Gavs Syllabus

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Georgia Virtual Schools Syllabus

Chapel Hill High School

Syllabus & Agreement

Georgia Virtual Schools provides students with the opportunity to
take online courses in areas in which they are interested or need
credit. For more information, visit
Enrollment in the program during the school day is an
opportunity; however, failure to follow the course guidelines or
proper behavior standards can result in removal from the course.

Username: _____________________________________
Course Name: __________________________________

GA Virtual School realizes that students look to online courses for a variety of reasons. One of these is flexibility. For this
reason, the start dates for each semester are flexible and students are given a range of time during which they can start their
Once a student is registered and enrolled for a course, he or she will be put into a student orientation course. At the
successful completion of the student orientation course, students will be placed into class. (This may take up to 24 hours after
completion of orientation). The student will choose the length which they would like their course to last based upon the
available start dates. He or she will indicate this to the course instructor by taking a survey at the beginning of the course.

For fall and spring, students can choose to have their course be 12, 14, 16, or 18 weeks long.
For fall and spring, Advanced Placement students can choose to have their course be 14, 16, or 18 weeks long.
For summer, students can choose to have their course be 5 or 6 weeks long.

Students who need more time or are taking a heavier course load are certainly encouraged to select the longer course
lengths. The shorter course lengths do NOT have condensed content. All of the same content is covered but at a faster
pace. Students in AP courses should select the longest course length possible for their schedules. All courses end on the same
date each semester regardless of start date.

Materials & Technical Requirements :

Most Georgia Virtual School courses do not require a physical textbook or additional materials. For courses that do require
additional materials, GAVS does provide these materials to students.* During the registration process for courses that require
additional materials and/or textbooks, students are required to complete a release form. The course materials are shipped to
students free of charge and any materials that are not consumable should be returned to GAVS at the end of the course using
the provided postage paid mailing materials.
Technical Requirements
Just as it is necessary to have a pen and paper for traditional, face-to-face classes, the following items are the minimum
hardware and software requirements essential to a student's success with GAVS courses:

Computer Access: To participate in the Georgia Virtual School Program all students must have regular access to a
computer with reliable Internet service. Also, students must have a reliable back-up computer in case of technology

Revised August 22, 2011

Internet Service Provider (ISP) : An ISP is a company that provides the software and access necessary for getting onto
the Internet. Students will need reliable Internet access to take GAVS courses. Students will need high speed access
to the internet for at least part of each class.
Email Account: Students will receive a GAVS email account after your enrollment is complete. However, prior to that,
students must provide a valid email account so that the registration system can contact them during the registration
Software Downloads: Some classes, including AP Calculus, AP Physics, Beginning Programming, Computing in the
Modern World, and AP Music Theory require specialized downloads. Please see the course catalog for individual
course requirements.

The GAVS is an opportunity, not a requirement. As such, students are required to maintain top quality adherence to the
Regular attendance in class in accordance with CHHS attendance policy
Exemplary behavior as required in all classes (Follow all House Rules)
Good time management skills for the entire class period
Organized work habits displayed daily
Display of manners, common courtesy and good attitude daily
Compliance with all school policies (academics, attendance, behavior, technology, etc.) Violation of rules may
result in removal from the program
Use of materials as required in class.
Refrain from accessing Internet/Music/Game/Shopping sites not related to the program. No music sites, no
personal MP3 players/IPods, no CDs.
Violation of the above rules may result in a warning on the first offense by the teacher. A disciplinary referral may result from
any subsequent offenses. Removal from the program may occur with the third offense. This will be at teacher/administrator

Students are expected to follow all school and class rules. The student may be issued a warning for the first offense. The
second offense may follow with a disciplinary referral. Any additional problems may result in the students removal from the
1. Students may receive up to three warnings regarding misbehavior including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Head down / sleeping
b. Inappropriate Internet usage / games / music / shopping
c. Failure to listen to lectures / no headphones
d. Talking / distracting others
e. Tampering with computers/settings
f. Disrespect / arguing with teacher
2. Warnings will be documented
3. Additional misbehavior will result in parent contact and / or discipline referral
4. Students may be removed from the class if they fail to follow the behavior expectations.

Revised August 22, 2011

Georgia Virtual Schools Syllabus

Chapel Hill High School

Syllabus & Agreement

Students are expected to follow all school and class rules. The student may be issued a warning for the first offense. The
second offense may follow with a disciplinary referral. Any additional problems may result in the students removal from the
5. Students may receive up to three warnings regarding misbehavior including, but not limited to, the following:
g. Head down / sleeping
h. Inappropriate Internet usage / games / music
i. Failure to listen to lectures / no headphones
j. Talking / distracting others
k. Tampering with computers/settings
l. Disrespect / arguing with teacher
6. Warnings will be documented
7. Additional misbehavior will result in parent contact and / or discipline referral
8. Students may be removed from the class if they fail to follow the behavior expectations.


Mrs. Rogers

E 203

Parent/Guardians Name:
E-mail Address:
Work Number:

Home Number:

Parent/Guardians Signature:
I have read and understand the rules and guidelines presented. This class is an opportunity which allows me to
meet graduation requirements on time, and I must adhere to the policies as presented.
Student Name

Revised August 22, 2011


Douglas County School System

Georgia Virtual Schools
Student Registration 2011-2012
Student Information
Name: ____________



Phone #:

Parent Information
Email Address:
Phone # (c/w/h):
Course Request (check all that are
Other: __________________
Environmental Science
Other: __________________
AP Environmental Science
Other: __________________
Other: __________________
Social Studies
AP European History
Other: __________________
Other: __________________


AP Spanish
AP French
Other: __________________
Other: __________________


Algebra I
Algebra I A
Algebra I B
Other: __________________

Due to NCAA regulations established August 1, 2010, some non-traditional courses may not meet the requirements for initial NCAA eligibility. Courses completed
in GAVS meet graduation requirements in Georgia, but may not meet requirements set forth by the NCAA. This may impact a students eligibility status during
their first year in college. Parents or students needing confirmation that an GAVS course meets the NCAA eligibility requirements should obtain confirmation in
writing from the school counselor.

Student Signature:


Parent Signature:


Revised August 22, 2011

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