Debate Questions

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Michael Coulombe


If a Student was to become pregnant as a result of a defective condom that was given out by the
school, who would be responsible?

Do you believe that it is only the boys reasonability to prepare for sex?
If no (Then why are schools only giving out male condoms?)

Schools have been taking steps to not offend any persons values or beliefs, for example
removing holiday specific celebrations in schools. Do you feel that making condoms have a
presence in schools is a step backwards, possibly offending someone who does not believe in
birth control?

Are you aware that condoms cost around 0.50$ to 1.00$?

Do you feel that purchasing condoms are a good way to use schools already
limited budget.

NBC news documents a story from Georgia, where a science teacher is tasked with giving out
condoms in Champion School in Atlanta. Later that year students were found having sex in
bathrooms and faculty closets. How do you react to this story?
Do you think it was the presence of condoms in the school that resulted in
multiple accounts of sex in the school?
If No So it was a coincidence that in the first year that condoms were available in
this school that there were multiple accounts of sex in a school that has never had
any other accounts of sex in the school?

The CDC states, Male condoms may not cover all infected areas or areas that become infected.
Thus, they are likely to provide greater protection against STDs that are transmitted only by
genital fluids than against infections that are transmitted primarily by skin to skin contact, which
may or may not infect areas covered by a condom, STDs such as genital herpes, human
papillomavirus, syphilis, and chancroid.
Do you believe that STDs are a large issue for High School students?
IF NO Are you aware that Kinsey university state that STDs are an epidemic
among young people and half of the new cases of STDs reported last year were
from persons under the age of 24?
Do you think we should provide the best form of Birth control to our students to
help stop the spread of STDs?
Then how do you justify providing a form of birth control to our students that is
not the best at fighting pregnancy or STDs?

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