March 01 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 01, 2016

How can we earn the precious gift of God being our charioteer? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us today.
It is said, The proper study of mankind is man.
You should cultivate the qualities of kindness and
compassion. Only then does one deserve the title of
human. You are not only people, but humanity!
Today people use the word mankind or humanity
without understanding its real meaning. One can
rise to the level of the divine only if you develop
virtues. God is not somewhere else, you are God.
You are not different from God if you have a pure
heart. God is the eternal charioteer, who is always
present in your heart. He is only a charioteer and
not the owner; you are the owner. Lord Krishna is
called Parthasarathibecause He became the
charioteer (Sarathi) of Arjuna (Partha). Similarly,
when you develop purity of heart and sacred
feelings, God will be your charioteer and take you
on the right path. Therefore choose God as your
charioteer and lead an ideal life.
- Divine Discourse Jul 10, 1996

What everyone should seek is the grace of the Divine which is a treasure greater than all the wealth
in the world. Baba

01 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:qusIN Bgvwn nUM Awpxw swrQI bxwaux dw qohPw ikvyN hwsl kr skdy ho? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:ieh khwvq hY ik mnu`Kqw dw A`iDAwien,mnu`K hY[quhwnUM,Awpxy iv`c hmdrdI Aqy dieAw Bwvnw dw
gux,pYdw krnw cwhIdw hY[qW hI qusIN,mnu`K khwaux dy kwbl bxo gy[qusIN kyvl lok hI nhIN ho pr mwnvqw
ho[A`j-kl lok,mnu`Kqw jW mwnvqw dw Sbd pRXog krdy hn[jy qusIN Awpxy iv`c piv`qr gux pYdw kro gy qW hI
idvX bx sko gy[Bgvwn ikqy hor jgHw qy nhIN rihMdy[qusIN Kud Bgvwn ho[jd quhwfw ihrdy piv`qr hY qW
qusIN,Bgvwn qoN v`K nhIN ho[Bgvwn quhwfy AMdrly rQvwn hn ijhVy quhwfy ihrdy iv`c vws krdy hn[auh quhwfy

rQvwn hn Aqy qusIN mwlk ho[Bgvwn ikRSn nUM pwrQ- swrQI kihMdy hn ikauN jo auh Arjun(pwrQ) dy swrQI
bxy sn[ies leI jd quhwfw ihrdy piv`qr hovy gw Aqy quhwfIAW BwvnwvW Su`D hox gIAW,Bgvwn quhwfy swrQI
bx jwx gy Aqy quhwnUM,cMgy rsqy qy lY jwx gy[ies leI,Bgvwn nUM Awpxw swrQI cuxo Aqy AwdrS jIvn bqIq
kro[(10 julweI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
hr mnu`K nUM,Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hwsl krnw cwhIdw hY [ieh AwSIrvwd dw Kzwnw,sMswrI Kzwny qoN vI v`fw

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