MIS System Wipro HMS

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Management Information Systems

December 2015
Group Project Assignment
The objective of this group project is to focus on developing your ideas and research for an
analytical and critical CASE STUDY of a selected project, technology, process or method that
engages the Management Information Systems (MIS) in some form. The premise for the same is
a company. Choose a company that has implemented an MIS for its business for effective and
efficient implementation of its business processes.
The project should analyze a real-world MIS innovation in a company. The intention is, to
research, discuss and document your selected study area, and then to take a critical observations.
Students groups will collect data/information from secondary sources, company website and
product whitepapers.
There are three major requirements:
1. Proposal / Report
(Viva Voce date will be informed)
2. Case Study Format
(Paper due 13th December 2015)
Write your paper in the Case Study format.
Based on your groups discussion, your group should further analyze how might it be improved
or done better. The intention of the study is not to simply document and research it, but also to
take a critical position about its success and lessons to be learnt for the future.
Students should be able to identify what the claims to MIS Innovations (if any) the company has
done. And what the problems and issues arising. This should be
Your case study has to be written, illustrated as a publishable article of 6-15 pages.
(A4 size, single-space, Times New Roman font 12). The article should make for an interesting
and informative read about your case study and be a short critical commentary about the subject.

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