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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 29, 2016

What is true and chaste devotion? Bhagawan lovingly explains the qualities of
a good devotee and how one must approach devotion during times of

Irrespective of whatever inconveniences you may

encounter, you must continue your spiritual practices with
the same discipline. The smarana (remembrance) of the
Name of the Lord you cherish should go on. Your chosen
Name must not give you the slightest feeling of dislike or
apathy. If the Name is changed frequently, concentration
is impossible, and your mind will not attain onepointedness, which is the goal of all spiritual disciplines.
Avoid constant adoption and rejection of Lords Names.
Be convinced that all Names and Forms are the same
name and form that you adore. Take all worldly losses,
sufferings, and worries as merely temporal and transitory,
and realise that repetition of the Name and meditation is
only to overcome such grief. You must understand that
loss, suffering, and worry are external, they belong to this
world, while repetition of the Name and meditation are

internal, they belong to the realm of the love for the Lord.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 64

God first, the world next and myself last this is the secret to joy! Baba
29 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:s`cI Aqy piv`qr BgqI iks nUM kihMdy hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM s`cy Bgq bwry dsdy hn Aqy ieh dsdy hn ik
muSikl vyly ikvyN BgqI kIqI jWdI hY[
au`qr: quhwnUM BwvNy ijhVIAW mrzI kTInweIAW ivcoN guzrnw pvy,A`iDAwqimk swDnw iv`c koeI ivGn nhIN pYxw
cwhIdw[quhwfy v`loN cuxy Bgvwn dw ismrx hr vyly cilAw rihx cwhIdw hY[Awpxy cuxy hoey aus nW nUM, kdy vI
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ky bwr-bwr bdldy ho ik dUjy v`loN cuxy Bgvwn dw nW myry v`loN cuxy Bgvwn dy nW qoN cMgw hY Aqy aus nW dw ismrx
krnw SurU kr idMdy ho qW quhwfw iDAwn iksy vI nW qy kyNidRq nhIN hovy gw Aqy qusIN jIvn dw lkS hwsl nhIN kr
sko gy[Bgvwn dw nW kdy nw bdlo[ies gl qy p`kw XkIn kro ik Bgvwn dy swry nW Aqy rUp iek smwn
hn[Awpxy auqy Awey swry duK`W Aqy musIbqW nUM AsQweI m`no Aqy AwpxIAW musIbqW nUM,Bgvwn dw nW jp ky Kqm
kro[ies gl dw iDAwn r`Ko ik swry du`K,bwhrI iv`K rhy sMswr dy hn pr Bgvwn dy nW dw jwp,AMdrUnI hY ijhVw
Bgvwn dy ipAwr nwl juiVAw hY[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 64)[
Bgvwn dw nW,pihly nMbr qy,sMswr dUjy nMbr qy Aqy Awpxw-Awp,AMq qy smJo[iehI,KuSI dw rwz hY{(bwbw)[

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