tube "Move te clamp on the enema bag tube into the “losed" position, pinching the tube Fil the enema bag with purl water that i at body temperature Hold the enema bag over a sink and get the air out ofthe tube by opening the clamp nti water starts to flow rom the end of the catheter; close the clamp again and fillthe top of the enema bag again Hang the enema bag from a hook or hanger ‘at about wast height Lubricate the last 2 inches ofthe catheter tnd your reetum with col pressed ‘vegetabe oil Le on you let side straighten your let leg, 4 more complete ‘bowel evacuation ‘tet under the tallet when not + People who use a footstool tend to have fewer hemorrhoids, hermias, anal sures, varicose vein, and se fewer laxatives Tecan be used by men land women ofa ‘ages; pregnant \wornen may find it ‘expecially comforting and reliving |» The squatting Solution + Benefits are many + Complete bowel evacuation + Freedom from laxatives + Fewer hemorrhoids, emis, and vaticose veins + Cleaner bloodstream + Vibrant health bend your right knee, and pull it up toward your ches; you could alsa do this on your ‘ight side by straightening your right leg With your lft knee bent and pled toward your chest Gently inset the lubricated part ofthe catheter into your rectum in one of the following tree ways: * Insert the catheter ving inthe postion described above + Kneeland bend forward; rest your head fn your left forearm, and use your Fight hand to insert the lubricated catheter into your rectum + Lie on your back with both knees up toward your chest; insert catheter 10.Open the clap to slat the water flowing and encourage the remainder ofthe catheter into your colon, but never farce it 1 When there is only one inch of water inthe ‘enema bag, close the clamp and remove the catheter rom your rectum 1 Ifyou can, massage your stomach inthe following thee positions (otherwise follow * Complete healing and restoration ofthe body takes a numberof years and breaks down into thre Stages of seven-year increments First seven-year cycle ‘The physical body is completely rebuilt +1 day to 1 years digestive cleansing: major fat deposits and calcieations removed 1+ 1h-2 years - deep tissue cleansing and joint cleansing + 2-55 years - bone structure, cartlage and further joint cleansing + 51-61 years - organ r-postioning and renewal + 63-7 years - brain Ussue and ‘neurological cleansing Second seven-year cycle + An emotional cleanse occurs Third seven-year cycle +The third cycle beings about further understanding of your role in fe [Note For more information, see ermachorts? Leste chart + Enemas help to wash out the colon cavity with partied water “Ibis one ofthe mast effective ways to cleanse toxic debris from the system and the ‘consequent unfriendly bacteria fom the colon Equipment Needed for an Enema 1D One quart fleet enema bag 16" all purpose urethral catheter Vegetable oor coconut oi 1 Puritied water step 13): + Roll onto your back and bend both knees; ‘gently massage your stomach, especially {around your colon, for two min + Then roll onto your let side, bend both knees slighty, and ‘massage your colon fortwo min + Finally oll onto your Fight side, bend bath knees slighty, and massage Your colon fortwo min 13. Expel the enema by {going onto the toilet vith your feet raised by placing them on a box oF the ‘Welles Step; you can increase peristaltic {action by peesing your thumb oF fingers on your forehead between your eyebrows for 8 ‘maximum of 10 min 14. Wait on the tot until the eneme has been completly expelled + implants help to nourish the body via absorption through the colon and strong fan enema asthe rectum and colon wil have ‘been flshed out and the grass juice will be more easly absorbed How to Perform an Implant + Squeeze 4-6 ounces of wheatgrass juice; you ‘green leafy vegetable, such as parsley, + Add this tothe 1 inch of water that et in your enema bag after your enema + Hold the enema bag over a sink and get the ‘ater starts to flow from the end of the + Colonic hydrotherapy or iigation isa gentle interal bath using warm, purified water that an help to eliminate stored fecal matter, gas, ‘mucus, and toxic substances from the colon: this treatment is conducted by a therapist +The practice dates fom approximately 15008 + Colonics can abo help tone and reshape the colon “+ Honever, colonics have a much broader effect than simply cleansing the colon “+ Adeitional benefits can often be observed throughout the body inthe form of clearer skin, more energy and mental clay, fewer headaches, with crulatory, immune and weight peablems often improving, amongst many other positive side elects * Your visit to a licensed colonic therapist wil Involve retaining your eave history folowed bby an explanation ofthe procedure + Acolonic takes 30-55 min + Water will be gently introduced ito the colon via the rectum while your therapist uses special massage techniques to stimulate ‘This kes the electrolytes inthe body healthy “+ Implants ao asst purging the colon and ver ‘It is best to apply an implant directly folowing an aio use juice from any organic, tesh, dark dandelion, spinach, and kale, o° 1-3 teaspoons fof blue-green or green algae in purified water ‘air out ofthe tube by opening the clarmp unt the enema bag again + Hang the enema bag from a hook or hanger at about waist height your rectum with coldpressed vegetable of * Leon you let side; straighten your left eg, bend your right knee, and pull it up toward Your ches; you could aso do this on your fight side and straightening your right eg ‘with your left knee bent and pulled toward your chest Into your rectum in one of the following three ways: 1 Insert the catheter ving inthe position described above 2. Kneeland bend forward; rest your head on ‘your left forearm, and use your right hand te inser the lubricated catheter into yur rectum the release of stored matter + Herbal and probiotic implants may be used ‘nd your practioner may advise beneficial etary changes to further enhance your treatment + No fasting of special measures are necessary Prior to aft treatment, but colon ceasing programs may be advised between sessions «The numberof treatments needed depends Con the inviduel case; this may vary from only one eatment to a number spread out (over a period of ime, ater which preventative or maintenance treatment may be continued on accasion “Iisa safe procedure the water is itroduced ata low gravitational pressure, s0 there is no danger of bawel perforation + Al equipments ether disposable or disinfected using hospital approved disinfecting solutions which kl al vise, bacteria, ung, and ether concerns * Colonic hydrotherapy, unlike the use of laxatives snot habit forming and actually improves the tone of the colon Bclement, i Ison 5431 Mn) 11347! Contre 8 Kb, con Hea ee catheter; close the camp again and fil the top + Lubricate the last 2 inches ofthe catheter and + Gently insert the lubricated part of the catheter 3, ie on your back with both knees up toward your chest: insert catheter + Open the lamp to start the water ling and encourage the remainder ofthe catheter into your colon, but never force t + When you have taken the enti implant, close the clamp and remove the catheter * Lie on your back with your knees bent and hold the implant fora: long a possible; try to hold the implant for atleast § min before moving (ideally 15 in) + Hf you need to evacuate the implant, do so, but 't wl be gradually absorbed through the colon wall so you may not have to ata + Alte finishing your implant, rinse your enema 'bag, tube, and catheter by filing the bag with hhot water and natural germicide and leting it ‘un out of the end ofthe catheter wash the ‘outside ofthe catheter with watm water and soap, and hang the bag and catheter to dry ‘+ Replace the bag every two months or as needed Equipment Needed for a Wheatgrass Implant: One quar fleet enema bag 16" all purpose uretral catheter Vegetable oil or coconut oi do not se petroleum ely urtied water A ounces of wheatgras juice + To massage the colon, begin massage between your right hip and your pelvic bone + Move slowly up the right side almost tothe bottom of your ribcage + Massage above your navel, cross othe left side of your body + Move down the lft sie to between your left hip and your peli bone + Lift. up your fingers and place them on your Fight side again and repeat + Do not massage across the body under your navel a Warierrpuapuiad aman Ji ll Ui,

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