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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 04, 2016

What is the simple definition of Dharma(Righteousness) as applicable in our

daily living? What should we do and what should we refrain from? Bhagawan
lovingly explains.
Righteousness (Dharma) is eternal, it is same for everyone
everywhere. It expresses the significance of ones inner
Divinity(Atma). The birth place of righteousness (dharma) is your
heart. What emanates from the heart as a pure idea, when
translated into action is called dharma. If this is to be explained in a
manner that all can understand, you can say, Do unto others as
you want them to do unto you! Dharma also consists in avoiding
actions which would hurt others. If anyone does things that causes
happiness to you, then you in turn, should do such things that will
cause happiness to others. When we recognise that certain acts
others do cause difficulties, and when we too do the same deeds,
that clearly is adharma! Sometimes, and under some
circumstances, an individual who commits a wrong must be told in
very clear terms that he has done something wrong, so that he
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1973, Ch 23

Dharma and Jnana (right conduct and spiritual wisdom) are two eyes given to you to discover your
uniqueness and your Divinity. Baba
04 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Drm dI swDwrn pRIBwSw kI hY ijhVI swfy jIvn iv`c pRXog huMdI hY?swnUM,kI krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy swnUM kI
nhIN krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:Drm,AnMq hY ,ieh swirAW leI Aqy hr jgHw,iek ijhw hY[ieh,AMqr-Awqmw dI mh`qqw nUM drswauNdw
hY[Drm dw jnm sQwn,quhwfw ihrdy hY[ijhVy piv`qr ivcwr quhwfy ihrdy iv`coN inkldy hn ,jd auh ivcwrW nUM
qusIN krm iv`c bdl idMdy ho qW auh ivcwr,Drm bx jWdy hn[dUjy SbdW iv`c,AsIN ies nUM ies qrHW kih skdy hW
ik dUijAW nwl auhI brqwau kro ijs qrHW dw brqwau qusIN dUijAW qoN cwhuMdy ho[Drm dw ArQ hY ik qusIN iksy dw
mn nw duKwau[jy koeI mnu`K,auh kMm krdw hY ijhdy nwl quhwnUM KuSI hovy qW qusIN vI ausy qrHW dw kMm dUijAW leI
kro ijhdy nwl auh KuS ho jwx[jy koeI quhwfy kMm iv`c roVw bxdw hY Aqy qusIN vI aus leI musIbqW KVIAW krdy
ho qW ieh qusIN, ADrm dw kMm kr rhy ho[jy qusIN mihsUs krdy ho ik koeI mnu`K,glq kMm kr irhw hY qW aus

nUM,aus dI glqI d`so qW jo auh A`gy qoN Awpxy-Awp nUM suDwr lvy[(smr Swvr ien ibRMdwvn,1973 dy A`iDAwey
23 iv`coN ley pRvcn)[
Bgvwn ny quhwnUM,Drm Aqy igAwn dIAW do A`KW id`qIAW hn ijhdy nwl quhwnUM,Awpxw lwswnIpn Aqy AwpxI
idvXqw dI Koj krnI cwhIdI hY[(bwbw)[

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