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Developed by: Maria Cochran

Grade level: __3___________________

Universal Design for Learning

(Present information and content in
different ways)

Make a list of the knowledge

and skills you want your
students to achieve
Objective and agenda will
be written on the board
Present information in multiple
formats including text, graphics,
audio, and video
Video, class discussion,
individual work
Make learning relevant. Draw
on real-life examples whenever
Students will discuss their
own experiences and prior
Monitor the effectiveness of
Exit ticket
Action and Expression
(Differentiate the ways that students
can express what they know)

Set goals that guide instruction

and assessment
Outcome and agenda
written on board, focus
question asked
Accept alternative project
Students will record
(written) and report (oral)
their responses
Begin each class with an
essential question that you will
address throughout the class.
Have students answer the
question at the end of the class
Focus question will be
stated at the beginning, and
answered throughout and at
the end of the lesson
Give prompt, ongoing formative
feedback to support learning as
students prepare work prior to
formal evaluation
March 3 2016

Lesson Topic: __Celebrating our Differences and Working Together_____

GCO: Unit 2 - Peoples
SCO: 3.2.3 Take age appropriate action to promote
positive interactions among people
in student friendly terms: I will create ways to work
with different people in a positive way
Objective(s) for this lesson (written on board): I will
understand stereotypes, look at how we are all
different and how we can work together.

APK/Introduction before the lesson (5 mins)
- Words Cat and Dog are written on the board,
with a vertical line between them.
- Students will create the same chart on a piece of
paper or individual white board.
- Students will write words in each column to
describe dogs and cats.
- After 1-2 minutes, students will share their ideas
to create a class chart.
- Are they happy with the list? Is there anything
that should change? Do some descriptions belong
in both columns?
Focus Question
How can we work well with people who are different
from us?
During/Learning Activities
Stereotypes (5 mins)
- We are going to create a definition for stereotype.
What is a stereotype? (Student suggestions) Include:
Thinking someone should act a certain way or
do certain things because they are part of a
particular group
Assuming that everyone in a certain group
does things the same way because some do
- What impact could stereotypes have on people?
Video (12 mins)
Show Dr. Seuss The Sneetches video, or read the story
to the class
- What were some of the stereotypes we saw among
the Sneetches?
Diversity Activity (10 mins)
- In groups of 3, come up with at least 3 ways you are
all different from each other.

Required Materials, Tools and

- Individual white boards and
- Large white board and markers
- Chart paper, pencils
- Paper for exit ticket
- Video: Dr. Seuss The Sneetches
- Book: The Sneetches and Other
Stories, Dr. Seuss

Special Concerns
- Seeing and hearing the video
- Alternate form of recording
answers for those with fine
motor or writing difficulties
- Discussion on being kind and
respectful about others,
especially if this could be a
sensitive topic for certain

- Different roles within groups
Recorder, Reporter, and
Monitor to accommodate
various strengths and abilities

In-Class Support
- EA or other aide can circulate
with teacher during group work
to monitor, or help an individual
student/group complete the
given task

Cross-curricular Connections

Teacher will circulate during

group work and give
feedback and guidance to
individual students and
Feedback will be given to
responses during whole
class discussion
(Stimulate interest and motivation for

Consider student diversity when

writing objectives
Lesson focuses on diversity
Ensure that examples and
content used in class are
relevant to people of diverse
backgrounds and experiences
Lesson allows for students
to express their different
backgrounds and
experiences to add to class
discussions and content
Create some energy during
class to increase attention and
Use of animation of Dr.
Seuss story, The Sneetches
Have students explore the
meaning and value of their
learning experiences to
themselves and to society
Students are exploring
diversity, its benefits and
Students will begin to think
of ways to share their
learning with others in the
community (e.g. other
classes, parents)

March 3 2016

Think beyond differences in what you are

wearing today or what TV shows you like
Think of differences in family, where you are
from, what you do outside of school, what
you are good at
- Answer the questions (written on board):
1. What is good about these differences?
2. How can differences be difficult?
3. How do you work well together?
- Students will have 5 minutes
- Group roles (students choose their own):
Recorder (writes), Reporter (reports to rest of
class), Monitor (keep group on task)
- Students should write their responses on chart paper
- Groups will share some of the differences they found
in their groups, and their answers to the above
Discussion (5 mins)
- In this class we are not all exactly the same. What
effect does that have on our classroom?
- What are some ideas for how we can work well with
people who are not the same as us?
- How can we show others the ways we are different
in our classroom? How can we teach others that
having differences is good?
Assessment (formative/summative)
What assessment strategies will measure the learning
from the outcomes?
- Observation of group discussions
- Diversity Activity chart paper working with others
- Exit ticket understanding differences

Exit ticket
Write one way that differences make our classroom
Write an idea of how we can share with other classes
or our parents what weve learned about

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