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STEM 352 Katie Chock

Audience: My target audience is the
Brookside administration and staff.
Build Empathy: Through my current
STEM masters courses and articles on
reusable energy and limited resources, Imy
personal interest and awareness of an
issue at my school site.

Issue we are trying to resolve:
- Reduce the amount of paper consumption at my
school site.
- Provide teachers with awareness of reducing paper
usage and teaching strategies/resources to
incorporate more technology in the classroom.
Determine Success:
- Willingness to listen, learn, and participate
- Knowledge on cost analysis or data on paper
consumption and how it impacts the environment

- helping teachers consume less paper
- Many staff members prefer to have a
paper document instead of looking at
the same document online
- Consequently, we are wasting reams
of unnecessary paper
- Are Teachers afraid or uneducated

Prototype Design- What

- Judgementfree professional
it look
like?developments on
incorporating technology techniques in the

- Teachers will be required to attend 3-4 PDs

throughout the year (Breakfast will be provided)
- Materials:
- ipad
- chromebook

Test and Learn- Is it

Short answer- constructive feedback
- Active participation required- Responses on
Google Forms, Blog entries, goals

Short answer- Areas of success

technology tool preference presentation

Test and Learn1. Defining Problems

a. The need to reduce paper consumption
b. Identify specific technology needs of the teacher
2. Planning and carrying out an investigations
a. What resources can I provide the teacher with?
3. Analyzing and interpreting data
a. Is professional development beneficial?
b. Is it working?

21st Century Skills




Critical thinking


Using Technology

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