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Promoting Career
& College
MARCH 14, 2016

Todays Agenda

is College and Career Exploration important

in middle school?


College Readiness data


and Successes for our students


the School Counselors will be implementing


Teachers should be doing


of Year College & Career Fair

Why Early Implementation of

College and Career Exploration?

Middle school is a time of vast changes and growth, and the perfect
opportunity to promote student understanding of their future career and
college options, (Curry and Milsom, 2014, p. 183)

Our students are developing physically, cognitively, psychosocially (i.e.

identity formation, an awareness of their interests, strengths, weaknesses,
and beliefs), and gender/culturally

Career development in middle school aged students is influenced by their

self-concept and the awareness of their interests, skills and values (Curry
and Milsom, 2014)

Skills such as higher-order thinking, studying/research, reasoning, problem

solving and analyzing, writing, and understanding college/career options are
vital for high school aged students

We need to be preparing our students for success in high school so they will
be better prepared for success in college and career opportunities

College Readiness at Ogden

According to the Illinois State Board of Education

(ISBE) 2014-2015 report card at Ogden
International High School (6-12), only 27% of the
students are considered Ready for College

Compared to the states 46% average Ready for College score

According to the ISBE, Ready for College means

that students have a combined ACT score of at
least 21 and can be considered ready for college


readiness can be defined as

the level of preparation a student
needs in order to enroll and succeed,
without remediation, in a creditbearing general education course at
a postsecondary institution that
offers a baccalaureate degree or
transfer to a baccalaureate
program, (Conley, 2007, pg. 5)

Key Cognitive Strategies That

Promote College Readiness

Problem formulation & problem solving

Experience in research

Reasoning, argumentation, and proof

Good interpretation skills

Precision and accuracy

These strategies and skillsets are representative of the multiple

different ways students learn and understand. This list is
comprised of attributes students should have before college that
allow for better understanding, collaboration and critical thinking.

Academic Skills and Behaviors

to Promote College Readiness

Academic Knowledge and Skills

English, math, science, social studies, world languages, arts

Academic Behaviors

Mastery of study skills

time management, stress management, task prioritizing, using

resources, taking class notes, and open communication with

Contextual skills and awareness (or College Knowledge)

The information students need to apply to college, understand and

obtain necessary financial aid, an understanding of how college
systems operate, and an understanding of college cultures

Barriers & Supports


contextual factor or aspect of an individuals

life that has the ability to block or create an
obstacle for success or achievement of a goal


contextual factor or aspect of an individuals

life that provides aid in their success or
achievement of a goal


Financial concerns or high price of college

Weak academics


Low ACT/SAT scores

No College or Career education or services provided in K-12

Lack of support from parents/guardians

Lack of support from faculty and administration

Lack of rigorous curriculum or academics

Concerns regarding citizenship (DREAMers)

High mobility or lack of stable home setting


Family support

School community support (teacher, school counselor,


High self-efficacy, resilience, and persistence

Peer and mentor support

Scholarships, grants, and available aid

Preparatory College and Career education services

Increased access to school counselor

Community partners (after school programs, library, and

religious or spiritual organizations)


How Can We Foster College

Readiness With Our Students?

Create a culture focused on intellectual development

Students should come in contact with important and challenging

academic content. This content should increasingly get more
challenging as they age.

Identify and specify the core knowledge and skills needed to be

ready for college

Provide necessary supports to students

All students should come in contact with college information. It is the

responsibility of the school to make this information available to its

Provide necessary supports to teachers

Professional development activities to enhance skills and knowledge


What the School Counselors

Will Be Doing This Year

I will be presenting classroom lessons to the 7th grade students

on test-taking skills and strategies during their study hall hours

While I already have an open door policy, I will host a first come,
first serve time frame in the afternoon three times a week in our
college and career center for students to stop by with any
specific questions or concerns they may have

The Student Services Department will include a few college and

career exploration topics in our monthly newsletters home

Once per month I will have a one-hour after school/evening

presentation for students and their parents discussing different
topics about career and post-high school options


What Teachers Should Be

Doing This Year

Our goal is to create a culture of interest and

exploration for our students future

We can do this by contributing class time to exploring

career and college options within the curriculum
teachers are already teaching

Example: English teachers can incorporate essay writing and

how it will continue to be important throughout our students
future college and career experiences

Example: Math teachers can include discussions or examples

during algebra, statistics, geometry, or calculus regarding to
exactly how these specific math skills will be seen in their
future and the importance of doing well in these fields


What Teachers Should Be

Doing This Year

first Friday of every month, teachers are

welcome (and encouraged!) to support their
alma mater by wearing college gear,
showcasing your college around your
classroom or in the hallways, and most
importantly talking to your students about
your favorite and least favorite parts of your
college and career experiences


Ogden College & Career Fair

Held the last week in April 2017

Setup in front foyer area during lunch periods

Representatives from local & state colleges will be present

Representatives from different career fields (local to community) will

be present

Tech Schools, community colleges, military services, 4-year state and

private colleges

These career fields will be voted on and chosen by all students and
faculty members in early February 2017

Vendor tables will be set up for each presenter throughout foyer

Each vendor will showcase their offerings (college representatives) or

will discuss the skills, experience and requirements to achieve the
job/career of their interest (career representatives)


Resources & References

Conley, D. T. (2007). Redefining College Readiness (Vol. 3).

Eugene, OR: Educational Policy Improvement Center.

Curry, J., & Milsom, A., (2014). Career Counseling in P-12 Schools.
New York: Springer Publishing Company.





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