Analysis of An Opening Sequence

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Analysis of an opening sequence

Film: Insidious

In the opening sequence of the film insidious, the credits are a dark red font
on a black background. This is to create an ominous atmosphere and to
create an enigma, as in a horror film, its meant to create mystery and
suspense amongst the audience.
In the next scene, the protagonist is introduced using a close up, so the
audience able to comprehend what the film is about, without giving too much
away. In the background, there is some ominous, non-diegetic music playing
which sets a chilling atmosphere, which also creates tension in the audience,
as they dont know whats going to happen next.
After this, they introduce the audience to where the film is set, which is shown
through an establishing shot, which gives them an insight as to what the film
is about and what will happen in the film. It is set in the house, so the
audience knows that the events will be taking place inside the house. This
suggests that the film will be based in the house and that all the activities will
take place inside the home of the family.
They then introduce the antagonist. This is to give the audience an idea of
what the film will be about and what will happen next in the film. After this, the
title of the film appears in a dark red font on a black background. The font and
colour of the title suggests what genre the film is as red represents blood and
gore, informing the audience that it is a horror film. In the opening sequence,
an enigma is built through the use of non-diegetic score music. The music is a
high pitch and creates suspense amongst the audience to the fluxuation of the
pitch. A wide shot of one of the antagonists in the basement of the house is
used to install fear into the audience.

Jaimie Hart

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