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'Revelation;l!Id ku}}i;Jf.ld tip wi;l~ ,~ y;i,g:n~lld mad~ ,~s if!:.) rise,

"S;t down," Mrs, T!']vpifl said, "YO!!!I k,l,lOW 3'OtI~re: notrnpp,osed to itt::lod O~ ttHU l¢;g, He has an IIIIlcel: Olll !11i~ q;' :NJl~ '~xplaiil'l~{t

CIGl1[ld ,~~fl1l4 his fl~l (lIl!IXl the m!3g;:lzil!1le I:~bre 3:n.d.roillied his sreuser ~t'!g IJip to [~Jre;}l !J! purple swcJlill,g: on it, pbj~ ~lilml~~\!lltl~lll: ciIllf'"

"My~'" tbe .p:[:etlk~aot ~ooy S8:i(!i. "~Icm' did you:

dQ ,~taa:l:'

"A 'oOW' kk:ioohJlu." Mrs. "lbrt1in said, "Goodine£s!" sl):id l1h.ehu:Jy,

C~aiJd rolle-d m8 ~rol!-5er feB ,d.o\vlill. "MaJ,iilethe link: boy w'OuM nlOo\'e ,ove.t' t'ne

II~dy sll(gges1ed.. bl.!lt the~hnd did IiIOI Juir.

"Somebooy 'W]U !be: r-eJvin,gin ,:'I :.m1'J.11I£.," M~.

Ttlrpin s:a~bd. She, COII:~lWt 1I1'J\1.'1.emttnd W.!!;Jllil. declOr~wilh as nlllch ~Il!}:ney' IL.~ dlq'f:'ntl.dc ehlllrgi.!:l,g I],,'e; dOI.lars I), m~ to j~ sticli:: ~hci:r lICRlJ! irnUll: I~,,ll~ door and .Ioot': ar Y('U:I==co;L1.ldn.·~. ~a:fforJ ;0 d'oDC~l·sim~ 'W.a~1:11Ugroollll" 1iII1~S onewas JHlmly bigger th.,'llI~EI. garn,ge, The ulbte was ,dlul.tea, Vifil!ll I i~l!Jok.[~g Rl;J,g<!:tjrnes ililKiI at OiIJe eoo: >tiJ:fit. there w~s ot big green, gl~lIs1~, tray fuJI of c:itgare!~c. blJltt~ ,Diud ,000tmlWiJja:sMJ]n little bl~ood 5pOt.'i en lllilem. If sil~ hadh,ad1i!:1!yUilillg l~ do with I!h~ :lillltlni~g:or Un: pJ'lI~c.rh,i'l!~ WQ~M tH!'!,,'e b~~D e"'!lJ'l~\'i:d e'~er:!i' 80 mJt.nrli. ''iTheil!Cv~ no chill:n; aga.ilIDst ~1'b\1 [!he bead. ~r tile. Ii"iU},iill" 11: had :31 .r,eC'l:aliltgil,llar'"~lI.iI~.ed ~oolin iIJ dun pen~!]t:ted. il!V~·W ,()f tbe: of.lh:;ewll(;~ i~iIle mase came Wle: W'elrut\ and, ~he ~t3liy liste:n.Qd Ill(! I~: radio, .A. p4a:l,'1li1;:re:flI1, in 1'1, gold pOi: 5ll'It In ~he opcrn~ing and trai~:e:d ~ts. fmndls· down alol9St en the OoOiF.. The :rnd:io Vi'w; soflly plLli}ing goopel mflllJlsi'c,

JJus~ then. ~Ihe: .inoca: diG!,);. opeililed lind 8 nm:;:.>e w[tlllhc highesl sl:K'k 10:( yeiHOliV 'ha:ir M'I'rS". 'ID.Irpio

T,.h:e doctor's waiting ;room, ",'h~.::1il. \\;'OIS "e~y s:m~n,. w!ls[limost fUin wilu::n! Ume Thrpil1~. enteredand Mrs. 'fli riP i:n , willo' wotSv~i!'yl<!:rge. made i!llook ~~I!I !irruli~ !~r by h~t p~~!l,{le. She s!oo(l ~.oomliflg at ~h~ head of ~:h~ ifI~3g;'1:zifll;: ~ilbk~ Silil ~1J'l the 'OeI'U(>f flf'Ii']ng d~w!of!~~atror! d;t<l.~ ]b~ room 'W.u iilil~d~ql,1ilOO <:l~d rid:~Il~oos" He-r ]i~,· lie brighl ib:Iad:: ,eli'lIl;l~ loo.k i,fill all th.~ .pal:ilml!, 1I!!i .sh~ s~l;ed up ~h.e '~ell,t~flg sltu;uiQ'n,. 'Thero w~s O~I~ ''lO.C!liIli.t ,chaitr Sil:l~ aplace On tile: :io:r~ i)Ccupi~d by a lbiondi oilil'difl <I ~i,rtyb.lll.e m.1il1per w.l:tu should! hve ken. tokllD il:li'LQ¥eO¥e~' Ull(]! Inalile I:'OO{I~ f{J;Ii' ~Ile !a:d~; He ~S' fh'e or' 8ix •. but ,Mrs: .. 'lhrp.illS:~w a1 OI1Oe that no nne was: ,going ~o 'I;e;]~ lruim lO !l1lD,~ QI"i'er:, fieWdS&hJnnped. dO'll'ifJ:! rulJ( Ibe: !le.a!I., llii.iii: anm:'.: [(Heat bilis sid~ aMI his !l.~~ iillie [Ill his h~di;. his nose rmil tlnchecked.

M U, Ttl rp i !1iput :[t firm hl,J,J! d o.n C]!Jud's shmdde,ram::l saidilil. a 1!'OIc,e: Ula:1 iftatilldudil!n~'!i)~ who. w,i:m,l:etEl!t'I lis~en, "C~~~1tud" YUill, sil In tl1llt cilll'ir ~here;" ,un.d .~~:e hilili'l.iII push dOW',~i' inu) 'I~IC: vacru~lQRe.,. CI<1!ud was florid m1dba.ldand s.t1[lrdy~ somewbalshortt:'rl'h:an ·Mrs. T!JIr,i!!l" ih'lllt ~l~ sal OOi!i'1l as if I:!;c .... ere accl!Isl;um;ecil ~o doing wbat S'llC: l~d hi:mto.

Mr:. 'Thrpill !!I!'I:rm,ined 5!:rutding~ The Ofl~Y Hilil:"

III Lh.;I:; !lOOm 1;1I~lj!ldCs Gh!l;I~ Wo,!,S ,11 .It':M stringy ~:rd fi!:llow with ~ili fil~y h~Llfid ~,~~1d out on e,wl k_rn~~. \'i,1~il{H,~ l:Jyc~ ~".~rrc~jQS~d 3~ i i he were' <l:lil~~p or ,d\ead 01': !pl'C!t~od~li)g :to' be ~~ij :a~ :~.(D~ to gc<~ up and offer liIe~' his; :W:lit. Her g:JIZC&e~dild;'lgrn(lubly en 0. Wl:11·<~:re:sljed !!ray~l1><lilili£d ~ady Wi:108~' '~)'flS Oftcn :hler~i:ln:dwl~lose e:t'pTe:;:~~(l1i1 said: :~ f dHI.1 ,~~! i:lld. betong;ed ~o mlU':. he WoQiullrnl have .so:mem:!l!nn~!'$ and mIm"C OYCIT'---,1llI.e:re's r:lenty of iiO{)m~~Ie:re ftlr }W. ~Hld h~:111 wo ..

~hey \l,;~llIld ~,![ there ul!I:liI. Ooom'sdiay ~f !~obody c'u.U~d:J.tlid to]d. ItH:.I~ tOl;!e'l tip., Alild 1:il1, ~~gbt anglesbliil ['I(\:I!:~ liO :the wcr~[·drossc:d P~l.1"a.s..''lnl: lady was .i:li ~.<lflk~.faced~\,UJJ!lla!l:l~\lho ""'a:s: ,ce:n<llil1ll~ fh.e ctnild 's :~ililOlhe:l'; SJ:Je~ 'h ad 'alta yei~:~a"l !j,~l shirl and!\lIjIilte·ooJo:r;,edl sloob. bQ!I~ gfiU~·ioo]l;~!'l~.;:IlI!d ~he: drn.s of her Jipswere Siain~d Wil,]] s!'ll~rr. He:! {!i~I.)1 yeUowh.air WllslJ.ed be~iud Wruli'l 01 ~!i~Ue 'p~ece of red IJ~per rU'iDOJl. Worse ilium :Riggcrs an,y d8iY;, Mrs,. 'JitIlipiinllh.<lIJrgjll:.

The g03p,ei. hYIfI'II~ :p'I,:l,:yi.:~g was, "Whell I looked up and He looked dOW~I," ~rld Mrs. 'fiIrpJIil, \CWt1:no it~supiPlied d~~ 1.Mt Un!il m.(l:i1.· M:Uy" "And wo:n~ ~hesc da,ys W kmm,l n~ we~ell~a

Iilade'!l'er seen :p1l1: he, face in the ,cr1!aii: and 'CJ~ led fOr IIIte; W1e:r.:t pal:~CIiI~. Tille 'W!1l!!H~1 ahti~g ~e~±dlc Chnwcli g):Ol!spcdl thee ll.VO! ~rms of li)e:r ,eh:ah:lliJd ~loisred herself up: she plil,l]edl.ber dres8, free from. h.erle~alldllU Iflbe:red I.he deer '~\lhe,.re" t~le i:lurse Ila~ disapperiliOOlcl

M .• s, Thrp~,n eased hMiiIJ the vacO!iI1lI~chak Wlli!t:h htl:ld ht::~ 'Iig;b'l. u.s $I oo~e~, •• ~ Wi$ll 1 l"(luld $3~U:oo." !line said, and .rolledber eyes and .gave {l clOm,ic s'i.git'l.

'·{J~l. ym~8irel1"t1rar~ ," '~hc:: styl ish lady :iQ]iil .. "().o.pOlO l.:llilt!IOO;' Mrs. Thrpi:n. sll:1dl.' "C~::lud ~U'l' callS alll;m !Waants 'to ,anal iliI.ew~wcighs Ow] Orni'l' ~1lJ!'!dJlt,ld ~l'IIdi !::~\\\efHy·lID\\Ie pounds. btU Il~e ~ j ~$I . . Iook: 3~ somel,bi~~ good! to. e!:lil: 81ld ~ gailfl so:nilC: 'I!,Ie]~hl.,"3.1!Id. .h,!':). :S:1.O"lll.c;i1taim.dsiIK~lilldlers sheek Wiilh.I.~ughlJer, ""VOI] Cill!:J e.ail<lll[ you, \:\13IF.1tW,. c.alli'l. )'Ou,' C~!::.Iu:d~'" she: aS~ed, '~:Iil:m.~1'Ii£l1JO ~ltrn"

Claud onl,1 sa:;~l:Inoo.

"'!J.\'ell, as: hmSi as you hOlive: sllIcbi a ,!!.Oodi d ispo~ sifion," t:~le slyJI.ish ,1..11.1), SOlid .".~ don't da.iink il !fmd\':>es. ,ril biJl cf d~ffu:rellicc what size J{O!lI8ire. You, just c~I'I'l beata, good dispo.Sili.on."

Next to he,~ was 11 f.lll. gid (lIf dghltl!~1J or nil\e~ teen, srowU:ng :rnto :ll thick: Iblue book which J!..."ks., T~'rpi,[1 SJW wa,!j e~lli:llled U'.!imall D'.e'!,r,toJ)~~em. The, giid ~ .. i1sed he:r .Iilead .. and d,i:~e(;teCi ~lC.~r· ~Clow1t\1. Mrs:. TlJr~in as if :sh.c· did ~ml like her .Ioo'ks .. SIn.c: apvc3red OfRl~d il_ha~ .uliyone siht'il!~d speak: wh~~:e s.llIe I.riel!l lO .read.The l)Qor gi:r\I's faee Wil.S blue willOlcneOln:d Mi.iI'S. 'fu'rpin t!:IOIl~hl how· ~i~'if1i!!1 ~1. '!.!.':l!!S '10 b'Ve ,ill rn,ee like ~hat<ll dmt age. She ~illIve' ~lfIe :g~~1 a f1fiemUy !iittllile btl!] ~he swrl Orl~)' s.cow["t!J Ute hurder, MI'5, TiJrpi~,B];I'ln;cU 'i!l3!!> f3~ bun ~e ~ad IlI.W3ysha:~ ,good S:ki.l:I, 3.ncl, lIH]iU~1iL iih'c! \\13'10 fm:t)"'!seve:n )'eillfijl oM, there wu:s. IH.ot .i!li Wfi'll1Ik]e 1,111, ~e:r face C:I!.ccpt around her eyes :room ~,iillJ!ghi:ng too IDl!ch.

NI,l~! to the' 'I!!if;l'~y gid was the, chi~iCl, s(iU in, C-lI;.<1Clly ~e same ~~ilioll. and n.allOilim was a ~~'dfl le>lUlery (tld~mari! ill:! .aJ oo:~[!!)nlprillt dre",s. 51lile lutd CI",ud hud th,re~ sa{'lb ot[ (:illic~eu fi;l"'~ in. ~tm]rpump htM:lse: tlliJa1 '~. ]1'1 the 5:i1me She ~~d, seen :UOIl!l. the Ilrst ~~l3:l me chiM, bdonlS~dl wwtb .he oMI WOI'Ill'llll •. She c(]!lI.ld ~e~~. by Ihc w:w:y ~ltJey sat-kind of vtl;cOint and white'·tr.oshy. IlS if


Witb/out :ap'pea.img 10. M.I'S.,. 11up!i·n.0IIways 'D1(),1:~Cle~ l)eo,p1e's Feet. The well·d!r,essed ]ad,. ~lad on .fIeld! a~dgray suede ·~b.oes ~o m:lllCII !~ejr dress, Mrs. Thrpin !:lad on heir ~(}'k [patenl le<lJlhe,r plllmp::;:. 1l!e Uigly girlh:>!rl on Girl Scout ,~hoesaJl~d in.e:aiv, socks .. The o]dI 'IWOma!~ ~a.d on. leH'~:is shoes ~mdl llltl!.')whi.~~:~(ra:sh)l' mod:U:M" hid! on w·hll.~ a[)~eared 10 be be,droOllll, sruippers. rtl~a)ck: !Ufil:W with ~old ~:l'i)idllhn:Hded t~UO'Iilg.I~11H!(~---e)!acl.l.y wJ~.u,)I'01Ji \¥oIilMI~al!'C: eJC,p'!!ICI:edi ~.e:r ~o .h~"'C' on.

Som.ei~ ilnes <l,t 11~~ht ldihem :She c:ollidlil'~ ~Q 1.0 :sleep'., Mrs. Thrl)ifrl 'WOl]id occu,py herself Wilh the que1>tiQ.n of wllosh.e \,;'Ol:Ikl h:Ji'!l'e cil.os;uule> be: if sh.e co1ddlli'l, tll.lve been berself:. ~r ]IesblS h!l.d: said '110 her before :h.e ma:d,e ~leW',,"'fhe:re's (li~.~y ~wo :pliltesL'l:v~i.llllble fO:rr· y<lUI.YilU ,C3r1 e,ithe~ be' .3 Jll~;~ s,e·r or whiile~lrilsh,," whiat 'W01J!I'Id. s:n.!! .Itilvt s!lIild 11 "Ple~&e. Jesus,. please," s:lile wouJdliL!lI'!l'e !iaid. "j lI~ Ic~ Ime 'I!i\lOIi~ lUllHi' ll~~re's<l!'!u!he'r llil~ o'Vll'i]Olble," aincllile "!fiU~(lIJ:Jves"id. '''1'10,. you ha,,'e ~o ~i) ri~1IiI1 il1.rnv :J,nd I 1il:li;W OIdYI.l:iooo two pI3C~S lSfi lil:lJ3te IlIIp YOUill" mind." S.liIIe wouldh.a1l'c w.iggrued and S(IIL!i:rrm;;!;dllll1d IJe:g@ed 3nld 'pleaded bu'~ it ~1J!I:ld :i1~ve been no lise, all(l finaiil.y slilie\"'Qu~.d said, "AU ~igh!" maJire l:lIie n nigger th.em4U11. tham dID1"t me.UI '-i '~ra&]]y one .... Alrld be wolilid 1:I0lVC1 milde ~eir .<11 neateleenrespecteble N,egl)~ wom:a:n. hersel f but bl!lCk,

NeXIU:l, [~(! clilild's JI10'~]'a!~~ \W.1s :I. ood.I!lI~ .. ded YOlil~Bi~1 wom,3:i!I.r&liI~;il'l8 on~ of tlil¢rlla;g3:lIJ!~e~, .QIlldwo~lkiing <I: pieoe of c.h!~wiJ~g gUIIU, :!ld.llfOl!

leWlher;3!l Cllll!l:d wou,ld S!1!y:. .~"h·!li. 1'I1rpil~' CiolilklJ not self: the 1;i,"Om<lI1'S fe:el~. Slll;WfU 1~I~n whm~e~ I,.~sh. j usr commonl. Somel hnes f1,t~ rs, Tiin [J I 1:11 occupied ~eliSe'lf at nijgtull~lin~l'I.s rhe CIa:S;~H:S of people. '011 rhe botmm of fhe ~ea:WI were 1110,,"1: c,o~oredi peollrne, not l,beki~ll~ she weuld bll",e: be,elil W silile 'h;ad been one. but mest of them; ~hell I~e)l:l, to 1:Ile:m=l!il'o~albQve" jllil~~ aWi:l,y fron~:= y.,~m tl~C' w~lite·'lr1i3h; Ihelll";bov~ 'l'henll were t~l~ ~.o,me~owllers, i[tnd'\ie '~h~m tJ]c home·:::Ij]d~ liliM trWl:lers" to wihlich shie 11.]1.:1 Claud ~le.lollgeo[t Abo1,'e sh~8nd CiI8!1tld people:: w~[ha Lo1l. of Imoney aM mIJich fu:iigg~r hOl.!.SCS and mU.clli, more landL .BtU here t~e CQ~l1plG.'!::l;u[y olf it \\~tl:ld be,ginl ~() ~i!r ln QlfI h~" Ibr N~m~ 'of Ih~ ~{'~Jlc; wij!h ~! lot mOrley 'I\i~!:~ GflmmQIl ,,U:td! ouglfIJt to be ~eI(lv.:

She alli:~1 C'1.::'IlJidJ :m,L:Hj SlOmcof Utepeofle who h,ld :§ood bl~ bm:l I.'!)sl I.heir rn~mey iUld bil:~ tu :fCitH lind! thJ~f!lhe~·e WC;f¢ c~lorod! p~(lple wbo owned their :homes tlifld hrlld a$ \~~:Il. Th~I:;f;!A'US a eelo:Ji1ed de:!f!lwl!I in t~!'! who b<l!d (WlJ' m'(ld Um::OI!'ls, and ..... Rwimmingpo(.liJ und .1! filf:m wi[h f~gis·, ~i!;red wtl~ld~cl::: (';;:uHe 0]'1 iLll'lIlU.lly 'by '1:!l.E: ~.imci 1!ihe ~I.ild f>lUiCn as:leep UJ~i~ lI~e elesses Orpe~1.ple W\i'lro mo]:Ul:Ig and roililllS afol:lli1d ~1i1. hCI: head" a:n:cl she 'ol'Otiffid dreilloll they",\e~e a~~ cr.llmm,~dillil ~og~lhe:r illl iI. ~~~ CU, be~,n:g r~dcl:eo off 10 be ,pIli in iI1I gm.fNelil,

"l'.ha:f's 3. beaUl:i~u] cloCk," shit: m1ri(ian:d noo" ded to Dc:r r.igJn, II "'''<lS D Ibig 'waJ~j~1 clod:" fln,c filee: .c[lcaw~ 11'11 a brass NUlllnl,rs(.

"Yes, il:'s!,'e~ry preuj," '~hie ~lyli~b lad)' said ilgree<lI:iJI~" •• Arn!I rigJ:uol1li Lh.e d\!}:l. tog," she addie:{iI" glililWm.g mlit'crw:<llic'l!i"

The ugJ.YI'!:]IJI be,s.lde beF ~"M an eye 'IlIP\V".I!fl1I -.,1 the diOOck. ~mitk~:, tb~!1 kdd dOlf'(lclhl ;(!,~ Mf;i;, 1'u:rplll :tm.d. l!-milwkcd .1i1l;:t:!Il,. Th~!l! dil.c r~tu!W!cd ller ,eyes Ul) her ~:HThl)k, Sh·r; Wt'lSi obrv~'o~;s;ly ~.hil'l ]ady's. dagg!l1!~tH' b~Cil!;!lS¢, <1l.11hoUl@;h ~l:Jcy .(:I:iitl:!lll look IIJ!;Jy(hiqg a i i:kc, .~~. ~~, di~PQ~~~t]om;. they both hai$ the S<.!!flJJe ~Ol!pe of tb:~e and ~ihc!iiaWL;lbil:l!!l e~, Olll (Ile:iady!h.ey llpari!:k;id iP'lca:,~in~ly ~l,!! iJi!I.I!.t; .g~rl'~. 5eaoodr:~(:l~tl!.r.;y lI,p(mJffid .ll.hiet'J:mWiiy 00' Sfltol\d",r iJiliu1 ~o !bh!l2C.

'Vha~ifJe.slJl~ b:lid. sail!,. ".AII riiglU. you. can be' w\hJl!e·u~sb O'J'". nJ8~r or u:sty"~

M~iS .. 1Ufp'.il1 feb an. 3'" ~'UI~I f~[yfor IlfI.e sed" lhOllgf:1 ~11~ lilolllgh'l i'l W-;)~ .nn~ U~.i~~g tg, ~ D,M,ly imm .[lno!~ht::r re act ugly.

l1ae womO:nI with ~ThICI .sni~f{~~tlljr.led li.~s tusned alR1~md ill herchair anliilookl.':'di u',p al. [he '(;iloc~" Then Ilhe Ul:nned back antd a~eluecl to' Imlk a: Ili.~.~ lie. ~o tilile !>'id'O O,f .Mr:>. lb:rpill,. Tlruere waiS a C;aSl .. ~tI one of h~r ~."Yotl want tokfitQ\lo' wiler yoo ,C::ln ,~t~ yot!I o~le (lil'lih(;ilmher c;~k.sT 5~~e ~"k~d ina low! voic;e;.

"No, I: .i:i~r~iH~Y h.awe 11 lfI~c:e etoek," Mt~, 1U!i,i!~ $ilKl., Onc!:: ~mc:bodly lite i'!e!igot II leg .~fi! Ul:{: 'Do:i!11r1efSllI.iolll, she would we .OJII'I O't'!e.t I:t.

'''\,in~ talli ~I )\10 ffM~ WI.~~'I. groCHI st3Imp"!," th~ Wl;I.uti!!11f! Mild. "TJHn's mtll1i:]lil~b!W'liIer h~ gol hilWl, S.ave, yol.l~p e,!:'!o~gh. ,0·'" 'C<lI!:! ,get )!o!.!!mo·.st any~h;1:liIg. 1 ,@P[ me some Joo'!),,"

Ot!gl~l Ul !l(l'l,1;': ,golYO'lij Ol. wilijb n!:fi!; III!fld ~.Qrn~ ~~'. Mrs. T!mrpi.n thoYglilil,

•. '~ ~I cO:nM·tlll" Jo:ne:e:L~ w~llm Imim.e,." lhe ~'lcl.I:~fiI

Il.ldy s~i'd.

·F~o!.b,ugb~~f shlmm~d1 her book :;11,,]1. S:])(l lookeia ;Iil :front ,of her, dl~reCII)' dllfOUgh Mrl:;, ''lfu.rf:ul'I a,n~ 0111 lh:roll.g;h1 the )'cl.['O'W eertain i[;llnd th~ pl:l~e ~<li~~ WL'Ddow whkihlilliulde the 'Wall beb:imll he:;. 'n,e gir!I":-o e)"Cs seemed liJt~lI. of a sadd!l:.III wim,-i pectdi.iJlf :Iiltn~. ililil IlJnlilafm:a:~ Hghl: lile ili1~,ght n~iadsigrrus gi'frO. Mrs. Tl!.~pin ~~nlled her liI.ead to see' i.:f there was uy~h~Ji!~ gOifl,(!: O:I1~ oUllsii:die !h <It she sh,Otlld ~e .. ~liU ~e. "mdd In,ot .t!ere: <.I:lly~ !l:iing. F~g;t:Iit'Ci5J p:liSSmll: cast OIl]Y apa:lle sbado·..,. ~hrolll@;h tile turt"lilili.'Therc was· f10reOim~ tl'lC g;i[1 shOlJild slngilc:hcr ol!!ll.roliher ~gl)!iook~.

~Mi;$5 .F~ni~y,"; 1~'I'l !l~~~~ ~M.craJck~~g ~.W!1I'l door; The :g:ulilrH; 'WtHlllli'i'~ gijo'r up .Hnd p;'!£'s~-d. hn f.rtmt ·or ne:1: .andl Cl:u.u:l ,'utd 'r\'t~:U i~tll nl!~ 0fic\\;, Slim hl!!d o!'!fEd :h:i,gih ·h~l~, sho~"S.

i!}i~cny across ll:\ti II:abie:,. rhe I,Igly ght 's t.~ w~re: fi,,~d on Mflj.,'Thrpilil ~$ jf sh~ bad "'U!Jl~~fY $~~i,'!Jlf¢!l.$g}", ft]w di;..:iiking h~f;,

"1'111~ iii woru::iielt'fl!il lP!''elulliler, isn't .11.2" lil~ 1l.iJ]· ... m'{Jth~lf~a;idl,

"b'~ .~. V;\ell[h~t rllt~OUUIl if .YiJ'ilI can ~I: tile Iil~gll:rn ea ]lib~t iii," Mrs .. '1~1r:p\i.1iI s<tid,"bll~ ni£~ gc~ dOI'l'I: W<I:ru LQpk::k COI1:oo ll:niY mon;:,.Ym! ciilin',1 get the ",,'ihl:te[[O:~k:ti m h ilHld 'now yml'c~ll't get

dt(': nigge,s=bec;'}'Llse the)' gnl ~iO berl&Im'~ tIP the;re witl~fh,c white fblb:"

'''llh.ey g,otlrl<l try "li!yw.i!y5 •. " ~'he wMtc,"~ rash v.,\'l!~n;U:l ;\laidi,.lem'l~ng. ,fnrW-<l1i'(1.

"'.Do yo III. h,ve oae of :lliI,e Il;:oHon-picking. !"!Li;ld.ii,n~'?'· the pLC""'~!'!l bid}' a;s'k~d.

"No:' M:i1i. 'f1!!:rpii1!S<lid,"the)' lit}~~eh<lU the: ouUotlim zhe Held .. We d;{l,n'!; h.n-e lu:~~ch c;ot!too m\:lt?i'a~l, If you. waul to mJk-e it fMmj[l,g ·nlOW. you h ~\!e t'O h:w;e a UUle of eve'.,ytfli~g. We @ot ~ C;,QIi.Iple afllcres of ~)~t,~mn and a :fewlnog~ a:nd C'hk;~el'lS >Iud just e[lo~g;h whi~:c,-.facc th~! Ch!!ud can llloo~k iltI'Ier them bimse;]r;'"

"Chile '!:hOJll'Ig I d(HIJ'~ W:afl~,," 'Ihe whjl;e"l~aslliJ W' said. wiping ,her mOl!ltl~ witb rhe baek of bel'lru'!;md. "Hogs" Nasty S~ililking, th~:tlgs,. a.gfUlilllliilil <1[1[1 a~.mQ!i:n all o~'e!7 '~he~a{.':e."

M~. 1li1Jpingi(ll\~ her th,e m~!ri~"~ '!,ld~ aUllmtjo.n .. "'IOu;rbogs 3JrC: trot dirty <lnd ~l1cy dml't s!.imik,:' she sa.i~. "TIley 're ,cleil:~le:r l:I~au SOIiIU:: chi 1.are .. r"ll seen, Tbeir :feet m:~r iiOfU/d~ Ithe groum:W. Wg lIavg, O! :pi8/P.u~o:l'~'!baf:s w~,ere yO'~ li'ab.e [i1J!11tl on oOlilc:retle.," she ~plai·ne.d ~f.I Itille p'e;iSil:nl~. lady, "and Claud scoots, thom down ~vilh ~~IC hose, every afh;:·.nulon and w~s~,e:s off the fteer," c.~ei:liner by fa. th<ln Ih.lI,tI'rild tiight ~:~~ere, she lhou,g:Jllt. Poor nasty :Iuul~ th,h.l,l;l. U~,had lIIo.tmoved except 'ID PUi! tine tbum.b< of Il:~s di.rtyhliloo, .ilflIDOh:is, 1110I4lth.,

l"he WOlilUU~1 ~1!J:rrtJlcd her faee ,(tW'1Y frp:m Mr.s, Turpin. "'[ kllow ~w(mLdll't scoot dOWiIlitO hog. MI:h:oo l:iose;"!>b~ :\:aid to the ~~~l

"tOIt wOIlMu·l: hal'c no :hO,g, tosccot dnwn,.

M_:_ffi, TY:rpm ~id lQ Iileltsci f

"'A-g[!oIr!liJil"n~ ·;H(l(lt~n ~liid ;i~gr~lnlin,," die INO:In~1JfI mi .• u:ctt;~.

"'!iIk ~pt a Hul.e! of '~\\~I:ythin.!l," ~hs". 'Fh' said to I.he .p~'easJJ[1( hldy."Ifs: l:ii]1 IJ~ inbaving' than YiJtI cal1 ii1mlldic:fOOrse~.r v>'i!l1!ll~Cil!p' .1 i~: it is, "We [buDd. ,el:lo~h n1ggcl:!! ~o pickour COUo.ri. this i'e<'l~' biJl C~01iud he h1l!s: to ~o a f~er~hem 1oli00 ~.ike· lihem ~nmea.gailt1 i:H the ·cWflili~g. 1I1l""'1! c;[m.'tw~ll ijliJJt half :Im~le- NQ they G''::iJf~. 1 ~ell)'IJI!J."::iJle' S>:Iid l:Iill;dl<aiU8~led n'l&rr.ily:,. "'~ !OLin!: .3m, 1.i:Jf~t!, oJ butlll:~ring up n!~(S. blJ~ :\'till. {l01 to In!o'e. (~I'III if ~rou \\-'afll ~m m w'O.rk:. for yOli.Wh~"IiD. ~~~V (,ml1~UI:'I du:~ :mummg"

1 rilliri O'IU:i1nd I ~my. 'H~; yawl ~his~~orni!l8? > .i.lm '>\':h_Cfl Clo:llud ddves tbml ~£f ~[J! the ft~~d 1 jl,:lS! 'il! tob>ea~. fbe ba~d OII1d1lh;ey jillSit l .. ·.:l~ ibu~~ .. " Aili'U:l ~I'l'¢ wa\'f;!l~ ;It!~'iih:''nd faJpidJ,y ~ illYslmOO.

"Uke yO~Nild ol;ilo:~' (he 5;)me h!(lo~;' ~:h.e .Iady SiIid,. $iJQWine; ~he !!irnd.e:rSIDUd perf~II~,

"Ch~.ltll,. ,y~~,," Mr.,>. T~fpim :-."id. "i\!ii,~ when ~hCiy come ~11:l frmlil. ~lliie fieM, .~ rua OiL!~. ~;ith.1l budi;et of l;oovr.,.:l;ter. '.11Iii:1t's: ~lIiIe"'~iJJy Its gpiJig to be fml~1 nOW (lllli." she said. ''''\'bUI fII!l.'II)' as well face it"

"OJilr,;l thalillg ~ ~nQw,'" the ~:'~'~"~m,'>'I! 'l'titnmiJin said. '~Two ;liha_l1(gs ~ ain't ,goiJ'!,g ~o dlO,; l)o,,~ no w,s:gelrs m s(;Orl1. doWIi no hiO'g wilh no hose." And :>he let Ollll<l hark o:f ","(lrif:entpt

The ]oollimt Mrs. 'lhlipiml 'H~d the plliC38il1lt I~,d:y e~ich9;lilg,~d indieared they bo,tiIi.. IUIiu:l,ers~ood ~ha~ y~u hl(ld u) i~(,lve !;:e~!!ai:UI lhi~!> 'before ycl,l could ~~.lQW (.'.c~~~in dlil1g$, Br(lt 1~"'Clfy tiltH: M~. ~furpilil ,c~cha:tagedl a itook. w~ih th,i'l 1.:'Idty. :ll11l,~ was u,WIlre tf,li:ll U~~ l.Ig]y g~rl 's peC'1iI!i~"Jr ~ ~~ !iid]~ on her, ,ancHlshc; h<l£l lrooM~ brilfl1g:illg ' o,trt't'll'l[i~~ baek I!) the CQI]i'i'eil:'S<ll:i:on.

"When~'(l\illJ>1 sOI~lletl~illg;' Sh;e l>,. "YUIli g~t to look aftciI' .it:· Andwhc:rn. y~u ain't ;gO!. !l "img rom. breath ;md bii:h::hes,sh!!.:irl(ied to her.;eU,. you canaffom to eeme 110 tCM'U l!o'l\\'ery , .. "ming 11u~d jtJ~ !\'~I: 6'JJ tll:e O.lilut UQ!UlSC cl;lp.iutli and! spit,

A ~lnOtesq1!le ~o]\'il:l,g Moomv pil~d. acil'iO:s~ mille '(::li!lrh:I~1iI IJeh!l1d her ;J~d W~!; ~~fOW!l Fil~ly Q~ ~lliH: ()Pfl'll~lC: "!!;',a.i L T]hell3 hi(;y~le d'a!!l¢rtJd dowfl ag;~inst tbe. olJli&idc· of U'Ml btlildi.Il,g .. The do-oil' Gpencdam~ II. coloil:ed b~l!' ,B,~'ided in wil~;n. '~. [my [('OID t[je drllgMore. h had I!Yo'Q l:llligered .~Ildl wbil'C P'lpel: C{!I!PS, {IIi!. iilwhh liOpS on the mil. He was II ~3]l, very bl,~ck: boy in, dif>c(!lo:redwhi~e ip",mls iuaidOl ~!fiL}cn :lIIl1'~io:ri shiirl.l-le Wll£' cheW'i!1fj gUll:!'! ~.I\:w.!i]y. a,s if ~o r:flIlSjC, H!~ set Hii~ llray do,wi:'iif! llh~ gffl.c~ QI:)j~ni$l~, next to dl~ f(H'ln and! S:~llId'J: 11f.I!!i head tb,j,liIgjh 110 I.ook fi!!iC l~he S,¢(;!"(ltiU}'; Sh.~ \i\,1;:iii i"io(if! tJme]',!:!, Hr. rested his a:r.m:~ M th~l~d.breUI1d",i1ilcd, l:1is lil!ail'~ow OOHOIlilI :s1'uck Oilt, ~!Ii)r:ing: ~l) the Il!ef[ and .i~ht.He raised .t!. h.mtl O\'C r bb ~ei:.d ~nd serarehed the base of ills skuU.

"YO'LI ~ee;lh::l1 ibUJi'lon ~h(He" lJoy?''' Mn:. 1hrpin l.o>!tid."lb~ t'J!!!l puneli (h<!!I:!:!cfld me'U ,co.m~c," She's, ~rOOab~yil1. Ih~ l:J~tk'rofil~whe~.'"

··.~liJ. Ul;l_"lri~hrr' 'Ihe ·~!!:;:!M :;l.g~1il}ly,. <liS. If he h,nlneve~ seen .h,e lI}uu:on beFore .. He lellllfd t() the: ri:ght !llId fUJit his, tiJ)~~1i gn .U."SJile !iom~t~m.c; nur," Ihe; I'!!l!id ~!lid. 1v.'i'l"led ~rotl!1:L!lIlo ~ ihis. all!dl· enee, bi:s fi~bm~ll !)e!IIIit:id him on. the l-OOll!ler.I:IiJe:

IltliliSeJppea.reJdl nnd Ihe twi!!iloo baek agaJl1. S~;le~ halllded him .: ::1 doU:lr aDd be l\ooted In his [pocket and made tbe chan,g,e .md cOl!rnedli~ OUI: 1:0 her. Shill' .~~ hjm :Ii~~~nc~!}ts fDr OJ lip !tnll h~ went ow with ~m..1;; ~l!iilpty [tljy. Thel'm3\')' dOOrfi;w1illilg: I.I(l; sl{w.o~lf a md cmO:!led at W:fl~~ l~ ~ndof !ll)l:t:. ([0 ... f'Or a mO'me!URQ COO ·spokie.

"Th~y 10000g;_h~ tOiiiefidii~i t~m !i!j~gc:!1> rock 00- Ar.r~c~ ," - ~lil!ll; WIil~l~-Ua!iiI:!"""QIiIiI:1.f! i'!'''TI'l,~t 's w~ they Clltme from lin the Ii"!: iPl!i1iC~,"

"Ob. I ,o(llmldnit do without m,y .s,oodcnlo:red ~rienJtll!h" d~e ~~e~rli!la,dr :sa~d.,

"lleTc·s .<! heap' ·of thil!li~s "!!,'O~- thalfil <Ii nig~r." iI'I'b, Turpin ~oocd, "~t'~"aill~ki!1ds ml:lt~m ju.til lij(',e in ;In Itlii'KIil of ~s."

"Ye,,,, ,H!FId il~ t:ll~ii a:11.~Jlnidi~!.u iillll;(loil'!! the worM: gol fOilillld," tb~. nady srud; lilI h~TmYsJt'al \'oj~.

.As shill: saki it, the raw.,complc:xl:oncd gild ~f!!!pped h~r u::c!'h Rlgc~.m!(;:r.[;'h~r IIl»cYc;.! lipll!lmed. dowllw~rdS illUldilrustde IOUl, re~"leamn.s tlile jJlil\]e phlt :i'liIls:ide (If her mo,utb. A{~t,er a second ~! rul~led b~ck ~p.U WUi:~ Ihe ugl:le~~ IfEilce~ Mrs. 'fIJl!l'pin hJd ,ever!!ec:['I ~n!i'0ne m~ke:rnd {lor a mOfiil~~1 s"he w~ ,~eftil~1'I ~:h<lJ ~~lt'!; g:h'] :hil(l m~e il 11'1 Ii!'~r. Shlew~~luok~!U:g; ."t li!ie~ .~$ H ~.b!!,';- h~d kiI:l1'IWn !liml d,iili~d ~~~r all h~~ Hfu,....,....,a[1 ~fMfS. 1JIiJrp.i:n;'~ ~I~:fe,. ~Il :~eemed ~oo,' mol jUll!~ a :11 (he £;:ill1'l'S, Ii!e. W,~I)' .• gi[t I don'le''!.Itl~ i;milllwYOl!l., M:rs. llLll"pin .saJdI :iHeIThI~iy.

SbefoJX:ed lieu aue~:nlio:rn baci eo th.e discus.!iio[l •. "It wouldn'~ lJe pr,a;c:liml ~o sen.d lh,e.1l11 bacl 1:0 Afrk .... ' sJle gri~,"'TheyWQUkln~l_W:llltl ~Q gpo llu::y ,@olit roo g(loo Iilere,"

"'VoID!:! Idn't ibc\!i''biat t1h,ey 1W<lJucd-iJ I h!!d <liaWill!utllg 19 do with it,'" lI];Je v,l'Om1l!!:lsm;li.

'~h '\'iirwMfI'( b~ away ~[1 (he 'W"Qrlrl }'4l!ucolilld g.~~am~ !h~ni!m~rs~kOYet U~~re;:' NfS, Tj[I.rpi~ said, "".Fhcry\l. be hirllo;gc:rJilt <"Inti! I.ymg OOIWiUl, aad uJr.n:ing sick .on )Illlll anld waHi:ng and .Imll~ri~g a~d mrillgand pi,~£:lil~ll:g..~II[wmddll'l be n 'Way jill the v.'O:d~ m ,geili ~hcm.ovc~ there.~'

·'·Th:ey~.{lt~iI' here," I tie tra:s'_~)t\V<Jm!lt! Sl!!:idL "Get b~Ji; ~!fke'lhey gol (J,rer.:"

h W,!!:&fl'l so IJiI:<l11iJ" or ilIJc~n lIiI:C:IiI,,'.'· Mrz.i. ttlrpill exp!l~ijrlJ!d.

Tile wom,,m loo'lredllli Mrs,. TUlrpin iljOif here ~SSin idiot lililded j)u~ IMno. 'H.lIf('i.u. \VU.~ nClt bodl~ ered by lltJe lock, cOXIsk!leri_llt; where i~ ,C",:lIUe :&om.

"'Nooo;"' &lie ~ht "lhey·re~i~.g nl ~a;rI1e.!"t 'v~re· !.ti1J!lj' (;3U .gD W .N~ ¥~Jl'k and mot"'!)' ~'l1itt: fulb an.djrnpfl)\~ U~ir ooll:w. 1'haf'~ whi(l!t th~ all :W<l.lli!l ttl ~o. ~fy tIII;l~ of ~Jl!fi. i,m,pn~ IlIlCIr ~o'kI!'f~"

'~Ybuk!'l.owwhO:!m I;;-Qm'~-$of ~f;J!)J, dun't)'Qu,?"


"No, Cla~d. Wll:IJt'r !otn;,1iLI!Iip,]fl salht C.i01yd·~ ~)'~~, lw i !'l~d~d.'·Whi~'L;;" fa}(;edqliig~ ilers:' he!lru~W]lh 'n.e'i.1:1 <I smile,.

E\;ewyl:locli~'in 'DI111! office hlillil.S,httd ~!X~pl. U'l~ whl~~~tri!i!il~ omd ~Jbe!!;gly gi'!'t 1l!~ ,girl g!f:~p~i thl:li book hI ~er !1!iP' w~Ul W'1ili~c£i n!£!~Jli. Thl~ ~r~ih.y 'Wom'l3lfl rooted:lmtln~ Ilie:r ftollIi'l.f..'lCC ~Itl (:-tell: 3.~if ~IC: (boog~!t they W'C~fI~!1 klii(Dt~" ''I1le oO.MI~~1iI in the f~Gd SlM:ik d~s cOi'lili:E!tlcd to gllzc, expres,. sionless, ac;wos,'l lhet1.o~r<l:1 'Ih.e :ili8ih":lO@'shoe,~ l!Jf ~~C~W:!l1 (lppl),"~i~~ il!;;F. the:;. OltLl: who had I~~ pOOl" ~il:l!di!l-!l I!Q be; Mleep wilen the' 'l'l'!rp~ns came .imJ. HewOl!!,!, laui!hin8 l'le-artjWy.t1is hand.", $lUI sp~ad gUI on hi:!ikln.eC~. Th!.') cbi:ld li!<!d f:alie.tJ ~D till:: sid~ l:!Lnd ·wns bi'i[l_g now .dmQ\'ll ~ace IdOwrJ! ~(hfl ,old ~~If:ll~ap.

~:vt!lJ~~J1q rt~~ fn,)!l]:l ~1l1~1r ~:atl8jl~tlil'~ [be l!I;ij:s:li1 eherusen l.hl~r:lidlio hpl 'the .HlO,t11 from sillen.ce ..

"~'(,l!.j g.ui~) [lJmu: M'!ii/l,{ il.~ui .I'll ga.w mi{llt"

Bill ~,t"lt aUl!Ililllnl'iJ.l',J.l.thr,r,

"Jld all (llQ/~~ #w 'il;.{j,~k W'c"J/' }l~p tN#'lmrhcj' ~m S,"rJ.dl'~ •. Ung in an)' kind ~if I.Vt"~/'MMl'r

Mr:.;. 'fIilJpi11i dU~fl'l Cii!~~tI e1l"rn'"y word b~t ~hl.'l C<lIllJih,t c'l:JilJliJgh to agree ~'htill the sp]r]~ oW th.~ SOBS, lind i~ 11Iiiilfl~di her lhOlll,!!,lllS sober. To he.!p alln~'body QUi: tillal needed ~t WJill. .her ~h;lo.:-;opl~ gf ~~Ife. S!b_,e: .me\i'(ir !!p"!red h.e'fS'elf!e ltn.n.!d


~.m!Jt!od~y 1(1 n~~d!,.w~C:lh~" thElY ~il'~ ,\Vhltiil. t'l.r ibktCk •. l~ras;h. Oil' deeent, And of ,ili 81~e h<l~ to be lIIilillnkiu:l. fcr, she W!\S n!;OiS! tna,"i::liul. d:lD:l this W'as se, .~:r JesUlI I1m;!s!I]d .. "''ilOll! 1:.:1 HI be! liliglll 8Qc'ie[)~ ami 'h.uve i1.U th.elnil:m:y you ~anl and be thl .. nn.d :s~ll~.I.ikc .. but ,you can't bea geed 'l.mmillll w]I'b it," me: 'i\I'(l1I]iti, hi'l\i'e liI:rn, to fi1liY, "V.i'eU dOll'~: mat~ me I~hi'll th~~I. Mak(: fI~;C a :g~o~ ~naHIl and jt do!]'t m:m~tWil,M else, bow flU. Ot how u~y 0.1" iI:1owpom'!" He .• heaetrese .. Heniad mm rnade her a I:' ;air' whtle~lrlls.l!llorl!l!$:ly! Hie ~lad I'IHldle :her ill e!;;!;c!f iii I1d g;~'Ii'en in er l.1! HuJe ofe:\lcI:Y~ hi "g. JesU:S,lhiOl.ll.k: you! 5lh,e ~aid" 'rhank :)IUu t~:'lJllk YOll ~h~f1k )'"Ull! Wh.elllevel: ~he t~OlUU~~ be. hle~lJil'l.1{S' 8be, :f'C~t as buo~~l1It as ~f she we:~s;hcd oIle: bl!!u· dreda!ld l\'ll'eclllty~[i .. e pound!s hl,~~ad gf (me h~HI~ ill re~ and e4gb()I.

"Wh'l1t's wrotlil1: witl~ ,),O'!llr little ~o)'?'· the iPl.C:llcSiiJjnl I.adyaskcd (he ",illite.trash,)' '~'Om:ilil!l!.

"'Be b~ II uleez" ~he'WOmal:l ~"II it! p:mmJi,ly .. "'Hellli.n'l ~ir~: mlie <!i mi!llUlle:'s peace since he was, ihQm. Him .... nd her m:e:jillitt aj.i~e;' ~e .s!lid, I:lod~ d~!Il!!l O)J( 11~e:!)I:~ ·WO!'!lO!!i!I, wtiOI w.a!ii r'!!!!il!lin,~lnle:r lea~h~~'Y t~!f!~~r~ UI:('ollgh. tile c!1irucl'sp,a]c h:ii:r. '·l.oOk: I~b: I ca:lli'l g~t nQl.hing dmltlJJt:i'liHII1 I w:o btiil Co' CQla ifl1d ClI:Il.tI.y:'

Th!a!~!, au' yeH!: Uty i~O get dow~!1!~m!. M'r~. llwpm ~:l!id to llC;fiil¢lr.Th~ I<!l;rl~' :~~Silu th~ fi~, Tl:lere WOb<i n~J~~ing )'(l1,l COI,I!~d leU her ab~~I,]Il I~opre: li~ tl:!~m ill!'!l ::!h~ d.icJn\lk:,,~w .. JIl!ie~y,. And JI! wa~, :nQti~ th:~t ~.e;!!, didn't ~U~:JinY~!Iil~n:g.· &(~::)!,I(je, ~f J!fill gaw' [j'l!llffl ,~w[yth:il];g., Wfi! i\'li,.'O W'eebil~v.t!lJjld all h~ b"'l)h~rni o:rnlt~'lY 011 HI'~;Y wu~~d ho:!!~'C1 C:.hO;PillM~d ~l tip foit' lli':ihl:WllOd., Sl'i.c: knLl!w:l:ruI tbjs fmlll!l ihe:r own 't'l:! :H'ei.p lil;em :you must, !but h.~Jp thelJfl }:'Otl ,amddo't

All,(l!t (I!'!.~ the ugly g:iri mnlied hei!' ]~p.!:lillisM£' out agjli~I~. H~.r 'e:ye~fi.x~dlih ~''''''O' d~t~I!:S ml MD, Tbrptfl, Th~s t~me fh,ere W:JIS· no mi!>ulkilillg: thai titl~:~ W"J.!lSOm;MmAg uif£e:n:l. lool:Iim:!. ~!hElm •.

(Hd, Mrr:!>" "lupin ~dJJinl~d!li.lenl:l.jI',. 1 b3wnll delle II: ~hillg ~o YOllllt The £1irlm:ight be rom:nJi~iJlfl.g ille:rw:ithmm.e'bOOy else .. There ''W!.'IJS ~.ot need ~o s'iil iti)y <U1d I~l 'lfle~lfbe :~mimida~ed. "VOL!! m~:tiil be in CQI:1eg~,>! :~b..¢ liiaIdIlxl:J:d!I'y.klOki[tg ~I i~li!C girt "I ~ .}UtI a .~ (here,"

The g~r:I !.:om:imJed lei SHire aiJ:ld fohl:tedly tl:1i!.I rml, m~$wer,

He.; mother b:11!I~'b'~d at Ihi8r~:~,e!1e:ss. "The lady I.!~l!ie~wl!.! !lq~{\~Hgn. Mary Gr,,\~~ •. " t4~ s~i<l um:leli her b.reatl'i.

.. ,[ have ears," Miary' G".!'!eesaitru.

The .~oor mOII1i:e:r b'hl~lu!dl~g'lifl."Mary Grac-'e goes ~o lNe:llcsl~lt" Co.Ue.ll,Cl,'· :!lhe eiXpl.<li~le(t :!lillie 't,wist,t!d OJl.Ci ,ti~' ~hl.'; bl]Uo:ns Oiill her eresa, ""~rl M::ilisslllcl:ii~lsett' .. ," :\ihe 3ddJ~rl with a tl:ri:m,~t:e" "And! iJr.! ~he SllJllnlJer she j!IlSI. :keeiPlli fight oRsll1id~ii.rng, j"UiSt reads . .:tH lihe i!:ime, .a ~rea] book 'WI;)XliH •. Sl!e"~ done re;;,I""e:I~ at \Velle~~ey: she's t<lkill!l B~~li8h otrn.d M:<!i!h, :nul HI!};1IUY u:ndP.::;ycoo~y ,~ndi Social St~die:,~.""!'ihc: 1I00ldcd on;. "andI lhh~Jk Ws wo mud]. I ~!ti!iL!l.k ~'!e (n~shtlo !l.el Ol.!! ~I'ld b>l!vef!:!!l.,"

The ~j:~~ l:ooi~~ ;:IS if ~e: cv.~~!ld ]i~!.Q hLld ttn.e:m an rhiroll!!:lh the plame' glass w.imdo'lV.

"W'ay up uerth," iMrs. Tlirp:in 1I1ilum:ured :B~d! '~.hooghl .•. \~,'ein, illilasnl'l d~Cle :nll!!cb foil' bet m~n~ ~~f!>.

',["d :[l:lmO!!l rather to. :1J101\\'e h~:Il:l ~I~(lk," the ,¥hi~e-'"ltO!~1ii wom~n ~;l!kl. wrem:hh,s. the! ilnemiolll blllcik '~(!I ~H'!l~~~lf"H~I'!'l ,~O rnlleaA wile!:! heaia't, LQot likle SiQ:I!Il(l chi idr{':~ j~.s'l: t :IIkl~ :n~Wru'l tij !~!~i!J~I:li!e~, Iff> some g~ls bad whti\~~, ~h~y ~~t ~i~k blJl! he ''I!oi'a,;; [jl~ ,opp~s:~t~. wok sk:kflnd i!lJi~n~J(j gQod .• He dO:lll give me flO t@ubIG'!!J.ow. h'1l mLOl ~JJailif! ~{) see thedt}Cwf,'" she ~dd.

U ~ w~.'lgoi!lg, ~'O :!i~n,d !!n~~Hldy bad; 10 Afric.a. M!'8:. 'furpi~n, th(lugbt.i~,\'ol!lld b~ yo!:!!:' i{ilfuJ,,\1>'[JmOlI1, "'¥~s;, i:!'Id(led:' ~e &;:~id "lUlU), tb!i!t Il;;!uklng '![ill' $( th~ c~ili.!Jg.,"[elio !! !h~Ol!p Ii;lf ~:H!i'ng,li worse U!:!I1I~a 1l~;g!f;C:r." And diniilif dil:l!~l ~ hog. ~h~ added ~ohe:rse:]!I'.

·'.Ithillk pcop]e w~,th bMt (Uspo,s;i~tion.8 are I!rIQ.r,~ ilQ bl.l:pi,MGd [ialln aflYOfle; of! ~uU'l.,:'· (Iil!B pJe:ts3J11~ .Iadysait!, ilil. a,~u~ lI'i31t ~~~, da:idcdly 'thil:j,

"llllall!koh.G Lord hl1: tlft_~. bl~&'«l;dI me witb a good on~," Mrs. Tu;r:pin liollid. '''T:ll~day h!jSl1eVi'ili oownrd ,!mUU I {;tnd~~r1'1 find so:mel:hinll,to!au:gh at" ·'Notsi:n.ce she uuuri.ed mt:~lfIYMD,~:' Cla:l!ld.

S<!idw'i:~!J ~ cOllliea] st~l!i:.g.hf face.

E~fybmJy ll!!li.llglu~dll;:.)l;l(;C:'.IJ'! the :Giri,,~!d dill!, \7I'lhl'!l!iI·UilSb.

Mrs. l1up'i~ni's, sID'IBach: shook,,"He"g s'I!u::liI ~[!I CEIIIHion;' shes<lid, "dm~ rn ,c<ln'{ I:u:~.p bu;~ Im.l',sh mil :!1:im:"

'E11e girl llliad.e a ~ou(l ug:ly 11'!)ii!ia:: liter u:l:€lh,.

~lI~'r' I~nolhc "SIOOllll.!Iitll, ,grew tll~fltllnd ~ iglu:, "'W Ud!'l!k ·~.e:W'Q"t ~!Illhilg i.~ ~lOe world." sh~ s:lIid, "i~ ~I:! 1JJ~m1lteflil f!C'~", 10, bw eveil'ythi~g lIill'lcl no~ :(li~ru(':i,~Eei~+ .~ }i;:~l'ru,!' ;'I g]rl.~' li.'l1e \~;ticl .• "wl1o ·h;;'IIl· Ip;:!re!'!~s wbo wOldd ,gi\lle, I,i['~r <!lniyll:1i !mg. u l~t Ue \."!ih!o lmllS IIHH· dc:.arly, wh.o ~!'l g,cltiniE'j :l !,ot>di edlu~lion. \!!'l'Io '!,\1!ars ~llile be:M. clotbes, btl!~. WhOCiilili'l, ~c;ve'r say a kiltdi ~'.(lr.d! 110 ~Hn~ne, wl~o ~e~r smiles. who jusl ,cfit~Clzes <lllild ro.~up.lail~s all daIlI'lolng."

.~~!; sbe I!oool~to ~a:d:dl~?'" C~ud ~~dI. Thlilgi"I'!i; fa~ was almost ·pu:~pte.

""{:ell:' lh~ lady said. "('Ill, 3fr:liicl t!'liere's iIiIOI:h· ,i:ng Ul' {I,o but 1~1!'if(l: her 10 her Col ~,y. Su:un(l day 8l1e'U ""' .... k!1! UP:!l!l~ill'Mb~ ~oolal~,"

··U.n'e\l'C'f hU.lrt !l!fl,)1lI!l~ 'I05D~ii.h,~." Mo:. Thrpilil, "lil j~st l'n~kes :tOOlree~, bc~~er a~ I. {Wer,"

'''Of OOI1~:' th;(;III.d~1 ,!m,ld Sl!l!d;I.:t" "bul thc::re arejil,l:st SiOilIl~' peiople YUill ca["~ ~e:~il :1.I11]!'I:h ing 1:0. Th:ey ~a:r!~ h!~ec!lfil.ici~n.'·

"U irs one Imi!'!:: 1 am:~ l\,I~~. TlIlrpii!'l ~~1\lI y,i'~~h [~elifl¥."ir:s gf3DielUL WI:i~:111 1 f:ni~,k. who aU ~ ~uld havebe~r.! ~iIt,5~d:~S IJ"IY$l:df !Hld Wll!1:! [oI,IIW got. a iitde (ltfc\~~yd~hl,!~,;lJ!'!Id d]sPQsitl'O!II I:H,!s;id'~f:i. I jlLuu fell'll ~:nre sllil( • Th~~nJiyou , Jesus, (of ~1J.kil!li:El ~'\Ii~rytllil~g U~!l W:l.y il. is!" It could :h~ve been dirfierclilt!" r"O.1I' one tl11rung •. somebody else O~ll! Idl ~m:ve' got Ci.~u.d ... At ~he d]OlIghl of this" she \.V3S noodJe(l\!;'.hb :!!:Ii'at~!I.lde,,"l'1 :EII ~e,uible palilgof joy il'alil lhro~gh her, "'011 ~halllk. you. Jesus, Jesus, !tbnik you!" slite'~i!li,aud"

The: book !>I:ul!:lk bel' direc'l~y over her~eft eye'.lI st~m,,'k llJmos:t, 3:1 the :s;am.e ~I~st{ln:!!!~m: she rea11i2:edl tihC'gllii was Jlibo!III1 ;!;oh:U1r~iL Before she cOIJ~d uner ;1~ ~~!lJll!rild, Ihe came cra~hil1l£ !Jcm&'! [he H.!ble 1~.ow.!I11 ~er; I~Oil!,!,. l'he:gtir~':!i 'rng~:!,.15 Sil!'lk like(:~llmp$ ~1l1)O ~rnu~ i!iUf~nl:liSh 'of har t.I~c1;. SI1:~ ]l1L!~m lhe mOI.tIi~r c;ry !J1!Ii1 !lInd C];rlLld SllOU~. ';\\Ihoo,!" Thc:~ Vi'1l~~ ~uli[lsl_m:lt wl~lel] :she wa!j;(;~e:rliI!!i!'! tbuil 8hc ~l! :J~~lllt '1.'0 ~e i'!i!~! ~nh~ ql:lla.te.

All ~l~ Qm.ce hCiI'\lislon ma:rro'W'OOi =.m.dshe S:liW ,e\!f;liyt~ilJig: <IS if It were .hl.l(>pe'l:l:imlgil'll SJ ~1~H1il~ roon~f:i!lir liI,W<ly. 011' as If s'~lc~e:re ~(lO~ ing ill ~t I:hmlilc;h l~lCi WI!OI~:ll 1(!f]Jd of .. ~e'I.c;.<;coiPc. Claud':!> f~De crumpled lind lidl mit ofsl;BI:1iI. nl,~ IilUNe r!ln !Ill, th~rl <1:1,11. ~hen h! ag~ii!~, nc'l'l ~~~ gill1~l~tijl :6gure or th~ doctor lro:!'>h~d (!I1!IIt of the: in,!'!cr door. Ma£~?'::ili1e!J n(:lW thi:~ wa.y :tnd !Ib:t~ ,~s UH.'! ~able: ll!l"!fU~dOWf, Tholl! g~~r~ !f~11 'Wi~W! a '!I~udOl:!,!d Mr~. T1!!I,pi:Jl!'s visiQ[I sl[Idderlly ~i!lVeillCJd iljj;il![f:1l!1d ~lhe s~w ewlJd:'li~ 11l:~ rurlsL'eaili: (If !>m3J1 L The (;~ of the whfl!(Hr'OliShywoliI~aJ'I were stO),,g hlllge:ly 3,1 [~Ie I:'J~OOifi'. There the ~irl, ~u~~d cl!OWI~ onl ollie s~dJe b~' !.h,e nlllrse 311<1, en the ;e!1:il,er ~y heir nmt~er. ~L'lIS wrem:hiiFIg :.'In:tHl 'llIirllliflgi'~ nU=:liI :Brns:jl" The docser W1!~ t[!(le.~ing .. ~I:rid~ hell', ~''']liIg ~ol~()ld hl.l'r arml d.o'W'l1. HlemaU1a:g>!l:~ aRc:!" a seCOIilrl. IlCJ s;~nk ::I. long ne~ileinL\()il.

Mn;,. lllrpi~ r~ht,'l!:lilirdy ho1~!I~~ e)l!~e]1~. fO']' :her he:art whie~!."WiliL'lg from sid~ IIQ sid'el8$ if it '\mm ~il:!lIi()di hI: ~: lljl'elilt'lillpty dfl!l!lii'I. o,fA~gl,.

"Someb(Ddy ~~nn's, nOI, ~nlsll" call :rO[ the: arllblll~ lanee ..... l~lc doctor s<licl. ~:I!I the off~han.d volee Y[lUl1g doc~o~ adof:l'l fIn I[enlllgl~ O(!'C:il!l~{;jl1s.

Mr.-;, Tl!,!l,ld"!Oli!,[ljl;l~ m~>d, ~ralJgtl:r, The 'old rn.::!n wliio' bad beer! ~it~.i~,g rHlxl ~o hilI' ~kipplil(:l!ligt1nbiy ~Irum UI~ office I~ndmad~ [h.e C.3ru~., ftlii! tlu'f: s~cJet1!:ry s.t~~m ~!;;e~nn~d lID be gam:·.

~"Ci!lJlld!" M:rs. T~~~J:1m called,

He W3J5 not i]'l. ltIi!! ·chaiJf. Sbe;kn£;w sh~ mllSI. jiJ1fI'IP up itlitd :~:!fId hi~1:'I but slae: rea I like SQ-xne o::ne U}' imas;~o eatch a tli1l.ilU m 8, dre~lInl. whe~ e"ve ry= ~1'r~I]g mo!\!'ieS in !llb¥v mOlion, and the faS'ler you H}' 10 mn IllIe ~ .. 10\!,I'e r yOl!lgo.

"fICJ~e :1 !.lim ;" <l: !'ill!l'Iil[}ca:~d l!'(lire, YeI'Jl' ili!fll~il'e Chlud's.sailCi.

H1e- was dQub~tedi u:P' :~I'I ~be (ameli 0111 ~fue nOOf" :pa,le W p<-1;pe'r" ho:!~i us: lais ~/eg." She: w<lflled 110 !P!i! I!!p .llLllIia go 10 hhn b1:!t ~e; cOl!!ldllo~mO\l'e'. Insteadl. ne.r g'll.€: was d rawn 's:lo,wl:y dow n w'~!r!(jI 110 lifle' C:Jil!.!!.'llJ]flg f~o~ (II"! the Hoar. which 8b~ omHd ~6~ ~r I~ilim d.Qc~o:r"s ~mIld~~;

The girl.'~ .~yess~opp~[1 ~olli~'flIl.IiI.a! fociu:sed. ()I~. lJ.e~. nl'ey )jiee:u!~e:d3. m!.:Jleh .llgihler billie ~bilj!l, 'bcr(ll~,. alll ~, .'llfoo!!" tllliaf b;J!' bM!"! tillghtlliy elased bcllun)~ ~11~mWllls now O;Pilml IJO 3.dl:I1li~ ~~lllill1idl ."Jr •.

h,hil1. Ulf u.d Claud HilI1pcd ~fil!:~h~minH) I~hl: affice ..

tJllltH d'ic am.bululce eame, the oillly st01;J[lds in It he mom w:ewl! the I: rel.1iI:UI~:Oll!> Inoa us of I:~je i!!,irPs motile:;,. who eenti n.ucd to :tit on II~e "00[. The: wi1~I.cArnsll WOOlUU1 did fUJi utke .il.e:r ,Gyes off the girl, Mi'S, Thrp:il:1. l.ooked!>lrlliighl ahe!ld ~t ffi,flilb:iMl,g. PI\t:;)Cili,Uy the ~jliflbl:bhIl1t,'le drew u~. a lfii:lig diruJ:rk; ~hadow. bLiihindi the '~iiiUaii:'i. Th~ ;lt~~i~d!~til] LC'~meiri .ari:dl se! ~lie slre<~d:'ie:v dow:lii. bm;nde ~he girl ~ifld 1If~(\d her ~pefl~.y uil:[o~t iI:i:ld C3Jfi:"i~dl tl~r out. The tulll'!1;C hdp{\d tJii~m()lhtr .gal1~eru~her th,ii:lgs. The ~haJdow tnf II he amIJulfJJi!'ite mm~1 sil!l[1'Uy :i~y .ancll'~i!e"~b~,se 'Cl!tne back!n the office.

"'Th<!:t ~he:f girl is g,oing ~Q b~ ,:II IlynaHc. O!lL~~t she?" the whl,~c,·~msh'Wi~n@§!:I!kcd the n;~I'SC'. bUit the !'i!11I~ ~ept at! ~o!h~ Ifi~ck .iilnt:! .!teller iI,if!s!Wexd helf.

"Yes" she's goin_glo be a ~Ull!li!il:ic;' lhewhi,~e·· trash W~l!I1a:FI So."'Iid ~o tDle' :~sl of I.lH~I:t1..

·'Pt,' C'ril~~c:t'" Ule,old \¥rY~!l1!!!1 n~urJrhu red. The child'" face 'iNtis $!I:ill ~:r!1 l1c,ri~" !His ¢}'eslooked :t{llr oi;i~ o\"I~wiier k~!fIJ~eil. He l:i1ldllifiotmQ\"Cd doting the dhluTb<lim;:e.e_,.ce~U h) df<l!W oae :ieg up n.ndCT him,

"1 ~h <1;!1!k Gli:\vd.," the wh:~!J;Hra'lll, woman si.lid :ferve'.IilUy."] ahl':~ ulurllltk."

ChrmW came ~,iJn,pil:lg ou,t and 'l]u!Thrpins '~!iilit"

As ~he~r pick-up lrtllC'k. tll!I:JIU;:d. iil1l!0 tliu::ir OWTI. dirt. ool!Ld ami .IIuldie; 1~le crest ,of t~e rn.m., Mrs. 'TUrri!:! pipped! tlie, W'indtorw teclseud I.'ookedou!l :\;u:.;pucioiJsly; Tba h~$'id' ~[opcJf!l1 gr:B!~efuUy dOwn thmug]1 II 'fid~: doUt;d with i'<i\l'Crldcr' 'Weeds <!!'!d ilt I~ e :itllrt of tbe :ti:~e 'Iheiir sm:d I y.elltl.w froUi1ie hous~, w:i'1 h Ui!i II I:tl~ flm~~:i'bC!ds~.PI"Il il,~ oi!i~ iii rouad it '~i ke <I fancy <\lJP"'OIn. ~al. PI' i m l.y inits eccustomedplace IH:'I:w~en !t:wo :!;liiliU h!~C:kOf'Y trees, Sire ~llIldi1iOI :IiI:ave lOeeill ~1!'Irl~'~~ '10 S!C~. :I burnt wou~ldJ between t'lVO bla.ckc'.ned cllifw.~le)~.

Neither of th.emn 'fel~ Litke ,eatilllil6i .sol:ileypo~ O.~I thek~u'll!!~e clOI:he.~l'lndl I(w''e:red the sh<ldJ~ ilA the ]bedroom arid ~!:lY <lOM"JI. C.!m.d ~Yil,b bis~egon a p~~~ow' and! l:iel1jiL'llf \'i,I,tih. ,[): da:mp'~"" .. slhI(;IQth Q"-e:f ili!'lr ~}'~. The iJ!l,~!;ii:nl she 'WiII! fI~! 01'1 ~er tla'~k. the ]m,age (!if il.r.a~H··bi'lcl!iedb.o.g whh w~:rls~!'I il~

MF~. llirpi.iiI":!i ~ieacli 't:leare'lt iind~ef :povrel' o:f !'Iii.a:!.i()l!~. f\L7;ti:Jfi1;i:cl. She [eiii~e~ f(l!r~rd ulilli.l. she W['ts .loo.k.U]'iJ,gd i.teC'tI 'Ii l'i~O ~h.e, r.erc:e b ri U ;:3.[11 'f:yes. 'fh~:i't\: wu no. di01:.lbl iil1l ~lerlDl:iml tb.<I1 ~~le , girl d:id. :~;mllWi' lH':r, knew h:e~ in .some iiIUl:i1:!;t anit! pem:SQmd;''!,'D)', bejloitd 1ime:ifIi'id pl;1o~ ftmd, eon:dJi- 1:~Djj. "Whlli( yOUi ~til ·~o .sa, to ItM~;?'" !lhG,:ii~k~d Il:Ui3i~~briiii!d h·~ld h~r :b!:(:;~tih, Wit iti~g. aili fora re~lalion.

The .g~d r.;:JJised herhea,clJ. HL'lf gaz..¢; ~~OC:ke!id wilt~! Mn::" lU!rpi~>i:-:. "(;'0 11116.': IIQ h~1I wh~:i'~)!llili 'c!Jl'!1Je r~'fIm,. lrQ~ oldwa!'~ .. hog;' sill!; wn.i.spe:red .. Hmmitl~"~& l.Qw bi.![ d~~[: Her '~}'I(l;il il'iitimad rl'ij; 11 :~ilQmel:'i~a~ ilf ~l'ies~w wi!,1l p!,e'lsiJre ~ih <It 'Ei.eli ~~50age had $l~u'Ck its ta~gc<t,

Mrs. Tutpili sa-,1ik~!k h' ch,d,j;.

Afler ';.l mO!'lh!~lt Il~lt: 8 irlFi 's eyes dQ~~d and she lOr-liied beg; :h.eild.'WC~tU}' ~o th.esidc.

The doctor rose and h<!Q(h~dlhe, nurse fhe ,empty syr~!m.!!l>e" He ~!eilliled ove:rlllild P'lI'l bolh hillJidS l(i!' u m~iij~~~ g~l thC'mQlhc:r'~ $hQy]d~~ .• w]'i~c'" 'iMlre sh .. :ki~g, S~e ~13s~;Ril:!g omi '[11~ I]oot, hi!:i" ~DpS: frre!!iile~ lu~~,[he~;. 1:101':161:18 Mai!'}! Grum>s: h<!ttJd in hef l~p. 'T1~e girl '!'i r~!~ge~l'i were giiipp'~~ [i_k:¢ a 'b<lby'~"l'Q!l!!'IJd hc:r ~:h1:l!Qb- "'00 QIl '~n dll;l hospit;i~:' he ~i;!id. "]" H .c1:l~~1 ;u:'idl:tl<'lke U~e lilrn~ge-~neri(!!. ",

"Now let's sec, Ihilll; neck:' he said in a jov~.!l[ volicc to Mrs. Turp~n. He begmll to ~11:SpCCt :h.el: neck witli! 1:i.~~rn.f;:Sl ~¥;Q fill__gel's. -,,,,,'0 I iU:~e rnOO(ll~ shaiPc~ lines ]lk>e pi:"k nsh bonesweee lnrei,ernJ;edi ,o-vef her windpi~c,. Th~~ ,",-as lbe beg~J1iili!ir1g ,l,Jf<l1fl i11l~:i!)'fed ilwd.lifig al;uJfV'e her ,eye .. H~s. ~.i1gff"':;; pa;ssed iJ~r '~iI1]5 Ii.l~o!.

"1.,e;.'i' me 00,." Sl1:1e, sa.~~ Itll'i~e], ,lind !ihOo!':!khim ,O!II."~~ :JIbOlll: ellDiLid. S!IHl t~t:.~~c:I him."

"I' II seesbeut 'tarim: [Ill 11 luinute;" bes3~\:Ii'iImjJ fe]t her' pulse .. He WillS 11 thin gr<lly-i'n!lil"C<ilm.:ul. gh1'€:n '1'0 ple9S<1nl:ries. "Go hC:llne um.d lul"'l'elfourself a. ''II,llI,cat£olll!lle reM oJ the d~j';· ~e; ~1I£d! .!Im:li ~ll:cd :tieTon tbe sh-:oullt1e:r.

Q~i1i: YO,1;!J1' ]J.<!trwrl me, l'>i[r~, '!b,rpi!'! gr'Owh,;:d ,~o he~~lf;

.. Ajj~ IJI:II snieepaek m<crl~;al .eye," Ole said.

Thl.'!01 h~ ~nl[ajm1d .~qU(l~liII!ldl dow;~!!H;lS;~dl:l Ci~IIU~jl .!In~ looked at bis :~e8. Aftejjfi fMliflC!1t he :pu]]L'ldi

f91::C,9Ildi ~OrlMl oruning out I:mhi:nd its '1!3li"S!iIlOned into h~r l1~lL S;h,~ mOilJl'I;~~. alOW'qlIiflt mO:lJn.

":I' am net," ,r.h!L:l S1:),id u::li.dl.d~y ... jj, Mtf'tho,&:l,. if:oolml hell." .Bn.u tb(l denial hadl flO, farca, TlI!~ g~r~ Is. e)!L'i~ Il.n~~ htl:i~ ll\iOros. t\\i\L':I~I,hc mm~ o:fl~ell \'Oiee" law bUl dear. diliQCliCd olflly '10 her. furon'k:ed no IJICpudiati-on. Sh,e ihad been sllll;gled out f.or the messsge, t~olXgl'l ~hcre Waj'i ~,raS:bi~ the" mom 10 w:'l'u:ma it might jl!l! have lbeeim ~pplJed, The fui~ force oJ ~iIJ_ful filtl~lfU!l;ikhl€;r '(i~ly nmv; ThL:lre wa .. il wortm!ll! these wt:lo \!;,ill~, ne,glieclwl1g :her OW'!'l ,cl~ndl bUJI~I~e h a d been Qv.eli'~ooked, De fllc®s~g,e ha!~ been gi""n to R.uby Tu:rpi]'l, !1 !!"~~pe(:tattJl~. hard·, workhllg. elwllJr{:b·gQ!ing ~ilf!,~a!lil. l1u:~!~a~ dt~ed, HeT eyes, i:)e,garloo bl!lm i:~:slead Witll wra~b,

She :~ onliLC;r ,elbow mrmd lire wa.shcloth feU in~ herb:nd. C~:<1iud "\I';lb~ Wyi~ G!1! M"!or~ i:ng. Sh~~!1i!ed to ~ltl] t!i!1~ Wt!!ill 11]11,11 gi,rllw.d ~£.rJ. N lih~ swno !i~. sm dlidloo~. wish. 1.0 !Jill lh.eim::li,g6 of .hc:rsclf :ru!i3i.wa:rt ['lOg f:rom ~leU i;nmo his I:nilllcli.

":Hey, Claud," mllittered. OIlld pushed .h is .s'IJ.oI.II.dc:r •.

(lind epened omep3le biilby b]lre eye.

She: 'I(}O~i:dl !!1I1Ji) il !,1\rlu'iWy.l;.mc didn!ol 1:1~I~fik: .. boUR: il;nyth:in,g,. He jlllsl we[U~ ;h:i:!i way" "W~;Ili,.W~i1S]I'?·' he ~id~rld crosed the (.'l~ ag.a:in.,.

L'.N!olhiftlg," she: :'!,i1IIid •. "Doc:!> "our ~ogpililil you"!"

"Htl'Ul]S likl~cU'" Claud! &aid.,

''It'U quit~erreckl;y.;'-; she ~k!! ;<I!]dlay b.ack d~liil, lll'l, a mc;JillrI~Il!1 C:la'l'.u1 was SlJori:nEl OligaEllr. :fo:ll ,oF :Ib~ l.I.tlC",U~)liI: [h~:y ]~,y niliCrn,. CI.~.tId siept .. She""tadllil the cci~tl1LS. 'Oceflsctoilllll~y ~dllle; r.1l:ised hertiisl aad made a: sm,JU stabbingmoU.on 'over her cliu:st 31,. :i:f S:hew!ls (IefelJ;t;! b'lg liIe:r inl'no~ >Cew::e ~o iuvisib'J.e :gues1:50who we:re, I like t!he .0011.1- fo1r~!IlfS, o~ Job. f!":$O'n:ilibh:'"se·elJ~ IfI:g. bU!~:wmn,g.

A~(liulllve-dlirl:y Chl:Il!S s,tirred. '~Ggt to go Iltler these nigg:e'.~t'!:Ie 5ig:liled" u'O,t. !l1!.Q'Ij'jfl.,g.

She w3slonll::ing $t:rn.ilgWitll,P as if ~!1crewe~ -u:ruintcWlisibiiE l:!and-w:ri'li:nig QiU!. HfI;e: cd]il:'lg. 1i~I,c p!lIJtu.krm:!ii!NII:r'!'t:['heil: q.~ :hada:UJ:ll1cd a 8;l1l!cl'li,stl~ Mw:. ... ,UiS1Iem here,," sbe :s'i"lid.

'''WI11J,uT' "ruSism,c';"

C.19!Uiill ~!Il:,m:md o~r ,:lind! IdSSl!d ]neB: l.oll~ly Q:i1 th~' m()tl~~h. Hep]!1I>cho~! her s;ifj)~ ~l!1d d1!drl~!'!!'Ids ililliler]oo~ed .. I~~~ ,exP~!Iil of flCoodmls 'C(m.ClCI:IJllF.rHoil d idn.ol c:lil31i1~(l" C I.aUH:l: gol up, groill.fili.lliJ!:

Hi!iid giliow! i~g, and Hlil'lped off. SIII.e conlh:U.l.ooID sutdy th.c: ceiling ..

Sh~ did Ilot ,gell !lip L1lllH she he~rd ~Ile' pi,ck".up lfll.!!(;k;(;oming ~ck with t~eNegme~ s, TII~D she: ["QSC: "HId. lhn.!!!{ her fll>e(in :h·e:r brown Q:db(f(I~. wh~ic;h ue d~dmollwlief 'Ill' IlIte, an'd sllJlmpedo!!lt .(lJ! to' I.he: ibiar.k" pon~tl <\l!nd~(I1 11'~ r !tedpI;Hai,~ b..ac1«::l. Shee!'ll~lied a [ny gf ite~lJbe.". i[lto iil1!l'!di filled itlWliI~( fuJI of'W;ll~f:ilnd WtJl1t otlti[!~o th.'~ b:3iC:i;. li'ard" E~ryj);fIi(1;fftOOm,iliner CI;a:ud Imrroughl lh~ h<lg]uJ~ in, a~oflbe boys; hel~cd him 1PU!I'O'llU hfliY ,!l.!1:d~e!iC'!l1 'I';'\wJcdin the b<'l!~~k of line; ~nu::k lItH!U ~e w~sre.ujy r~o ~;l~e ~Ileml .I:],OID:El,. The r~nlck. '\va..'i :p~tl' U~~ £.ltad~ !,lru.:JI~~ o~m of tl]~ hickory [00"'5;.

·'.lii Y8;Wlllrui:!, evell,illg1" 'fltUPIIIlI iI!>ke'd gri~m~l~Y. a:ppelIJ.iUlll, witt'!. tile iJU!cke[!lt:tdilh.('; dipper. lll!:we l;\I'Crelhi!'C~; '1!,iQmC'11 aad !l ~~in the ~rock,

"Us d:o~!1I nicdy,." U1e ,O:I~~l WQmarn: :5ai~,"Hi, (lui Iii,?" aM her gilllC snu::t. inlmedi,[lte~yun the dark I.ump, 011 .Mn .. Thrj!!l]I;I':'; fiorchc;ad. "Vm] diQ;.iln~ feiU dowltl, ilin'I:YOUi?" .me m;ked ill il soliei- 10m voie-e .. The old woman was dark. 1Il1l1di!li:mosl lootl~~.C'ss. Sh~ h9di OI~ an. oM fel~ ll:al of CI;alJd 's set billek O:llh e:u ~e<ld. The i~W(l WOimen \1I'€~roe y(n.lng:eriilmllli.g:ll~efall!l!: ~hey bQtb W'I.w new bl:~tu green $I.l,nhn:~, O'rI~ or diem had ~~m:sol1lh~[t bMd;, Ule Ol.ll~r ;h,ad taken hers '01'1' and Ihc: boyWilS griitl.~ I'ling ~"er~:tlil ~L.

Mrs .. 11upiill set thie buc!':et dlowIli Qn.I,h.>i::fioo. of the m.u::k. ·'Yawl. helP .YOI.!'l'Se~,'oIes,,'" she said. She ~:oo:ke~ ,UOUDl,(I ,~o IlITIi<lke :\HIl~e CIIl'ud had! gO:H,e. "No. I: didn'~, ran down.;" :sIDle ~a.~tW. 19~cnn,g tier i!ml!l,,"]iI: W<,!~ !iQmet:h~!1Jg V!.'O~!l!~1iI H1I<'ll[;"

"Aiin't li!gdl~n, h~d lHilppen ~~ )'Q!i!!'" the; ,illd 'i!i'O!TI;lw! ~idL .Slrae ~id tt as ~f tbc)la~lk:n.,cw tb .. t MiD.>. 'nIrplll was pnYI~c;[>ilidi t1:1soll1lespecill,1 'Wily b3! :D~iv~t:I;e '.i'O'!'~deili1ce. "YOUI jltJIS'l had YOu: .~ ~:in!e :fbrnm."

"!lWe; w~reil'l ~Qw:n ,~f J!:!g. d~~~(r'~Qf~t;'e fg,f w~l!l're ~lI!e 001-'" kict~dM.r, '~:fP!!n .• '· Mrs, ThilP!!:l SI!id i'n a fl;;J,llOm:ill~t iRd!c,,~ed ~hcy QQl.l!ld I~vg



off the~, f{l(lI,iiS!h!i'!e~li, "And dllere W<l!~ lois ,~ir:1 ItlileFJe" ,fA big flit ~]rI\'ddll her faee a:~:11 hde 01.11. ~ cOIlilM look L1i~lh;B;1 gir:lmld tell $l,li:: waspcC<IiJ.l] • .I'l' bl!l( It::ou:l:dl1'i1lell. :l>o>V. ,,\tld me and! hC~f m",!l~;t was jUislll~Udlilg and go1rng ,aIDo:rJg and an of a &loki· deilll, WHAMl, Sho: ihooy,'s tl'!:l~ bi',g ~k :she Wli,(i readi:~g;ltiiiie, alld .' ,,"

",!\law!'" (he ~ld ~IIKlllilclded! out

",And then SJiie jumps O\'ef ~he table>ind Cl;l!11ij" meaces to d:'oke rne,'

"Naw!'" th~y~:U e'xdailiined, '"flaw!'''

'~,Hi, 'oml'lesh,e; do that'i1'" the Q]dwom>tu ~t.ied.

"'Wb;al ail ber'?'"

t'i.1:ffi. iiu'rp]l~ o.nlygla:red ilil fmn,t of bet. "'SQnu:thi.I!J an lJe:rt' d'le Qld wom,lU~ ~~id. "TIi~ c.ard~: I:!e~ off 10 an aiihbldaute;" MIITN"

T!!i~IP~fi oL?gm:lij~iii;!~d, "'biU befij~" ~e: ~I~ ~ ~e W!.'i~ mUiog en t!lle noor~lld~b.e"y WC'J'C hlm:gool hultl he:r d(IW:~ ~(l gi'Ve hJC'f ol Sh.ot ;l,Rd ~~; said OOme~ Ui.i~g It! me," Sh~ !p~U,l~(:I, '''YQ!I;l !know whitt :;ail~ ~Jd ~om!;'!"

"'W:li:al~!ic, ~y?" thc,¥ <'!sbd.

··.st. ~ S 1I .. i d ," M f!'i, Tu!tp i:rI b~g:<l! !l.,~:~ d s!,(!J:p;ped, her rupe very dnrk and heavy, 'fh.e 8!1;I1I was S.c,Utliig wh:i~elriulI!d wh:~leli", bl.Llnc~ing the ~";ky Q"'etli,tiild Nnlh .. ~ !he ~If;;Jve:s .of dl~ h~ck:My ilree were bla:ck iii ~hefi.l.(;'e of it, She COl:.iI:~ It1l,{)it ib!'IJlg forth ~~h~wofdH""Sijrn~U~irlg ft;i:d IlLIgly:" iill.e ml!lltered.,

"Sh,e SiWl l):1multlnl sidd i'lU'l~;I~i'i ~$;!~' to )'~," she o.l!d 'WOInA,n sa~d .. ·'¥(lil se :llW(:i,C'I:., YOil d~e ~ctest ]lldji' I ki!liv.t."

"Sh~ ~.~t1y h'u .. ~'" ttl~O~e WiUl ~Iliie .Ii:l( Qf! ~i~t "And stOlIlt,." lh~li)t~~~J (i'!\.C: s .. :id. "( ;ncViH [k~O>l.OO sos:wtre&.e:f w.l1!i~'C i,oo¥."

"Thll;!l's til¢: ~1'1l!~b belb" J'~u..j,"l:hc cld worn'lII"Amt11lt!¥on deB. ,I3IS .m-e~I::'Illdi pretty 01,.<: you ean be,"

M,nt. Tlupin knew e)lW::·II.~ ~iJW irnu:ch: Ne~m nll!l~cryYi'as~inlil and it add!~d .:0 her r~. "She: said." she bega;n ag,~Ji;1l arnd ~lfl[med this time '1;I,'liltll IJifie~ce JI'iliI!lilJl of breatb. ·'lh!lt I. !,\IiIS an old \'VOI!r t ho~ from hell,"

TI~~oo Wfl£· <tn a~.oundl\d ~n'eJf!ce.

"'WI!!~:re ~hc at?"" I:b,(l YOYII1:E!:e1j.1 ""'Tl.rmm erled in II :picr~i[J,f;l '!tQoc·e;,

"Lemmesee b~r. I'll ~in'!'"

,,~jU ki]~ hCfWii!'1iI 1001" th"-¢ ,~er Mo tf~~" "She b'l!on,g it'! ~h¢ syluj'f!il~.'· 'Ihe; Qld 'wom~lll

~id (i;mP<'!t!~cally. '''Yo~ ~ht} s~!~"1 wllii~le ~mJIJ)t .~ ~.oQW:"

"Sil~ p~~tyl(jo.'·IiliI.e (l1:1j;~r (.'>'\'0 ~w, "SOOI.lI as i,,1fw ClIlt'g ~~ :;l~d ~~iill, l~U$ii;m~:sr'iGd! w:iU~lhitr!:" "1Deed lite is," Ilillie old MJ!IIOlJill de'l,;loued. ldh;~s! M~" Tut[pi~n growled hi he!r~df,¥oU! tll!)li~d never ~ay Ollliiythin:g ~nlellig:el'llIO a ~Iigg~r; ¥m.l IDoulcl! t.a]!.,:: at fhem bl.!ll ~O[ wltlliilh~.m. "i,mwi: ",hl'~ d.unk you r l>'mter{' 'siliIe, ~idsJwJ;~,lf' "Le~\le~ ~Ine b~lckd lin the tru)cl when YO!.l·r~fini;oJJedwilb; it. r!O~. more 10 do than ju~. stand aroiilll~d arldi pm"-" th~ ~±!T!~ Qr day,." :!IJ!1I;d ~hc moved otiC ;J:~dI rn~o ~lliie ~ou!Oe.

Sh~ ~~rn_Ml f~r .<1: ~e!'lil in Ul~ m i~(llec or Il~~ l~t~~chM, Tb~ dudt prot!:lij!jl:irafiC~ ov~t her ~YG I,f}olked IIk_.e amliii!ll(ilij~C tori:!(ijdo 1i;loYJd wMcb ~fiigbll ~!'lJ',1 miYffimt ~~c<p ,il;c~~ ~h~ bgili~~'i {!f ~Cf b~'m', HcrIQY;IL;if Wip pl!:oOlruded d;:l!J'I~~mY'Silt. Sl:ie&qji;itiJii'cd l1~r ma~;s~Vg ~si:iot.iLclfefs. Th.tiu ~be r!la~I~e'd iln.~Q the fhl!~! of Ih~ house and 0tJI. 'I~e side door alUld Sl;~~led down, the ~u;.lcID Lo!he lP,jg pa1lo:r; She tIlnd the 1.00.1\ of O.WOI111UUl goi~g :si:ng'le~ 'h'Oiinded, \\\l:.';apollllcsll. ll'lilo boliUle.

1'hCFiU;n, was <1. deep yelJowiiOW likea brvesl; t!1QI)~ ·~rni "its. :rid~!18 \\iCstwa:rd'w:ty taM m.~!' '~~ (at ~mt Iljj~ ~l>I'f :11.11fI;~1ii1: lutt::i.di tb~ I:i.o:~ ~erOlTtl; .~~le dilt fhe ~dwtt~ i!'tilted ;llilJd!r>h<; kic!k-e:d1 ,~~ve:ra~ Ai,QOd~;llb;Z(j,d ~tori~~, (iij;[ ijf h~f p~~:h' a~; Nh~ ~'1f'O!rl~ alOilsrUe pig ~i!doi' W.ll~ 00 ;j. Hille, kiH£:!H at tl1e~ml ·!jf ;:! line th!!t ra!ii (in f~{~m I~fic ~Me {if ~:!i,e !;i;:im" rrt ·wa~. ill. ;;;;qull!fIe; of cMcrele a.'iila:fg(l as .~ Sm:aU roum,wiJhl .8! bo"td !re~i1I~"e .. ~(!:][i~ rourr fe~1 ~.lg,lll <l;rgg,~ .i~. fi~ C'O!!:'lCrele fil\o(~ s[lgped ~1~]jt1y ,"'0 In:!:! ~h¢ hog '\iVa~ .coukl drab'!. G~f i!llto 3J. ~:ret1ci:IJ ~W]I~I~ i~ wa~ ~liirr'ieel I~O ~he ~fh;';Id, f~1' fert:iHj!ier" Cblilru ""'l3s,SI:!Il'ldiing 01:'1 the ou,~!iid¢, (l!['I th~ C!dglll o:f ~;~oi!l COI:i,c;nUc, Iblil~i:rng mI~O the topbQ::1oo. ~lQMg dow~llI. II~ floor ~l'Iside:, '~'h~ .hrnll1l W,aS ('iOnn.a;1iCdl to tllil.e fttl~(;et oii a Wiiller II rough ue<rurlzy.

.M:rs", Tu..rpkl d.limbed up be:si'd.e hi,fI) ~n.d,g;lO'Wr ered down 111 ~~Iehog~ i!II:s-ide, 'f!IiJ~re were ~,vel1! IQn~.~:\!~Jill!led br~11Y shl].;;!;l:S: i ~ i~~I"[l wi~h 'liweil7~ ool)ored i5P'~I~Jfldlnl old sow iI. rc"" ~ck:.., off

r:w.m :fafoowllflg" Shew;J:l;!yi1ilg em her :.idc 8JiU!lt"· lng, The ~:u;mt.!'l we:rel'1li!illln~ns ;l;'lrou~ shaldng titu;::m" ~eh'el!~~ke ~iol Clilii~Yl~J~. tl:i:eif lillie: :-.]:ilpig eye:> 5!;:1I~.J~i;ng nl~ ~~r f~f;:my!lilhil41 i~ft, Sheh~d !'C-oll.d th:a~ p.ig~, '\!.r'e:!'C ~he mest ~!1te~]igem "JlIrh:m.l:~. She doub~ecl lil:. They weil'e ~lI!pposed' u~ be, SJll!Hf'ter ~:tm.lll ,~g:.~. There :ha.:l, even been :I pigO:lSf,Mlila!Llt He ha~pe:tti1}fl'l1Cid hils !I.)J~rsn:meil1~ [pciffecUy b~t diej~ of ;J heartattack lIf~c~rWi~lCdf> because ~Irle}' Id~ 1:ll::nil :il1h,is, c.'!cic~:!"i~ ,:O;;!1Ii~" :-ihl.iililg ~pirigh~. l!h:mu£hoot hls '~lIn]iruloliOl!l wncn na't1ul'"ldmya. hog ,~iiloul.d iII~' enall fm~r.;:,

A-gfllilthil ,~n~ t!HllQliU! and a-gF(.1am1~rl, "uirnliuc dl~U: hcse," ~he Slllid, Yll:nk~n:gi~ a!f'!i'lli~' from Ci;l~tl'l. "(io' enand cOlI,ny tiil,cm, niggers ~om~ ;3;!1l1Ji ~:nem! ~I(jff ~I'liu :~Ltg.."

"You. !tQ{!Ik I like you. nliigl:il:>w"UQwcd 01. mad! do,S:;" Claud 6bse',r!i\i:d" blu he £;01. dlm\f~ ,un'! IUll.pOOl off:" ~Ie: paM: :no lIuentioll l\l ~elj tllll1l~l1rs,

!J1!!].i~hcW'J:ll O!JII of C'aflliIDil.M~. Th~P~I~ M:oot! u!:! 1111e side ui ~b~ ~, h~din.g tiruLli ho.~~ ~d po~[lI.· ingl.he ~:mt'lfll of v,l'"alili(r at: 1iimhtkU!l ql~art~fS Of,fil1i_J' Si]U),U tha:I IOQb.d .. s iO! .m.lgl:U: try HJ lie dlJ~jn. WitJe::n he had ~~d lime lJJ ge~ o¥e~ the ~i]]. she: ~urne .. d: he~r l:!e.mj~Jighdy and h!:lJ" wrmbfl;ll ~yes, sct't!1i!il'Cd the P<lUl. lie w<I:>!l!lwhcl!1c t~ ,~ig:h~, Stu: ]1~:rn'C'~ b;i,~k~~gai!il and ~c!,1med ~o .g<lti'l¢t he~lf tip. ~Ict s.lJOIil!~l!;rs ru""e; al'b~ s1;Wl drew ifll :her btT(;111:h.

"'Tih~t do, YQI;I ,~(:!f!d me a m~~'ii~:;il,ge, l~k~ (~i"I~ fOw'l" ~¢ ~a:id io Ol ibw :liie~e 'ii·(]i~. bafC!~lI'illbo~1 a \!.ihi£poe:r b!l~ wili~ ~lhe f¢-;r'\)~ of!l.$hool in ~I'S i(,1~. c~r!llr~l~d fi-Wry, '!!Ii{lw "ml a, llO,g ,f!!'U.~ m,~ bOlh? How Il:m I $a'lo'¢dl ,~f!)~ trorn. 1:l!~U.I!}O?" Htlf f~ :6l11. w.:(I~, !killQucd and wiittl lheoUtelC she: ;gr~pped! tl:'l~ li!l1J:;;~. blii]fJd~~ PQirUil!ilg ~h~ Nt~am Gf ~t~r :in aad OU~: ,of tile ,ey~ ~f die oM SlOW W'iJ.QSIl oulrui~~d sq,ulllal she dh~ :Ill.ot heaf.

Th.c pig P;1~'h'lli1l:i0l;n1illll:filded a, view 'Of llle Da.c!k. pasture where d1!C~r tw'Clflty hoef ,CQli!i'S'I','I:,.OO ~[h" cre(iarO]lfu.i the hll;y:.bll]es C~'al:ld, ;[(El.d the bo~' had Ji)lll: O~~" ne f:'~h~iy CUlil: l)<l!>lU!re~loped dow'" ~.o' ~h~ hl;ghw;o.l,Y. AC:roii111 ~:I: W'l.t~ lln~~r cottiOi!l field lind beYUllid fhnt a oolik greliln '~U~l.lI' '~~. wni;-c.h.l:he'y 9wJi!~ed[!,s. ~R The~iJ~ Wil'~ beh,!~tli Ih~ wt,(ld.'~cd,. ~ook!t'!,g; ~~. the ~i!:lh'lJl: Q'.~ loo~:'l~i~1!. ro:!t![!gr ifJ!!ip~ct~ns, !1['~9Wf'I h~s.

"W'by ,11LlC,~" she, rumbled, "'lf~ no tF:I.sliI IlImJnd here', b]l~ck 0"1 w:h hliC;" ~ih;M: I !laMeni'1 givelTh C!). And break, rny b<'lc'k !,Q 1:1'11: bone e~'e ry day WQrki~g. ,.<\Ild dQ~i:Jr thc,cluilfth."

Sh~!:Ippeill~ed ~o 'be the rlgh! size W'Om'antl) CQ!JlHnililliH.~ Ihe ,~r-eIiJ.O! befll~e he r, "Bow am I ;a 1~IOg?'~ Mc(h;::mOl]tdcd,,"E..;o;:a~dlf how 'Im, .I me altu::I!fIT' and she jal:loo~ tb.e ~tre-ml. O~Vi'(lite:r ail: t:h.e sliIO<!itli •• " \"i''''S :!~eililty of tiril:lih. ~tn::r'e. It di,dnl! ~la;~tC ~o he me,

,on yOll, lilke!sh, Ikner,. g~gd ~lOIJirsclroom~ lil1!..S1li1 then,'; s"IM~ ralled .. ·"'Vtm c.oold r11:OO{;nlC naslil. Or 11, liti:gg~1!, ~f H9:t. ii> 'lii!lih~~ YUill .. rnf!t,~d why dhiin't yOIJi make tllle: trash?" ISln,L::: SI.lOo'k: :~Der ,nstW'~'I:h ~r.e hoseIn j,t and ill '\,,',",!ory ~na:ke !l'.I)P~i!.r'liid IlI:1!nm.~l'Itarn)' hI the ai,l'. "'1 cmildquit WQl[k hlg lind ~o.kc' :i~ easy a rid be ti Uhy.," S:hlli:, growiled. ":L-<Vllngoe tIIb(l!J~ ~h:e sl;dewillk~ ;ilU day dri:nJdl,g .Mf[il: he:ew" :D.ip ~J:lIl,[f nd spit .in. every ~:udld:~e ,ililfld. ~Iavc: i'~ aU: '~~'Cr"fa~(::.1 ~o~ltd! be nasty.

",Or Y'OIilClmlld hi.l!w: m:M.!c m~ 3. nigger, h's; riOO b~g Ih.r iuUl '1(-' be ll,i1Ilgtl(;~;" ~ii1:L;: w:~I,h docJiJ ~Ii~ c,:~uI.·"blJlt lc(l~ld act !! one, L"y d~n :in ~fie ,m~(!:d,Ic: ~f ~h~ ;f(jiJIda!f!d :!i:~~P' l:lllffiC,RoUon th~ g;puutul:'

lnlihe d~epelf!i!ilg lighl e'i;'l;irythi~g W~.:l; taking an it Ilflysteriollll I~l[e. 'nl~ p3stl:ll'e was gm\ll~ing: ill ~~Ikll: ,gl .. Jt~y gl;cC1l1 8in:!il1 lItc:Q:~kot hJghw~y tl~d 'I:ilnled I:a"t:ndc~. ~S:he btr~dt:~1 :tmfNdJ tOr 3: Mal ~~"l1Ji11 llill1d ~iIil~Si .t~m.e: ~ll:<r wiclilrollilldolilt u~"Cr ~he ~Mu[¢. "'Go en," Jjh~ ~]tw,~'G .. .um~ "'.l~Q.S !C~n ~m.} a ~og .lli!!)li~.F!i'O!Jll hell, C;.!i~~m~ .~. wan hog .from. :1iI.ell, .. Pl:~1 [b:i~. !::lonom, .r:liW~. 01:'1 l:O:p. Them']1 SlUlI bs ii, ~op :and ~1t,~om! ".

A SMI).I~d eehe retumed to ~e:r;

,Ao. nll",1 st!~£e of fury ~n:oo~ her a;l:!d. ~l~e woo,red. '''WhO' do-youl ),01.1, .ne?'"

The cQ"';~'r of e'Ve.ryihin,g. fiel,d aad crimsea sky. b~lmed fO:r'L1 Ilillo:mem Wi~~b: a, trarlSpiilliel'l~ iiote'l!l:sh:y, Tihe'quest:um~ earrsed elver, flhep<l~llL.!;re aeross dlC hISJlIwar~' 11111.<1 '~I~Ii:' C.(,'UCmI field und l1lelli! rned to hercl.ell.['~yl ~.kJe i:ll~ :1:l1li:swel: from ~~(lm!I!'h~v.'p~ ,

S1:!~9.~n~ h~r mO!lnhl:lyj ![!Q w!:,!!ld ¢iitITI~ O~] of it

i~ a VIIM hon'le of se III I swere 1I1LII~bl ing IOWiI,d I~.e:rl\\el'll." 1'iIlere W~Jc: who.l.!:: t'{'1lWlpail1i~ of' wh~lie" tr:al'lbi., clean fur ~h.e t1:rnt. time-in !ili.e;ir lives. :llofld IJamu:J:s: of blll.u:::k Il~£sers ~i[l wtlilt: rottes,. 3:11.<1 b~md~ 'lo!U s uf frea.ks :and 1.~nll!:l:i~s ~outin!l !l:Jld cl~piPi:iiI{l: and l.e;)l?m~ :Hke: .f!r,o~s .. A:1iIcl1 br~n~~ng IIilP tho: ~.!'ld of t~.e Ilroce!>slo.n was a tl:'.ioo of ~eople wl:iJmn :~h,fl ff:;cQgrli7.~d ~~. OJlJ~i!N ~ho~~ W~(l, li,\1I; h~~I.r !lnd Claurl, rntai:lu!lw~J;s br!d ~(jnrc: of ~TY~h~ng~m'ld ~be, GQd··a:~ven wil to' I.I~ ~~ dSh1. Sine, lea:nedfur~ iW.~ru ~oob:Ner~'e '~he~n doser: They "",ere marching I.Jchind the! o~he~ w]!.h gre<al dignh)',. O!ccoonl::lIlk~ a"IM)1hcad alw!lYs beC'Et il"ur goad Qrder a~dCO![l~ mf~iIl !1i~n,~~ ,H!d i!i,~~(;t!lb!!] bet!1.I",ior. They ulone we.m on .~)';. ~~$I~.e !OO-U~d ,o;;e~ L'l)' Ult;;jr <\IIK'i~bdl :l!':ld(l!U)I'lredi ftl;c€;~ Ji'!!3!t (ll\!'ein lhei~' .;oj r,~!!!e:s were lJ(i:i flg t'lnv!1edaw<i;Y. Sl:!cloower,ed her h<lfiU]lS. al'l:~ gflip!~ II:!!:; !!'aH oftli!;e ~o,g: PC.!:]I •. ,~,,~"Jl :vJmd~ b~. ifi~)!;ed !)I~bHR!ki niSIy en wl:!:1t I.ay ... Wu:ad. I ri .:1 ITI;Ome!\i111ne; \'hiofi [l:Ickd blll~ :&h.e uem!ll!inedwlleFe she w.t. ... ilum.ohiite.

At. ~~e~lgti~l she· ,~.ot do,wn 3Ji1,(1 tumed ,o~f d1<t'J rau~l: and. IT1100de !her:::J!oww"r on !hie d:<lidCeIl1~S p<:!th ~o Ihe house. ~:Ifl ~Ile woods I:l.oo'llllfld liu~:r ~.llior: hrvi.s·jbl:c: ,cric:kie1 C:bOfU!SI:S had :Iltnlck u~. bUI wh:n: :s:he ~Je.~rdwe:re ~he ''''Qk~e8i ·of t~.e sOI[!!.I.s ~[~,mbi!l.g Ilpw;nd Ilrlm ~he :-i~!i!r'r.ll'· lie~dI ~!t~~ :Sl'lilOm~ h1i,g 'h)ll~iL];h!lj~lli!.,

A l!ny t:l'uck, f':llllIld's,appe_"red OUI ~belrui~h.

Wfly. bc:adii.n.grap.idl,:y O!lU of s.igbl:. its ~e,;(ll's scraped thinly. H. h:m~cd. ~mkt: 11 cbJ:ld's Itoy. Pol any m!Omenl a. iblig:gei< t:mclk. Ijn~s:n~ ~11I1ashl iIUl)~I: <I:IlId .!lCtllter 'C]a.l!Jd·:!l aad ~.b.e nig:geIi8" birr .. iln~., a II O\1::r tile mad.

J!rlrs. '"iLlf]pj,UI iltood dlere, ihe:r' ~3U t.i:red om the hi.~;hrM~~. llH heir m:tl!!!;:Ii-s .rig~d, I,ltll~:1 i:tl Il'vve or six. l~ln'ii!IIJi::S th~ lfl'lC:k f~[JJpp~ti!:red, !"'~'!Iltr!i~"g. Shill wa!ill¢d until:ll had h~i til'll1l~ to turn in~L':i theirow!l mad. TI!eef! H~ea m~nJl!!mer!nd ~"Iue ,comh,g!(j l~f~. $bo mn[ l1¢f head 51:owb <lind g~ed. :(l!'i if I1lmlJigh 1Jhe: wry lill';l!:rl .of mys,tery. (lOWI] i:!'It{l the pig paril~, ,Sit Ut~ bogs. Theyh:~d ~llI~d an il~ (mill en rru::,r' fi~(Ju!~d ! be()ld sow wtl(l' W::ls g:n~lrl'l~ng £!If[~~):. A rod glow gu:Hus~d th!:lm. Th~ .:tppelrred Ii)' pam w-1iU~1I~tlc:re~ ~if~,

Ur!t~lilhe .sulil :slipped nl1'an)'~b:il!ld tho tf~~ litl.~. Mrs. l'l!frpin fCrnuined 1:h,~re wi,~h ~cr ~e belill H"I ~h,f~1'! 3$ ~~. !l:h~ '!IMe.r!';:llbsl)lbl!ilg !lom,e ~bYMna] Ufe.·g:iv!.ng i:JJlowlcdge. AI: 'hl.:::;'!~11e I i fled ih~'f li!e.w. Thc;re w.lsoflLy a. I~n!li'ple ~t:r:eak ill tile ~y,. c'IlItUmglliilrulll.gha field of ,.;6mSO:fl .. tid l~ldhtg,.1 ik~ <lJThel'il~l:IsiJ(}rn ·oflhe hii1niW,I.Y, wn~o tI~e {1.~:SX:~idi!i08: dllisk. 8110 :rai~d iher ha]Jdsfr{Xm tile sidie IOf Hie pen in: il~e.5'tW!'e bIt:(ral:ic ::indprutou,ntL A 'ViK!(!J03,ryligilil,t l~~U!~d !Jril!:t!;:r e~. SI1~ ~w Itle ~!lkas a VllSI. s.wi!Il,g)!1l!g brid~ ,c::x~endin.g:!l;pwU!fd [limn w.e €'.arth tI~lrollgh ,filtruid oflivi,ng li:fe .. Upon

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