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Chapter 13 fundamental locomotor skills

Hopping is a form of jumping. One foot is used to project the body into space and landing
on the same foot. More difficult than two footed jump and performed better on preferred
Gallop, slide and skip are fundamental motor patterns that are combined to make new
movement patterns.
Gallop forward step followed by a leap onto the trailing foot. Same leg always leads, in a
front-facing direction.
Skipping most difficult pattern of the three. Forward step followed by a hop on the same
foot. Step hop.
Chapter 14- fundamental object control manipulative skills

Senile miosis decrease in resting diameter of the pupil causes restriction of light that is
able to come in. decline in light reaching the retina between 30-60 years old, just happens
with age.
Diabetic retinopathy complication of diabetes. Vessels in the retina may hemorrhage,
scar tissue builds and pulls retina away from the eye wall.
Binocular vision- coordinated eye movements focus desired image on macula.
Strabismus misaligned eyes, common at birth. Ocular muscles not fully developed.
Depth perception young children do not have it. Get it anywhere from 6-14 months, from
the visual cliff study.

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