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ED 215R Self-Assessment

Effective Application of the Abilities, Processes and Concepts delineated in the

Conceptual Framework for Teacher Education

Scoring Guide/Feedback
Libby Kent Lesson 2


The self-assessment is
thoroughly and
thoughtfully completed,
providing solid examples
to support analysis.
The self-assessment
clearly reflects accurate
understanding of course
content, including
theoretical models,
addressed in ED 225 or
ED 325.
The self-assessment is an
honest and in-depth
analysis of your teaching
in relation to student
performance and the
The self-assessment
includes a detailed
analysis of your teaching
performance in relation to
a WTS and an AEA.
Accurate understanding of
the WTS and AEA is
clearly evident.
The self-assessment meets
L3 Writing Criteria.


You clearly explain how the Sociolinguistic Theory guided your planning process for
this lesson. You refer to the more expert other in terms of partner shares. How
were you the more expert other when you modeled your thinking of how to use the
index and table of contents? You also talked about how you used language to
organize your thoughts as you planned this lesson. How did the children use
language to do the same in this lesson? You also discussed scaffolding. How was
language through your think aloud used to scaffold student learning?
One more thought about the planning and preparation stage you discussed how
you planned to meet the needs of the students in this classroom. Think also about
how you supported student learning as they were reading independently.
Your discussion of the instructional piece begins to relate theory, your practice, and
student learning by stating that ,Vygoskys theory really took hold in my lesson as
each part was evident. Providing a bit more explanation would help to further
demonstrate your thinking. I am also wondering how you may have implemented
Vygotskian Theory as you interacted with the children during their independent
reading time. You mention you asked them questions to get them to the right path.
Any examples? How might this be a prompt a scaffold for them? You also
mentioned that you made some changes to your plan. What were those, specifically,
and why did you make those changes? (Connections with theory?)
You realize that you needed to actually follow up on your assessment plans by
collecting evidence of student learning. How might you do this even after youve
taught the lesson?
Its great that you incorporated the feedback from your CT regarding classroom
management when you taught this lesson. Id love to see some examples of what
you did differently. Ill be interested in seeing how you incorporate the feedback
from this lesson into your next literacy lesson.
Your discussion of theory was mostly evident in the planning and preparation part
of this plan. Really stretch yourself to also consider and relate your practice to the
theory when reflecting on the other aspects of your self-assessment as well.
Nice thinking, Libby!
Feedback on video clip:
You clearly followed the workshop routine, and, in doing so, gradually released the
responsibility from the teacher to the children. You set the learning objective using
a modified anchor chart and modeled how to use the Table of Contents and Index to
learn new information about a topic. Great choice of text for this objective! You
engaged the children in the mini-lesson through questioning what they already
knew about the Table of Contents and Index. You modeled how to use the post-its to

indicate what you learned from the Table of Contents/Index and then set the
children off to do their independent reading. You supported a couple of children
who needed to be directed to read non-fiction text. Nice. After conferring with the
children, you called them back to share with their partners and then asked 1-2
children to share with the whole group. You really focused on the process of
learning by asking the children to explain how they found their information. Nice
Just a couple of suggestions:
1. When starting your lesson to keep the mini lesson really mini just go
ahead and make the connection to previous learning rather than asking the
children to tell you what they have been learning. Do the same thing with
explaining the Table of Contents and the Index. (You already know the
answer, so just tell them.)
2. The video clip did not include too many turn and talks during the minilesson. So, if these were not part of your lesson, how might you have
incorporated more turn and talks to check the childrens understanding of
how to use the Table of Contents and Index before sending them off to do
their independent reading.

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