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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 06, 2016

What is the purpose of continuous group singing? What are its benefits? How
should we do it? Bhagawan, our Loving God, kindly explains to us today.

Arms and bombs cannot save the world. Gods Grace alone can save the
world. Hence your foremost duty is to pray for His grace. Prayer is
supremely important and this awareness is needed in your daily living, at
every step. Never forget that nothing is as powerful as the Lords Name to
protect you. When you sing alone, your heart is merged in the song. When
many sing together, the prayer acquires a divine power. Hence Guru
Nanak commended community singing. With melody and rhythm, you must
impart feeling to your song to make the bhajan a sacred offering. A
tune (raga) without feeling(bhava) is a disease (roga). Giving up conceit
and exhibitionism, sing bhajans in a spirit of humility and devotion, with the
full awareness of the power of the Lords Name. This is the right way to
do bhajans. When all participants sing in unison, sacred vibrations are
produced, and the divine energies released fill the whole universe.
- Divine Discourse Feb 13, 1991.

If you really adore God, repeat His name like Prahlada. Sing His glories
just like Radha and Meera. Baba
06 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:lgwqwr,smUh gwaux dI kI mh`qqw hY?ies dy kI lwB hn?swnUM,ieh ikvyN krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn
bwbw,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: h`iQAwr Aqy bMb,sMswr nUM bcw nhIN skdy[sMswr nUM kyvl,Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hI bcw skdw hY[ies leI
quhwfI pihlI ifaUtI hY ik Bgvwn nUM pRwrQnw kro ik auh,aus nUM AwSIrvwd dyx[pRwrQnw,iek bhuq zrUrI krm
hY Aqy ies dI jwgrUpqw,hr kdm qy quhwfy jIvn dw ih`sw hoxI cwhIdI hY[ieh kdy nw Bu`lo ik quhwfI r`iKAw
leI,Bgvwn dy nW dw ismrx,bhuq SkqISwlI hY[jd qusIN,iek`ly gwauNdy ho qW quhwfw ihrdy,gwxy iv`c lIx ho
jWdw hY[jd bhuq swry iml ky gwauNdy hn qW pRwrQnw,iek idvX SkqI bx jWdI hY[iehI kwrx hY ik gurU nwnk
jI ny BjnW nUM iek`Ty iml ky gwaux dI pRMprw clweI sI[Awpxy Bjn nUM,imTws Aqy iek qrz nwl gwau qW jo
ieh Bjn,piv`qr rUp Dwrx kr lvy[ibnW Bwvnw qON gwieAw igAw Bjn,iek rog dI qrHW hY[Bgvwn dy nW lYx dI
SkqI nUM jwxdy hoey,bVI inmrqw Aqy BgqI Bwv nwl Bjn gwau Aqy Awpxy AMdrly DoKy Aqy ivKwvy vwly Bwv dw

iqAwg kro[iehI,Bjn krn dw AslI FMg hY[ jd swry lok,iml ky Bjn gwauNdy hn,qW piv`qr qrMgW pYdw
huMdIAW hn Aqy ieh qrMgW qoN ijhVI idvX aUrjw pYdw huMdI hY,auh swry bRhmMf iv`c PYl jWdI hY[(13
PrvrI,1991 dy idvX pRvcn)
jy qusIN s`c-mu`c,Bgvwn dI pUjw krdy ho qW pRhlwd dI qrHW,aus dw nW lgwqwr lau,rwDw Aqy mIrW dI qrHW,aus
dI squqI iv`c,gux-gwx kro[(bwbw)[

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