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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam

March 07,2016
Today everyone celebrates Shivarathri(auspicious night). What is the
significant message we must get out of it? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a
powerful thought to ponder.

Who is Lord Shiva, and where is He to be found? Many

answers are given, including Kailash as His place of residence.
The true answer is, Isavasyam Idam Sarvam (All this is
pervaded by Isa). He is omnipresent. There is no place, object
or being where God is not present. Correct your outlook and
recognise this unity in the apparent diversity around you. When
God is omnipresent, what need is there to go in search of Him?
The search is meaningless. If one gets rid of attachment and
hatred, one will experience the Divinity inherent within. This is
the sadhana (spiritual exercise) one has to do today - to get rid
of desire and hatred which conceal the God within. Many
people ask: "Swami! Show us the way." All you have to do is to
go back to the source from which you came. Where is the need
for seeking the way? The Bhagavatha has declared that it is
the natural destiny of every living being to go back to where
each one came from.
- Divine Discourse Mar 06, 1989

Offer your virtues as flowers. Virtues that spread beauty and fragrance! Baba
07 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:A`j,hr mnu`K,iSvrwqRI(piv`qr rwqRI) mnwauNdw hY[swnUM,ies qoN ikhVw sunyhw lYxw cwhIdw hY[Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl SkqISwlI ivcwr idMdy hn[
au`qr: Bgvwn iSv kOx hn Aqy aunHW nUM ikQy l`iBAw jw skdw hY?ies dy keI au`qr ho skdy hn ijvyN auh kYlwS
qy iml skdy hn ikauN jo auh,kYlwS ivKy rihMdy hn[ies dw AslI ArQ hY,ieh swrw,eIsw v`loN PYlwieAw hoieAw
hY[ies qrHW dI koeI jgHw nhIN hY Aqy nw koeI vsqU hY ij`Qy Bgvwn nhIN huMdy[AwpxI soc nUM bdlo Aqy Awpxy
Awly duAwly, Anykqw iv`c eykqw nUM vyKo[jd swnUM ieh pqw hY ik Bgvwn hr sQwn qy ivrwjmwn hn qW aunHW nUM
ikqy hor Kojx dI kI zrUrq hY?aunHW dI Koj,byArQ hY[jd mnu`K,AwpxI moh-mwieAw Aqy nPrq nUM,C`f idMdw hY

qW aus nUM AwpxI idvXqw dw igAwn ho jWdw hY[ies nUM hI swDnw kihMdy hn ijhVI ,mnu`K nUM krnI cwhIdI
hY[AwpxI AMdrlIAW ie`CwvW Aqy nPrq nUM C`fo ikaouN jo ienHW AvguxW ny quhwfy AMdrly Bgvwn nUM Cupw ky r`iKAw
hoieAw hY[keI lok kihMdy hn ik svwmI,swnUM rsqw d`so[quhwnUM swirAW nUM,ausy sRoq qy jwxw hY ij`QoN qusIN Awey
ho[r`sqw pqw krn dI kI zrUrq hY?Bgvwn ny GoSxw kIqI ik hr mnu`K ny vwps auQy hI jwxw hY ij`QoN auh
AwieAw hY[(06 mwrc,1989 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Awpxy sdguxW nUM Pu`l smJ ky Bgvwn nUM Arpx kro[ sdgux hI suMdrqw Aqy KuSbU PYlwaouNdy hn[(bwbw)[

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