Queue Monitoring and Troubleshooting

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Queue Monitering

Queue monitoring is one of the most important tasks to be carried out to check if
there is a queue of messages that are being Sent or Received in either the XI(PX1
server) or the ECC.
A long Queue might result in delay in the whole process or if the queue gets stuck
the system might move onto a deadlock. So the queue always needs to monitored
and if any messages are stuck those needs to be freed.

Fig: A queue Block Diagram of 5 messages
In order to Open Queue monitor in Both ECC and XI the t-code that should be used
is smq2

Fig: The Queue monitoring Window,click on the Stopwatch icon to check

for any existing queue

Fig: Shows an Existing Queue of 37 Queued messages

Steps to deal with an existing Queue

Click on the Queue name which contains the messages to open the Queue,
The name of the queue is denoted with the red Arrow in the prior

Fig: Shows the details of the Queue containing the number of entries in
the queue, The status of the queue, the date and time of the Queue and
the number of entries in the queue.

Click on the name of the Queue to Display all the entries of the queue

Fig: Shows all the entries of the Queue, generally in such cases
downloading the first message from the queue and deleting the topmost
element puts the element into Running State.
So We click open the first message thats stuck in the queue and notice
that the message in scheduled state(Green flag Signifies Scheduled state.)

Next we further open up the message and open the payload of the

Then click on the Download icon(Red Arrow) or right click and Select
download the message and save the message in .xml format.
After the message is download and the topmost element is deleted Click
on the unlock (open lock Icon) the Queue

Unlock Screen for the Queue

After the Queue is unlocked we refresh the queue which resolves the issue
showing no items in the queue at the time.

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