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Primary and Secondary Research

Conducting research in a public relations setting allows the researcher to know the audience they
are targeting on a more intimate level. The goal of this research is to identify what factors
contribute to a students choice to attend school events. Specifically analyzing what factors
influence attendance at Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities events and activities.
The primary research I conducted is a media audit of performance events at Weber State
University (WSU), Utah State University (USU) and the University of Utah (U of U). This
research analyzed feature coverage, where the events were held, pricing and other elements to be
discussed later in this paper.
The secondary research that I analyzed is a scholarly article that collected data from 249 students
at California Polytechnic State University. The study looked at what influences have the greatest
effect on student event attendance. The combination of both primary and secondary research can
provide information about the student decision-making process. The material collected can
provide insights into which events students attend and why they choose to attend. This data lends
to the overall objective of increasing attendance at WSU events.
The primary research I conducted is a media audit on performance at WSU and surrounding
universities. The audit analyzed a number of different elements, comparing them between the
universities. The study looked at feature coverage, where the events took place, pricing, social
media, similar events and school websites. By analyzing a number of different elements it gave a
more complete painting of the landscape of each schools efforts. The labors of each school varied
depending on the element being analyzed. The research I conducted is informal because the
sample is not pulled at random. I used a quantitative approach to the research I conducted, the
numbers gathered are used to compare the universities use of media.
The first element analyzed is feature coverage of events happening at each university. Depending
on the news outlet, the feature coverage varied. WSU outperformed the other universities in
feature coverage in the Standard Examiner, accumulating 27 feature stories in the past calendar
year. Compare that to three stories for USU and zero for the U of U. USU is the highest featured
university in the Herald Journal. With 18 features in the past calendar year, the other universities
did not have a single feature in that publication. The U of U is the most covered university in the
Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News. WSU is almost featured as often in the Salt Lake Tribune,
only accumulating two fewer feature articles. The chart below shows the amount of feature









U of U

The research model I used to navigate each publications website while searching for key terms
related to each universities performing arts programs. Some of the key terms searched include,
Val A. Browning Center, Libby Gardner Concert Hall and Utah State University Performing Arts.
After analyzing each publications database, I searched for these same key terms in a search
engine to see if any features slipped through the cracks. I used this method to verify my findings.
It presented an additional opportunity to locate any other feature coverage.
The events took place on each campuses event facilities. WSU hosted events at the Val A.
Browning Center. The event venue did not vary greatly. Each university used their facilities to
house their performances. Pricing is another element analyzed, WSU charges students for all
events. USU charges amounts similar to WSU, usually 10 dollars or less, though some events are
free. The U of U in most cases allows students into events at no cost. The use of social media
varied between the universities. WSU and the U of U maintained Facebook pages related to their
performing arts colleges. None of the universities are maintaining a Twitter or Instagram profiles.
The universities all hold similar events related to the performing arts. Which include dance,
theatre and musical performances with some variations. All of the universities maintain quality
websites dedicated to their performing arts.
I analyzed these elements to compare what the universities are doing in terms of their media
efforts. Each school put in effort in some elements and not as much in others. Using this research
can guide my efforts in connecting with the audiences to be targeted. The targeted audiences can
be reached through greater media efforts. Using this information will can cause audiences to take
action by linking with them through those efforts.

The source of the secondary research is Meghan Hudson of California Polytechnic State
University. This source conducted formal research that is quantitative in manner. The researcher
used a questionnaire as the instrument to gather her information. The study used a quantitative
approach to research. This is due to the fact that the questions being asked were not open ended
and had set responses built in. The research is formal because the sample is chosen through
cluster and convenience sampling. The graph below represents the 249 students who responded to
the questionnaire as part of the study completed by Hudson. The information gives an overview
of student attendance on a college campus. The majority of students attend a campus event once a

Frequency of Attendance
1% 4%


At Least Once a

Once a Month

Once a Quarter

Once a Year


year or never.
The study provides data on the factors that increase event attendance. A substantial factor for why
students attend events is going with their friends and social networking. Students preferred to go
to performances or sporting events for the social aspects. Students stated that a lack of time as a
reason for not attending. Price is an issue for some students, with tickets being too expensive for
students living on a tight budget. These factors influenced student choices about attending events.
These outcomes provide insight into how I can efficiently reach my target audience. This study
identifies that a social life is important to a college student and that extends into event attendance.
Conveying a message that the events offered on campus are an excellent way to socialize. If
attendees bring friends to the events offered it could increase attendance exponentially. Events
can be advertised as an superb location for a social gathering and an ideal way to meet new
people. Students have limited time and means to attend events on campus.
The primary audience for this research is traditional students, ages 18-25, with an income of less
than 20 thousand dollars a year and can be either male or female. A secondary audience is
university faculty, ages 40-50, with income averaging around 60 thousand dollars a year and can

be either male or female. Another secondary audience will be non-traditional students, ages 2230, with an income of less than 25 thousand dollars a year and can be either male or female. An
additional secondary audience will be Ogden residents, ages 49-56, with an income of 100-110
thousand dollars a year and can be either male or female. The final secondary audience will be
parents, ages 32-40, with an income of 70-80 thousand dollars a year, with children and can be
either male or female. These are the target audiences I will like to address.
The messages I will communicate are designed to cause students to take action and attend campus
events. The first message I will communicate is that events are excellent social gatherings where
you can meet new people. The research shows that this is a driving force in the decision by a
student to attend an event. The second message I will communicate is the cost effectiveness of the
events. Most events are affordable for a college student and provide them with a couple hours of
entertainment. The research states students do not attend events that are too expensive. The third
message I will communicate is that the events provide an environment where friends and family
can get together to enjoy each others company. This message will play on the social gathering
and bring friends aspects of the secondary research. All these messages will be conveyed through
media efforts such as feature stories, school websites, social media accounts and flyers on
The media audit I conducted as my primary research will help guide me in targeting the audiences
selected. This research will help in better utilizing media efforts to connect with audiences and
drive them to attend performance events. The secondary research provides insights into what
drives student decision-making. This research will help with strategies on how to connect with
the primary and secondary audiences I will target. These research methods can provide an arsenal
of information to be used to increase attendance levels at WSU performance events.

Websites Used For Additional Information

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