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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 08, 2016

In aspiring for the well-being for everyone, what should we pray to the Lord
for? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a purpose today.

Truly, the prayers of the great act as an invitation even for the advent of
the Lord. In the external world, when the subjects need any
convenience or help, they approach the rulers and inform them of their
request. So also, in the internal state, when there is no possibility of
achieving and acquiring devotion, charity, peace, and truth, the great
and good people who desire to achieve them pray to the Lord within
themselves. Then, listening to their prayers, He Himself comes into the
world and showers His grace on them. Ramayana and Bhagavata
reveal that Lord Rama and Krishna incarnated as an answer to the
prayers of the sages. Thus prayers should be offered again and again
for the realisation of the task. No one should become desperate and
give up prayers if they dont result immediately in the advent of the
- Prema Vahini, Ch 70.

Prayer alone makes life happy, harmonious and worth living in this universe. Baba
08 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:hr iek dI BlweI leI,swnUM Bgvwn nUM ikhVI pRwrQnw krnI cwhIdI hY?
au`qr:mhwn purKW v`loN kIqI pRwrQnw,Bgvwn dy Awgmn leI,iek s`dw hY[bwhrly sMswr dy lokW nUM
jd iksy shUlIAq jW mdd dI loV huMdI hY qW auh Awpxy SwSkW nUM,AwpxI PirAwd krdy hn ik
auh,aunHW dI mdd krn[ausy qrHW,AMqr-Awqmw leI BgqI,dwn dyx,SWqI Aqy scweI dI jd koeI
sMBwvnw ivKweI nhIN idMdI qW mhwn Aqy B`dr purK,ijhVy ieh cIzW hwsl krnw cwhuMdy hn,auh
Bgvwn nUM,Awpxy AMdroN pRwrQnw krdy hn[ies qrHW dI s`cI pRwrQnw suxx qoN bwd,Bgvwn ies
sMswr iv`c Avqwr lYNdy hn Aqy Awpxw AwSIrvwd idMdy hn[rwmwiex Aqy mhwBwrq qoN pqw lgdw
hY ik ikvyN irSIAW Aqy munIAW dI s`cI pRwrQnw suxx kwrx,Bgvwn rwm Aqy Bgvwn ikRSn ny ies
DrqI qy Avqwr ilAw sI[ies leI Awpxw mnorQ hwsl krn leI mnu`K nUM,bwr-bwr pRwrQnw
krnI cwhIdI hY[jy pRwrQnw kr ky aus dI mn-cwhI pRwrQnw dw Pl J`t-p`t nhIN imldw qW
pRwrQI nUM audws ho ky pRwrQnw krnI nhIN C`fxI cwhIdI [(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 70)[

ies sMswr iv`c,pRwrQnw hI iek ies qrHW dw FMg hY ijhdy nwl mnu`K nUM KuSI,iekswrqw Aqy cMgw
jIvn imldw hY[(bwbw)[

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